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Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes
Naturels et Anthropisés

CARCAILLET Christopher

Enseignant chercheur : P3E

Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
6, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bât. Forel
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE


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Comment faire face aux revues scientifiques prédatrices ? C. Carcaillet (P3E)

"Les forêts froides sous le feu des projecteurs", par Célina Caruana-Solum, Antoine Cochard et Pénélope Brégéon (direction scientifique de Christopher Carcaillet)
Film d’animation de 5’50’' réalisé en 2019 par des étudiants de Master de l’Université de Montpellier dans le cadre d’une UE de Communication scientifique et
éducation à l'Environnement

Film d’animation de 4’25’', réalisé cette année par des étudiants de Master de l'U Montpellier dans le cadre d’une UE de communication scientifique.

Liste bibliographique

  • Christopher Carcaillet is working on the influences of climate and social processes on the pattern of plant communities or ecosystems in space and time. His main research focuses on the chrono-ecology (including paleo-ecology) of disturbances (fire, snow avalanche, insect outbreak, etc.) in relation to climatic changes and plant diversity dynamics in boreal, mountain and Mediterranean areas. Since few years, he is also studying the interplay of disturbed ecological systems with the socio-ecological systems.
  • 2024 Badeau, J., Guibal, F., Fulé, P.Z., Chauchard, S., Moneglia, P., Carcaillet, C., 2024 - 202 years of changes in Mediterranean fire regime in Pinus nigra forest, Corsica. Forest Ecology and Management, 554, pp.121658. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121658⟩

    2024 Leys, B., Ribas-Deulofeu, L., Dezileau, L., Carcaillet, C., 2024 - Top-down control of climate on long-term interactions between fires, tree-cover and soil erosion in a Mediterranean mountain, Corsica. Quaternary Science Reviews, 331, pp.108602. ⟨10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108602)

    2024 Michalet, R., Carcaillet, C., Delerue, F., Domec, J.C., Lenoir, J., 2024 -Assisted migration in a warmer and drier climate: less climate buffering capacity, less facilitation and more fires at temperate latitudes?. Oikos, (8), pp.e10248. ⟨10.1111/oik.10248⟩

    2024 Sayedi, S.S., Abbott, B., Vannière, B., Leys, B., Colombaroli, D., [...], Carcaillet, C., [...], Anne-Laure Daniau, 2024 - Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire Ecology, 20 (1), pp.18. ⟨10.1186/s42408-023-00237-9⟩.

    2023 André, G., Lavergne, S., Carcaillet, C., 2023 - Unsuspected prevalence of Pinus cembra in the high-elevation sky islands of the western Alps. Plant Ecology, 2023, 224 (10), pp.865-873. ⟨10.1007/s11258-023-01341-1⟩

    2023 Heydari, M., Cheraghi, H., Omidipour, R., Rostaminia, M., Kooch, Y., Valko, O., Carcaillet, C., 2023 - Tree dieback, woody plant diversity, and ecosystem driven by topography in semi-arid mountain forests: Implication for ecosystem management. Journal of Environmental Management 339, 117892. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117892)

    2023 Mirzaei J., Heydari M., Omidipour R, Jafarian N., Carcaillet C., 2023 - Decrease in soil functionalities and herbs’ diversity, but not that of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, linked to short fire interval in semi-arid oak forest ecosystem, west Iran. Plants, 12(5), 1112. (10.3390/plants12051112)

    2023 Naydenov, K.D., Naydenov, M., Alexandrov, A., Gurov, T., Gyuleva, V., [...] Carcaillet, C., [...] Bogunic, F., 2023 - Speciation and historical migration pattern interaction: examples from P. nigra and P. sylvestris phylogeography. European Journal of Forest Research, 2023, 142 (1), pp.1-26. ⟨10.1007/s10342-022-01513-0⟩

    2022 Carcaillet, C., Boulley, B., Carcaillet, F., 2022 - Once upon a time biomass burning in the western Alps: Nesting effects of climate and local drivers on long-term subalpine fires. Forest Ecosystems, Springer, 9, pp.100024. ⟨10.1016/j.fecs.2022.100024⟩

    2022 Goutiers, V., Carcaillet, C., 2022 - Geochemistry and Sedimentology of a Minerotrophic Peat in a Western Mediterranean Mountain Wilderness Area. Quaternary, 5 (4), pp.48. ⟨10.3390/quat5040048⟩

    2021 Housset, J., Tóth, E.G., Girardin, M.,Tremblay, F., Motta, R., Bergeron, Y., Carcaillet, C., 2021 - Tree-rings, genetics and the environment: Complex interactions at the rear edge of species distribution range. Dendrochronologia, 69, 125863. ⟨10.1016/j.dendro.2021.125863⟩

    2020 Carcaillet, C., Desponts, M., Robin, V., Bergeron, Y., 2020 - Long-Term Steady-State Dry Boreal Forest in the Face of Disturbance. Ecosystems, 23: 1075–1092.

    2020 Fortuny, X., Carcaillet, C., Chauchard ,S., 2020 - Selective and taxon-dependent effects of semi-feral cattle grazing on tree regeneration in an old-growth Mediterranean mountain forest. Forest Ecosystems 75(11) : 1-13.

    2020 Fournier, T., Fèvre, J., Carcaillet, F., Carcaillet, C., 2020 - For a few years more: reductions in plant diversity 70 years after the last fire in Mediterranean forests. Plant Ecology, 221:559–576.

    2020 Hennebelle, A., Aleman, J.C., Ali, A.A., Bergeron, Y., Carcaillet, C., Grondin, P., Landry, J., Blarquez, O., 2020 - The reconstruction of burned area and fire severity using charcoal from boreal lake sediments. The Holocene, 30(10):1400–1409.

