Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés

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Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes
Naturels et Anthropisés

  • Accueil
  • Equipes
  • Paléontologie, Paléoécologie, Paléobiogéographie, Evolution

Paléontologie, Paléoécologie, Paléobiogéographie, Evolution

Paléontologie, Paléoécologie, Paléobiogéographie, Evolution

P3E – Resp.

  • Au sein du LEHNA, L’équipe « Paléontologie, Paléoécologie, Paléobiogéographie, Evolution » (P3E) regroupe des paléontologues, paléobiologistes et paléoécologues apportant différentes expertises nécessaires à l’analyse multidisciplinaire d’objets biologiques anciens (de l’individu à la région biogéographique en passant par la communauté et l’écosystème), depuis l’étude de leur fonctionnement jusqu’à la description et la modélisation de leurs dynamiques spatio-temporelles et l’inférence des processus macro-évolutifs et macro-écologiques sous-jacents, et ce dans différents contextes systématiques, biogéographiques et temporels. Pour se faire, les spécialités disciplinaires des membres de l’équipe couvrent :

    • la morpho-anatomie descriptive et l’analyse microstructurale 2D/3D d’animaux et de végétaux ;
    • la systématique et la phylogénie des groupes taxinomiques d’intérêt ;
    • la biostratigraphie nécessaire à la datation des objets étudiés ;
    • la paléoécologie, la paléobiogéographie et la macroécologie d’assemblages fossiles ;
    • les analyses biostatistiques descriptives et comparatives.

    Forte de cette complémentarité, l’équipe P3E se structure en quatre thèmes de recherche partagés et fédérateurs :

    • Description et comparaison de structures et microstructures morpho-anatomiques complexes ;
    • Composition, structuration et évolution des paléo-communautés et paléo-écosystèmes ;
    • Origine, structuration géographique et dynamique temporelle des gradients de biodiversité ;
    • Le Mésozoïque (Jurassique et Crétacé ; 200-66 M.a.) eurasiatique continental.

    Ces quatre thèmes concourent à explorer les grands enjeux de sociétés actuels en paléoécologie et paléontologie, notamment au regard des questions de changements climatiques et de biodiversité, de leurs causes et de leurs conséquences, autant d’enjeux vastes et complexes soulignés par les rapports récents du GIEC sur le climat et de l’IPBES sur la biodiversité. Dans ce contexte, la spécificité de l’équipe P3E est de s’approprier ces questions dans et grâce au recul que la profondeur du temps offre pour tester des hypothèses, explorer les trajectoires, les moments significatifs et les processus associés aux changements du climat et de la biodiversité. Le cadre conceptuel se nourrit des progrès récents des recherches sur le temps long, tant sur les questions de diversité, de processus macro-évolutifs et macroécologiques, ou encore de rythmes et de moments (p.ex., ‘point de basculement’) touchant à la résilience ou à la résistance des systèmes. Ensemble, ces thèmes dessinent une forte convergence d’intérêt autour de trois problématiques clés aujourd’hui au cœur des recherches en écologie et évolution : (i) l’origine de la biodiversité, (ii) l’impact du climat sur la biodiversité, et (iii) le rôle respectif des perturbations (anthropiques et naturelles) et des contraintes macroécologiques dans la structuration et l’évolution de la biodiversité.

  • Doctorant
    Master 2

  • Zhang, X., Royer, D., Colombi, C., Drovandi, J.M., Mcelwain, J., [...], Guignard, G., [...], Steinthorsdottir, M., 2025 - Fossil leaf cuticle: Best practices for preparation and paleo-CO2 analysis. Earth-Science Reviews, 264, pp.105104. ⟨10.1016/j.earscirev.2025.105104⟩
    Badeau, J., Guibal, F., Fulé, P.Z., Chauchard, S., Moneglia, P., Carcaillet, C., 2024 - 202 years of changes in Mediterranean fire regime in Pinus nigra forest, Corsica. Forest Ecology and Management, 554, pp.121658. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121658⟩
    Benharrech, S., Philippe, M., 2024 - Femmes, cryptogamie et héritage rousseauiste au début du XIXè siècle.. Bulletin de la société botanique de France. Actualités botaniques, 112, pp.16-32.
    Boonchai, N., Kruainok, P., Mustoe, G., Suphunnee Chokkhun, [...], Philippe, M., Wang, Y., 2024 - Quaternary petrified trunks from Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand: Implications for past climate and preservation. Annales de Paléontologie, 110 (1), pp.102655. ⟨10.1016/j.annpal.2023.102655⟩
    Chabrol, N., Jukar, A.M., Patnaik, R., Mannion, P.D., 2024 - Osteology of Crocodylus palaeindicus from the late Miocene–Pleistocene of South Asia and the phylogenetic relationships of crocodyloids. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 22 (1), ⟨10.1080/14772019.2024.2313133⟩
    Drury, J.P., Clavel, J., Tobias, J.A., Rolland, J., Sheard, C., Morlon, H., 2024 - Limited ecological opportunity influences the tempo of morphological evolution in birds. Current Biology - CB, 34, pp.1-9. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.055⟩
    Guignard, G., Carrizo, M.A., Lafuente Diaz, M.A., Del Fueyo, G.M., 2024 - TEM and EDS characterization in a Bennettitalean cuticle from the Lower Cretaceous Springhill Formation, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 320, pp.105005. ⟨10.1016/j.revpalbo.2023.105005⟩
    Jirapatrasilp, P., Cuny, G., Kocsis, L., Sutcharit, C. [...], Suraprasit, K., 2024 - Mid-Holocene marine faunas from the Bangkok Clay deposits in Nakhon Nayok, the Central Plain of Thailand. Zookeys, 1202, pp.1-110. ⟨10.3897/zookeys.1202.119389⟩
    Leys, B., Ribas-Deulofeu, L., Dezileau, L., Carcaillet, C., 2024 - Top-down control of climate on long-term interactions between fires, tree-cover and soil erosion in a Mediterranean mountain, Corsica. Quaternary Science Reviews, 331, pp.108602. ⟨10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108602)
    Lhéritier, M., Edgecombe, G.D., Garwood, R.J., Buisson, A., [...], Escarguel, G., [...], Perrier, V., 2024 - Head anatomy and phylogenomics show the Carboniferous giant Arthropleura belonged to a millipede-centipede group. Science Advances , 10 (41), eadp6362. ⟨10.1126/sciadv.adp6362⟩. ⟩
    Mcloughlin, S., Prevec, R., Cariglino, B., Philippe, M., 2024 - Revision and biostratigraphic implications of Thore Halle’s Permian plant fossils from the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands. Palaeontologia Africana, 58, pp.53-93.
