Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés

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Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes
Naturels et Anthropisés

Biodiversité et Adaptation dans les Hydrosystèmes

BAH – Resp. S. Dolédec et E. Luquet

  • Les activités de recherche de l’équipe s’organisent selon deux thématiques et leur interaction :

    La première thématique porte sur les réponses plastiques (plasticité phénotypique) et micro-évolutives (adaptation) face à des contraintes abiotiques (température, hydraulique) et biotiques (prédation, compétition) à différents niveaux d’organisation (génomes, phénotypes, populations) sur des espèces animales (e.g. gastéropodes Physa acuta, poissons Cyprinidés) et végétales (e.g. macrophytes des iles subantarctiques) cibles. Les objectifs sont (i) d’étudier les variabilités intra- et inter-populationnelle des traits phénotypiques dans différents contextes hydrauliques et thermiques, (ii) de déterminer les processus à l’origine de ces variabilités (plasticité phénotypique intra- et transgénérationnelle, adaptation) et leurs rôles évolutifs et enfin (iii) d’explorer l’importance de l’interaction entre les génomes (nucléaire et mitochondrial) sur les réponses phénotypiques (Physa acuta).

    La seconde thématique s’intéresse aux règles d'assemblage des espèces animales ou végétales avec l’idée de décrire et prédire les réponses taxonomiques et fonctionnelles des méta-communautés aux contraintes environnementales (abiotiques et biotiques). Les principaux objectifs de cet axe sont (i) la mise au point d’indicateurs de l’évaluation de l’efficacité de la restauration sur le long terme, (ii) l’examen du lien entre traits biologiques et environnement comparé entre différents groupes taxonomiques (diatomées, macroinvertébrés), et son rôle dans la structuration des communautés, (iii) la quantification du rôle de la variabilité intra-taxon dans les règles d’assemblages, pour mieux appréhender la relation trait-environnement.

    A l’interface entre ces deux thématiques, des recherches sont initiées sur les interactions éco-évolutives au sein des hydrosystèmes dans le cadre des réseaux trophiques (aspect multi-trophique), notamment sur les liens entre variation phénotypique intraspécifique (e.g. en réponse à la prédation, température, hydrologie) - structuration des communautés - fonctionnement de l’écosystème (e.g. métabolisme, dégradation de la matière organique, productivité) chez les macrophytes, les macroinvertébrés benthiques et les poissons.

    Les hydrosystèmes fluviaux sont un modèle de choix pour aborder ces questions car les contraintes d'habitat (hydrauliques notamment) induisent un fonctionnement spécifique qui génère des gradients environnementaux (thermiques, chimiques) et une très forte structuration de la biodiversité (génétique, fonctionnelle, communautés). D’autre part, ces milieux étant largement exploités et impactés par l’activité humaine, le développement de nos recherches fait écho à la demande sociétale notamment dans l'optimisation des procédures de restauration écologique des habitats. Nos recherches sont réalisées à travers des approches de terrain, des expérimentations in situ et en laboratoire et de la génomique environnementale (e.g. ADN environnemental) dont la combinaison doit permettre une vision plus intégrative des processus en jeu.

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    The research activities of the BAH team are organized according to two topics, which interact :

    The first topic focuses on the plastic (phenotypic plasticity) and micro-evolutionary (adaptation) responses to abiotic (temperature, hydraulics) and biotic (predation, competition) constraints at different levels of organization (gene, phenotype, population) on target animals (e.g. Gastropods Physa acuta, Cyprinids) and plants (e.g. macrophytes from sub-Antarctic islands) species. The objectives are to (i) study the within- and between-population variabilities of phenotypic traits in different hydraulic and thermal contexts, (ii) determine the processes at the origin of these variabilities (within- and transgenerational phenotypic plasticity, adaptation) and their evolutionary roles and finally (iii) explore the importance of the interaction between genes (nuclear and mitochondrial) on phenotypic responses (Physa acuta).

    The second topic focuses on the assembly rules of animal and plant species with the idea of ​​describing and predicting the taxonomic and functional responses of meta-communities to environmental constraints (abiotic and biotic). The main objectives of this axis are to (i) develop indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of restoration operations over the long term, (ii) examine the link between biological traits and the environment across different taxonomic groups (diatoms, macroinvertebrates), and its role in community structuring, (iii) quantify the role of within-taxon variability in assembly rules, to better understand the trait-environment relationships.

    At the interface between these two research directions, the team has initiated actions on the eco-evolutionary interactions within the framework of trophic networks within hydrosystems, in particular concerning the links between intraspecific phenotypic variation (e.g. in response to the predation, temperature, hydrology) - structuring of communities - functioning of the ecosystem (e.g. metabolism, degradation of organic matter, productivity) in macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish.

    River hydrosystems are a good model to address these issues because on one hand habitat constraints (e.g. hydraulics) induce a specific functioning that generates environmental gradients (thermal, chemical) and a very strong structuring of biodiversity (genetic, functional, communities). On the other hand, as these environments are widely exploited and impacted by human activity, the development of our research echoes societal demand, particularly in the optimization of procedures for the ecological restoration of habitats. Our research is carried out through field approaches, in situ and laboratory experiments and environmental genomics (e.g. environmental DNA), the combination of which should allow a more integrative view of the processes involved.