    2020 Molinari, C., Carcaillet, C., Bradshaw, R.H.W., Hannon, G.E., Lehsten, V., 2020 - Fire-vegetation interactions during the last 11,000 years in boreal and cold temperate forests of Fennoscandia. Quaternary Science Reviews 241, 106408.

    2019 Carcaillet, C., Blarquez, O., 2019 - Glacial refugia in the south- western Alps ? New Phytologist, 222 : 663–667.

    2019 Toth, E.G., Tremblay, F., Housset, J.M., Bergeron, Y., Carcaillet, C., 2019 - Geographic isolation and climatic variability contribute to genetic differentiation in fragmented populations of the long-lived subalpine conifer Pinus cembra L. in the western Alps. BMC Evolutionary Biology

    2019 Visnadi, I., Housset, J., Leroy, C., Carcaillet, C., Asselin, H., Bergeron, Y., 2019 - Limited recruitment of eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) under black spruce canopy at its northern distribution limit. Ecoscience, 26 (2) : 123–132.

    2018 Carcaillet, C., Latil, J.L., Abou, S., Adam, A., Ghaleb, B., Magnin, F. Roiron, P., Aubert, S. Keep your feet warm ? A cryptic refugium of trees linked to a geothermal spring in an ocean of glaciers. Global Change Biology, Global Change Biology, 24 : 2476–2487.

    2018 Chauchard, S., Carcaillet, C., Guibal, F., 2018 - Fir expansion not controlled by moderate densities of large herbivores : a Mediterranean mountain grassland conservation issue. Annals of Forest Science, 75(94) : 1-11.

    2018 Fréjaville, T., Curt, T., Carcaillet, C., 2018 - Higher potential fire intensity at the dry range margins of European mountain trees. Journal of Biogeography, 45 : 2003–2015.

    2018 Fréjaville, T., Vila-Cabrera, A., Curt, T., Carcaillet, C., 2018 - Aridity and competition drive ␣re resistance trait covariation in mountain trees. Ecosphere, 9(12), e02493 : 1-11.

    2018 Hawthorne, D., Courtney Mustaphi, C.J., Aleman, J.C., Blarquez, O., Colombaroli, D., Daniau, A.L., Marlon, J.R., Power, M., Vannière, B., Han, Y., Hantson, S., Kehrwald, N., Magi, B., Yue, X., Carcaillet, C., Marchant, R., Ogunkoya, A., Githumbi, E.N., Muriuki; R.M., 2018 - Global Modern Charcoal Dataset (GMCD): A tool for exploring proxy-fire linkages and spatial patterns of biomass burning. Quaternary International, 488 : 3-17.

    2018 Molinari, C., Lehsten, V., Blarquez, O., Carcaillet, C., Davis B.A.S., Kaplan, J.O., Clear, J., Bradshaw, R.H.W., 2018 - The climate, the fuel and the land-use: long-term regional variability of biomass burning in boreal forests Global Change Biology 24(10), 4929-4945.

    2018 Taudière, A., Bellanger, J.M., Carcaillet, C., Hugot, L., Kjellberg, F., Lecanda, A., Lesne, A., Moreau, P.A., Scharmann, K., Leidel, S., Richard, F., 2018 - Diversity of foliar endophytic ascomycetes in the endemic Corsican pine forests. Fungal Ecology, 36 : 128-140.

    2017 Carcaillet, C., 2017 - Unlimited fuel wood during the middle Mesolithic (9650–8300 cal. yr BP) in northern Sweden: Fuel typology and pine-dominated vegetation inferred from charcoal identification and tree-ring morphology. The Holocene, 27(9) : 1370–1378.

    2017 Carcaillet, C., Blarquez, O., 2017 - Fire ecology of a tree glacial refugium on a nunatak with a view on Alpine glaciers. New Phytologist. 216 : 1281–1290.

    2017 Fortuny, X., Chauchard, S., Carcaillet, C., 2017 - Confounding legacies of land uses and land-form pattern on the regional vegetation structure and diversity of Mediterranean montane forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 384 : 268–278.

    2017 Naydenov, K.D., Naydenov, M.K., Alexandrov, A., Vasilevski, K., Hinkov, G., Matevski, V., Nikolic, B., Goudiaby, V., Riegert, D., Paitaridou, D., Christou, A., Goia, I., Carcaillet, C., Escudero Alcantara, A., Ture, C., Gulcu, S., Gyuleva, S., Bojovic, S., Peruzzi, L., Kamary, S., Tsarev, A., Bogunic, F., 2017 - Ancient genetic bottleneck and Plio-Pleistocene climatic changes imprinted the phylobiogeography of European Black Pine populations.
    European Journal of Forest Research, 136:767–786.

    2017 Taudière, A., Bellanger, J.M., Moreau, P.A., Carcaillet, C., Christophe, A., Laessoe, T., Panaïotis, C., Richard, F., 2017 - Xylobolus subpileatus, a specialized basidiomycete functionally
    linked to old canopy gaps. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 47 : 965-973.

    2017 Taudière, A., Richard, F., Carcaillet, C., 2017 - Review on fire effects on ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, an unachieved work for a scalding topic. Forest Ecology and Management, 391 : 446–457.

