Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés

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Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes
Naturels et Anthropisés

Ecologie, Evolution, Ecosystèmes Souterrains

E3S – Resp. F. HERVANT

  • L’équipe Ecologie, Evolution, Ecosystèmes Souterrains (E3S) étudie la diversité biologique en milieu souterrain en favorisant la convergence de champs thématiques relevant de l’écologie et de l’évolution afin de comprendre, dans un contexte de changement global, les ajustements de la biodiversité et leurs conséquences sur les services écosystémiques. Cette combinaison d’études écologiques et évolutives est une étape clé pour la compréhension du fonctionnement des écosystèmes souterrains.

    Nous concentrons nos recherches sur les organismes souterrains (principalement les annélides et les Crustacés Isopodes et Amphipodes), leur évolution (depuis le génome jusqu’aux caractéristiques morphologiques et physiologiques), leur biologie (traits écologiques des organismes, écophysiologie), la composition de leurs communautés (structure des assemblages, dynamique spatiale et temporelle) ainsi que leurs rôles dans le fonctionnement des écosystèmes souterrains (processus biogéochimiques liés aux cycles de la matière organique). Nous travaillons sur les nappes phréatiques et leurs interfaces avec les cours d’eau (zone hyporhéique) et sur les systèmes karstiques, en utilisant à la fois des expérimentations sur le terrain et au laboratoire (colonnes reconstituant les échanges eau-sédiment par exemple).

  • Contract CNRS
    Contract CNRS
    Assistance Technique
    Contract CNRS
    Assistance Technique
    Assistance Technique
    Master 2

  • Marino, A., Debaecker, G., Fiston-Lavier, A.S., Haudry, A., Nabholz, B. Effective population size does not explain long-term variation in genome size and transposable element content in animals. eLife, ⟨10.7554/eLife.100574.1⟩.
    Mermillod-Blondin, F., Gautreau, E., Pinasseau, L., Gouze, E., Vallier, F., Volatier, L., Nogaro, G. Interactions between sediment characteristics and oxygen conditions at the sediment-water interface of reservoirs: influences on nutrient dynamics and eutrophication Authors. Hydrobiologia. ⟨10.1007/s10750-024-05508-3⟩
    Nava, V., Dar, J.Y., de Santis, V., Fehlinger, L., Pasqualini, J., [...], Touchet, C., [...], Gostynska, J. Zooming in the plastisphere: the ecological interface for phytoplankton–plastic interactions in aquatic ecosystems. Biological Reviews, In press, ⟨10.1111/brv.13164⟩
    Ros, J., Badri, F.E., Cartier, A., Marie, B., Fili, A., [...], Fourel, F., [...], Bentaleb I. Forest and agricultural dynamics in the Haouz plain over the last millennium: archaeobotanical and isotopic research at Aghmat (Morocco). In press ⟨10.1007/s10745-024-00507-3⟩
    Allio, A., Teullet, S., Lutgen, D., Magdeleine, A., Koual, R., [...], Lefebure, T., Delsuc, F., 2025 - Transcriptomic data reveal divergent paths of chitinase evolution underlying dietary convergence in anteaters and pangolins. Genome Biology and Evolution, 2025, 17 (2), pp.evaf002. ⟨10.1093/gbe/evaf002⟩
    Goedert, J., Broussard, D., Trop, J., Daeschler, E., Amiot, R., Fourel, F., [...], Lécuyer, C., 2025 - Oxygen and sulfur stable isotope ratios of Late Devonian vertebrates trace the relative salinity of their aquatic environments. Geological Society of America Bulletin, ⟨10.1130/B37631.1⟩
    Issartel, C., Marmonier, P., 2025 - Description and use of Schellencandona rhodanensis sp. n. (Ostracoda, Candoninae) to locate groundwater upwelling zones in rivers and wetlands. International Journal of Limnology, 61, pp.2. ⟨10.1051/limn/2025001⟩
    Nobre, R.L.G., Vagnon, C., Boulêtreau, S., Colas, F., Azémar, F. [...], Cucherousset, J., 2025 - Floating photovoltaics strongly reduce water temperature: A whole-lake experiment. Journal of Environmental Management, 2025, 375, pp.124230. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvman.2025.124230⟩
    Anderson, T.M., Hepler, S., Holdo, R., Donaldson, J., [...], Pansu, J., [...], Craig Packer, 2024 - Interplay of competition and facilitation in grazing succession by migrant Serengeti herbivores. Science, 383 (6684), pp.782-788. ⟨10.1126/science.adg0744⟩
    Barthélémy, N., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Krause, S., Simon, L., [...] Datry, T., 2024 - The Duration of Dry Events Promotes PVC Film Fragmentation in Intermittent Rivers. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (28), pp.12621-12632. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.4c00528⟩
    Ben Jamaa, H., Nouira, S., Fourel, F., Bentaleb, I., 2024 - Study of avian migration patterns using stable isotope analysis in the Galite Archipelago, Tunisia. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 48, pp.327 - 335. ⟨10.55730/1300-0179.3187⟩.
    Bénitière, F., Duret, L., Necsulea, A., 2024 - GTDrift: a resource for exploring the interplay between genetic drift, genomic and transcriptomic characteristics in eukaryotes. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 6 (2), pp.lqae064. 10.1093/nargab/lqae064
    Dambrine, E., Gaillard, J., Chanudet, V., Vigouroux, R., Attéia, O., Van Der Heijden, G., Colas, F., 2024 - Réduction des oxydes de fer, déstockage du carbone des sols noyés, et émission de méthane par un réservoir tropical. Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2024, 31, pp.141-159.
