Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés

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Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes
Naturels et Anthropisés


Enseignant chercheur : E2C

Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
3, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bât. Darwin C
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE
Faculté des Sciences d'Angers
2 Bd Lavoisier
49045 ANGERS

(+33) 02 41 73 50 30

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  • Mes recherches se situent à l’interface de la biologie évolutive, de l’écologie comportementale et de la biologie de la conservation. Je m'intéresse à la façon dont l'habitat et les interactions interspécifiques façonnent les réponses écologiques et évolutives de l’échelle de la population à celle de l'espèce. Mon thème de recherche primaire porte sur l'écologie sensorielle et plus particulièrement sur l’évolution des systèmes de communication. Un second axe de recherche concerne la Biologie de la conservation. Une partie des travaux a porté les oiseaux prairiaux dans les plaines inondables. Ces deux axes se fondent dans l’étude des conséquences écologiques et évolutives de deux facteurs contribuant aux changement globaux : les invasions biologiques et la pollution lumineuse. Pour en savoir plus
    My research is at the interface between the fields of Evolutionary Biology, Behavioral Ecology, and Conservation Biology. I am interested in the processes by which habitat and interspecific interactions shape the ecological and evolutionary responses from the population to the species scale. My primary research topic is sensory ecology and, more specifically, the evolution of communication systems. A second research axis focuses on Conservation Biology. Part of former investigated grassland birds in floodplains. These two axes merge to address the ecological and evolutionary consequences of two factors contributing to global changes: biological invasions and light pollution. More at

    Ecologie visuelle des amphibiens

    Les amphibiens exploitent des habitats aquatiques aux propriétés optiques très variables. En particulier, les longueurs d’onde ultraviolettes sont filtrées en fonction de la concentration des acides humiques issus de la dégradation de la végétation. Malgré la stochasticité de leur environnement visuel, la sensibilité à l’ultraviolet semble largement répandue parmi les urodèles. Chez les Lissotritons elle est impliquée dans la communication sexuelle et la capture de proie. L’expression des photorécepteurs est elle-même modulée par les conditions photiques rencontrées lors du développement. Les travaux portent sur les réponses évolutives de l’ensemble du système de communication à la variation de l’environnement photique et sur les conséquences pour le risque d’hybridation entre espèces.

    Amphibians use aquatic habitats which optical properties are very variable. In particular, ultraviolet wavelengths are filtered according to the concentration of humic acids that originate from vegetation decay. In spite of this high stochasticity of their visual environment, ultraviolet sensitivity seems widespread among urodeles. In Lissotriton newts, it is involved in sexual communication and prey capture. The expression of photoreceptors is also modulated by the photic conditions experienced during development. I investigate the evolutionary response of the whole visual communication system to the variation of the photic environment and the consequences on the hybridization risk between species.

    Pollution lumineuse

    Les éclairages artificiels nocturnes sont principalement générés par les zones urbaines et les routes. La lumière est diffusée dans l’atmosphère et reflétée vers le sol loin de sa source, exposant ainsi de grandes surfaces de territoire. En modifiant la photopériode, ce phénomène altère la physiologie, le comportement des individus, et les interactions entre organismes. Ce phénomène est maintenant reconnu comme une menace globale pour la santé humaine, la faune et les écosystèmes. Cependant, nous manquons encore de données biologiques pour évaluer les effets sur les populations naturelles et modéliser ces effets dans l’espace. Les travaux portent sur ses questions en prenant les amphibiens comme modèle et en combinant mesures in situ, expériences contrôlées en laboratoire et modélisation spatiale par SIG.

    Artificial light at night is mainly generated by urban areas and roads. Light is scattered in the atmosphere and reflected back to the ground away from its source thus effectively exposing large areas. By modifying the photoperiod, this phenomenon alters physiology, behavior of individuals, and interactions between organisms. Artificial light at night is now recognized has a global hazard for human health, wildlife, and ecosystems. However, we still largely lack biological data to assess the effects in natural populations and spatial model of theses effects. This project investigate these issues and focuses on amphibians as model organisms by combinining in situ measurements, controlled experiments in the lab, and GIS modelling.