    2016 Abbott, B.W., Jones, J.B., Schuur, E.A.G., Chapin, F.S. III, Bowden, W.B., Bret-Harte, M.S., Epstein, O.E., Flannigan ,M.D., Harms, T.K., Hollingsworth, T.N., Mack, M.C., McGuire, A.D., Natali, S.M., Rocha, A.V., Tank, S.E., Turetsky, M.R., Vonk, J.E., Wickland, K.P., Aiken, G.R., Alexander, H.D., Amon, R.M.W., Benscoter, B.W., Bergeron, Y., Bishop, K., Blarquez, O., Bond-Lamberty, B, Breen, A.L., Buffam, I., Cai, Y., Carcaillet, C., Carey, S.K., Chen, J.M., Chen, H.Y.H, Christensen, T.R., Cooper, L.W., Cornelissen, J.H.C., de Groot, W.J., DeLuca, T.H., Dorrepaal, E., Fetcher, N., Finlay, J.C., Forbes, B.C., French, N.H.F., Gauthier, S., Girardin, M.P., Goetz, S.J., Goldammer, J.G., Gough, L., Grogan, P., Guo L., Higuera, P.E., Hinzman, L., Hu, F.S., Hugelius, G., Jafarov, E.E., Jandt, R., Johnstone, J.F., Karlsson, J., Kasischke, E.S., Kattner, G., Kelly, R., Keuper, F., Kling, G.W., Kortelainen, P., Kouki, J., Kuhry, P., Laudon, H., Laurion, I., Macdonald, R.W., Mann, P.J., Martikainen, P.J., McClelland, J.W., Molau, U., Oberbauer, S.F., Olefeldt, D., Paré, D., Parisien, M.A., Payette, S., Peng, C., Pokrovsky, O.S., Rastetter, E.B., Raymond, P.A., Raynolds, M.K., Rein, G., Reynolds, J.F., Robards, M., Rogers, B.M., Schädel, C., Schaefer, K., Schmidt, I.K., Shvidenko, A., Sky, J., Spencer, R.G.M., Starr, G., Striegl, R.G., Teisserenc, R., Tranvik, L.J., Virtanen, T., Welker, J.M., Zimov, S., 2016 - Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert assessment. Environmental Research Letters, 11 : 1-13.

    2016 Fréjaville, T., Curt, T., Carcaillet, C., 2016 - Tree cover and seasonal precipitation drive understorey flammability in alpine mountain forests. Journal of Biogeography , 43 : 1869–1880.

    2016 Housset, J.M.*, Carcaillet, C.*, Girardin, M.P., Xu, H., Tremblay, F., Bergeron, Y., 2016 - In situ comparison of tree-ring responses to climate and population genetics: the need to control for local climate and site varables. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4(123) : 1-12 (* co-first author)

    2016 Leys B., Carcaillet C., 2016 - Subalpine fires: the roles of vegetation, climate and, ultimately, land uses. Climatic Changes, 135 : 683-697.

    2016 Naydenov K.D., Naydenov M.K., Alexandrov A., Vasilevski K., Gyuleva V., Matevski V., Nikolic B., Goudiaby, V., Bogunic, F., Paitaridou, D., Christou, A., Goia, I., Carcaillet, C., Escudero, A., Ture, C., Gulcu, S., Peruzzi, L., Kamary, S., Bojovic, S., Hinkov, G., Tsarev, A., 2016 - Ancient split of major genetic lineages of European black pine: evidence from chloroplast DNA. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 12 (68) : 1-18.

    2015 Housset, J.M., Girardin, M.P., Baconnet, M., Carcaillet, C., Bergeron, Y., 2015 - Unexpected warming-induced growth decline in Thuja occidentalis at its northern limits in North America. Journal of Biogeography, 42 : 1233–1245.

    2014 Leys, B., Finsinger, W., Carcaillet, C., 2014 - Historical range of fire frequency is not the Achilles' heel of the Corsican black pine ecosystem. Journal of Ecology, 102:381–395.

    - Autres productions 2018 - Carcaillet, C. Origins and dynamics of subalpine plant diversity in the Alps – Dept of Arctic and Marine Ecology, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norvège (Invité par Prof. Nigel G. Yoccoz). 26 septembre 2018.

    International peer review journals


    Battipaglia G., De Micco V., Fournier T., Aronne G., Carcaillet C. (2014) Isotopic and anatomical signals for interpreting fire-related responses in Pinus halepensis. Trees - Structure and Function 28, 1095-1104, DOI 10.1007/s00468-014-1020-3

    Battipaglia G., Bu_ntgen U., McCloskey S., Blarquez O., Denis N., Paradis L., Brossier B., Fournier T., Carcaillet C. (2014) Long-term effects of climate and land-use change on larch budmoth outbreaks in the French Alps. Climate Research 62, 1-14, doi: 10.3354/cr01251

    Fortuny X., Carcaillet C., Chauchard S. (2014) Land use legacies and site variables control the understorey plant communities in Mediterranean broadleaved forests. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 189, 53-59, DOI:

    Leys B., Carcaillet C., Blarquez O., Lami A., Musazzi S., Trevisan R. (2014) Resistance of mixed subalpine forest to fire frequency changes: the ecological function of dwarf pine (Pinus mugo ssp. mugo). Quaternary Science Reviews 90, 60-68, DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.02.023

    Blarquez O.*, Carcaillet C.*, Frejaville T., Bergeron Y. (2014) Disentangling the trajectories of alpha, beta and gamma plant diversity of North American boreal ecoregions since 15,500 years. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2,6 DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00006 (* co-first author)

    Naydenov K.D, Alexandrov A., Matevski V., Vasilevski K., Naydenov M.K., Gyuleva V., Carcaillet C., Wahid N., Kamary S. (2014) Range-wide genetic structure of maritime pine predates the last glacial maximum: evidence from nuclear DNA. Hereditas 151, 1-13 DOI: 10.1111/j.1601-5223.2013.00027.x

    Leys B., Finsinger W., Carcaillet C. (2014) Historical range of fire frequency is not the Achilles' heel of the Corsican black pine ecosystem. Journal of Ecology 102, 381-395, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12207

    Bélanger N.*, Carcaillet C.*, Padbury G.A., Harvey-Schafer A.N., Van Rees K.J.C. (2014) Periglacial fires and trees in a continental setting of central Canada, Upper Pleistocene. Geobiology 12, 109-118, DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12076 (* co- first author)