    Douce, P., Simon, L., Colas, F., Mermillod-Blondin, F., [...] Eymar-Dauphin, P., Dubreucque, R., Bittebière, A.K., 2024 - Warming drives feedback between plant phenotypes and ecosystem functioning in sub-Antarctic ponds. Science of the Total Environment, Science of the Total Environment, pp.169504. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169504⟩
    Gushulak, C., Chegoonian, A.M., Wolfe, J., Gray, K., Mezzini, S., [...], Wissel, B., Leavitt, 2024 - Impacts of hydrologic management on the eutrophication of shallow lakes in an intensive agricultural landscape (Saskatchewan, Canada). Freshwater Biology, 69, pp.984 - 1000. ⟨10.1111/fwb.14260⟩
    Haubrock, P., Soto, I., Kourantidou, M., Ahmed, D.A., Serhan A., Tarkan, A.S., [...], Floury, M., [...], Cuthebert, R.N., 2024 - Understanding the complex dynamics of zebra mussel invasions over several decades in European rivers: drivers, impacts and predictions. Oikos, 4 (e10283). ⟨10.1111/oik.10283⟩
    Lagrola, M., 2024 - Faire place nette pour la transformation fromagère. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 18 (2), ⟨10.4000/11r9p⟩
    Laugier, F., [...], Braun, A., Konecny-Dupré, L., Lefébure, T., Luquet, E., Plénet, S., [...], David, P., 2024 - Both nuclear and cytoplasmic polymorphisms are involved in genetic conflicts over male fertility in the gynodioecious snail, Physa acuta. Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution, 78, pp.1227-1236. ⟨10.1093/evolut/qpae053⟩
    Mammola, S., Graco-Roza, C., Ballarin, F., Hesselberg, T., Isaia, M., Lunghi, E., Mouron, S., [...], Cardoso, P.,, 2024 - Functional convergence underground? The scale‐dependency of community assembly processes in European cave spiders. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33, pp.e13840. ⟨10.1111/geb.13840⟩
    Morard, R., Darling, K., Weiner, A., Hassenrück, C., [...], Escarguel, G., Douady, C.J., [...], Kucera, M., 2024 - The global genetic diversity of planktonic foraminifera reveals the structure of cryptic speciation in plankton. Biological Reviews, 99 (4), pp.1218-1241. ⟨10.1111/brv.13065⟩
    Parikh, A., Pansu, J., Stow, A., St J. Warne, M., Chivas, C., [...], Chariton, A.A., 2024 - Environmental DNA highlights the influence of salinity and agricultural run-off on coastal fish assemblages in the Great Barrier Reef region. Environmental Pollution, 349, pp.123954. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123954⟩
    Poulallion, E., Galván, V., Seldes, V., Fernanda Zigarán, M., [...], Fourel, F., [...], Simon, L., [...], Lécuyer, C., 2024 - Browning, et al.. The Inca child of the Quehuar volcano: Stable isotopes clue to geographic origin and seasonal diet, with putative seaweed consumption. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 59, pp.104784. ⟨10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104784⟩
    Renaud, S., Hardouin, E., Hadjisterkotis, E., Mitsainas, G.P., Bergmann, M., [...], Fourel, F., Simon, L., 2024 - Trophic differentiation between the endemic Cypriot mouse and the house mouse: a study coupling stable isotopes and morphometrics. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 31 (4), pp.44. ⟨10.1007/s10914-024-09740-5⟩
    Sarremejane, r;, Silverthorn, T., Arbaretaz, A., Truchy, A., Barthélémy, N., [...], Simon, L., Datry, T., 2024 - Drying and fragmentation drive the dynamics of resources, consumers and ecosystem functions across aquatic‐terrestrial habitats in a river network. Oikos, 2024 (6), ⟨10.1111/oik.10135⟩
    Séon, N., Amiot, R., Suan, G., Lécuyer, C., Fourel, F., [...], Vincent, P., 2024 -Regional heterothermies recorded in the oxygen isotope composition of harbour seal skeletal elements. Journal of Thermal Biology, 120, pp.103825. ⟨10.1016/j.jtherbio.2024.103825⟩
    Snåre, H., García-Girón, J., Alahuhta, J., Bini, L.M., [...], Floury, M., [...], Heino, J., 2024 - The relationships between biotic uniqueness and abiotic uniqueness are context dependent across drainage basins worldwide. Landscape Ecology, 39 (4), pp.86. ⟨10.1007/s10980-024-01883-3⟩.
    Soued, C., Bogard, M.J., Finlay, K., Bortolotti, L.E., Leavitt, P.E., [...], Wissel, B., [...], Kowal, 2024 - Salinity causes widespread restriction of methane emissions from small inland waters. Nature Communications, 15, pp.425 - 436. ⟨10.1038/s41467-024-44715-3⟩
    Tiegs, S.D., Capps, K.A., Costello, D.M., Schmidt, J.P., Patrick, C.J., [...], Colas, F., [...], Mark Isken, The CELLDEX Consortium, 2024 - Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers. Science, 2024, 384 (6701), pp.1191 - 1195. ⟨10.1126/science.adn1262⟩
    Verdier, H., Datry, T., Logez, M., Konecny-Dupré, L., Gauthier, M., Lefébure, T., 2024 - Environmental DNA Particle Size Distribution and Quantity Differ Across Taxa and Organelles. Environmental DNA, 6 (5), pp.e598. ⟨10.1002/edn3.598⟩
    Wazne, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, M., Krause, S., Barthélémy, N., SIMON, L., 2024 - Optimization of glass separating funnels to facilitate microplastic extraction from sediments. MethodsX, 12, pp.102540. ⟨10.1016/j.mex.2023.102540⟩
    Alonso, L., Pommier, T., Simon, L., Maucourt, F., Doré, J., Dubost, A., Trân Van, V., Minard, G., Valiente Moro, C., Douady, C.J., Moënne-Loccoz, Y., 2023 - Microbiome analysis in Lascaux Cave in relation to black stain alterations of rock surfaces and collembola. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 15:80-91. ⟨10.1111/1758-2229.13133⟩
    Amiot,R., Golovneva, L.B., Godefroit, P., Goedert, J., Garcia, G., Lécuyer, C., Fourel, F., Herman, A.B., Spicer, R.A., 2023 - High-latitude dinosaur nesting strategies during the latest cretaceous in North-Eastern Russia. Diversity, 15 (4), pp.565. ⟨10.3390/d15040565⟩
    Beck, M., Billoir, E., Floury, M., Usseglio-Polatera, P., Danger, M., 2023 - A 34-year survey under phosphorus decline and warming: Consequences on stoichiometry and functional trait composition of freshwater macroinvertebrate communities. Science of the Total Environment, 858, Part 3, pp.159786. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159786⟩
    Bojar, A.V., Lecuyer, C., Maher, W., Bojar, H.P., Fourel, F., Vasile, S., 2023 - Multi-element stable isotope geochemistry and arsenic speciation of hydrothermal vent fauna (Alviniconcha sp., Ifremeria nautilei and Eochionelasmus ohtai manusensis), Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea. Chemosphere, 324, pp.138258. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138258⟩