    Michalet, R., Carcaillet, C., Delerue, F., Domec, J.C., Lenoir, J., 2024 -Assisted migration in a warmer and drier climate: less climate buffering capacity, less facilitation and more fires at temperate latitudes?. Oikos, (8), pp.e10248. ⟨10.1111/oik.10248⟩
    Morard, R., Darling, K., Weiner, A., Hassenrück, C., [...], Escarguel, G., Douady, C.J., [...], Kucera, M., 2024 - The global genetic diversity of planktonic foraminifera reveals the structure of cryptic speciation in plankton. Biological Reviews, 99 (4), pp.1218-1241. ⟨10.1111/brv.13065⟩
    Moreau, J.D., Trincal, V., Bourel, B., Philippe, M., Vullo, R., [...], Belkacem, D., 2024 - Multiproxy palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Bathonian Castelbouc sauropod tracksite (Causses Basin, southern France): insight into a Middle Jurassic insular ecosystem. Geobios, 84, pp.65-82. ⟨10.1016/j.geobios.2023.12.007⟩
    Oh, C., Woo, J., Philippe, M., Bomfleur, B., Kang, D., Lee, J.H., Lee J.I., 2024 - Taxonomic revision of in situ tree trunks and silicified wood from the Early Jurassic Kirkpatrick Basalt in the Mesa Range area, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 329, pp.105160. ⟨10.1016/j.revpalbo.2024.105160⟩.
    Sayedi, S.S., Abbott, B., Vannière, B., Leys, B., Colombaroli, D., [...], Carcaillet, C., [...], Anne-Laure Daniau, 2024 - Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire Ecology, 20 (1), pp.18. ⟨10.1186/s42408-023-00237-9⟩.
    Thasod, Y., Jongboriboon, A., Boonchai, N., Grote, P., [...], Thévenard, F., Mustoe, G., Philippe, M., 2024 - Mesozoic terrestrial biota west of the Chiang Mai suture (Mae Sot Basin, western Thailand). Annales de Paléontologie, 110 (1), pp.102650. ⟨10.1016/j.annpal.2023.102650⟩
    André, G., Lavergne, S., Carcaillet, C., 2023 - Unsuspected prevalence of Pinus cembra in the high-elevation sky islands of the western Alps. Plant Ecology, 2023, 224 (10), pp.865-873. ⟨10.1007/s11258-023-01341-1⟩
    Cuny, G., Chanthasit, P., 2023 - First record of hybodont egg capsules from the Jurassic of Thailand. Annales de Paléontologie,109 (4), pp.102652. ⟨10.1016/j.annpal.2023.102652⟩
    De Vallée, A., Dupuy, J.W., Moriscot, C., Gallet, B., Vanderperre, S., Guignard, G., [...] Choquer, M., 2023 - Extracellular vesicles of the plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Journal of Fungi, 9 (4), pp.495. ⟨10.3390/jof9040495⟩
    Goswami, A., Noirault, E., Coombs, E., Clavel, J., Fabre, A.C., Halliday, T.J.D., Churchill, M., Curtis, A., Watanabe, A., Simmons, N.B., Beatty, B.L., Geisler, J.H., Fox, D.L., Felice, R.N., 2023 - Developmental origin underlies evolutionary rate variation across the placental skull. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378(1880), ⟨10.1098/rstb.2022.0083⟩ 
    Heuer, K., Traut, N., de Sousa, A.A., Valk, S.L., Clavel, J., Toro, R., 2023 - Diversity and evolution of cerebellar folding in mammals. eLife, 12:e8590. (10.7554/eLife.85907)
    Heydari, M., Cheraghi, H., Omidipour, R., Rostaminia, M., Kooch, Y., Valko, O., Carcaillet, C., 2023 - Tree dieback, woody plant diversity, and ecosystem driven by topography in semi-arid mountain forests: Implication for ecosystem management. Journal of Environmental Management 339, 117892. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117892)
    Lheritier, M., Perroux, M., Vannier, J., Escarguel, G., Wesener, T., [...] Perrier, V., 2023 - Fossils from the Montceau-les-Mines Lagerstatte (305 Ma) shed light on the anatomy, ecology and phylogeny of Carboniferous millipedes. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 21(1):2169891. ⟨10.1080/14772019.2023.2169891⟩
    Li, J., Sun, Z., Cuny, G., Jiang, D., 2023 - Early Triassic chondrichthyans from the Zuodeng Section, Guangxi Province, South China: Palaeobiological and palaeobiogeographical implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 624, pp.111635. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111635⟩
    Li, J.C., Sun, Z.Y., Cuny, G., Meng, Q.Q., Jiang, D.Y., 2023 - Hybodontiform sharks from Middle Triassic Chang 7 Member of the Ordos Basin, Shaanxi, North China: palaeobiological and palaeoecological significances. Palaeoworld, 2023, 32 (1), pp.93-103. ⟨10.1016/j.palwor.2022.08.001⟩
    Luccisano, V., Cuny, G., Pradel, A., Fourel, F., [...], Amiot, R., 2023 - Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological reconstructions based on oxygen, carbon and sulfur isotopes of Early Permian shark spines from the French Massif central. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023, 628, pp.111760. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111760⟩