    Invasions biologiques

    Les invasions biologiques constituent une menace majeure de la biodiversité à l’échelle mondiale. Elles interrogent notre capacité à prédire l’expansion d’une population introduite, son impact sur les écosystèmes colonisés, les processus évolutifs impliqués, et au final à contrôler les populations invasives. Le projet européen Life CROAA "Control strategies of Alien Amphibians" vise à contrôler deux amphibiens majeurs le Xénope lisse Xenopus laevis et la Grenouille taureau Lithobates catesbeianus introduits en France et qui menacent les communautés des zones humides. Ses objectifs de recherche sont de tester des stratégies alternatives de contrôle intégrant des modèles de connectivité, les paramètres démographiques des différents stades et d’améliorer l’efficacité des techniques de capture.

    Biological invasions are now considered as a major threat to Biodiversity across the World. They raise questions about our capacity to predict the spread of an introduced population, the impacts on colonized ecosystems, the evolutionary processes involved, and ultimately to control invaders. The European Life project CROAA "Control strategies of Alien Amphibians" aims at controlling two main invasive amphibians the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis and the Bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus that threatens wetland communities where they have been introduced in France. Its research objectives are to test alternative control strategies integrating connectivity modeling, demographic parameters of the different life stages, and to improve the efficiency of capture methods.
  • 2009       Habilitation à diriger les recherches

    2017-     Membre de l’UMR LEHNA · Université de Lyon 1 · Lyon · France

    2003-    Maître de conférences · Université d'Angers · Angers · France

    2001–2003 Post-doc · Marie Curie · Lunds Universitet · Department of Animal Ecology · Lund · Suède

    1999–2001 Post-doc · Marie Curie · Universiteit Leiden · Behavioural Biology · Leiden · Pays-Bas

    1995–1999 Thèse · Université de Bourgogne · UMR Biogéosciences · Dijon · France
  • 2024 Elfering, R., Mannix, S., Allain, S.,Ambu, J., van Doorn, L., [...], Secondi, J., 2024 - Extreme genetic depletion upon postglacial colonization hampers determining the provenance of introduced palmate newt populations. Amphibia-Reptilia, 45 (3), pp.349-356. ⟨10.1163/15685381-bja10181⟩

    2024 Miralles, A., Secondi, J., Pabijan, M., Babik, W., Lemaire, C., Crochet, P.A., 2024 - Inconsistent estimates of hybridization frequency in newts revealed by SNPs and microsatellites. Conservation Genetics, 25 (1), pp.215-225. ⟨10.1007/s10592-023-01556-9⟩.

    2024 Vimercati, G., Rödder, D., Vuilleumier, S., Berronneau, M., Secondi J., 2024 - Large-landscape connectivity models for pond-dwelling species: methods and application to two invasive amphibians of global concern. Landscape Ecology, 39 (4), pp.76. ⟨10.1007/s10980-024-01858-4⟩

    2023 Ginal, P., Kruger, N., Wagener, C., Araspin, L., Secondi J., [...], Rödder, D., 2023 - Mohlamatsane Mokhatla, et al.. More time for aliens? Performance shifts lead to increased activity time budgets propelling invasion success. Biological Invasions, 25:267-283. ⟨10.1007/s10530-022-02903-6⟩

    2023 Secondi, J., Scriba, M.F., Mondy, N., Lengagne, T. Artificial light at night decreases the pupillary light response of dark-adapted toads to bright light. Integrative Zoology, 18:867-875. (10.1111/1749-4877.12693)

    2023 Touzot, M., Dumet A., Secondi J., Lengagne T., Henri H., Desouhant E., Duchamp C., Mondy N., 2023 - Artifical light at night triggers slight transcriptomic effects on melatonin signaling but not synthesis in tadpoles of two anuran species. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, Part A, 280, 111386. (10.1016/j.cbpa.2023.111386)

    2022 Blanchet, C.C., Arzel, C., Davranche, A., Kahilainen, K.K., Secondi, J., Taipale, S., Lindberg, H., Loehr, J. , Manninen-Johansen, S., Sundell, J., Maanan, M., Nummi, P., 2022 - Ecology and extent of freshwater browning - What we know and what should be studied next in the context of global change. Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, 2022, 812, pp.152421. ⟨11.1116/j.scitotenv.2121.152421⟩

    2022 De Solan, T., Théry, M., Picard, D., Crochet, P.A., David, P., Secondi, J., 2022 - A lot of convergence, a bit of divergence: Environment and interspecific interactions shape body colour patterns in Lissotriton newts. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35 (4), pp.575-588. ⟨10.1111/jeb.13985⟩