    Chiffard, j;, Bentaleb, I., Yoccoz, N.G., Fourel, F., Blanquet, E., Besnard, A., 2023 - Grazing intensity drives a trophic shift in the diet of common alpine birds. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 348, pp.108418. ⟨10.1016/J.AGEE.2023.108418⟩
    Clauzel, T., Richardin, P., Ricard, J., Prilaux, G., [...] Fourel, F., [...] Lécuyer, C., 2023 - Geographic origin and social status of the Gallic warriors from Ribemont‐sur‐Ancre (France) studied through isotope systematics of bone remains. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 33 (1), pp.39-50. ⟨10.1002/oa.3172⟩
    Deldicq, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Bouchet, V.M.P., 2023 - Sediment reworking of intertidal sediments by the benthic foraminifera Haynesina germanica: the importance of motion behaviour and densities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290: 20230193. (10.1098/rspb.2023.0193)
    Dendievel, A.M., Wazne, M., Vallier, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Mourier B., Piégay H., Winiarski , T., Krause S., Simon, L., 2023 - Environmental and land use controls of microplastic pollution along the gravel-bed Ain River (France) and its “Plastic Valley”. Water Research, 230, 119518. (10.1016/j.watres.2022.119518)
    Deschodt, L., Hérisson, D., Antoine, P., Locht, J.L., Gauthier, A., [...] Fourel, F., [...], Clément Virmoux, 2023 - Waziers, le Bas‑Terroir (Scarpe Plain, Northern France) : synthesis of studies on 2011‑2015 observations and evidence of a continuous sedimentary record from the end of the Saalian (MIS 6) to the Eemian Optimum (MIS 5e).. Quaternaire, 31 (1), pp.4563. ⟨10.4000/quaternaire.17705⟩
    Douce, P., Mermillod‐blondin, F., Simon, L., Dolédec, S., Eymar‐dauphin, P., Renault, D., Sulmon, C., Vallier, F., Bittebière, A.K., 2023 - Biotic and abiotic drivers of aquatic plant communities in shallow pools and wallows on the sub‐Antarctic Iles Kerguelen. Polar Biology, 46, pp.303-318. ⟨10.1007/s00300-023-03122-y⟩
    Douce, P., Renault, D., Simon, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, F., Bittebière A.K., 2023 - How does trait variance partitioning help us to understand plant community assembly? The example of pond communities in the Kerguelen Islands. Journal of Vegetation Science, Journal of Vegetation Science, 34 (6), pp.e13217. ⟨10.1111/jvs.13217⟩
    Douce, P., Saiz, H., Benot, M.L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Oury, Y., Simon, L., Renault, D., Vallier, F., Fontaine, M., Bittebiere, A.K., 2023 - Functional characteristics rather than co-occurrences determine the outcome of interactions between neighbouring plants in sub-Antarctic ponds: Consequences for macrophyte community biomass. Freshwater Biology, 68:561–576. (10.1111/fwb.14047)
    Gautreau, E., Volatier, L., Nogaro, G., Gouze, E., Marmonier, P., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2023 - Interactions between microbial activity and bioturbation modes of benthic invertebrates determine nutrient releases from reservoir sediments. Freshwater Biology, 68:245-259 ⟨10.1111/fwb.14021⟩
    Goedert, J., Amiot, R., Anquetin, J., Séon, N., [...] Fourel, F., Simon, L., [...] Lécuyer, C., 2023 - Multi-isotopic analysis reveals the early stem turtle Odontochelys as a nearshore herbivorous forager. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, ⟨10.3389/fevo.2023.1175128⟩
    Grigoropoulou, A., Hamid, S.A., Acosta, R., Akindele, O., Al-Shami, S., [...], Floury, M., [...], Domisch, S., 2023 -The global EPTO database: Worldwide occurrences of aquatic insects. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2023, 32 (5), pp.642-655. ⟨10.1111/geb.13648⟩
    Gushulak, C., Mezzini, S., Moir, K.E., Simpson, G.L., Bunting, L., Wissel, B., [...], Leavitt, P.R., 2023 - Impacts of a century of land‐use change on the eutrophication of large, shallow, prairie Lake Manitoba in relation to adjacent Lake Winnipeg (Manitoba, Canada). Freshwater Biology, 69, pp.47 - 63. ⟨10.1111/fwb.14192⟩
    Haase, P., Bowler, D.E., Baker, N.J., Bonada, N., Domisch, S., [...] Floury, M., [...] Welti E.A.R., 2023 - The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. Nature, 620 (7974), pp.582-588. ⟨10.1038/s41586-023-06400-1⟩
    Langlet, D., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Deldicq, N., Bauville, A., Duong, G., [...] Konecny, L., [...] Bouchet, V.M.P., 2023 - Single-celled bioturbators: benthic foraminifera mediate oxygen penetration and prokaryotic diversity in intertidal sediment. Biogeosciences, 20 (23), pp.4875-4891. ⟨10.5194/bg-20-4875-2023⟩
    Lebon, Y., François, C., Navel, S., Vallier, F., Guillard, L., Pinasseau L., Oxarango, L., Volatier, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2023 - Aquifer recharge by stormwater infiltration basins: Hydrological and vadose zone characteristics control the impacts of basins on groundwater chemistry and microbiology. Science of the Total Environment, 865, pp.161115. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161115⟩
    Lécuyer, C., Atrops, F., Fourel, F., Clauzel, T.,Flandrois, J.P., 2023 - δ2H and δ18O of river water from a high-altitude humid plain of the southern Alps: Implications for the interpretation of the isotopic compositions of bioapatite from humans living close to mountain areas. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 49, pp.104020. ⟨10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104020⟩
    Luccisano, V., Cuny, G., Pradel, A., Fourel, F., [...], Amiot, R., 2023 - Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological reconstructions based on oxygen, carbon and sulfur isotopes of Early Permian shark spines from the French Massif central. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023, 628, pp.111760. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111760⟩
    Marle, P., Simon, L., Rigal, A., Guicharnaud, C., Gauthier, P., Garcia, N., Castella, E., Mayor H., Slaveykova, V.I., Olivier, J.M, 2023 - Flow and plankton availability control young-of-the-year fish diet in two floodplain nurseries. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 323:824-841. (10.1111/eff.12724)