    Mirzaei J., Heydari M., Omidipour R, Jafarian N., Carcaillet C., 2023 - Decrease in soil functionalities and herbs’ diversity, but not that of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, linked to short fire interval in semi-arid oak forest ecosystem, west Iran. Plants, 12(5), 1112. (10.3390/plants12051112)
    Naydenov, K.D., Naydenov, M., Alexandrov, A., Gurov, T., Gyuleva, V., [...] Carcaillet, C., [...] Bogunic, F., 2023 - Speciation and historical migration pattern interaction: examples from P. nigra and P. sylvestris phylogeography. European Journal of Forest Research, 2023, 142 (1), pp.1-26. ⟨10.1007/s10342-022-01513-0⟩
    Philippe, M., 2023 - Palaeoclimate and fossil woods - is the use of mean sensitivity sensible?. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 68 (4), pp.561-569. ⟨10.4202/app.01108.2023⟩
    Rothier, P.S., Fabre, A.C, Clavel, J., Benson, R. B. J., Herrel, A., 2023 - Mammalian forelimb evolution is driven by uneven proximal-to-distal morphological diversity. eLife 12:e81492. (10.7554/eLife.81492)
    Saucède, T., Smith, C.., Olivier, N., Durlet, C., Gueriau, P., [...] Escarguel, G., Brayard, A., 2023 - A new Early Triassic crinoid from Nevada questions the origin and palaeobiogeographical history of dadocrinids. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 68(1):155-166. ⟨10.4202/app.01042.2022⟩
    Smith, C.P.A., Aubier, P., Charbonnier, S., Laville, T., Olivier, N., Escarguel, G., [...], Brayard, A., 2023 - Closing a major gap in mantis shrimp evolution - first fossils of Stomatopoda from the Triassic. Bulletin of Geosciences, 98 (1), pp.95-110. ⟨10.3140/bull.geosci.1864⟩
    Steart, D.C., Needham, J., Strullu-Derrien, C., Philippe, M., Krieger, [...] Kenrick, P., 2023 - New evidence of the architecture and affinity of fossil trees from the Jurassic Purbeck Forest of southern England. Botany Letters, 2023, 170 (2), pp.165-182. ⟨10.1080/23818107.2023.2197973⟩
    Stumpf, S., Kettler, C., Kindlimann, R., Cuny, G., Kriwet, J., 2023 - The oldest Gondwanan record of the extinct durophagous hybodontiform chondrichthyan, Strophodus from the Bajocian of Morocco. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 142 (1), pp.5. ⟨10.1186/s13358-023-00270-w⟩
    Adroit, B., Grímsson, F., Suc, J.P., Escarguel, G., Zetter, R., Bouchal, J.M., Fauquette, S., Zhuang, X., Djamali, M., 2022 - Are morphological characteristics of Parrotia (Hamamelidaceae) pollen species diagnostic ? Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 307, 104776. ⟨10.1016/j.revpalbo.2022.104776⟩
    Afonin, M., Philippe, M., Gromyko, D., 2022 - New data on the geographic and stratigraphic range of the Mesozoic fossil wood genera Protocedroxylon and Xenoxylon in the Arctic region. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 302, pp.104667. ⟨10.1016/j.revpalbo.2022.104667⟩
    Akkemik, U., Kandemir, R., Philippe, M., Güngör, Y., Köroğlu, F., 2022 - Palaeobiogeographical implications of the first fossil wood flora from the Jurassic of Turkey. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 67 (3), pp.745-766. ⟨10.4202/app.00962.2021⟩
    Carcaillet, C., Boulley, B., Carcaillet, F., 2022 - Once upon a time biomass burning in the western Alps: Nesting effects of climate and local drivers on long-term subalpine fires. Forest Ecosystems, Springer, 9, pp.100024. ⟨10.1016/j.fecs.2022.100024⟩
    Coombs, E.J., Felice, R.N., Clavel, J., Park, T., Bennion, R.F., Churchill, M., Geisler, J.H., Beatty, B., Goswami, A., 2022 - The tempo of cetacean cranial evolution. Current Biology, 32(10):2233-2247. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2022.04.060⟩
    Cordonnier, M., Kaufmann, B., Simon, L., Escarguel, G., Mondy, N., 2022 - Discrimination of conspecifics from heterospecifics in a hybrid zone: Behavioral and chemical cues in ants. Insect Science, 29 (1), pp.276-288. ⟨10.1111/1744-7917.12915⟩
    Duffy, M., Tibbett, E., Smith, C., Warny, S., Feakins, S.J., Escarguel, G., , Askin, R., Leventer, A., Shevenell, A.E., 2022 - Snapshots of pre-glacial paleoenvironmental conditions along the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: New palynological and biomarker evidence. Geobios, 70:1-16. ⟨10.1016/j.geobios.2021.09.001⟩
    Ellis, L. Afonina, O., Czernyadjeva, I., Alegro, A., Šegota, V., [...] Philippe, M., [...] G. Winter 2022 - New national and regional bryophyte records, 69. Journal of Bryology, 44 (1), pp.87-102. ⟨10.1080/03736687.2022.2061242⟩
    Goñi, I., Cuny, G., 2022 - New record of the genus Ptychodus Agassiz, 1834, (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Upper Cretaceous of Bornholm (Denmark). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 70, pp.19-25. ⟨10.37570/bgsd-2022-70-02⟩