    Aleman J.C., Blarquez O., Bentaleb I., Bonté P., Brossier B., Carcaillet C., Gond V., Gourlet-Fleury S., Kpolita A., Lefévre I., Oslisly R., Power M.J., Yongo O., Bremond L., Favier C. (2013) Tracking land-uses with sedimentary charcoals in tropics. The Holocene 23, 1853-1862, doi:10.1177/0959683613508159

    Frejaville T., Curt T., Carcaillet C. (2013) Bark flammability as a fire-response trait for subalpine trees. Frontiers in Plants Science 4:466. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00466

    Aleman J.C., Saint-Jean A., Leys B., Carcaillet C., Favier C., Bremond L. (2013) Estimating phytolith influx in lake sediments. Quaternary Research 80, 341-347

    Fournier T., Battipaglia G., Brossier B., Carcaillet C. (2013) Fire-scars and polymodal age-structure provide evidence of fire-events in an Aleppo pine population in southern France. Dendrochronologia 31, 159-164

    Naisse C., Alexis M., Plante A., Wiedner K., Glaser B., Pozzi A., Carcaillet C., Criscuoli I., Rumpel C. (2013) Can biochar and hydrochar stability be assessed with chemical methods? Organic Geochemistry 60, 40-44

    Blarquez O., Girardin M.P., Leys B., Ali A.A., Aleman J.C., Bergeron Y., Carcaillet C. (2013) Paleofire reconstruction based on an ensemble-member strategy applied to sedimentary charcoal. Geophysical Research Letters 40, 2667-2672doi:10.1002/grl.50504

    Girardin M.P., Ali A.A., Carcaillet C., Blarquez O., Hély C., Terrier A., Genries A., Bergeron Y. (2013) Vegetation limits the impact of a warm climate on boreal wildfires. New Phytologist 199, 1001-1011doi: 10.1111/nph.12322

    Blarquez O., Finsinger W., Carcaillet C. (2013) Assessing paleo-biodiversity using low proxy influx. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65852.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065852

    Leys B., Carcaillet C., Dezileau L., Ali A.A., Bradshaw R.H.W. (2013) A comparison of charcoal measurements for reconstruction of Mediterranean paleo-fire frequency in the mountains of Corsica. Quaternary Research 79, 337-349

    Oris F., Lamentowicz M., Genries A., Mourier B., Blarquez O., Ali A.A., Bremond L., Carcaillet C. (2013) Holocene changes in climate and land use drove shifts in the diversity of testate amoebae in a subalpine pond. Journal of Paleolimnology 49, 633-646 DOI: 10.1007/s10933-013-9680-3

    Frejaville T, Carcaillet C., Curt T. (2013) Calibration of charcoal production from trees biomass for soil charcoal analyses in subalpine ecosystems. Quaternary International 289, 16-23 DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.02.043

    Girardin M.P., Ali A.A., Carcaillet C., Gauthier S., Hély C., Le Goff H., Terrier A., Bergeron Y., (2013) Fire in managed forests of eastern Canada: risks and options. Forest Ecology and Management 294, 238-249

    Power M.J., Mayle F.E., Bartlein P.J., Marlon J.R., Anderson R.S., Behling H., Brown K.J., Carcaillet C., Colombaroli D., Gavin D.G., Hallett D.J., Horn S.P., Kennedy L.M., Lane C., Long C., Moreno P.I., Paitre C., Robinson G., Taylor Z., Walsh M. (2013) Climatic control of the biomass-burning decline in the Americas after AD 1500. The Holocene 23(1), 3-13 DOI: 10.1177/0959683612450196

    Chauchard S., Guibal F., Carcaillet C. (2013) Land-use legacies: multi-centuries years-old management control between-stands variability at the landscape-scale in Mediterranean mountain forests, France. Journal of Forest Science 59(1), 1-7


    Fournier T., Brossier B., Gauthier O., Carcaillet C., (2012) Post-fire dynamics and spatial heterogeneity of woody debris associated with Pinus halepensis in an oak-pine Mediterranean ecosystem. Ecoscience 19(4), 356-363 DOI : 10.2980/19-4-3502

    Daniau A.L., Bartlein P.J., Harrison S.P., Prentice I.C., Brewer S., Friedlingstein P., Harrison-Prentice T.I., Inoue J., Izumi K., Marlon J.R., Mooney S., Power M.J., Stevenson J., Tinner W., Andri! M., Atanassova J., Behling H., Black M., Blarquez O., Brown K.J., Carcaillet C., Colhoun E.A., Colombaroli D., Davis B.A.S., D'Costa D., Dodson J., Dupont L., Eshetu Z., Gavin D.G., Genries A., Haberle S., Hallett D.J., Horn S.P., Hope G., Kassa T.G., Katamura F., Kennedy L.M., Kershaw P., Krivonogov S., Long C., Magri D., Marinova E., McKenzie G.M., Moreno P.I., Moss P., Neumann F.H., Norstro_m E., Paitre C., Rius D., Roberts N., Robinson G.S., Sasaki N., Scott L., Takahara H., Terwilliger V., Thevenon F., Turner R.B., Valsecchi V.G., Vanniére B., Walsh M., Williams N., Zhang Y. (2012). Predictability of biomass burning in response to climate changes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26, GB4007, doi:10.1029/2011GB004249

    Carcaillet C., Ho_rnberg G., Zackrisson O. (2012) Woody vegetation, fuel and fire track the melting of the Scandinavianice-sheetbefore9500calyrBP.QuaternaryResearch78540-548

    Genries A., Finsinger W., Asnong H., Bergeron Y., Carcaillet C., Garneau M., Hély C., Ali A.A. (2012) Local versus regional processes: can soil characteristics overcome climate and fire regimes by modifying vegetation trajectories? Journal of Quaternary Science 27(7) 745-756 http://DOI:10.1002/jqs.2560

    Blarquez O., Carcaillet C., Elzein T.M., Roiron P. (2012) Needle accumulation rate model-based reconstruction of palaeo-tree biomass in the western subalpine Alps. The Holocene 22(5), 579-587 DOI: 10.1177/0959683611427333