    2022 Kruger, N., Secondi, J., Du Preez, L., Herrel, A., Measey, J., 2022 - Phenotypic variation in Xenopus laevis tadpoles from contrasting climatic regimes is the result of adaptation and plasticity. Oecologia, 200 (1-2), pp.37-50. ⟨10.1007/s00442-022-05240-6

    2022 Lorrain-Soligon, L., Secondi, J., 2022 - Quantification of underwater calling and foraging activities in the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. Amphibia-Reptilia, 43 (4), pp.357-367. ⟨10.1163/15685381-bja10107⟩

    2022 Sordello, R., Busson, S., Cornuau, J.H., Deverchère, P., Faure, B., Guetté, A., Hölker, F., Kerbiriou, C., Lengagne, T., Le Viol, I., Longcore, T., Moeschler, P., Ranzoni, J., Ray, N., Reyjol, Y., Roulet, Y., Schroer, S., Secondi, J., Valet, N., Vanpeene, S., Vauclair, S., 2022 - A plea for a worldwide development of dark infrastructure for biodiversity – Practical examples and ways to go forward. Landscape and Urban Planning, 219, pp.104332. ⟨10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104332⟩

    2022 Touzot, M., Lefebure, T., Lengagne, T., Secondi, J., Dumet, A., Konecny-Dupré, L., Veber, P., Navratil, V., Duchamp, C., Mondy N., 2022 - Transcriptome-wide deregulation of gene expression by artificial light at night in tadpoles of common toads. Science of the Total Environment, 818, pp.151734. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151734⟩

    2021 Ginal, P., Mokhatla, M., Kruger, N., Secondi, J., Herrel, A., Measey, J., Rodder, D., 2021 - Ecophysiological models for global invaders: Is Europe a big playground for the African clawed frog? Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 335 (1), pp.158-172. ⟨10.1002/jez.2432⟩

    2021 Lorrain-Soligon, L., Cavin, T., Villain, A., Perez, E., Kelley, D., Secondi, J., 2021 - Effects of conspecific lures, call playbacks, and moonlight on the capture rate of Xenopus laevis, a major invasive amphibian. Management of Biological Invasions, 12 (3), pp.716-726. ⟨10.3391/mbi.2021.12.3.13⟩

    2021 Mondy, N., Boisselet, C., Poussineau, S., Vallier, F., Lengagne, T., Secondi, J., Romestaing, C., Geay, M., Puijalon, S., 2021 - Herbivory increases on freshwater plants exposed to artificial light at night. Aquatic Botany, 175, pp.103447. ⟨10.1016/j.aquabot.2021.103447⟩

    2021 Secondi, J., Mondy, N., Gippet, J.M.W., Touzot, M., Gardette, V., Guillard, L., Lengagne, T., 2021 - Artificial light at night alters activity, body mass, and corticosterone level in a tropical anuran. Behavioral Ecology, 32(5) : 932-940. ⟨10.1093/beheco/arab044⟩

    2021 Segrestin, J., Mondy, N., Boisselet, C., Guigard, L., Lengagne, T., Poussineau, S., Secondi, J., Puijalon, S., 2021 - Effects of artificial light at night on the leaf functional traits of freshwater plants. Freshwater Biology, 66, 2264-2271. ⟨10.1111/fwb.13830⟩

    2021 Vimercati, G., Kruger, N., Secondi, J., 2021 - Land cover, individual's age and spatial sorting shape landscape resistance in the invasive frog Xenopus laevis. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90 (5), pp.1177-1190. ⟨10.1111/1365-2656.13445⟩

    2020 Fourcade, Y., Richardson, D.S., Secondi, J., 2020 - No evidence for a loss of genetic diversity despite a strong decline in size of a European population of the CorncrakeCrex crex. Bird Conservation International, 30 (2), pp.260 - 266. ⟨10.1017/s0959270919000327⟩

    2020 Secondi, J, Davranche, A, Théry, M, Mondy, N, Lengagne, T., 2020 - Assessing the effects of artificial light at night on biodiversity across the latitudinal gradient – current knowledge gaps. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29 : 404-419.