    Goswami, A., Noirault, E., Coombs, E., Clavel, J., Fabre, A.C., [...], Felice, R.N., 2022 - Attenuated evolution of mammals through the Cenozoic. Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 378 (6618), pp.377-383. ⟨10.1126/science.abm7525⟩
    Goutiers, V., Carcaillet, C., 2022 - Geochemistry and Sedimentology of a Minerotrophic Peat in a Western Mediterranean Mountain Wilderness Area. Quaternary, 5 (4), pp.48. ⟨10.3390/quat5040048⟩
    Guenser, P., Ginot, S., Escarguel, G., Goudemand, N., 2022 - When less is more and more is less: the impact of sampling effort on species delineation. Palaeontology, 65 (3), pp.e12598. ⟨10.1111/pala.12598⟩
    Guignard, G., 2022 - Corrigendum to “Thirty-three years (1986–2019) of fossil plant cuticle studies using transmission electron microscopy: A review” [Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology Volume 271 (2019) 104097]. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 297, 104584. ⟨10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104584⟩
    Luccisano, V., Pradel, A., Amiot, R., Pouillon, J.M., Kindlimann, R., Steyer, J.B., Cuny, G., 2022 -Systematics, ontogeny and palaeobiogeography of the genus Orthacanthus (Diplodoselachidae, Xenacanthiformes) from the lower Permian of France. Papers in Palaeontology, 8 (6), pp.e1470. ⟨10.1002/spp2.1470⟩
    Néraudeau, D., Philippe, M., El Albani, A., Moreau, J.D., Polette, F., Saint-Martin, J.P., 2022 - Taphonomie et minéralisation de bois carbonatisés du Purbeckien de l’Usine, à Cherves-Richemont (Charente). Geodiversitas, 44 (24), pp.665-682.
    Orlandi-Oliveras, G., Köhler, M., Clavel, J., Scott, R.S., Mayda, S., Kaya, T., Merceron, G., 2022 - Feeding strategies of circum‑Mediterranean hipparionins during the late Miocene: Exploring dietary preferences related to size through dental microwear analysis. Palaeontologia Electronica, 25 (1), pp.a13. ⟨10.26879/990⟩
    Philippe, M., McLoughlin, S., Strullu-Derrien, C., Bamford, M., Kiel, S., Nel, A., Thévenard, F., 2022 - Life in the woods: Taphonomic evolution of a diverse saproxylic community within fossil woods from Upper Cretaceous submarine mass flow deposits (Mzamba Formation, southeast Africa). Gondwana Research, 109, pp.113-133. ⟨10.1016/⟩
    Saleh, F., Guenser, P., Gibert, C., Balseiro, D., Serra, F., [...], Lefebvre, B., 2022 - Contrasting Early Ordovician assembly patterns highlight the complex initial stages of the Ordovician Radiation. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-07822-z⟩
    Smith, C., Charbonnier, S., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K., Escarguel, G., [...], Brayard, A., 2022 - The Paris Biota decapod (Arthropoda) fauna and the diversity of Triassic decapods. Journal of Paleontology, pp.1-29. ⟨10.1017/jpa.2022.34⟩
    Strullu‐derrien, C., Philippe, M., Kenrick, P., Blanchette R., 2022 - Blue stain fungi infecting an 84‐million‐year‐old conifer from South Africa. New Phytologist, 233 (3), pp.1032-1037. ⟨10.1111/nph.17843⟩
    Thevenard, F., Chernomorets, O., Moreau, J.D., Neraudeau, D., Philippe, M., 2022 - A review of the Hirmeriellaceae (Cheirolepidiaceae) wood. IAWA Journal, 43 (4), pp.428-447. ⟨10.1163/22941932-bja10099⟩
    Troyer, E., Betancur-R, R., Hughes, L., Westneat, M., Carnevale, G., White W.T., Pogonoski, J.J., Tyler, J.C., Baldwin, C.C., Orti, G., Brinkworth, A., Clavel, J., Arcila, D., 2022 - The impact of paleoclimatic changes on body size evolution in marine fishes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences, 119 (29), e2122486119. ⟨10.1073/pnas.2122486119⟩
    Álvarez-Parra, S., Pérez-de la Fuente, R., Peñalver, E., Barrón, E., Alcalá, L., [...] M. Philippe, 2021 - Dinosaur bonebed amber from an original swamp forest soil. eLife, eLife Sciences Publication, 10 (e72477). ⟨10.7554/eLife.72477⟩
    Amiot, R., Kusuhashi, N., Saegusa, H., Shibata, M., Ikegami, N., Shimojima, S., Sonoda, T., Fourel, F., Ikeda, T., Lécuyer, C., Philippe, M., Wang, X., 2021 - Paleoclimate and ecology of Cretaceous continental ecosystems of Japan inferred from the stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of vertebrate bioapatite. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 205, 104602. (10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104602)
    Bardua, C., Fabre, A.-C., Clavel, J., Bon, M., Das, K., Stanley, E.L., Blackburn, D.C., Goswami, A. 2021 - Size, microhabitat, and loss of larval feeding drive cranial diversification in frogs. Nature Communications, 12:2503. (10.1038/s41467-021-22792-y)