    Martin, J.E., Tacail, T., Simon, L., Hassler, A., Télouk, P., Balter, V., 2023 - Inferring odontocete life history traits in dentine using a multiproxy approach (δ 15 N, δ 44/42 Ca and trace elements). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 37 (19), pp.e9612. ⟨10.1002/rcm.9612)
    Nobre, R., Boulêtreau, S., Colas, F., Azemar, F., Tudesque, L., Parthuisot, N., Favriou, P., Cucherousset, J., 2023 - Potential ecological impacts of floating photovoltaics on lake biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 188, pp.113852. ⟨10.1016/j.rser.2023.113852⟩
    Pinasseau, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Fildier, A., Fourel, F., Vallier, F., Guillard, L., Wiest, L., Volatier, L., 2023 - Determination of groundwater origins and vulnerability based on multi-tracer investigations: New contributions from passive sampling and suspect screening approach. Science of the Total Environment, 876, pp.162750. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162750⟩
    Pochat-Cottilloux, Y., Martin, J.E., Faure-Brac, M.G., Jouve, S., de Muizon, C., Cubo, J., Lécuyer, C., Fourel, F., Amiot, R., 2023 - A multi-isotopic study reveals the palaeoecology of a sebecid from the Paleocene of Bolivia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 625, pp.111667. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111667⟩
    Rey, K., Amiot, R., Fourel, F., Luyt, J., Fluteau, F., Lécuyer, C., 2023 - Paleoenvironmental implications of Permo-Triassic geographic shift in oxygen stable isotope (δ18Op) from tetrapod bone in the South African Karoo Basin. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 205, ⟨10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2023.104999⟩
    Séon, N., Brasseur, I., Scala, C., Tacail, T., Catteau, S., Fourel, F., [...], Amiot, R., 2023 - Determination of water balance maintenance in Orcinus orca and Tursiops truncatus using oxygen isotopes. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226 (23), ⟨10.1242/jeb.245648⟩
    Soto, I., Cuthbert, R.N., Ahmed, D.A., Kouba, A., Domisch, S., [...] Floury, M., [...], Haubrock, P.J., 2023 - Tracking a killer shrimp: Dikerogammarus villosus invasion dynamics across Europe. Diversity and Distributions, 29(1), pp.157-172. ⟨10.1111/ddi.13649⟩
    Tabaja, N., Amouroux, D., Chalak, L., Fourel, F., Tessier, E., Jomaa, I., El Riachy, M., Bentaleb, I., 2023 - Seasonal variation of mercury concentration of ancient olive groves of Lebanon. Biogeosciences, 20:619 - 633. ⟨10.5194/bg-20-619-2023⟩
    Tixier, G., Rochfort, Q., Grapentine, L., Marsalek, J., Lafont, M., Vivien, R., 2023 -Toxicity of sediments in eight urban stormwater management ponds: bioassessment by oligochaete community metrics used in the sediment quality triad. Water Science and Technology, 87 (5), pp.1112-1128. ⟨10.2166/wst.2023.051⟩
    Verberk, V., Hoefnagel, K.N., Peralta-Maraver, I., Floury, M., Rezende, E., 2023 - Long‐term forecast of thermal mortality with climate warming in riverine amphipods. Global Change Biology, 2023, 29 (17), pp.5033-5043. ⟨10.1111/gcb.16834⟩. ⟨hal-04410316⟩
    Wazne, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, M., Hervant, F., Dumet, A., Nel, H.A., Kukkola, A., Krause, S., Simon, L., 2023 - Microplastics in Freshwater Sediments Impact the Role of a Main Bioturbator in Ecosystem Functioning. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 3042−3052. (10.1021/acs.est.2c05662)
    Banerjee, P., Stewart, K.E., Antognazza, C.M.,Bunholi, I.V., [...], Verdier, H., [...], Chen, C.Y., 2022 - Plant–animal interactions in the era of environmental DNA ( eDNA )—A review. Environmental DNA, 4 (5), pp.987-999. ⟨10.1002/edn3.308⟩
    Barthélémy, N., Sarremejane, R., Datry, T., 2022 - Aquatic organic matter decomposition in the terrestrial environments of an intermittent headwater stream. Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries, 84 (3), pp.45. ⟨10.1007/s00027-022-00878-z⟩
    Clauzel, T., Richardin, P., Ricard, J., Le Bechennec, Y., Amiot, R., Fourel, F., [...] Lécuyer, C., 2022 - Hydrogen isotope measurements of bone and dental tissues from archaeological human and animal samples and their use as climatic and diet proxies. Journal of Archaeological Science, 147, 105676. ⟨10.1016/j.jas.2022.105676⟩
    Clauzel, T., Richardin, P., Ricard, J., Le Béchennec, Y., Amiot, R., Fourel, F., [...], Lécuyer, C., 2022 - Climate conditions and dietary practices during the Second Iron Age studied through the multi-isotope analysis of bones and teeth from individuals of Thézy-Glimont, Picardie, France. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2022, 14 (4), pp.61. ⟨10.1007/s12520-022-01534-1⟩
    Conart, C., Saclier, N., Foucher, F., Goubert, C., Rius-Bony, A., Paramita, S.N., Moja, S., Thouroude, T., Douady, C.D., Sun, P., Nairaud, B., Saint-Marcoux, D., Bahut, M., Jeauffre, J., Hibrand Saint-Oyant, L., Schuurink, R.C., Magnard, J.L., Boachon, B., Dudareva, N., Baudino, S., Caissard, J.C., 2022 - Duplication and specialization of NUDX1 in Rosaceae led to geraniol production in rose petals. Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (OUP), 39(2) : 651522. ⟨11.1193/molbev/msac112⟩
    Cordonnier, M., Kaufmann, B., Simon, L., Escarguel, G., Mondy, N., 2022 - Discrimination of conspecifics from heterospecifics in a hybrid zone: Behavioral and chemical cues in ants. Insect Science, 29 (1), pp.276-288. ⟨10.1111/1744-7917.12915⟩
    Cossin-Sevrin, N., Hsu, B.Y., Marciau, C., Viblanc, V.A., Ruuskanen, S., Stier, A., 2022 - Effect of prenatal glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones on developmental plasticity of mitochondrial aerobic metabolism, growth and survival: an experimental test in wild great tits Journal of Experimental Biology, 225, jeb243414. ⟨10.1242/jeb.243414⟩
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    Stubbington, M.J., Dole-Olivier, M.J., Galassi, D.M.P., Hogan, J.P., Wood, P.J., 2016 - Characterization of Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Hyporheic Zone of River Ecosystems Reflects the Pump-Sampling Technique Used. PlosOne, 11(10), 0164372 : 1-27.
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    Vander Vorste, R., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Hervant, F., Mons, R., Forcellini, M., Datry, T., 2016 - Increased depth to the water table during river drying decreases the resilience of Gammarus pulex and alters ecosystem function. Ecohydrology, 9 : 1177-1186.