    2020 Secondi, J, Raux, F., 2020 - An invasive amphibian drives antipredator responses. Behavioral Ecology, 31(3) : 851-857. ⟨10.1093/beheco/araa036⟩

    2020 Touzot, M., Lengagne, T., Secondi, J., Desouhant, E., Théry, M., Dumet, A., Duchamp, C., Mondy, N., 2020 - Artificial light at night alters the sexual behaviour and fertilisation success of the common toad. Environmental Pollution, 259, 113883.

    2019 Schoeman, A.L., Kruger, N., Secondi, J., Heyns du Preez, L., 2019 - Repeated reduction in parasite diversity in invasive populations of Xenopus laevis: a global experiment in enemy release. Biological Invasions, 21(4) : 1323-1338.

    2019 Touzot, M., Teulier, L., Lengagne, T., Secondi, J., Théry, M., Libourel, P.A., Guillard, L., Mondy, N., 2019 - Artificial light at night disturbs the activity and energy allocation of the common toad during the breeding period. Conservation Physiology, 7 : 1-9.

    2018 Courant, J., Secondi, J., Vollette, J., Herrel, A., Thirion, J.M., 2018 - Assessing the impacts of the invasive frog, Xenopus laevis, on amphibians in western France. Amphibia-Reptilia, 39 : 219-227.

    2018 Fourcade, Y., Besnard, A.G., Beslot, E., , Hennique, S., Mourgaud, G., Berdin, G., Secondi, J., 2018 - Habitat selection in a dynamic seasonal environment: Vegetation composition drives the choice of the breeding habitat for the community of passerines in oodplain grasslands. Biological Conservation, 228 : 301-309.

    2017 Chaput-Bardy, A., Alcala, N., Secondia, J., Vuilleumier, S., 2017 - Network analysis for species management in rivers networks: Application to the Loire River. Biological Conservation, 210 : 26–36.

    2017 Courant, J., Secondi J., Bereiziat, V., Herrel, A., 2017 - Resources allocated to reproduction decrease at the range edge of an expanding population of an invasive amphibian. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122 : 157–165.

    2017 Courant, J., Vogt, S., Marques, R., Measey, J., Secondi, J., Rebelo, R., De Villiers, A., Ihlow, F., De Busschere, C., Backeljau, T., Rödder, D., Herrel, A., 2017 - Are invasive populations characterized by a broader diet than native populations ? PeerJ 5:e3250 : 1-16.

    2017 Fourcade, Y., Besnard, A.G., Secondi, J., 2017 - Evaluating interspecific niche overlaps in environmental and geographic spaces to assess the value of umbrella species. Journal of Avian Biology, 48 : 1-12.

    2017 Fourcade, Y., Besnard, A.G., Secondi, J., 2017 - Paintings predict the distribution of species, or the challenge of selecting environmental predictors and evaluation statistics. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(2) : 245-254.

    2017 Rödder, D., Ihlow, F., Courant, J., Secondi, J., Herrel, A., Rebelo, R., Measey, G.J., Lillo, F., De Villiers, F.A., De Busschere, C., Backeljau, T., 2017 - Global realized niche divergence in the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. Ecology and Evolution, 7 : 4044–4058.

    2017 Secondi, J., Dupont, V., Davranche, A., Mondy, N., Lengagne, T., Théry, M., 2017 - Variability of wetland surface and underwater nocturnal spectral irradiance with the presence of clouds in urban and peri-urban wetlands. PLoS ONE 12(11), e0186808 : 1-13.

    2017 Secondi, J., Martin, M., Goven, D., Mège, P., Sourice, S., Théry, M., 2017 - Habitat-related variation in the plasticity of a UV-sensitive photoreceptor over a small spatial scale in the palmate newt. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30 : 1229-1235.

    2016 Ihlow, F., Courant, J., Secondi, J., Herrel, A., Rebelo, R., Measey, G.J., Lillo, F., De Villiers, A., Vogt, S., De Busschere, C., Backeljau, T., Rödder, D., 2016 - Impacts of climate change on the global invasion potential of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. PLoS One 11(6): e0154869, 1-19.

    Fourcade Y., Richardson D.S., Keiss O., Budka M., Green R.E., Fokin S., Secondi J. 2016. Corncrake conservation genetics at a European scale: The impact of biogeographical and anthropological processes. Biological Conservation. 198: 210–219.

    Secondi J., Dejean T., Valentin A., Audebaud B., Miaud C. 2016 Estimating the density of an aquatic invasive amphibian, Xenopus laevis, using environmental DNA Amphibia-Reptilia 37, 131-136.