    Boura, A., Bamford, M., Philippe, M., 2021 - Promoting a standardized description of fossil tracheidoxyls. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 295, 104525. ⟨10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104525⟩
    Brayard, A., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Olivier, N., Vennin, E., Stephen, D.A., Escarguel, G., ,Fara, E., 2021 - Latest Smithian (Early Triassic) ammonoid assemblages in Utah (western USA basin) and their implications for regional biostratigraphy, biogeography and placement of the Smithian/Spathian boundary.. Geobios, 69, pp.1-23. ⟨10.1016/j.geobios.2021.05.003⟩
    Drury, J., Clavel, J., Tobias, J.A., Rolland, J., Sheard, C., Morlon, H., 2021 - Tempo and mode of morphological evolution are decoupled from latitude in birds. PLoS Biology, Public Library of Science, 2021, 19 (8), pp.e3001270. ⟨10.1371/journal.pbio.3001270⟩
    El-Noamani, Z.M., El-Saadawi, W.E., Philippe, M., 2021 - The woods Protophyllocladoxylon and Metapodocarpoxylon within the Cretaceous terrestrial biota of northern Africa. Cretaceous Research 126, 104901. ⟨10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104901⟩
    Feichtinger, I., Adnet, S., Cuny, G., Guinot, G., Kriwet, J., Neubauer, T.A., Pollerspöck, J., Shimada, K., Straube, N., Underwood, C., Vullo, R., Harzhauser, 2021 - Comment on “An early Miocene extinction in pelagic sharks”. Science, 374 (6573). ⟨10.1126/science.abk0632⟩
    Fellah, C., Douillard, T., Maire, E., Meille, S., Reynard, B., Cuny, G., 2021 - 3D microstructural study of selachimorph enameloid evolution. Journal of Structural Biology, 213:107664. ⟨10.3390/metabo11030187⟩
    Godinot, M., Blondel, C., Escarguel, G., Lézin, C., Pélissié, T., Tabuce, R., Vidalenc, D., 2021 - Primates and Plesiadapiformes from Cos (Eocene; Quercy, France) Geobios, 66-67, pp.153-176. ⟨10.1016/j.geobios.2021.03.004⟩
    Guignard, G., Yang, X.J., Wang, Y.D., 2021 - Fossil Ginkgoales cuticle fine details data from East Inner Mongolia, Northeast China. Data in Brief 37, 107163. (10.1016/j.dib.2021.107163)
    Guignard, G., 2021 - Method for ultrastructural fine details of plant cuticles by transmission electron microscopy. MethodsX 8, 101391. (10.1016/j.mex.2021.101391)
    Guignard, G., Zodrow, E.L., Del Fueyo, G.M., 2021 - Plant cuticles, fine details. Editorial pour le special issue Plant « cuticles, fine details ». Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 288, 104402. ⟨10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104402⟩
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    Pelissié T., Orliac M.J., Antoine P.-O., Biot V., Escarguel G., 2021 - Beyond Eocene and Oligocene epochs: The Causses Du Quercy Geopark and the Grande Coupure. Geoconservation Research, 4(2): 573-585. 10.30486/gcr.2021.1913051.1050
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    Smith C.P.A., Laville T., Fara E., Escarguel G., Olivier N., Vennin E., Goudemand N., Bylund K.G., Jenks J.F., Stephen D.A., Hautmann M., Charbonnier S., Krumenacker L.J., Brayard A., 2021 - Exceptional fossil assemblages confirm the existence of complex Early Triassic ecosystems during the early Spathian. Scientific reports, 11, 19657. (10.1038/s41598-021-99056-8)
    Smith, V., Warny, S., Vellekoop, J., Vajda, V., Escarguel, G., Jarzen D.M., 2021 - Palynology from ground zero of the Chicxulub impact, southern Gulf of Mexico. Palynology, 45 (2):283-299. ⟨10.1080/01916122.2020.1813826⟩
    Sorrel, P., Jacq, K., Van Exem, A., Escarguel, G., Dietre, B., Debret, M., McGowan, S., Ducept, J., Gauthier, E., Oberhänsli, H., 2021 - Evidence for centennial-scale Mid-Holocene episodes of hypolimnetic anoxia in a high-altitude lake system from central Tian Shan (Kyrgyzstan). Quaternary Science Reviews, 252, 106748. ⟨10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106748⟩
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    Vilmi, A., Gibert, C., Escarguel, G., Happonen, K., Heino, J., Jamoneau, A., Passy, S.I., Picazo, F., Soininen, J., Tison-Rosebery, J., Wang, J., 2021 - Dispersal–niche continuum index: a new quantitative metric for assessing the relative importance of dispersal versus niche processes in community assembly. Ecography, 44 : 370-379. ⟨10.1111/ecog.05356⟩
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    Brayard, A., Olivier, N., Vennin, E., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Stephen, D.A., McShinsky, D., Goudemand, N., Fara, E., Escarguel, G., 2020 - New middle and late Smithian ammonoid faunas from the Utah/Arizona border: New evidence for calibrating Early Triassic transgressive-regressive trends and paleobiogeographical signals in the western USA basin. Global and Planetary Change, 192, 103251.