    Voisin, J., Cournoyer, B.,, Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2016 - Assessment of artificial substrates for evaluating groundwater microbial quality. Ecological Indicators, 71 : 577–586.
    Weiner, A.K.M., Morard, R., Weinkauf, M.F.G., Darling, K.F., André, A., Quillévéré, F., Ujiie, Y., Douady, C.J., De Vargas, C., Kucera, M., 2016 - Methodology for Single-Cell Genetic Analysis of Planktonic Foraminifera for Studies of Protist Diversity and Evolution. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3(255) : 1-15.
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    Cottin, D., Foucreau, N., Hervant, F., Piscart, C., 2015 - Differential regulation of hsp70 genes in the freshwater key species Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda) exposed to thermal stress: effects of latitude and ontogeny. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 185(3) : 303-313.
    Der Sarkissian, C., Vilstrup, J.T., Schubert, M., Seguin-Orlando, A., Eme, D., Weinstock, J., Alberdi, M.T., Martin, F., Lopez, P.M., Prado, J.L., Prieto, A., Douady, C.J., Stafford, T.W., Willerslev, E., Orlando, L., 2015 - Mitochondrial genomes reveal the extinct Hippidion as an outgroup to all living equids. 11 : 1-5.
    Dole-Olivier, M.J., Galassi, D.M.P., Fiers, F., Malard, F., Martin, P., Martin, D., Marmonier, P., 2015 - Biodiversity in mountain groundwater: the Mercantour National Park (France) as a European hotspot. Zoosystema, 37, 4, 529-550
    Eme, D., Zagmajster, M., Fiser, C., Galassi, D., Marmonier, P., Stoch, F., Cornu, J.F., Oberdorff, T., Malard, F., 2015 - Multi-causality and spatial non-stationarity in the determinants of groundwater crustacean diversity in Europe. Ecography 38 : 531–540.
    Gette-Bouvarot, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Lemoine, D., Delolme, C., Danjean, M., Etienne, L., Volatier, L., 2015 - The potential control of benthic biofilm growth by macrophytes—A mesocosm approach. Ecological Engineering 75 : 178–186.
    Gette-Bouvarot, M., Volatier, L., Lassabatère, L., Lemoine, D., Simon, L., Delolme, C., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2015 - Ecological engineering approaches to improve hydraulic properties of infiltration basins designed for groundwater recharge. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 : 9936−9944.
    Hidalgo, K., Mouline, K., Mamai, W., Foucreau, N., Dabiré K.R., Bouchereau, A., Simard, F., Renault, D., 2015 - Combining two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and metabolomic data in support of dry-season survival in the two main species of the malarial mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Data in Brief, 5 : 255–268.
    Karanovic, I., Sidorov, D.A., Marmonier, P., 2015 - Zoogeography of the ostracod genus Nannocandona (Podocopa) with description of two new species from Europe and East Asia. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, 51 : 297-313.
    Martin, P., Schmelz, R.M., Dole-Olivier, M.J., 2015 - Groundwater oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) from the Mercantour National Park (France), with the descriptions of one new genus and two new stygobiont species. Zoosystema, 37, 4, 551-569.
    Mermillod-Blondin, F., Simon, L., Maazouzi, C., Foulquier, A., Delolme, C., Marmonier, P., 2015 - Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) through stormwater basins designed for groundwater recharge in urban area: Assessment of retention efficiency. Water Research, 81 : 27-37.
    Mermillod-Blondin, F., Winiarski, T., Foulquier, A., Perrissin, A., Marmonier, P., 2015 - Links between sediment structures and ecological processes in the hyporheic zone: ground-penetrating radar as a non- invasive tool to detect subsurface biologically active zones. Ecohydrology, 8 : 626–641.
    Monternier, P.A., Fongy, A., Hervant, F., Drai, J., Collin-Chavagnac, D., Rouanet, J.L., Roussel, D. Skeletal muscle heterogeneity in fasting-induced mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation flexibility in cold-acclimated ducklings. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218 : 2427-2434.
    Morard, R., Darling, K.F., Mahé, F., Audic, S., Ujiie, Y., Weiner, A.K.M., Andre, Seears, H.A., Wade, C.M., Quillévéré, F., Douady, C.J., Escarguel, G., de Garidel-Thoron, T., Siccha, M., Kucera, M., de Vargas, C., 2015 - PFR2 : a curated database of planktonic foraminifera 18S ribosomal DNA as a resource for studies of plankton ecology, biogeography and evolution. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15 : 1472–1485.
    Orias, F., Simon, L., Mialdea, G., Clair, A., Brosselin, V., Perrodin, Y., 2015 - Bioconcentration of 15N-tamoxifen at environmental concentration in liver, gonad and muscle of Danio rerio. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 : 457–462.
    Orias, F., Simon, L., Perrodin, Y., 2015 - Experimental assessment of the bioconcentration of 15N-tamoxifen in Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Chemosphere 122 : 251-256.
    Orias, F., Simon, L., Perrodin, Y., 2015 - Respective contributions of diet and medium to the bioaccumulation of pharmaceutical compounds in the first levels of an aquatic trophic web. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 : 20207–20214.
    Richards, V.P., Lefébure, T., Pavinski Bitar, P.D., Dogan, B., Simpson, K.W., Schukken, Y.H., Stanhope, M.J., 2015 - Genome based phylogeny and comparative genomic analysis of intra-mammary pathogenic Escherichia coli. PlosOne, 10(3), e0119799 : 1-11.
    Rolland, D.C., Haury, J., Marmonier, P., Lagadeuc, Y., 2015 - Effect of macrophytes on flow conditions and deposition of suspended particles in small streams: an experimental study using artificial vegetation. Revue des Sciences de l’Eau, 28(3) : 231-245.
    Sun, S., Barraud, S., Castebrunet, H., Aubin, J.B., Marmonier, P., 2015 - Long-term stormwater quantity and quality analysis using continuous measurements in a French urban catchment. Water Research, 85:432.442.
    Voisin, J., Cournoyer, B.,, Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2015 - Utilisation de billes de verre comme substrats artificiels pour la caractérisation des communautés microbiennes dans les nappes phréatiques : mise au point méthodologique. La Houille Blanche, 4 : 2-57.
    Andre, A., Quillévéré, F., Morard, R., Ujiie, Y., Escarguel, G., de Vargas, C., de Garidel-Thoron, T., Douady, C.J., 2014 - SSU rDNA Divergence in Planktonic Foraminifera: Molecular Taxonomy and Biogeographic Implications. Plos One, 9(8), e104641 : 1-19.