  • Doctorant
    Contract CNRS
    Contract CNRS
    Assistance Technique
    Assistance Technique
    Contract CNRS
    Assistance Technique

  • Cinéas, C., Dolédec, S. Influence of climate, physical and chemical variables on the taxonomic and functional responses of macroinvertebrate communities in tropical island rivers. Hydrobiologia. ⟨10.1007/s10750-024-05532-3⟩
    Fehlinger, L., Misteli, B., Morant, D., Juvigny-Khenafou, N., [...] Marle, P.,[...] Rimcheska, B. : The ecological role of permanent ponds in Europe: a review of dietary linkages to terrestrial ecosystems via emerging insects. Inland Waters. ⟨10.1080/20442041.2022.2111180⟩
    Garcia, C., Brasseur, B., Bacon, J., Saulnier-Copard, S., [...], Antoine, P. Lateglacial and Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of alkaline peatlands in the Somme valley (France): between climate and anthropogenic forcing. Boreas, ⟨10.1111/bor.12676⟩
    Hoban, S., Paz-Vinas, I., Shaw, R.E., Castillo-Reina, L., [...], Grueber, C.E. DNA-based studies and genetic diversity indicator assessments are complementary approaches to conserving evolutionary potential. Conservation Genetics, in press, ⟨10.1007/s10592-024-01632-8⟩.
    Laugier, F., Saclier, N., [...], Axelle Braun, Lara Konecny, Lefébure, T., Luquet, E., Plénet, S., [...], David, P. Both nuclear and cytoplasmic polymorphisms are involved in genetic conflicts over male fertility in the gynodioecious snail, Physa acuta. Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution, ⟨10.1093/evolut/qpae053⟩
    Anderson, T.M., Hepler, S., Holdo, R., Donaldson, J., [...], Pansu, J., [...], Craig Packer, 2024 - Interplay of competition and facilitation in grazing succession by migrant Serengeti herbivores. Science, 383 (6684), pp.782-788. ⟨10.1126/science.adg0744⟩
    Bouloy, A., Olivier, J.M., Riquier, J., Castella, E., Marle, P., Lamouroux, N., 2024 - Spatio-temporal dynamics of habitat use by fish in a restored alluvial floodplain over two decades. Science of the Total Environment, 906, pp.167540. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167540⟩
    Dolédec, S., Robin, J., Robichon, C., Latour, D., Perriere, F., 2024 - Les cyanobactéries benthiques : facteurs de prolifération et risques écologiques dans les eaux continentales. Cahiers Scientifiques de la Fondation Pierre Vérots, 10.
    Douce, P., Eymar-Dauphin, P., [...] Mermillod-Blondin, F., Simon, L., Vallier, F., Bittebière A.K., 2024 - Multidimensional trait space outlines the effects of changes in abiotic filtering on aquatic plant community from sub-Antarctic ponds. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 64, pp.125798. ⟨10.1016/j.ppees.2024.125798⟩
    Douce, P., Simon, L., Colas, F., Mermillod-Blondin, F., [...] Eymar-Dauphin, P., Dubreucque, R., Bittebière, A.K., 2024 - Warming drives feedback between plant phenotypes and ecosystem functioning in sub-Antarctic ponds. Science of the Total Environment, Science of the Total Environment, pp.169504. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169504⟩
    Gargiulo, R., Decroocq, V., González‐martínez, S.G., Paz‐vinas, [...], Heuertz, M., 2024 - Estimation of contemporary effective population size in plant populations: Limitations of genomic datasets. Evolutionary Applications, 17 (5). ⟨10.1111/eva.13691)
    Hoban, S., da Silva, J., Hughes, A., Hunter, M., Kalamujić Stroil, B., [...], Paz-Vinas, I., [...], Vernesi, C., 2024 - Too simple, too complex, or just right? Advantages, challenges, and guidance for indicators of genetic diversity. Bioscience, 2024, 74 (4), pp.269-280. ⟨10.1093/biosci/biae006⟩
    Leigh, D., Vandergast, A., Hunter, M., Crandall, E., Funk, W.C., [...], Paz-Vinas, I., 2024 - Best practices for genetic and genomic data archiving. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8, pp.1224-1232. ⟨10.1038/s41559-024-02423-7)
    Mastretta‐yanes, A., da Silva, J.M., Grueber, C.E., Castillo‐reina, L., Köppä, V., [...], Paz-Vinaz, I., [...], Hoban, S., 2024 - Multinational evaluation of genetic diversity indicators for the Kunming‐Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecology Letters, 27 (7), pp.e14461. ⟨10.1111/ele.14461⟩
    Poirier, C., Le Lay Y.F., Achard, A.L., Roux-Michollet, D., Arnaud, F., [...] Olivier, J.M., [...] Lamouroux, N., 2024 - Publications reveal how socio-ecological research is implemented: lessons from the Rhône Long Term Socio-Ecological Research platform. Anthropocene, 45, pp.100412. ⟨10.1016/j.ancene.2023.100412⟩
    Bony, S., Labeille, M., Lefrancois, E., Noury, P., Olivier, J.M., Santos, R., Teichert, N., Besnard, A. Devaux, A., 2023 - The goby fish Sicydium spp. as valuable sentinel species towards the chemical stress in freshwater bodies of West Indies. Aquatic Toxicology, 2023, 261, pp.106623. ⟨10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106623⟩
    Douce, P., Mermillod‐blondin, F., Simon, L., Dolédec, S., Eymar‐dauphin, P., Renault, D., Sulmon, C., Vallier, F., Bittebière, A.K., 2023 - Biotic and abiotic drivers of aquatic plant communities in shallow pools and wallows on the sub‐Antarctic Iles Kerguelen. Polar Biology, 46, pp.303-318. ⟨10.1007/s00300-023-03122-y⟩
    Douce, P., Renault, D., Simon, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, F., Bittebière A.K., 2023 - How does trait variance partitioning help us to understand plant community assembly? The example of pond communities in the Kerguelen Islands. Journal of Vegetation Science, Journal of Vegetation Science, 34 (6), pp.e13217. ⟨10.1111/jvs.13217⟩