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    Cordonnier, M., Bellec, A., Escarguel, G., Kaufmann, B., 2020 - Effects of urbanization-climate interactions on range expansion in the invasive European pavement ant. Basic and Applied Ecology, 44, 46-54.
    Cordonnier, M., Escarguel, G., Dumet, A., Kaufmann, B., 2020 - Multiple mating in the context of interspecific hybridization between two Tetramorium ant species. Heredity, 124(5) : 675-684.
    Duhamel, A., Hume, J.P., Guenser, P., Salaviale, C., Louchart, A., 2020 - Cranial evolution in the extinct Rodrigues Island owl Otus murivorus (Strigidae), associated with unexpected ecological adaptations. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-69868-1⟩
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    Fabre, A.C., Bardua, C., Bon, M., Clavel, J., Felice, R.N., Streicher, J.W., Bonnel, J., Stanley, E.D, Blackburn, D.C., Goswami, A., 2020 - Metamorphosis and the evolution of morphological diversity in salamanders. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4(8):1129-1140.
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    Hennebelle, A., Aleman, J.C., Ali, A.A., Bergeron, Y., Carcaillet, C., Grondin, P., Landry, J., Blarquez, O., 2020 - The reconstruction of burned area and fire severity using charcoal from boreal lake sediments. The Holocene, 30(10):1400–1409.
    Martinez, Q., Clavel, J., Esselstyn, J.A., Achmadi, A.S., Grohé, C., Pirot, N., Fabre P.H., 2020 - Convergent evolution of olfactory and thermoregulatory capacities in small amphibious mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(16) : 8958-8965.
    Molinari, C., Carcaillet, C., Bradshaw, R.H.W., Hannon, G.E., Lehsten, V., 2020 - Fire-vegetation interactions during the last 11,000 years in boreal and cold temperate forests of Fennoscandia. Quaternary Science Reviews 241, 106408.
    Néraudeau, D., Saint Martin, J.P., Saint Martin, S., Moreau, J.D., Philippe, M., Polette, F., Gendry, D., Brunet, J., Tréguier, J., 2020 - Amber- and plant-bearing deposits from the Cenomanian of Neau (Mayenne, France). BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin, 191 (Special Issue Ambre), 39, 1-19.
    Oh, C., Philippe, M., Mcloughlin, S., Woo, J., Leppe, M., Torres, T., Park, T.-Y. S., Choi, H.-G., 20 - New fossil woods from lower Cenozoic volcano- sedimentary rocks in the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, and their implications for the trans-Antarctic Peninsula Eocene climatic gradient. Papers in Palaeontology, 6(1):1-29.
    Vörös, A., Escarguel, G., 2020 - Brachiopod palaeobiogeography in the western Tethys during the Early Jurassic diversity maximum: introduction of a Pontic Province. Lethaia, 53 : 72-90.
    Warny, S., Ferguson S., Hafner, M.S., Escarguel, G., 2020 - Using museum pelt collections to generate pollen prints from high-risk regions: A new palynological forensic strategy for geolocation. Forensic Science International 306,110061.
    Weppe, R., Blondel, C., Vianey-Liaud, M., Escarguel, G., Pélissié, T., Antoine, P.-O., Orliac, M.J., 2020 - Cainotheriidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from Dams (Quercy, SW France): phylogenetic relationships and evolution around the Eocene–Oligocene transition (MP19–MP21). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18(7) : 541-572.
    White, H.E., Clavel, J., Tucker, A.S., Goswami, A., 2020 - A comparison of metrics for quantifying cranial suture complexity. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17:20200476.
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    Zijlstra, G., Philippe, M., 2020 - (2741) Proposal to conserve the name Protophyllocladoxylon (fossil Coniferophyta: Coniferales) with a conserved type. TAXON 69 (2) : 403–413.
    Botting, J.P., Brayard, A., Bylund, K.G., Escarguel, G., Fara, E., Goudemand, N., Guériau, P., Jenks Laurel, J.F., Krumenacker, J., Olivier, N., Stephen, D.A., Thomazo, C., Thoury, M., Vennin, E., 2019 - A late-surviving Triassic protomonaxonid sponge from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA). Geobios, 54 : 5–11.
    Brayard, A., Fara, E., Escarguel, G., 2019 - Foreword for the thematic issue “The Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA): an exceptional window on the Early Triassic marine life. Geobios, 54:1–3.
    Brayard, A., Gueriau, P., Thoury, M., Escarguel, G., Bylund, K.G., Fara, E., Goudemand, N., Jenks Laurel, J.F., Krumenacker, J., Olivier, N., Stephen, D.A., Thomazo, C., Vennin, E., 2019 - The Paris Biota Team. Glow in the dark: Use of synchrotron μXRF trace elemental mapping and multispectral macro-imaging on fossils from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA). Geobios, 54, 71-79.
    Brayard, A., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Escarguel, G., Fara, E., Goudemand, N., Guériau, P., Krumenacker, L.J., Olivier, N., Stephen, D.A., Thomazo, C., Thoury, M., Vennin, E., 2019 - Ammonoids and nautiloids from the earliest Spathian Paris Biota and other early Spathian localities in southeastern Idaho, USA. Geobios, 54:13-36.
    Charbonnier, S., Brayard, A., Bylund, K.G., Escarguel, G., Fara, E., Goudemand, N., Guériau, Jenks, J.F., Krumenacker, L.J., Olivier, N., Stephen, D.A., Thomazo, C., Thoury, M., Vennin, E., 2019 - New thylacocephalans from the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA). Geobios 54, 37–43.