    Cornut, J., Chauvet, E., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Assemat, F., Elger, A., 2014 - Aquatic Hyphomycete Species Are Screened by the Hyporheic Zone of Woodland Streams. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80(6) : 1949-1960.
    Descloux, S., Datry, T., Usseglio-Polatera, P., 2014 - Trait-based structure of invertebrates along a gradient of sediment colmation : Benthos versus hyporheos responses. Science of the Total Environment, 466–467 : 265–276.
    Dogan, B., Suzuki, H., Herlekar, D., Sartor, R.B., Campbell, B.J., Roberts, C.L., Stewart, K., Scherl, E.J., Araz, Y., Bitar, P.P., Lefébure, T., Chandler, B., Schukken, Y.H., Stanhope, M.J., Simpson, K.W., 2014 - Inflammation-associated adherent-invasive Escherichia coli are enriched in pathways for use of Propanediol and Iron and M-cell translocation. Inflamm Bowel Dis, 20(2) : 1919-1932.
    Dole-Olivier, M.J., Galassi, D.M.P., Marmonier, P., 2014 - Reply to comment by James W. Roy and Serban Danielescu on ‘‘Assessing invertebrate assemblages in the subsurface zone of stream sediments (0–15 cm deep) using a hyporheic sampler. Water Resources Research, 50(11) : 9124-9125
    Dole-Olivier, M.J., Maazouzi, C., Cellot, B., Fiers, F., Galassi, D.M.P., Claret, C., Martin, D., Mérigoux, S., Marmonier, P., 2014 - Assessing invertebrate assemblages in the subsurface zone of stream sediments (0–15 cm deep) using a hyporheic sampler. Water Resources Research, 50 : 1-13.
    Eme, D., Malard, F., Colson–Proch, C., Jean, P., Calvignac, S., Konecny–Dupré, L., Hervant, F., Douady, C.J., 2014 - Integrating phylogeography, physiology, and habitat modelling to explore species range déterminants. Journal of Biogeography, 41 : 687-699.
    Fiasca, B., Stoch, F., Olivier, M.J., Maazouzi, C., Petitta, M., Di Cioccio, A., Galassi, D.M.P., 2014 - The dark side of springs: what drives small-scale spatial patterns of subsurface meiofaunal assemblages ? Journal of Limnology, 73(1) : 55-64.
    Foucreau, N., Cottin, D., Piscart, C., Hervant, F., 2014 - Physiological and metabolic responses to rising temperature in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea) populations living under continental or Mediterranean climates. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 168 : 69–75.
    Foulquier, A., Dehedin, A., Piscart, C., Montuelle, B., Marmonier, P., 2014 - Habitat heterogeneity influences the response of microbial communities to severe low-flow periods in alluvial wetlands. Freshwater Biology, 59(3) : 463-476.
    Gette-Bouvarot, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., Delolme, C., Lemoine, D., Lassabatere, L., Loizeau, S., Volatier, L., 2014 - Coupling hydraulic and biological measurements highlights the key influence of algal biofilm on infiltration basin performance. Ecohydrology, 7(3) : 950-964.
    Graillot, D., Paran, F., Bornette, G., Marmonier, P., Piscart, C., Cadilhac, L., 2014 - Coupling groundwater modeling and biological indicators for identifying river/aquifer exchanges. SpringerPlus, 3(68) : 1-14.
    Griebler, C., Malard, F., Lefébure, T., 2014 - Current developments in groundwater ecology — from biodiversity to ecosystem function and services. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 27 : 159–167.
    Hidalgo, K., Mouline,K., Mamai, W., Foucreau, N., Dabire, K.R., Bouchereau, A., Simard, F., Renault, D., 2014 - Novel insights into the metabolic and biochemical underpinnings assisting dry-season survival in female malaria mosquitoes of the Anopheles gambiae complex. Journal of Insect Physiology, 70 : 102–116.
    Mondy, N., Grossi, V., Cathalan, E., Delbecque, J.P., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Douady, C.J., 2014 - Sterols and steroids in a freshwater crustacean (Proasellus meridianus) : hormonal response to nutritional input. Invertebrate Biology, 133(1) : 99-107.
    Plancq, J., Mattioli, E., Pittet, B., Simon, L., Grossi, V., 2014 - Productivity and sea-surface temperature changes recorded during the late Eocene–early Oligocene at DSDP Site 511 (South Atlantic). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 407 : 34-44.
    Zagmajster, M., Eme, D., Fiser, C., Galassi, D., Marmonier, P., Stoch, F., Cornu, J.F., Malard, F., 2014 - Geographic variation in range size and beta diversity of groundwater crustaceans: insights from habitats with low thermal seasonality. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23 : 1135–1145.
    Andre, A., Weiner, A., Quillévéré, F., Aurahs, R., Morard, R., Douady, C.J., De Garidel-Thoron, T., Escarguel, G., De Vargas, C., Kucera, M., 2013 - The cryptic and the apparent reversed: lack of genetic differentiation within the morphologically diverse plexus of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer. Paleobiology, 39(1) : 21–39.
    Bell, J.A., Jerome, J.P., Plovanich-Jones, A.E., Smith, E.J., Gettings, J.R., Kim, H.Y., Landgraf, J.R., Lefébure, T., Kopper, J.J., Rathinam, V.A., St. Charles, J.L., Buffa, B.A., Brooks, A.P., Poe, S.A., Eaton, K.A., Stanhope, M.J., Mansfield, L.S., 2013 - Outcome of infection of C57BL/6 IL-10 mice with Campylobacter jejuni strains is correlated with genome content of open reading frames up- and down-regulated in vivo. Microbial Pathogenesis 54 : 1-19.
    Canedo-Argüelles, M., Kefford, B.J., Piscart, C., Prat , N., Schäfer, R.B., Schulz, C.J., 2013 - Salinisation of rivers: An urgent ecological issue. Environmental Pollution 173 : 157-167.
    Capderrey, C., Datry, T., Foulquier, A., Claret, C., Malard, F., 2013 - Invertebrate distribution across nested geomorphic features in braided-river landscapes. Freshwater Science, 32(4) : 1188-1204.
    Capderrey, C., Kaufmann, B., Jean, P., Malard, F., Konecny-Dupré, L., Lefébure T., Douady, C.J., 2013 - Microsatellite Development and First Population Size Estimates for the Groundwater Isopod Proasellus walteri. PLoS One, 8(9) e76213 : 1-10.