    Fauvart N., Ali A.A., Terral J.F., Roiron P. Blarquez O., Carcaillet C. (2012) Holocene upper tree-limits of Pinus section sylvestris in the Western Alps as evidenced from travertine archives. Review of Palynology and Paleobotany 169, 96-102, http://doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2011.10.003


    Elzein T.M, Blarquez O., Gauthier O., Carcaillet C. (2011) Allometric equations for biomass assessment of subalpine dwarf shrubs. Alpine Botany 121, 129-134 DOI: 10.1007/s00035-011-0095-3


    Mahaney W.C., Tricart P., Barendregt R.W., Carcaillet C., Rabufetti D., Kalm V. (2010) Debris flow burial of ancient wall system in the Upper Po River valley. Geology Today 26(6), 209-215. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2451.2010.00768.x

    Blarquez O., Carcaillet C. (2010) Fire, fuel composition and resilience threshold in subalpine ecosystem. PLoS ONE 5(8), e012480 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012480

    Mahaney W.C., Tricart P., Carcaillet C., Blarquez O., Ali A.A., Kapran B., Argant J., & Barendregt R.W. (2010) Hannibal's invasion route: an age-old question revisited within a geoarchaeological and palaeobotanical context. Archaeometry 52(6), 1096-1109, DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2010.00526.x

    Blarquez O., Bremond L., Carcaillet C. (2010) Holocene fires and a herb-dominated understorey track wetter climates in subalpine forests. Journal of Ecology 98, 1358-1368, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01721.x

    Bergeron Y., Cyr D., Girardin M.P., Carcaillet C. (2010) Will climate change drive 21st century burn rates in Canadian boreal forest outside of its natural variability: collating global climate model experiments with sedimentary charcoal data. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19(8), 1127-1139. DOI: 10.1071/WF09092

    Carcaillet C., Richard P.J.H., Bergeron Y., Fréchette B., Ali A.A. (2010) Resilience of the boreal forest in response to Holocene fire-frequency changes assessed by pollen diversity and population dynamics. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19(8), 1026-1039. DOI: 10.1071/WF09097

    Bremond L., Carcaillet C., Favier C., Ali A.A., Paitre C., Bégin Y., Bergeron Y., Richard P.J.H. (2010) Effects of vegetation zones and climatic changes on fire-induced atmospheric carbon emissions: a model based on paleodata. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19(8), 1015-1025. DOI: 10.1071/WF09096

    Hély C., Girardin M.P., Ali A.A., Carcaillet C., Brewer S., Bergeron Y. (2010) Eastern boreal North American wildfire risk of the past 7000 years: a model-data comparison. Geophysical Research Letters 37, L14709, doi:10.1029/2010GL043706

    Mourier B., Poulenard J., Carcaillet C. & Williamson D. (2010) Soil evolution and subalpine ecosystem changes in the French Alps inferred from geochemical analysis of lacustrine sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology 44, 571-587 DOI 10.1007/s10933-010-9438-0

    Chauchard S., Beihle F., Denis N. & Carcaillet C. (2010) An increase in the upper tree-limit of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in the Alps since the mid-20th century: a land-use change phenomenon. Forest Ecology and Management 259, 1406-1415 | doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2010.01.009.

    Blarquez O., Carcaillet C., Mourier B., Bremond L., Radakovitch O. (2010) Trees in the subalpine belt since 11 700 cal. BP: origin, expansion and alteration of the modern forest. The Holocene, 20, 139-146 doi.10.1177/0959683610348857

    Mahaney W.C., Kapran B., Kalm V., Tricart P., Carcaillet C., Blarquez O., Milner M.W., Barendregt R.W., Somelar P. (2010) The traversette (Italia) rockfall: geomorphological indicator of the Hannibalic invasion route. Archaeometry 52(1), 156-172 | doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2009.00463.x


    Chepstow-Lusty A.J., Frogley M.R., Bauer B.S., Leng M.J., Boessenkool K.P., Carcaillet C., Ali A.A. & Gioda A. (2009) Putting the rise of the Inca Empire within a climatic and land management context. Climate of the Past, 5, 375- 388

    Ali A.A., Higuera P.E., Bergeron Y., Carcaillet C. (2009) Comparing fire-history interpretations based on area, number and estimated volume of macroscopic charcoal in lake sediments. Quaternary Research 72, 462-468 10.1016/j.yqres.2009.07.002

    Genries A., Morin X., Chauchard S., Carcaillet C. (2009) The function of surface fires in the dynamics and structure of a formerly grazed old subalpine forest. Journal of Ecology 97, 728-741, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01518.x

    Girardin M.P., Ali A.A., Carcaillet C., Mudelsee M., Drobyshev I., Hély C., Bergeron Y., (2009) Heterogeneous response of circumboreal wildfire risk to climate change since the early 1900s. Global Change Biology 15, 2751- 2769. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01869.x

    Marlon J.R., Bartlein P.J., Walsh M.K., Harrison S.P., Brown K.J., Edwards M.E., Higuera P.E., Power M.J., Anderson R.S., Briles C., Brunelle A., Carcaillet C., Daniels M., Hu F.S., Lavoie M., Long C., Minckley T., Richard P.J.H., Scott A.C., Shafer D.S., Tinner W., Umbanhowar C.E.Jr., Whitlock C. (2009) Wildfire responses to abrupt climate change in North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(8), 2519-2524. doi:10.1073/pnas.0808212106.