    Douce, P., Saiz, H., Benot, M.L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Oury, Y., Simon, L., Renault, D., Vallier, F., Fontaine, M., Bittebiere, A.K., 2023 - Functional characteristics rather than co-occurrences determine the outcome of interactions between neighbouring plants in sub-Antarctic ponds: Consequences for macrophyte community biomass. Freshwater Biology, 68:561–576. (10.1111/fwb.14047)
    Espel, D., Coux, C., Pertierra, L.R., Eymar-Dauphin, P., Lembrechts, J.J., Renault, D., 2023 - Functional Niche Partitioning Occurs over Body Size but Not Nutrient Reserves nor Melanism in a Polar Carabid Beetle along an Altitudinal Gradient. Insects, 14 (2), pp.123. ⟨10.3390/insects14020123⟩.
    Marle, P., Simon, L., Rigal, A., Guicharnaud, C., Gauthier, P., Garcia, N., Castella, E., Mayor H., Slaveykova, V.I., Olivier, J.M, 2023 - Flow and plankton availability control young-of-the-year fish diet in two floodplain nurseries. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 323:824-841. (10.1111/eff.12724)
    Robichon, C., Robin, J., Dolédec, S., 2023 - Relative effect of hydraulics, physico-chemistry and other biofilm algae on benthic cyanobacteria assemblages in a regulated river. Science of the Total Environment, 872, pp.162142. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162142⟩
    Tariel-Adam, J., Luquet, E., Plénet, S., 2023 - Sensitive windows for within- and trans-generational plasticity of anti-predator defences. Peer Community Journal, 2023, 3, pp.e71. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.304⟩
    Cineas, C., Dolédec, S., 2022 - Species richness and composition of Caribbean aquatic entomofauna: role of climate, island area, and distance to mainland. Frontiers of Biogeography, International Biogeography Society., 14.3, e54479, pp.1-18. ⟨10.21425/F5FBG54479)
    Correa‐carmona, Y., Rougerie, R., Arnal, P., Ballesteros‐Mejia, L., Beck, J., Dolédec, S., Ho, C., Kitching, I.J., Lavelle, P., Le Clec’h, S., Lopez-Vaamonde, C., Martins, M.B., Murienne, J., Oszwald, J., Ratnasingham, S., Decaëns, T., 2022 - Functional and taxonomic responses of tropical moth communities to deforestation. Insect conservation and diversity, 15, pp.236-247. ⟨10.1111/icad.12549⟩
    David, P., Degletagne, C., Saclier, N., Jennan, A., Jarne, P., Plénet S., Konecny, L., François C., Guégen, L., Garcia, N., Lefébure, T., Luquet, E. Extreme mitochondrial DNA divergence underlies genetic conflict over sex determination. Current Biology, 32 : 2325-2333. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2022.04.014⟩
    Renault, D., Hess, M.C.M., Braschi, J., Cuthbert, R.N., Sperandii, M.G., Bazzichetto, M., Chabrerie, O, Thiébaut, G., Buisson, E., Grandjean, F., Bittebiere, A.K., Mouchet, M., Massol, F., 2022 - Advancing biological invasion hypothesis testing using functional diversity indices. Science of the Total Environment, pp.155102. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155102⟩
    Thorel, M., Marmonier, P., Bertrand, C., Claret, C., Fayolle, S., Logez, M., Olivier, J.M., Oursel, B., Vienney, A., Piegay, H., Franquet, E., 2022 - Does hydrological connectivity control functional characteristics of artificial wetland communities ? Evidence from the Rhône River. Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries, 84 (4), pp.66. ⟨10.1007/s00027-022-00889-w⟩
    Arenas-Sánchez, A., Dolédec, S., Vighi, M., Rico, A., 2021 - Effects of anthropogenic pollution and hydrological variation on macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean rivers: A case-study in the upper Tagus river basin (Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 766, 144044. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144044)
    Arnaud, F., Sehen Chanu, L., Grillot, J., Riquier, J., Piégay, H., Roux-Michollet, D., Carrel, G., Olivier, J.M., 2021 - Historical cartographic and topo-bathymetric database on the French Rhône River (17th–20th century). Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13:1939-1955. (10.5194/essd-13-1939-2021)
    Augusto, R.D.C, Rey, O., Cosseau, C., Chaparro, C., Vidal-Dupiol, J., Allienne, J.F., Duval, D., Pinaud, S., Tönges, S., Andriantsoa, R., Luquet, E., Aubret, F., Dia Sow, M., David, P., Thomson, V., Joly, D., Gomes Lima, M., Federico, D., Danchin, E., Minoda, A., Grunau, C., 2021 - A simple ATAC-seq protocol for population epigenetics. [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Wellcome Open Research, 5,121:1-24. (10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15552.1)
    Baillard, V., Delignette-Muller, M.L., Sulmon, C., Bittebiere, A.K., Mony, C., Couée, I., Gouesbet, G., Devin, S., Billoir, E., 2021 - How does interspecific competition modify the response of grass plants against herbicide treatment ? A hierarchical concentration-response approach. Science of the Total Environment 778, 146108. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146108)
    Crabot, J., Dolédec, S., Forcellini, M., Datry, T., 2021 - Efficiency of invertebrate-based bioassessment for evaluating the ecological status of streams along a gradient of flow intermittence. Ecological Indicators, 133, pp.108440. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108440⟩
    Creuzé des Châtelliers, M., Dolédec, S., Lafont, M., Dole-Olivier, M.J., Konecny, L., Marmonier, P., 2021 - Are hyporheic oligochaetes efficient indicators of hydrological exchanges in river bed sediment? A test in a semi-natural and a regulated river. River Research and Applications, 37:399–407. ⟨10.1002/rra.3758⟩
    Dolédec, S., Lamouroux, N., Hildrew, A., Vincent Resh, Resh, V., 2021 - Bernhard Statzner: Introducing a virtual special issue marking the contributions of an outstanding freshwater biologist. Freshwater Biology, 66:205–210. ⟨10.1111/fwb.13676⟩