    Mège P., Ödeen A., Théry M., Picard D., Secondi J. 2016 Partial opsin sequences suggest UV-sensitive vision is widespread in Caudata. Evolutionary Biology 43, 109-118.

    Martin M., Théry M., Rodgers G., Goven D., Sourice S., Mège P., Secondi J. 2016 UV wavelengths experienced during development affect visual sensitivity and predation efficiency of larval newts. Biology Letters, DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0954.

    Engler J.O., Secondi J., Dawson D.A., Elle O., Hochkirch A. 2016 Range expansion and retraction along a moving contact zone has no effect on the genetic diversity of two passerine birds. Ecography, 39, 884-893.

    Besnard A.G., Fourcade Y., Secondi J. 2016 Measuring difference in edge avoidance in grassland birds: the Corncrake is less sensitive to hedgerow proximity than passerines. Journal of Ornithology, 157: 515-523.


    Secondi J., Rodgers G., Bayle F., Sourice S., Théry M. 2015 Mate preference, species recognition and multimodal communication in heterogeneous environments. Evolutionary Ecology 29, 217-227.

    Lafage D., Sibelle C., Secondi J., Canard A., Pétillon J. 2015 Short term resilience of arthropod assemblages after spring flood, with focus on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) and carabids (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Ecohydrology, 1584-1599.

    Besnard A.G., Davranche A., Maugenest S., J-B. B., Vian A., Secondi J. 2015 Vegetation maps based on remote sensing are informative predictors of habitat selection of grassland birds across a wetness gradient. Ecological indicators 58, 47-54.


    Secondi J., Théry M. 2014 An ultraviolet signal generates a conflict between sexual selection and species recognition in a newt. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68, 1049-1058.

    Secondi J., Okassa M., Sourice S., Théry M. 2014 Habitat-dependent species recognition in hybridizing newts. Evolutionary Biology 41, 71-80.

    Lafage D., Secondi J., Georges A., Bouzille J.-B., Petillon J. 2014 Satellite-derived vegetation indices as surrogate of species richness and abundance of ground beetles in temperate floodplains. Insect Conservation and Diversity 7, 327-333.

    Fourcade Y., Keiss O., Richardson D.S., Secondi J. 2014 Continental-scale patterns of pathogen prevalence: a case study on the corncrake. Evolutionary Applications 7, 1043-1055.

    Fourcade Y., Engler J.O., Roedder D., Secondi J. 2014 Mapping species distributions with MAXENT using a geographically biased sample of presence data: A performance assessment of methods for correcting sampling bias. Plos One 9(5).

    Engler J.O., Secondi J., Dawson D.A., Roderus D., Elle O., Hochkirch A. 2014 Cross-species utility of 22 microsatellite markers in the Melodious Warbler (Hippolais polyglotta). Avian Biology Research 7, 91-98.

    Besnard A.G., Secondi J. 2014 Hedgerows diminish the value of meadows for grassland birds: Potential conflicts for agri-environment schemes. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 189, 21-27.


    Secondi J., Lepetz V., Cossard G., Sourice S. 2013 Nitrate affects courting and breathing but not escape performance in adult newts. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1757-1765.

    Fourcade Y., Engler J.O., Besnard A.G., Roedder D., Secondi J. 2013 Confronting expert-based and modelled distributions for species with uncertain conservation status: A case study from the corncrake (Crex crex). Biological Conservation 167, 161-171.

    Fourcade Y., Chaput-Bardy A., Secondi J., Fleurant C., Lemaire C. 2013 Is local selection so widespread in river organisms? Fractal geometry of river networks leads to high bias in outlier detection. Molecular Ecology 22, 2065-2073.

    Engler J.O., Roedder D., Elle O., Hochkirch A., Secondi J. 2013 Species distribution models contribute to determine the effect of climate and interspecific interactions in moving hybrid zones. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26, 2487-2496.

    Engler J.O., Roderus D., Elle O., Secondi J., Hochkirch A. 2013 Temporal comparison of the genetic structure in newly founded populations along the expansive range edge of the Melodious Warbler (Hippolais polyglotta) in Southwest Germany. Vogelwarte 51, 179 – 184.