    Cornejo, O.E., Lefébure, T., Pavinski Bitar, P.D., Lang, P., Richards, V.P., Eilertson, K., Do, T., Beighton, D., Zeng, L., Ahn, S.J., Burne, R.A., Siepel, A., Bustamante, C.D., Stanhope, M.J., 2013 - Evolutionary and Population Genomics of the Cavity Causing Bacteria Streptococcus mutans. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30(4) : 881–893.
    Cornu, J.F., Eme, D., Malard, F., 2013 - The distribution of groundwater habitats in Europe. Hydrogeology Journal, 21: 949–960.
    Dehedin, A., Dole-Olivier, M.J., Piscart, C., Mimoun, D., Bornette, G., Marmonier, P., 2013 - Long-term changes and drying modality affect interstitial assemblages of alluvial Wetlands. Wetlands, 33 : 537–550.
    Dehedin, A., Maazouzi, C., Puijalon, S., Marmonier, P., Piscart, C., 2013 – The combined effects of water level reduction and an increase in ammonia concentration on organic matter processing by key freshwater shredders in alluvial wetlands. Global Change Biology, 19 : 763–774.
    Dehedin, A.,, Piscart, C., Marmonier, P., 2013 - Seasonal variations of the effect of temperature on lethal and sublethal toxicities of ammonia for three common freshwater shredders, Chemosphere 90 : 1016–1022.
    Descloux, S., Datry, T., Marmonier, P., 2013 - Benthic and hyporheic invertebrate assemblages along a gradient of increasing streambed colmation by fine sediment. Aquatic Science, 33, 537-550.
    Eme, D., Malard, F., Konecny-Dupré, L., Lefébure, T., Douady, C.J., 2013 - Bayesian phylogeographic inferences reveal contrasting colonization dynamics among European groundwater isopods. Molecular Ecology. 22 : 5685-5699.
    Foucreau, N., Piscart, C., Puijalon, S., Hervant, F., 2013 - Effect of Climate-Related Change in Vegetation on Leaf Litter Consumption and Energy Storage by Gammarus pulex from Continental or Mediterranean Populations. PLoS One, 8(10) e77242 : 1-9.
    Foucreau, N., Puijalon, S., Hervant, F., Piscart, C., 2013 - Effect of leaf litter characteristics on leaf conditioning and on consumption by Gammarus pulex. Freshwater Biology, 58 : 1672–1681.
    Lawniczak, M., Romestaing, C., Roussel, D., Maazouzi, C., Renault, D., Hervant, F., 2013 - Preventive antioxidant responses to extreme oxygen level fluctuation in a subterranean crustacean. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 165 : 299–303.
    Lin, C., Den Bakker, H.C., Suzuki, H., Lefébure, T., Ponnala, L., Sun, Q., Stanhope, M.J., Wiedmann, M., Duhamel, G.E., 2013 - Complete Genome Sequence of the Porcine Strain Brachyspira pilosicoli P43/6/78T. Genome Announcements, 1(1), e00215-12 : 1-2.
    Maazouzi, C., Claret, C., Dole-Olivier, M.J., Marmonier, P., 2013 - Nutrient dynamics in river bed sediments: effects of hydrological disturbances using experimental flow manipulations. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13 : 207–219.
    Marmonier, P., Maazouzi, C., Foulquier, A., Navel, S., François, C., Hervant, F., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vienney, A., Barraud S., Togola, A., Piscart, C., 2013 - The use of crustaceans as sentinel organisms to evaluate groundwater ecological quality. Ecological Engineering, 57 : 118–132.
    Mermillod-Blondin, F., Foulquier, A., Gilbert, F., Navel, S., Montuelle, B., Bellvert, F., Comte, G., Grossi , V., Fourel, F., Lecuyer, F., Simon, L., 2013 - Benzo(a)pyrene inhibits the role of the bioturbator Tubifex tubifex in river sediment biogeochemistry. Science of the Total Environment 450-451 : 230–241.
    Mermillod-Blondin, F., Foulquier, A., Maazouzi, C., Navel, S., Negrutiu, Y., Vienney, A., Simon, L., Marmonier, P., 2013 - Ecological assessment of groundwater trophic status by using artificial substrates to monitor biofilm growth and activity. Ecological Indicators, 25 : 230–238.
    Mermillod-Blondin, F., Lefour, C., Lalouette, L., Renault, D., Malard, F., Simon, L., Douady, C.J., 2013 - Thermal tolerance breadths among groundwater crustaceans living in a thermally constant environment. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 216 : 1683-1694.
    Morvan, C., Malard, F., Paradis, E., Lefébure, T., Konecny-Dupré, L ., Douady, C.J., 2013 - Timetree of Aselloidea Reveals Species Diversification Dynamics in Groundwater. Systematic Biology, 62(4): 512–522.
    Navel, S., Piscart, C., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Marmonier, P., 2013 - New methods for the investigation of leaf litter breakdown in river sediments. Hydrobiologia, 700 : 301–312.
    Nogaro, G., Datry, T., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Foulquier, A., Montuelle, B., 2013 - Influence of hyporheic zone characteristics on the structure and activity of microbial assemblages. Freshwater Biology, 58 : 2567–2583.
    Palmer, S.R., Miller, J.H., Abranches, J., Zeng, L., Lefébure, T., Richards, V.P., Lemos, J.A., Stanhope, M.J., Burne, R.A., 2013 - Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Genomically-Diverse Isolates of Streptococcus mutans. PLoS One, 8(4), e61358 : 1-17.
    Piscart, C., Merzoug, D., Hafid, H., 2013 - A new species of Echinogammarus from algerian freshwaters, Echinogammarus haraktis n. Sp. (Peracarida, Amphipoda). Crustaceana 86(13-14) : 1623-1633.
    Quillévéré, F., Morard, R., Escarguel, G., Douady, C.J., Ujiie, Y., De Garidel-Thoron, T., De Vargas, C., 2013 - Global scale same-specimen morpho-genetic analysis of Truncorotalia truncatulinoides : A perspective on the morphological species concept in planktonic foraminifera. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 391 : 2-12.
    Richards, V.P., Lefébure, T., Pavinski Bitar, P.D., Stanhope, M.J., 2013 - Comparative characterization of the virulence gene clusters (lipooligosaccharide [LOS] and capsular polysaccharide [CPS]) for Campylobacter coli, Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni and related Campylobacter species. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 14 : 200–213.
    Richards, V.P., Zadoks, Pavinski Bitar, P.D, Lefébure, T., Lang, P., Werner, B., Tikofsky, Moroni, P., Stanhope, M.J., 2013 - Genome characterization and population genetic structure of the zoonotic pathogen, Streptococcus canis. BMC Microbiology 2012, 12(293) : 1-16.