    Dolédec, S., Simon, L., Blemus, J., Rigal, A., Robin, J., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2021 - Multiple stressors shape invertebrate assemblages and reduce their trophic niche : A case study in a regulated stream. Science of the Total Environment, 773, 145061. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145061⟩
    Saiz, H., Renault, D., Puijalon, S., Barrio, M., Bertrand, M., Tolosano, M., Pierre, A., Ferreira, C., Prouteau, C., Bittebiere, A.K., 2021 - Huff and puff and blow down: invasive plants traits response to strong winds at the Southern Oceanic Islands. Oikos, 130, pp.1919-1929. ⟨10.1111/oik.08249⟩
    Baillard, V., Sulmon, C., Bittebiere, A.K., Mony, C., Couée, I., Gouesbet, G., Delignette-Muller, M.L., Devin, S., Billoir, E., 2020 - Effect of interspecific competition on species sensitivity distribution models: Analysis of plant responses to chemical stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 200, 110722.
    Bittebiere, A.K., Benot, M.L., Mony, S.. 2020 - Clonality as a key but overlooked driver of biotic interactions in plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 43, 125510.
    Bittebiere, A.K., Vandenkoornhuyse, P., Maluenda, E., Gareil, A., Dheilly, A., Coudouel, S., Bahin, M., Mony, C.. 2020 - Past spatial structure of plant communities determines arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community assembly. Journal of Ecology, 108:546-560.
    Cauvy-Fraunié, S., Trenkel, V.M., Daufresne, M., Maire, A., Capra, H., Olivier, J.M., Lobry, J., Cazelles, B., Lamouroux, N., 2020 -Interpretation of interannual variability in long-term aquatic ecological surveys. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(5) : 894-903.
    Colas, F., Baudoin, J.M., Bonin, P., Cabrol, L., Daufresne, M., Lassus, R., Cucherousset, J., 2021 - Ecosystem maturity modulates greenhouse gases fluxes from artificial lakes. Science of The Total Environment, 760, 144046.
    Colas, F., Chanudet, V., Daufresne, M., Buchet, L., Vigouroux, R., Bonnet, A., Jacob, F., Baudoin, J.M., 2020 - Spatial and Temporal Variability of Diffusive CO2 and CH4 Fluxes From the Amazonian Reservoir Petit‐Saut (French Guiana) Reveals the Importance of Allochthonous Inputs for Long‐Term C Emissions. Global Biochemical Cycles, 34(12), e2020GB006602.
    De Castro-Català, N., Dolédec, S., Kalogianni, E., Skoulikidis, N.T., Paunovic, M., Vasiljević, B., Sabater, S., Tornés, E., Muñoz, I., 2020 - Unravelling the effects of multiple stressors on diatom and macroinvertebrate communities in European river basins using structural and functional approaches. Science of the Total Environment, 742, 140543.
    Fallet, M., Luquet, E., David, P., Cosseau, C., 2020 - Epigenetic inheritance and intergenerational effects in mollusks. Gene, 729, 144166.
    Jeliazkov A.,..., Dolédec S. [21], ..., [78 authors], 2020 - A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space. Scientific Data. 7:6, 317790.
    Serra, A.A., Bittebière, A.K., Mony, C., Slimani, K., Pallois, F., Renault, D., Couée, I., Gouesbet, G., Sulmon, C., 2020 - Local-scale dynamics of plant-pesticide interactions in a northern Brittany agricultural landscape. Science of the Total Environment 744, 140772.
    Tariel, J., Luquet, E., Plénet, S., 2020 - Interactions Between Maternal, Paternal, Developmental, and Immediate Environmental Effects on Anti-predator Behavior of the Snail Physa acuta. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 591074.
    Tariel, J., Plénet, S., Luquet, E. 2020 - Transgenerational Plasticity in the Context of Predator-Prey Interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 548660.
    Tariel, J., Plénet, S., Luquet, E., 2020 - How do developmental and parental exposures to predation affect personality and immediate behavioural plasticity in the snail Physa acuta ? Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
    Tariel, J., Plénet, S., Luquet, E.. 2020 - Transgenerational plasticity of inducible defences: Combined effects of grand-parental, parental and current environments. Ecology and Evolution, 10:2367-2376.
    Vannier, N., Bittebiere, A.K., Mony, C., Vandenkoornhuyse, P., 2020 - Root endophytic fungi impact host plant biomass and respond to plant composition at varying spatio-temporal scales. Fungal Ecology 44, 100907.
    Gauliard, C., Dettaï, A., Persat, H., Keith, P., Gaël P.J.D., 2019 - Barbatula leoparda (Actinopterygii, Nemacheilidae), a new endemic species of stone loach of French Catalonia. Cybium, 43(2):169-177.
    Guenser, P., Souquet, L., Dolédec, S., Mazza M., Rigo, M., Goudemand, N., 2019 - Deciphering the roles of environment and development in the evolution of a Late Triassic assemblage of conodont elements. Paleobiology, 45(3) : 440-457.
    Guillon, S., Thorel, M., Flipo, N., Oursel, B., Claret, C., Fayolle, S., Bertrand, C., Rapple, B., Piegay, H., Olivier, J.M., Vienney, A., Marmonier, P.,Franquet, E., 2019 - Functional classi␣cation of arti␣cial alluvial ponds driven by connectivity with the river : Consequences for restoration. Ecological Engineering, 127 : 394-403.
    Luquet, E., Rödin Mörch, P., Cortázar‐Chinarro, M., Meyer‐Lucht, Y., Höglund, J., Laurila, A., 2019 - Post-­glacial  colonization  routes  coincide  with  a  life-­history   breakpoint  along  a  latitudinal  gradient. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 32(4) : 356-368.
    Meyer‐Lucht, Y., Luquet, E., Jóhannesdóttir, F., Rödin‐Mörch, P., Quintela, M., Richter‐Boix, A., Höglund, J., Laurila, A., 2019 - Genetic basis of amphibian larval development along a latitudinal gradient: gene diversity, selection and links with phenotypic variation in transcription factor C/EBP‐1. Molecular Ecology, 28 : 2786–2801.