    Ali A.A., Carcaillet C. & Bergeron Y. (2009) Long-term fire frequency variability in the eastern Canadian boreal forest: the influences of climate vs. local factors. Global Change Biology 15, 1230-1241 doi.10.1111/j.1365- 2486.2009.01842.x

    Cyr D., Gauthier S., Bergeron Y. & Carcaillet C. (2009) Forest management is driving the eastern part of North American boreal forest outside its natural range of fire-interval variability. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7(10), 519-524. doi:10.1890/080088

    Genries A., Muller S.D., Mercier L., Bircker L., Carcaillet C. (2009) Fires control spatial variability of subalpine vegetation dynamics during the Holocene in the Maurienne valley (French Alps). Ecoscience 16(1), 13-22.

    Carcaillet C., Ali A.A., Blarquez O., Genries A., Mourier B., Bremond L. (2009) Spatial variability of fire history in subalpine forests: from natural to cultural regimes. Ecoscience 16(1): 1-12. DOI 10.2980/16-1-3189

    Motta R., Brang P., Carcaillet C. (2009) Remarques liminaires : aléas et perturbations naturelles dans les foréts de montagne - Introductory remarks: Natural hazards and disturbances in mountain forests. Ecoscience 16(1), iii-v.

    Genries A., Mercier L., Lavoie M., Muller S.D., Radakovitch O. & Carcaillet C. (2009) The effect of fire frequency on local cembra pine populations. Ecology 90(2), 476-486.

    Carcaillet C., Fauvart N., Roiron P., Terral J.-F., Ali A.A. (2009) A new, isolated and endangered relict population of dwarf pine (Pinus mugo Turra) in the northwestern Alps. Comptes Rendus Biologies 332, 456-463.


    Marlon J.R., Bartlein P.J., Carcaillet C., Gavin D.G., Harrison S.P., Higuera P.E., Joos F., Power M.J. & Prentice I.C. (2008) Climate and human influences on global biomass burning over the past two millennia. Nature Geoscience 1, 697-702.

    Mourier B., Poulenard J., Chauvel C., Faivre P., Carcaillet C. (2008) Distinguishing subalpine soil types using extractible Al and Fe fractions and REE geochemistry. Geoderma 145, 107-120. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2008.03.001

    Power M.J., Marlon J., Ortiz N., Bartlein P.J., Harrison S.P., Mayle F.E., Ballouche A., Bradshaw R.H.W., Carcaillet C., Cordova C., Mooney S., Moreno P.I., Prentice I.C., Thonicke K., Tinner W., Whitlock C., Zhang Y., Zhao Y., Ali A.A., Anderson R.S., Beer R., Behling H., Briles C., Brown K.J., Brunelle A., Bush M., Camill P., Chu G.Q., Clark J., Colombaroli D., Connor S., Daniau A.-L., Daniels M., Dodson J., Doughty E., Edwards M.E., Finsinger W., Foster D., Frechette J., Gaillard M.-J., Gavin D.G., Gobet E., Haberle S, Hallett D.J., Higuera P., Hope G., Horn S., Inoue J., Kaltenreider P., Kennedy L., Kong Z.C., Larsen C., Long C.J., Lynch J., Lynch E.A., McGlone M., Meeks S., Mensing S., Meyer G., Minckley T., Mohr J., Nelson D.M., New J., Newnham R., Noti R., Oswald W., Pierce J., Richard P.J.H., Rowe C., Sanchez Gon_i M.F., Shuman B.J., Takahara H., Toney J., Turney C., Urrego-Sanchez D.H., Umbanhowar C., Vandergoes M., Vanniere B., Vescovi E., Walsh M., Wang X., Williams N., Wilmshurst J. & Zhang J.H. (2008) Changes in fire regimes since the Last Glacial Maximum: an assessment based on a global synthesis and analysis of charcoal data. Climate Dynamics, 30, 887-907. DOI 10.1007/s00382-007-0334-x

    Ali A.A., Asselin H., Larouche A.C., Bergeron Y., Carcaillet C., Richard P.J.H. (2008) Changes in fire regime explain the Holocene rise and fall of Abies balsamea in the coniferous forests of western Québec, Canada. The Holocene 18(5), 693-703.

    Capitanio R. & Carcaillet C. (2008) Post-fire Mediterranean vegetation dynamics and diversity: a discussion of succession models. Forest Ecology and Management, 255, 431-439. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2007.09.010


    Chauchard S., Carcaillet C. & Guibal F. (2007) Patterns of land-use abandonment control tree-recruitment and forest dynamics in Mediterranean mountains. Ecosystems, 10, 936-948, DOI: 10.1007/s10021-007-9065-4

    Carcaillet C., Perroux A.-S., Genries A. & Perrette Y. (2007) Sedimentary charcoal pattern in a karstic underground lake, Vercors massif, French Alps: implications for palaeo-fire history. The Holocene, 17(6), 845-850. 10.1177/0959683607080526

    Muller S.D., Nakagawa T., de Beaulieu J.-L., Court-Picon M., Carcaillet C., Miramont C., Roiron P., Boutterin C., Ali A.A. & Bruneton H. (2007) Postglacial migration of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in the south-western Alps. Journal of Biogeography, 34, 876-899.

    Carcaillet C., Bergman I., Delorme S., Ho_rnberg G. & Zackrisson O. (2007) Long-term fire frequency not linked to prehistoric occupations in northern Swedish boreal forest. Ecology 88(2), 465-477.


    Quénéa K., Derenne S., Rumpel C., Rouzaud J.-N., Gustafsson O., Carcaillet C., Mariotti A. & Largeau C. (2006) Black carbon yields and type in forest and cultivated sandy soils (Landes de Gascogne, France) as determined with different methods: influence of change in land use. Organic Geochemistry, 37, 1185-1189.