    Achurra A., Creuze Des Chatelliers, M., Rodriguez, P., 2012 - Troglodrilus jugeti n. sp. (Annelida, Clitellata, Tubificinae), a new stygobiont oligochaete species from south-western Europe. Zootaxa, 3229 : 35–46.
    Burne, R.A., Zeng, L., Ahn, S.J., Palmer, S.R., Liu, Y., Lefebure, T., Stanhope, M.J., Nascimento, M.M., 2012 – Progress Dissecting the oral microbiome in caries and health. Advances in Dental Research, 24(2) : 77-80.
    Cottin, D., Brown A., Oliphant, A., Mestre, N.C., Ravaux, J., Shillito , B., Thatje, S., 2012 – Sustained hydrostatic pressure tolerance of the shallow water shrimp Palaemonetes varians at different temperatures: Insights into the colonisation of the deep sea. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 162 : 357–363.
    Cottin, D., Roussel, D., Foucreau, N., Hervant, F., Piscart, C., 2012 - Disentangling the effects of local and regional factors on the thermal tolerance of freshwater crustaceans. Naturwissenschaften, 99(4) : 259-264.
    Foucreau N., Renault D., Hidalgo K., Lugan R., Pétillon J., 2012. Effects of diet and salinity on the survival, egg laying and metabolic fingerprints of the ground-dwelling spider Arctosa fulvolineata(Araneae, Lycosidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 163: 388-395.
    Kefford, B.J., Hickey, G.L., Gasith, A., Ben-David, E., Dunlop, J.E., Palmer, C.G., Allan, K., Choy, S.C., Piscart, C., 2012 - Global Scale Variation in the Salinity Sensitivity of Riverine Macroinvertebrates: Eastern Australia, France, Israel and South Africa. PLoS One, 7(5) : 1-12.
    Lefébure, T., Richards, V.P., Lang, P., Pavinski-Bitar, P., Stanhope, M.J., 2012 - Gene repertoire evolution of Streptococcus pyogenes inferred from phylogenomic analysis with Streptococcus canis and Streptococcus dysgalactiae. PLoS One, 7(5) : 1-11.
    Lemoine, D.G., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Barrat-Segretain, M.H., Massé, C., Malet, E., 2012 - The ability of aquatic macrophytes to increase root porosity and radial oxygen loss determines their resistance to sediment anoxia. Aquatic Ecology, 46(2) : 191-200.
    Maazouzi, C., Morhain, E., Masson, G., Pihan, J.C., 2012 - Fatty Acids as Indicators of Environmental Condition in Microalgae. Environmental Indicators, 7 : 3-10.
    Marmonier, P., Archambaud, G., Belaidi, N., Bougon, N., Breil, P., Chauvet, E., Claret, C., Cornut, J., Datry, T., Dole-Olivier, M.J., Dumont, B., Flipo, N., Foulquier, A., Gerino, M., Guilpart, A., Julien, F., Maazouzi, C., Martin, D., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Montuelle, B., Namour, P., Navel, S., Ombredane, D., Pelte, T., Piscart, C., Pusch, M., Stroffek, S., Robertson, A., Sanchez-Pérez, J.M., Sauvage, S., Taleb, A., Wantzen, M., Vervier, P., 2012 - The role of organisms in hyporheic processes: gaps in current knowledge, needs for future research and applications. Annales de Limnologie, International Journal of Limnology, 48 : 253-266.
    Martinez-Ansemil, E., , Creuzé des Châtelliers, M., Martin, P., Sambugar, B., 2012 - The Parvidrilidae – a diversified groundwater family : description of six new species from southern Europe, and clues for its phylogenetic position within Clitellata (Annelida). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 166 : 530–558. With 10 figures.
    Navel, S., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Montuelle, B., Chauvet, E., Marmonier, P., 2012 - Sedimentary context controls the influence of ecosystem engineering by bioturbators on microbial processes in river sediments. Oikos, 121 : 1134–1144.
    Navel, S., Sauvage, S., Delmotte, S., Gerino, M., Marmonier P., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2012 - A modelling approach to quantify the influence of fine sediment deposition on biogeochemical processes occurring in the hyporheic zone. Annales de Limnologie, International Journal of Limnology, 48 : 279-287.
    Plancq, J., Grossi, V., Henderiks, J. Simon, L., Mattioli, E., 2012 - Alkenone producers during late Oligocene–early Miocene revisited. Paleoceanography, 27 : 1-12.
    Renault, D., Bijou, A., Hervant, F. - Impact of different acclimation temperatures and duration on the chill coma temperature and oxygen consumption in the tenebrionid beetle Alphitobius diaperinus. Physiological Entomology, 37 : 354–359.
    Suzuki, S., Lefébure, T., Pavinski Bitar, P., Stanhope, M.J., 2012 - Comparative genomic analysis of the genus Staphylococcus including Staphylococcus aureus and its newly described sister species Staphylococcus simiae. BMC Genomics, 13(38) : 1-8.
    Tuekam Kayo, R., Marmonier, P., Zebaze Togouet, S.H., Nola, M., Piscart, C., 2012 – An annotated checklist of freshwater stygobiotic crustaceans of Africa and Madagascar. Crustaceana 85 (12-13) 1613-1631.
    2016 - Licci, S., Delolme, C., Marmonier, P., Philippe, M., Cornacchia, L., Gardette, V., Bouma, T., Puijalon, S. Effect of aquatic plant patches on flow and sediment: the case of Callitriche platycarpa and Elodea nuttallii. P.M. Rowinski and A. Marion (eds.), Hydrodynamic and Mass Transport at Freshwater Aquatic Interfaces, GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences.
    2022 - Hervant, F. Behavioral, physiological and metabolic responses to long-term food deprivation (18 months) and subsequent renutrition in a cave amphibian, Proteus anguinus. Acta Physiologica 236 (726): e13893.
    2022 - Olivier J.M., Carrel G., Lamouroux N., Dole-Olivier M.J., Malard F., Bravard J.P., Piégay H., Castella E., Barthélémy C., 2022 - The Rhône River Basin. Pp. 391-451 In Rivers of Europe (second edition), Tockner K., Zarfl C. & Robinson C.T. (Eds).
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69518 Vaulx-en-Velin
Plan d'accès
Tél : (33) 04 72 04 70 56 - Fax : (33) 04 72 04 77 43