    Cordonnier, M., Bellec, A., Dumet, A., Escarguel, G., Kaufmann, B.; 2019 - Range limits in sympatric cryptic species: a case study in Tetramorium pavement ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) across a biogeographical boundary. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 12 - 109-120.
    Cordonnier, M., Gayet, T., Escarguel, G., Kaufmann, B., 2019 - From hybridization to introgression between two closely related sympatric ant species. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 57 : 778-788.
    Cordonnier, M., Gibert, C., Bellec, A., Kaufmann, B., Escarguel, G., 2019 - Multi-scale impacts of urbanization on species distribution within the genus Tetramorium. Landscape Ecology, 34(8) : 1937-1948.
    Gibert, C., Escarguel, G., 2019 - PER-SIMPER – a new tool for inferring community assembly processes from taxon occurrences. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28 : 374-385.
    Guenser, P., Souquet, L., Dolédec, S., Mazza M., Rigo, M., Goudemand, N., 2019 - Deciphering the roles of environment and development in the evolution of a Late Triassic assemblage of conodont elements. Paleobiology, 45(3) : 440-457.
    Iniesto, I., Thomazo, C., Fara, E., Brayard, A., Bylund, K.G., Escarguel, Goudemand, N., Jenks J.F., Krumenacker, L.J., Olivier, N., Stephen, D.A., Thoury, M., Vennin, E., 2019 - Deciphering the exceptional preservation of the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA). Geobios, Elsevier Masson, 54:81-93.
    Miao, Y., Wu, F., Warny, S., Fang, X., Lu, H., Fu, B., Song, C., Xiaoli, Y., Escarguel, G., Yang, Y., Meng, Q., Shi, P., 2019 - Miocene fire intensification linked to continuous aridification on the Tibetan Plateau. Geology, Geological Society of America, 47(4) : 303-307.
    Quillévéré, F., Nouailhat, N., Joannin, S , Cornée, J.J., Moissette, P., Lécuyer, C., Fourel, F., Agiadi, K., Koskeridou, E., Escarguel, G., 2019 - An onshore bathyal record of tectonics and climate cycles at the onset of the Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition in the eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 209 : 23-39.
    Romano, C., Argyriou, T., Krumenacker, L.J., Brayard, A., Bylund, K.G., Escarguel, Goudemand, N., Jenks J.F., Krumenacker, L.J., Olivier, N., Stephen, D.A., Thoury, M., Vennin, E., 2019 - Chondrichthyan teeth from the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA).. Geobios, Elsevier Masson, 2019, 54, pp.63-70.
    Saucède, T., Vennin, E., Fara, E., Olivier, N., Brayard, A., Bylund, K.G., Escarguel, E., Goudemand, N., Guériau, P., Jenks, J.F., Krumenacker, L.J., Olivier, N., Stephen, D.A., Thomazo, C., Thoury, M., Vennin, E., 2019 - A new holocrinid (Articulata) from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA) highlights the high diversity of Early Triassic crinoids. Geobios 54:45–53.
    Suchéras-Marx, B., Escarguel, G., Ferreira, J., Hammer, O., 2019 - Statistical confidence intervals for relative abundances and abundance- based ratios: Simple practical solutions for an old overlooked question. Marine Micropaleontology, 151(101751) : 1-6.
    Suchéras-Marx, B., Mattioli, E., Allemand, P., Giraud, F., Pittet, B., Plancq, J., Escarguel, G., 2019 - The colonization of the oceans by calcifying pelagic algae. Biogeosciences, 16 : 2501–2510.
    Thomazo, C., Brayard, Y., Elmeknassi, S., Vennin, E., Olivier, N., Caravaca, G., Escarguel, G., Fara, E., Bylund, K.G., Jenks, J.F., Stephen, D.A., Killingsworth, B., Sansjofre, P., Cartigny, P., 2019 - Multiple sulfur isotope signals associated with the late Smithian event and the Smithian/Spathian boundary. Earth-Science Reviews, 195 : 96-113.
    Thuy, B., Escarguel, G., the Paris Biota Team, 2019 - A new brittle star (Ophiuroidea: Ophiodermatina) from the Early Triassic of Idaho (USA). Geobios, 54 : 55-61.
    Caravaca, G., Brayard, A., Vennin, E., Guiraud, M., Le Pourhiet, L., Grosjean, A.-S., Thomazo, C., Olivier, N., Fara, E., Escarguel, G., Bylund, K. G., Jenks, J. F., Stephen, D. A., 2018 - Controlling factors for differential subsidence in the Sonoma Foreland Basin (Early Triassic, western USA). Geological Magazine, 155(6) : 1305-1329.
    Doguzhaeva, L. A., Brayard, A., Goudemand, N., Krumenacker, L. J., Jenks, F. J., Bylund, K. G., Fara, E., Olivier, N., Vennin, E., Escarguel, G., 2018 – An Early Triassic gladius associated with soft tissue remains from Idaho, USA – a squid-like coleoid cephalopod at the onset of Mesozoic Era. Acta Palaeontologia Polonica, 63 (2): 341-355.
    Ferguson S., Warny S., Escarguel G., Mudie P.J., 2018 - MIS 5−1 dinoflagellate cyst analyses and morphometric evaluation of Galeacysta etrusca and Spiniferites cruciformis in southwestern Black Sea. Quaternary International, 465 : 117-129.
    Ferguson, S., Warny, S., Anderson, J. B., Simms, A. R., Escarguel, G., 2018 – Holocene vegetation and climate evolution of Corpus Christi and Trinity bays: implications on coastal Texas source-to-sink deposition. Geobios, 51(2): 123-135.