    Ali A.A., Martinez M., Fauvart N., Roiron P., Fioraso G., Guendon J.-L., Terral J.-F. & Carcaillet C. (2006) Incendies et peuplements a_ Pinus mugo Turra dans les Alpes occidentales (Val de Suse, Italie) durant la transition Tardiglaciaire - Holocéne : une zone refuge évidente. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 329, 494-501

    Carcaillet C., Richard P.J.H., Asnong H., Capece L. & Bergeron Y. (2006) Fire and soil erosion history in east Canadianborealandtemperateforests.QuaternaryScienceReviews,251489-1500. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.01.004

    Chauchard S., Pille G. & Carcaillet C. (2006) Large herbivores control the invasive potential of nonnative Austrian black pine in a mixed deciduous Mediterranean forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36, 1047-1053


    Ali A.A., Carcaillet C., Talon B., Roiron P. & Terral J.-F. (2005) Pinus cembra L. (arolla pine), a common tree in the inner French Alps since the early Holocene and above the present tree line: a synthesis based on charcoal data from soils and travertines. Journal of Biogeography, 32, 1659-1669.

    Carcaillet C. & Muller S.D. (2005) Holocene tree-limit and distribution of Abies alba in the inner French Alps: anthropological or climatic changes? Boreas, 34(4), 468-476.

    Figueiral I. & Carcaillet C. (2005) A review of Late Pleistocene and Holocene biogeography of highland Mediterranean pines (Pinus type sylvestris) in Portugal, based on charcoal. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, 2466- 2476.

    Keech O., Carcaillet C. & Nilsson M.-C. (2005) Adsorption of allelopathic compounds by wood-derived charcoal: the role of wood porosity. Plant and Soil 272, 291-300. DOI 10.1007/s11104-004-5485-5


    Roiron P., Ali A.A., Guendon J.-L., Carcaillet C. & Terral J.-F. (2004) Preuve de l'indigénat de Populus alba L. dans le bassin méditerranéen occidental. Comptes Rendus Biologies 327, 125-132.


    Ali A.A., Carcaillet C., Guendon J.-L., Quinif Y., Roiron P. & Terral J.-F. (2003) The early Holocene treeline in the southern French Alps: new evidence from travertine formation. Global Ecology and Biogeography 12, 411-419.

    Hellberg E. & Carcaillet C. (2003) Wood anatomy of West-European Betula: quantitative descriptions and applications for routine identification in paleoecological studies. Ecoscience 10, 370-379.

    Philibert A., Prairie Y.T. & Carcaillet C. (2003) 1200 year of fire impact on biogeochemistry as inferred from high resolution diatom analysis in a kettle lake from the Picea mariana-moss domain (Quebec, Canada). Journal of Paleolimnology 30, 167-181.


    Carcaillet C., Almquist H., Asnong H., Bradshaw R.H.W., Carrio_n J.S., Gaillard M.-J., Gajewski K., Haas J.N., Haberle S.G., Hadorn P., Mu_ller S.D., Richard P.J.H., Richoz I., Ro_sch M., Sa_nchez Gon_i M.F., von Stedingk H., Stevenson A.C., Talon B., Tardy C., Tinner W., Tryterud E., Wick L. & Willis K.J. (2002) Holocene biomass burning and global dynamics of the carbon cycle. Chemosphere 49, 845-863.

    Christopher Carcaillet - publication lists


    Carcaillet C. (2001) Soil particles reworking evidences by AMS 14C dating of charcoal. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris, Série Sciences de la Terre et des Planétes 332, 21-28.

    Carcaillet C., Bergeron Y., Richard P.J.H., Fréchette B., Gauthier S. & Prairie Y.T. (2001) Change of fire frequency in the eastern Canadian boreal forests during the Holocene: does vegetation composition or climate trigger the fire regime? Journal of Ecology 89, 930-946.

    Carcaillet C., Bouvier M., Fréchette B., Larouche A.C. & Richard P.J.H. (2001) Comparison of pollen-slide and sieving methods in lacustrine charcoal analyses for local and regional fire history. The Holocene 11, 467-476.

    Carcaillet C. & Talon B. (2001) Soil carbon sequestration by Holocene fires inferred from soil charcoal in the dry French Alps. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 33, 282-288.

    Carcaillet C. & Vernet J.-L.. (2001) Comments on “The full-glacial forests of central and southeastern Europe” (Willis et al., 2000). Quaternary Research. 55, 385-387.

    Flannigan M., Campbell I., Wotton M., Carcaillet C., Richard P. & Bergeron Y. (2001) Future fire in Canada's boreal forest: palaeoecology results and general circulation model - regional climate model simulations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31, 854-864.

    Carcaillet C. (2001) Are Holocene wood-charcoal fragments stratified in alpine and subalpine soils? Evidence from the European Alps based on AMS 14C dates. The Holocene 11, 231-242.


    Carcaillet C. & Brun J.-J. (2000) Change of landscape structure during the last 7000 years in the north-western Alps: lessons from soil charcoal. Journal of Vegetation Science 11, 705-714.

    Carcaillet C. & Richard P.J.H. (2000) Holocene changes in seasonal precipitation highlighted by fire incidence in eastern Canada. Climate Dynamics 16, 549-559.


    Bergeron Y., Richard P.J.H., Carcaillet C., Flannigan M., Gauthier S. & Prairies Y.T. (1998) Variability in fire frequency and forest composition in Canada's southeastern boreal forest: a challenge for sustainable forest management.EcologyandSociety 2(2),art.6[].

    Carcaillet C. (1998) A spatially precise study of fires, climate and human impact within the Maurienne valley, North French Alps. Journal of Ecology 86, 384-396.

    Carcaillet C., Talon B. & Barbero M. (1998) Pinus cembra et incendies au cours de l'Holocéne, 300 m au-dessus de la limite actuelle des arbres dans les Alpes du nord-ouest. écologie 29, 277-282.

    Talon B., Carcaillet C. & Thinon M. (1998) Apport de la pédoanthracologie a_ l'étude des variations de la limite supérieure des arbres dans les Alpes franc_aises. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 52, 195-208.