    Milesi, S.V., Melo, A.S., Dolédec, S., 2019 - Assessing community functional attributes during substrate colonization: a field experiment using stream insects. Hydrobiologia, 838 : 183–192.
    Mony, C., Brunellière, P., Vannier, N., Bittebiere A.K., Vandenkoornhuyse, P., 2019 - Effect of floristic composition and configuration on plant root mycobiota: a landscape transposition at a small scale. New Phytologist, 225(4) : 1777-1787.
    Mor, J.R., Dolédec, S., Acuña, V., Sabater, S., Muñoz, I., 2019 - Invertebrate community responses to urban wastewater effluent pollution under different hydro-morphological conditions. Environmental Pollution, 252 - 483-492.
    Rödin-Mörch, P., Luquet, E., Meyer-Lucht, Y., Richter-Boix, A., Höglund, J., Laurila, A., 2019 - Latitudinal divergence in a wide-spread amphibian: contrasting patterns of neutral and adaptive genomic variation. Molecular Ecology, 28 : 2996-3011.
    Tariel, J., Longo, G., Quiros, A., Crane, N. L., Tenggardjaja, K., Jackson, A., Lyon, B.E., Bernardi, G., 2019 - Alloparental care in the sea: Brood parasitism and adoption within and between two species of coral reef Altrichthys damselfish? Molecular Ecology, 28:4680-4691.
    Bonada, N., Dolédec, S., 2018 - Does the Tachet trait database report voltinism variability of aquatic insects between Mediterranean and Scandinavian regions ? Aquatic Sciences, 80(7) : 1-11.
    Decaens, T., Martins, M.B., Feijoo, A., Oszwald, J., Dolédec, S., Mathieu, J., Arnaud de Sartre, X., Bonilla, D., Brown, G.G., Cuellar Criollo, Y.A., Dubs, F., Furtado, I.S., Gond, V., Gordillo, E., Le Clec’h, S., Marichal, R., Mitja, D., De Souza, I.M., Praxedes, C., Rougerie, R., Ruiz, D.H., Tupac Otero,J., Sanabria, C., Velasquez, A., Zararte, L.E.M., Lavelle, P., 2018 - Biodiversity loss along a gradient of deforestation in Amazonian agricultural landscapes. Conservation Biology, 32(6) : 1380–1391.
    Marmonier, P., Maazouzi, C., Baran, N., Blanchet, S., Ritter, A., Saplairoles, M., Dole-Olivier, M.J., Galassi, D.M.P., Eme, D., Dolédec, S., Piscart, C., 2018 - Ecology-based evaluation of groundwater ecosystems under intensive agriculture: A combination of community analysis and sentinel exposure. Science of the Total Environment, 613–614 : 1353–1366
    Murria, C., Dolédec, S., Papadopoulou, A., Vogler, A.P., Bonada, N., 2018 - Ecological constraints from incumbent clades drive trait evolution across the tree-of-life of freshwater macroinvertebrates. Ecography, 41: 1049–1063. Editor's Choice.
    Parreira de Castro, D.M., Dolédec, S., Callisto, M., 2018 - Land cover disturbance homogenizes aquatic insect functional structure in neotropical savanna streams. Ecological Indicators, Volume 84 : 573-582.
    Blier, P.U. , Abele, D., Munro, D., Dégletagne, C., Rodriguez, E., Hagen T., 2017 - What modulates animal longevity? Fast and slow aging in bivalves as a model for lifespan study. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 70 : 130–140.
    Cortazar-Chinarro, M., Lattenkamp, E.Z., Meyer-Lucht, Y., Luquet, E., Laurila, A., Höglund, J., 2017 - Drift, selection, or migration? Processes affecting genetic differentiation and variation along a latitudinal gradient in an amphibian. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17(189) : 1-14.
    Denys, G.P.J., Persat, H., Dettai, A., Geiger, M.F., Freyhof, J., Fesquet, J., Keith, P., 2017 - Genetic and morphological discrimination of three species of ninespined stickleback Pungitius spp. (Teleostei, Gasterosteidae) in France with the revalidation of Pungitius vulgaris (Mauduyt, 1848). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 2017 : 1–26.
    Dolédec, S., Tilbian, J., Bonada, N., 2017 - Temporal variability in taxonomic and trait compositions of invertebrate assemblages in two climatic regions with contrasting flow regimes. Science of the Total Environment 599–600 :1912–1921
    Karasiewicz, S., Dolédec, S., Lefebvre, S., 2017 - Within outlying mean indexes: refining the OMI analysis for the realized niche decomposition. PeerJ, 5(e3364) : 1-17.
    Kuzmanovic, M., Dolédec, S., De Castro-Catala, N., Ginebreda, A., Sabater, S., Munoz, I., Barcelo, D., 2017 - Environmental stressors as a driver of the trait composition of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in polluted Iberian rivers. Environmental Research, 156 - 485–493.
    Luiza-Andrade, A., Schlemmer Brasila, L., Loureiro Benonea, N., Shimano, Y., Fariasb, A.P.J., Fogaça Montag, L., Dolédec, S., Juena, L., 2017 - Influence of oil palm monoculture on the taxonomic and functional composition of aquatic insect communities in eastern Brazilian Amazonia. Ecological Indicators, 82 : 478-483.
    Maazouzi, C., Galassi D., Claret, C., Cellot, B., Fiers, F., Martin, D., Marmonier, P., Dole‐Olivier, M.J., 2017 - Do benthic invertebrates use hyporheic refuges during streambed drying? A manipulative field experiment in nested hyporheic flowpaths. Ecohydrology : e1865 : 1-26.
    Pareiras De Castro, D.M.P., Dolédec, S., Callisto, M., 2017 - Landscape variables influence taxonomic and trait composition of insect assemblages in Neotropical savanna streams. Freshwater Biology, 62 : 1472-1486.
    Schmera, D., Heino, J., Podani, J., Erös, T., Dolédec, S., 2017 - Functional diversity: a review of methodology and current knowledge in freshwater macroinvertebrate research. Hydrobiologia, 787 : 27-44.
    Serra, S.R.Q., Graça, M.A.S., Dolédec, S., Feio, M.J., 2017 - Chironomidae of the Holarctic region: a comparison of ecological and functional traits between North America and Europe. Hydrobiologia, 794 : 273-285.