    Grosjean, A.S., Vennin, E., Olivier, N., Caravaca, G., Thomazo, C., Fara, E., Escarguel, G., Bylund, K.G., Jenks, G.B., Stephen, D.A., Brayard, A., 2018 - Early Triassic environmental dynamics and microbial development during the Smithian–Spathian transition (Lower Weber Canyon, Utah, USA). Sedimentary Geology, 363 : 136–151.
    Jattiot, R., Brayard, A., Bucher, H., Vennin, E., Caravaca, G., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Escarguel, G., 2018 - Paleobiogeographical distribution of Smithian (Early Triassic) ammonoid faunas within the western USA basin and its controlling parameters. Paleontology, 61(6) : 881–904.
    Olivier N., Fara E., Vennin E., Bylund K.G., Jenks F.J., Escarguel G., Stephen D.A., Goudemand N., Snyder D., Thomazo C., Brayard A., 2018 – Late Smithian microbial deposits and their lateral marine fossiliferous limestones (Early Triassic, Hurricane Cliffs, Utah, USA). Facies, 64: 13 : 1-24.
    Villier, L., Brayard, A., Bylund, K.G., Jenks, J.F., Escarguel, G., Olivier, N., Stephen, D.A., Vennin, E., Fara, E., 2018 - Superstesaster promissor gen. et sp. nov., a new starfish (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) from the Early Triassic of Utah, USA, filling a major gap in the phylogeny of asteroids. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 16(5) : 395-415.
    Allaire, N., Lefebvre, B., Nardin, E., Martin, E.L.O., Vaucher, R., Escarguel, G., 2017 - Morphological disparity and systematic revision of the eocrinoid genus Rhopalocystis (Echinodermata, Blastozoa) from the Lower Ordovician of the central Anti-Atlas (Morocco). Journal of Paleontology, 91(4) : 685-714.
    Brayard, A., Krumenacker, L.J., Botting, J.P., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Fara, E., Vennin, E., Olivier, N., Goudemand, N., Saucède, T., Charbonnier, S., Romano, C., Doguzhaeva, L.,Thuy, B., Hautmann, M., Stephen, D.A., Thomazo, C., Escarguel, G., 2017 - Unexpected Early Triassic marine ecosystem and the rise of the Modern evolutionary fauna. Science Advances, 3(2), e1602159 : 1-11.
    Caravaca G., Thomazo C., Vennin E., Olivier N., Cocquerez T., Escarguel G., Fara E., Jenks J.F., Bylund K.G., Stephen D.A., Brayard A., 2017 – Early Triassic fluctuations of the global carbon cycle: New evidence from paired carbon isotopes in the western USA basin. Global and Planetary Change, 154 : 10-22.
    Gibert, C., Escarguel, G., 2017 - Evaluating the accuracy of biodiversity changes through geologic times: from simulation to solution. Paleobiology, 43(4) : 667-692.
    Morard, R., Escarguel, G., Weiner, A.K.M., André, A., Douady, C.J., Wade, C.M., Darling, K.F., Ujiié, Y., Seears, H.A., Quillévéré, F., De Garidel-Thoron, T., De Vargas, C., Kucera, M., 2016 - Nomenclature for the Nameless: A Proposal for an Integrative Molecular Taxonomy of Cryptic Diversity Exemplified by Planktonic Foraminifera. Systematic Biology, 65(5) : 925–940.
    Peybernes, C., Chablais, J., Onoue, T., Escarguel, G.,, Martini, R., 2016 - Paleoecology, biogeography, and evolution of reef ecosystems in the Panthalassa Ocean during the Late Triassic: Insights from reef limestone of the Sambosan Accretionary Complex, Shikoku, Japan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 457 : 31–51.
    Thomazo, C., Vennin, E., Brayard, A., Bour, I., Mathieu, O., Elmeknassi, S., Olivier, N., Escarguel, G., Bylund, K.G., Jenks, J., Stephen, D.A., Fara, E., 2016 - A diagenetic control on the Early Triassic Smithian–Spathian carbon isotopic excursions recorded in the marine settings of the Thaynes Group (Utah, USA). Geobiology, 14, 220–236.
    Vinçon-Laugier, A., Grossi, V., Pacton, M., Escarguel,G., Cravo-Laureau, C., 2016 - The alkyl glycerol ether lipid composition of heterotrophic sulfate reducing bacteria strongly depends on growth substrate. Organic Geochemistry, 98 : 141–154.
    Zacaï, A., Brayard, A., Dommergues, J.L., Meister, C., Escarguel, G., Laffont, R., Vrielynck, B., Fara, E., 2016 - Gauging scale effects and biogeographical signals in similarity distance decay analyses: an early jurassic ammonite case study. Palaeontology, 59(5) : 671–687.
    2015 - Boudadi-Maligne M., Escarguel G., Tresset A., Vigne J.-D. Du loup au chien, un point sur la question de la domestication au cours du Paléolithique. In : Averbouh A., Bonnet-Jacquement P., Cleyet-Merle J.-J. (Eds.), Actes de la table-ronde en hommage à Guy Célérier « L’Aquitaine à la fin des temps glaciaires. Les sociétés de la transition du Paléolithique final au début du Mésolithique dans l’espace nord Aquitain ». PALEO, n° spec. : 271-279. 24-26 juin 2015.
    2019 - Cuny, G., Chapuis, A., Leprévost, C. Actes du 1er Colloque Paléontologie et Archéologie en Normandie de Villers-sur-Mer 5-6 octobre 2019. ASTERACANTHUS NORMANDS.
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