    Carcaillet C. (1997) évolution de la structure du paysage pendant l'Holocéne dans la haute vallée de la Maurienne (Alpes du nord-ouest): présentation d'un programme de paléoécologie du paysage. Ecologia Mediterranea 23(1), 131-143.

    Carcaillet C., Barakat H. N., Panai_otis C. & Loisel R. (1997) Fire and late Holocene expansion of Quercus ilex and Pinus pinaster in Corsica. Journal of Vegetation Science 8, 85-94.

    Panaïotis C., Carcaillet C. & M'Hamedi M. (1997) Determination of the natural mortality age of an old holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) stand in Corsica (Mediterranean island). Acta Œcologica 18, 519-530.


    Carcaillet C. & Thinon M. (1996) Pedoanthracological contribution to the evolution of the upper treeline in the Maurienne Valley (North French Alps): Methodology and preliminary data. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 91, 399-416.

    Carcaillet C. & Talon B. (1996) Stratigraphie et datations de charbons de bois dans les Alpes: quelques aspects taphonomiques. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 50, 233-244.


    Carcaillet C. (1995) Effects of gales and salt sprays on the composition and structure of vegetation on well-drained slopes of Possession-island (Crozet-archipelago, sub-Antarctic) - Effets des contraintes (vents et embruns) sur la composition et la structure de la végétation des pentes drainées de l'i_le de la Possession (Iles Crozet, subantarctique). Canadian Journal of Botany 73, 1739-1749.


    Carcaillet C. (1993) Invasive vascular plants in the Crozet archipelago southern-ocean - Les plantes allochtones envahissantes de l'archipel Crozet, océan Austral. Revue d'écologie (Terre et Vie), 48, 3-20.

  • Other scientific articles


    30/10 - Les « forêts » de pins maritimes d’Aquitaine, des nids à incendie ? Par Christopher Carcaillet, Richard Michalet et Thibaut Fréjaville


    5/09 - How paleostudies can inform the present ecological debates on biodiversity management. Key-note speaker, PAGES- Global Paleofire meeting ‘Diverse knowledge systems for fire policy and biodiversity conservation’, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, UK.
    26/09 - C. Origins and dynamics of subalpine plant diversity in the Alps – Dept of Arctic and Marine Ecology, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norvège (Invité par Prof. Nigel G. Yoccoz).


    21/11 - Résistance, résilience et vulnérabilité des écosystèmes. Séminaire key-note speaker ‘prospectives Département INRA EFPA’, Pont-à-Mousson.


    5/05 – Paleobiodiversity facing climatic changes and fire regimes in boreo-mountain ecosystems – Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen, Norvège, (Invité par Prof. John Birks).
    6/06 – Post-fire biodiversity dynamics of plant communities in Mediterranean forests. Organization for the phyto-taxinomic investigation of the Mediterranean area (15th OPTIMA Meeting) Montpellier, France. [invited by Prof. Benito Valdes, U. of Seville, Spain]
    29/06 - Il y a 11 000 ans au Lautaret, des arbres avec vue sur glacier. Séminaire ‘Hommage scientifique à Serge Aubert’, Station Alpine Joseph Fourier, Lautaret.


    12/05 – Feux en montagne, biodiversité et climat - Cycle conférences EPH’Club, EPHE, Paris.
    13/10 – Climat, feu et biodiversité : passé, présent et futur - Invitation par Rectorat de Lyon, ENS-Lyon et CNRS-Rhône dans le cadre d’un cycle de conférences sur le climat pour enseignants du secondaire (


    Fortuny X., Garrigue J., Magdalou J.-A., Chauchard S., Carcaillet C., 2012 - Usages et biodiversité dans les foréts méditerranéennes - L'exemple du massif des Albéres (Pyrénées-Orientales). Forét Méditerranéenne 33(2), 165-172.
    Christopher Carcaillet - publication lists


    Carcaillet C., Bergeron Y., Ali A.A., Gauthier S., Girardin M.P., Hély C., 2010 - Holocene fires in eastern Canada: towards a forest management perspective in light of future global changes. PAGES News 18(2), 68-70.

    Carcaillet C., Ali A.A., Fauvart N., Roiron P., Terral J.-F., 2009 - Présence de pins prostrés dans le massif du mont Cenis (Pinus mugo Turra) : discussion sur la pérennité de la population. Travaux scientifiques du Parc national de la Vanoise 24, 57-67.

    Beihle F., Carcaillet C., Chauchard S. (2009) élévation de la limite supérieure du sapin pectiné (Abies alba) depuis 1950 en Maurienne, Savoie. Travaux scientifiques du Parc national de la Vanoise 24, 44-56.

    Blarquez O., Carcaillet C., Mourier B. (2009) Une forét subalpine a_ méléze dominant dans un vallon avalancheux : 9000 ans d'histoire révélés par l'analyse des macrorestes végétaux d'un lac de Maurienne. Travaux scientifiques du Parc national de la Vanoise 24, 33-44.

    Genries A., Carcaillet C. (2009) Impact des feux sur la richesse et la dynamique des communautés forestiéres subalpines en Vanoise. Travaux scientifiques du Parc national de la Vanoise 24, 19-31.

    Mercier L., Genries A., Lavoie M., Ali A.A., Bircker L., Carcaillet C. (2009) Histoire des feux et de la dynamique végétale : reconstruction paléobotanique d'un écosystéme subalpin de Vanoise méridionale. Travaux scientifiques du Parc national de la Vanoise 24, 7-18.

    Book chapters


    2 - Chauchard S., Guibal F. & Carcaillet C., 2010 - L’hétérogénéité du paysage forestier post-déprise agricole s’oppose à une apparente banalisation des paysages. In Galochet M. & Glon E. (eds) Des milieux aux territoires forestiers, Artois Presses Université, pp. 169-181.


    1 - Carcaillet C., 2007 - Charred particles analyses. in Elias S.A., Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1582-1593.

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