    Serra, S.R.Q., Graça, M.A.S., Dolédec, S., Feio, M.J., 2017 - Chironomidae traits and life history strategies as indicators of anthropogenic disturbance. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189(326) : 1-16.
    Serra, S.R.Q., Graça, M.A.S., Dolédec, S., Feio, M.J., 2017 - Discriminating permanent from temporary rivers with traits of chironomid genera. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, 53 : 161-174.
    Wang, C., Shikano, T., Persat, H., Merila, J., 2017 - Phylogeography and historical introgression in smoothtail nine-spined sticklebacks, Pungitius laevis (Gasterosteiformes: Gasterosteidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 121 : 340-354.
    Arnauld de Sartre, X., Oszwald, J., Veiga, I., Castro, M., Santos de Assis, W., Michelloti, F., Rocha, C.,, Souza, H., Sebille, P., Dolédec, S., Lavelle, P., 2016 - Sustainable development policies and the spread of land-sharing practices e A statistical assessment in a frontier region of the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Rural Studies, 48 : 65-76.
    Gubelit Y., Polyak Y., Dembska G., Pazikowska-Sapota G., Zegarowski L., Kochura D., Krivorotov D., Podgornaya E., Burova O., Maazouzi C., 2016 - Nutrient and metal pollution of the eastern Gulf of Finland coastline: Sediments, macroalgae, microbiota. Science of the Total Environment, 550 : 806-819.
    Lavelle, P., Dolédec, S., Arnauld de Sartre, X., Decaëns, T., Gond, V., Grimaldi, M., Oszwald, J., Hubert, B., Ramirez, B., Veiga, I., De Souza, S., Santos de Assis, W., Michelotti, F., Martins, M., Feijoo, A., Bommel, P., Castaneda, E., Chacon, P., Desjardins, T., Dubs, F., Gordillo, E., Guevara, E., Fonte, S., Del Pilar Hurtado, M., Lena, P., Lima, T., Marichal, R., Mitja, D., Miranda, I.,Otero, T., Praxedes, C., Poccard, R., De Robert, P., Rodriguez, G., Sanabria, C., Tselouiko, S., Velasquez, A., Velasquez, E., Velasquez, J., 2016 - Unsustainable landscapes of deforested Amazonia: An analysis of the relationships among landscapes and the social, economic and environmental pro␣les of farms at different ages following deforestation. Global Environmental Change, 40 : 137–155.
    Luquet, E., Tariel, J., 2016 - Offspring reaction norms shaped by parental environment: interaction between within- and trans-generational plasticity of inducible defenses. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16(209) : 1-10.
    Maazouzi, C., Coureau, C., Piscart, C., Saplairoles, M., Baran, N., Marmonier, P., 2016 - Individual and joint toxicity of the herbicide S-metolachlor and a metabolite, deethylatrazine on aquatic crustaceans: Difference between ecological groups. Chemosphere 165 : 118-125.
    Milesi, S.V., Dolédec, S., Melo, A.S., 2016 - Substrate heterogeneity influences the trait composition of stream insect communities : an experimental in situ study. Freshwater Science, 35(4) : 1321–1329.
    Mondy, C.P., Munoz, I., Dolédec, S., 2016 - Life-history strategies constrain invertebrate community tolerance to multiple stressors: A case study in the Ebro basin. Science of the Total Environment, 572 : 196–206.
    Persat, H., Mattersdorfer, K., Charlat, S., Schenekar, T., Weiss, S., 2016 - Genetic integrity of the European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) populations within the Vienne River drainage basin. Cybium, 40(1) : 7-20.
    Serra, S.R.Q., Cobo, F., Graça, M.A.S., Dolédec, S., Feio, M.J., 2016 - Synthesising the trait information of European Chironomidae (Insecta : Diptera) : Towards a new database. Ecological Indicators, 61 : 282–292.
    Statzner, B., Bonada, N., Resh, V.H., 2016 - Why roads and rivers can be straight or winding: how physical and sociohistorical factors produce contemporary regional landscape patterns. Freshwater Science. 35(4) : 1-15.
    Castella, E., Béguin, O., Besacier-Monbertrand, A.L., Peter, D.H., Lamouroux, N., Mayor Siméant, H., McCrae, D., Olivier, J.M., Paillex, A., 2015 - Realised and predicted changes in the invertebrate benthos after restoration of connectivity to the floodplain of a large river. Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1131–1146.
    Daufresne, M., Veslot, J., Capra, H., Carrel, G., Poirel, A. , Olivier, J.M., Lamouroux, N., 2015 - Fish community dynamics (1985–2010) in multiple reaches of a large river subjected to flow restoration and other environmental changes. Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1176–1191.
    Denys, G.P.J., Geiger, M.F., Persat, H., Keith, P., Dettai, A., 2015 - Invalidity of Gasterosteus gymnurus (Cuvier, 1829) (Actinopterygii, Gasterosteidae) according to integrative taxonomy. Cybium, 39(1) : 37-45.
    Devaux, A., Bony, S., Plenet, S., Sagnes, P., Segura, S., Suaire, R., Novak, M., Gilles A., Olivier, J.M., 2015 - Field evidence of reproduction impairment through sperm DNA damage in the fish nase (Chondrostoma nasus) in anthropized hydrosystems. Aquatic Toxicology 169 : 113–122.
    Dolbeth, M., Dolédec, S., Pardal, M.A., 2015 - Relationship between functional diversity and benthic secondary production in a disturbed estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 539 ; 33-46.
    Dolédec, S., Castella, E., Forcellini, M., Olivier, J.M., Paillex, A, Sagnes, P., 2015 - The generality of changes in the trait composition of fish and invertebrate communities after flow restoration in a large river (French Rhône). Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1147–1161.
    Dolédec, S., Forcellini, M., Olivier, J.M., Roset, N., 2015 - Effects of large river restoration on currently used bioindicators and alternative metrics. Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1221–1236.
    Feio, M.J., Dolédec, S., Graça, M.A.S., 2015 - Human disturbance affects the long-term spatial synchrony of freshwater invertebrate communities. Environmental Pollution,196 : 300-308.
    Lamouroux, N., Gore, J.A., Lepori, F., Statzner, B., 2015 - The ecological restoration of large rivers needs science- based, predictive tools meeting public expectations: an overview of the Rhône project. Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1069–1084.
    Lamouroux, N., Olivier, J.M., 2015 - Testing predictions of changes in fish abundance and community structure after flow restoration in four reaches of a large river (French Rhône). Freshwater Biology, 60, 1118–1130.
    Luquet, E., Léna, J.P., Miaud, C., Plénet, S., 2015 - Phenotypic divergence of the common toad (Bufo bufo) along an altitudinal gradient: evidence for local adaptation. Heredity, 114(1) : 69-79.
    Mérigoux, S., Forcellini, M., Dessaix, J., Fruget, J.F., Lamouroux, N., Statzner, B., 2015 - Testing predictions of changes in benthic invertebrate abundance and community structure after flow restoration in a large river (French Rhône). Freshwater Biology 60:1104–1117.
    Navarro-Ortega, A., Acuna, V., Bellin, A.,, Burek, P., Cassiani, G., Choukr-Allah, R., Dolédec, S., Elosegi, A., Ferrari, F., Ginebreda, A., Grathwohl, P., Jones, C., Ker Rault, P., Kok, K., Koundouri, P., Ludwig, R.P., Merz, R., Milacic, R., Munoz, I., Nikulin, G., Paniconi, C., Paunovic, M., Petrovic, M., Sabater, L., Sabaterb, S.,, Skoulikidis, N.T., Slob, A., Teutsch, G., Voulvoulis, N., Barcelo, D., 2015 - Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity. The GLOBAQUA project. Science of the Total Environment 503–504 : 3–9.
    Vaudor, L., Lamouroux, N., Olivier, J.M., Forcellini, M., 2015 - How sampling influences the statistical power to detect changes in abundance: an application to river restoration. Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1192–1207.
    Wang, C., Shikano, T., Persat, H., Meril, ,J., 2015 - Mitochondrial phylogeography and cryptic divergence in the stickleback genus Pungitius. Journal of Biogeography, 42 : 2334–2348.
    Cattanéo, F., Grimardias, D., Carayon, M., Persat, H., Bardonnet, A., 2014 - A multidimensional typology of riverbank habitats explains the distribution of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) fry in a temperate river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 23 : 527–543.
    Denys, G.P.J., Dettai, A., Persat, H., Hautecœur, M., Keith, P., 2014 - Morphological and molecular evidence of three species of pikes Esox spp. (Actinopterygii, Esocidae) in France, including the description of a new species. C. R. Biologies 337 : 521–534. +Erratum 657-659.
    Dole-Olivier, M.J., Maazouzi, C., Cellot, B., Fiers, F., Galassi, D.M.P., Claret, C., Martin, D., Mérigoux, S., Marmonier, P., 2014 - Assessing invertebrate assemblages in the subsurface zone of stream sediments (0–15 cm deep) using a hyporheic sampler. Water Resources Research, 50 : 1-13.
    Dray, S., Choler, P., Dolédec, S., Peres-Neto, P.R., Thuiller, W., Pavoine, S., Ter Braak, C.J.F., 2014 - Combining the fourth-corner and the RLQ methods for assessing trait responses to environmental variation. Ecology, 95(1) : 14–21.
    Feld, C.K., De Bello, F., Dolédec, S., 2014 - Biodiversity of traits and species both show weak responses to hydromorphological alteration in lowland river macroinvertebrates. Freshwater Biology, 59 : 233-248.
    Gallardo, B., Dolédec, S., Paillex, A., Arscott, D.B., Sheldon, F., Zilli, F., Mérigoux, S., Castella, E., Comin, F.A., 2014 - Response of benthic macroinvertebrates to gradients in hydrological connectivity: a comparison of temperate, subtropical, Mediterranean and semiarid river floodplains. Freshwater Biology, 59 : 630–648.
    Geiger, M.F., Herder, F., Monaghan, M. T., Almada, V., Barbieri, R., Bariche, M., Berrebi, P., Bohlen, J., Casal-Lopez, M., Delmastro, G.B., Denys, G.P.J., Dettai, A., Doadrio, I., Kalogianni, E., Karst, H., Kottelat, M., Kovacic, M., Laporte, M., Lorenzoni, M., Marcic, Z., Ozulug, M., Perdices, A., Perea, S., Persat, H., Porcelotti, S., Puzzi, C., Robalo, J., Sanda, R., Schneider, M., Slechtova, V., Stoumboudi, M., Walter, S., Freyhof, J., 2014 - Spatial heterogeneity in the Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot affects barcoding accuracy of its freshwater fishes. Molecular Ecology Resources, 14 : 1210–1221.
    Grimaldi, M., Oszwald, J., Dolédec, S., Del Pilar Hurtado, M., De Souza Miranda, I., De Sartre, X.A., Santos De Assis, W., Castaneda, E., Desjardins, T., Dubs, F., Guevara, E., Gond, V., Santana Lima, T.T., Marichal, R., Michelotti, F., Mitja, D., Cornejo Noronha, N., Nascimento Delgado Oliveira, M., Ramirez, B., Rodriguez, G., Sarrazin, M., Lopes Da Silva Jr, M., Gonzaga Silva Costa, L., Lindoso de Souza, S., Veiga, I., Velasquez, E., Lavelle, P., 2014 - Ecosystem services of regulation and support in Amazonian pioneer fronts: searching for landscape drivers. Landscape Ecology, 29 : 311–328.
    Marion, A., Nikora, V., Puijalon, S., Bouma, T., Koll, K., Ballio, F., Tait, S., Zaramella, M., Sukhodolov, A., O’Hare, M., Wharton, G., Aberle, J., Tregnaghi, M., Davies, P., Nepf, H., Parker, G., Statzner, B., 2014 - Aquatic interfaces: a hydrodynamic and ecological perspective. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 52(6) : 744–758.
    Rollet, A.J., Piégay, H., Dufour, S., Bornette, G., Persat, H., 2014 - Assessment of consequences of sediment deficit on a gravel river bed downstream of dams in restoration perspectives: application of a multicriteria, hierarchical and spatially explicit diagnosis. River Research and Applications, 30 : 939–953.
    Denys, G.P.J., Dettai, A., Persat, H., Doadrio, I., Cruaud, C., Keith, P., 2013 - Status of the Catalan chub Squalius laietanus (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) in France : input from morphological and molecular data. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 408(4) : 1-13.
    Forcellini, M., Statzner, B., Tachet, H., 2013 - A revised description of the larva of Homilia leucophaea (Rambur 1842) (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) and comparisons with the known western European Athripsodes larvae. Zootaxa 3682 (1) : 191–199.
    Lamouroux, N., Mérigoux, S., Dolédec, S., Snelder, T.H., 2013 - Transferability of hydraulic preference models for aquatic macroinvertebrates. River Research and Applications, short communication, 29 : 933–937.
    Luquet, E., Léna, J.P., David, P., Prunier, J., Joly, P., Lengagne, T., Perrin, N., Plénet, S., 2013 - Within- and among-population impact of genetic erosion on adult fitness-related traits in the European tree frog Hyla arborea. Heredity, 110 : 347–354.
    Novak, M., Abdoli, A., Pont, D., Sagnes, P., 2013 - Otolith asymmetry as a proxy of thermal stress in cold water fish: do observations on natural populations of Cottus gobio meet experimental results ? Cybium, 37(4) : 281-284.
    Paillex, A., Dolédec, S., Castella, E., Mérigoux, S., Aldridge, D.C., 2013 - Functional diversity in a large river floodplain : anticipating the response of native and alien macroinvertebrates to the restoration of hydrological connectivity. Journal of Applied Ecology 50 : 97–106.
    Sinama, M., Gilles, A., Costedoat, C., Corse, E., Olivier, J.M., Chappaz, R., Pech, N., 2013 - Non-homogeneous combination of two porous genomes induces complex body shape trajectories in cyprinid hybrids. Frontiers in Zoology, 10(22) : 1-16.
    Wardziak, T., Luquet, E., Plénet, S., Léna, J.P., Oxarango, L., Joly, P., 2013 - Impact of both desiccation and exposure to an emergent skin pathogen on transepidermal water exchange in the palmate newt Lissotriton helveticus. Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms, 104 : 215–224.
    Babut, M., Lopes, C., Pradelle, S., Persat, H., Badot, P.M., 2012 - BSAFs for freshwater fish and derivation of a sediment quality guideline for PCBs in the Rhone basin, France. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 12(2) : 241-251.
    Bonada, N., Dolédec, S., Statzner, B., 2012 - Spatial autocorrelation patterns of stream invertebrates: exogenous and endogenous factors. Journal of Biogeography, 39(1) : 56-58.
    Coppa, G., Graf, W., Tachet, H., 2012, 2012 - A revised description of the larvae of three species of the Rhyacophila tristis group: Rhyacophila aquitanica, Rhyacophila pubescens and Rhyacophila tristis (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae). Annales de Limnologie, International Journal of Limnology, 48 : 215-223.
    Coz, R., Ouisse, V., Artero, C., Carpentier, A., Crave, A., Feunteun, E., Olivier, J.M., Perrin, B., Ysnel, F., 2012 - Development of a new standardised method for sustainable monitoring of the vulnerable pink sea fan Eunicella verrucosa. Marine Biology, 159(6) : 1375-1388.
    Desmet, M., Mourier, B., Mahler, B.J., Van Metre, P.C., Roux, G., Persat, H., Lefèvre, I., Peretti, A., Chapron, E., Simonneau, A., Miège, C., Babut, M., 2012 - Spatial and temporal trends in PCBs in sediment along the lower Rhône River, France. Science of the Total Environment 433 : 189–197.
    Feio, M.J., Doledec, S., 2012 - Integration of invertebrate traits into predictive models for indirect assessment of stream functional integrity : A case study in Portugal. Ecological Indicators, 15(1) : 236-247.
    Feio,.J., Doledec, S., 2012 - Integration of invertebrate traits into predictive models for indirect assessment of stream functional integrity : A case study in Portugal. Ecological Indicators, 15(1) : 236-247.
    Keck, F., Lepori, F., 2012 – Can we predict nutrient limitation in streams and rivers ? Freshwater Biology, 57 : 1410–1421.
    Lepori, F., Benjamin, J.R., Fausch, K.D., Baxter, C.V., 2012 - Are invasive and native trout functionally equivalent predators ? Results and lessons from a field experiment. Aquatic Conservation: Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems, 22 : 787–798.
    Lepori, F., Keck, F., 2012 - Effects of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Remote Freshwater Ecosystems. Ambio, 41(3) : 235-246.
    Lopes, C., Persat, H., Babut, M., 2012 - Transfer of PCBs from bottom sediment to freshwater river fish: A food-web modelling approach in the Rhône River (France) in support of sediment management. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 81 : 17–26.
    Luquet, E., Garner, T.W.J., Léna, J.P., Bruel, C., Joly, P., Lengagne, T., Grolet, O., Plénet, S., 2012 - Genetic erosion in wild populations makes resistance to a pathogen more costly. Evolution, 66(6) : 1942-1952.
    Picazo, F., Millan, A., Dolédec, S., 2012 - Are patterns in the taxonomic, biological and ecological traits of water beetles congruent in Mediterranean ecosystems ? Freshwater Biology, 57 : 2192–2210.
    Statzner, B., 2012 - Geomorphological implications of engineering bed sediments by lotic animals. Geomorphology 157–158 : 49–65.
    2022 - Olivier J.M., Carrel G., Lamouroux N., Dole-Olivier M.J., Malard F., Bravard J.P., Piégay H., Castella E., Barthélémy C., 2022 - The Rhône River Basin. Pp. 391-451 In Rivers of Europe (second edition), Tockner K., Zarfl C. & Robinson C.T. (Eds).
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