    Besnard A.G., La Jeunesse I., Pays O., Secondi J. 2013 Topographic wetness index predicts the occurrence of bird species in floodplains. Diversity and Distributions 19, 955-963.

    Secondi J., Lepetz V., Thery M. 2012 Male ttractiveness is influenced by UV wavelengths in a newt pecies but not in its close relative. Plos One 7(1).


    Secondi J., Bordas P., Hipsley C.A., Bensch S. 2011 Bilateral song convergence in a passerine hybrid zone: genetics contribute in one species only. Evolutionary Biology 38, 441-452.

    Johanet A., Secondi J., Lemaire C. 2011 Widespread introgression does not leak into allotopy in a broad sympatric zone. Heredity 106, 962-972.


    Secondi J., Johanet A., Pays O., Cazimajou F., Djalout Z., Lemaire C. 2010 Olfactory and visual species recognition in newts and their role in hybridization. Behaviour 147, 1693-1712.

    Chaput-Bardy A., Gregoire A., Baguette M., Pagano A., Secondi J. 2010 Condition and phenotype-dependent dispersal in a damselfly, Calopteryx splendens. Plos One 5(5).


    Secondi J., Hinot E., Djalout Z., Sourice S., Jadas-Hecart A. 2009 Realistic nitrate concentration alters the expression of sexual traits and olfactory male attractiveness in newts. Functional Ecology 23, 800-808.

    Johanet A., Secondi J., Pays O., Pagano A., Lode T., Lemaire C. 2009 A case of reproductive character displacement in female palmate newts (Lissotriton helveticus). Comptes Rendus Biologies 332, 548-557.

    Chaput-Bardy A., Fleurant C., Lemaire C., Secondi J. 2009 Modelling the effect of in-stream and overland dispersal on gene flow in river networks. Ecological Modelling 220, 3589-3598.


    Faivre F., Secondi J. 2008 Un point sur la zone de contact entre les deux contrefaisants Hippolais icterina et H. polyglotta. Alauda 76, 305-318.

    Chaput-Bardy A., Lemaire C., Picard D., Secondi J. 2008 In-stream and overland dispersal across a river network influences gene flow in a freshwater insect, Calopteryx splendens. Molecular Ecology 17, 3496-3505.


    Secondi J., Aumjaud A., Pays O., Boyer S., Montembault D., Violleau D. 2007 Water turbidity affects the development of sexual morphology in the palmate newt. Ethology 113, 711-720.

    Perez-Tris J., Hellgren O., Krizanauskiene A., Waldenstrom J., Secondi J., Bonneaud C., Fjeldsa J., Hasselquist D., Bensch S. 2007 Within-host speciation of malaria parasites. Plos One 2(2).

    Haerty W., Gentilhomme E., Secondi J. 2007 Female preference for a male sexual trait uncorrelated with male body size in the Palmate newt (Triturus helveticus). Behaviour 144, 797-814.

    Chaput-Bardy A., Pays O., Lode T., Secondi J. 2007 Morphological clines in dendritic landscapes. Freshwater Biology 52, 1677-1688.


    Secondi J., Faivre B., Bensch S. 2006 Spreading introgression in the wake of a moving contact zone. Molecular Ecology 15, 2463-2475.

    Reullier J., Perez-Tris J., Bensch S., Secondi J. 2006 Diversity, distribution and exchange of blood parasites meeting at an avian moving contact zone. Molecular Ecology 15, 753-763.


    Secondi J., Haerty W., Lode T. 2005 Female attraction to conspecific chemical cues in the palmate newt Triturus helveticus. Ethology 111, 726-735.


    Secondi J., den Hartog P.M., ten Cate C. 2003 To trill or not to trill? Territorial response to a heterospecific vocal trait in male collared doves, Streptopelia decaocto. Behavioral Ecology 14, 694-701.

    Secondi J., Bretagnolle V., Compagnon C., Faivre B. 2003 Species-specific song convergence in a moving hybrid zone between two passerines. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 80, 507-517.


    Secondi J., De Bakker M.A.G., Ten Cate C. 2002 Female responses to male coos in the collared dove Streptopelia decaocto. Behaviour 139, 1287-1302.

    Faivre B., Secondi J., Frochot B., Cezilly F. 2002 Local survival and breeding ecology in an expanding population of Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta. Ardea 90, 293-301.

    Faivre B., Preault M., Thery M., Secondi J., Patris B., Cezilly F. 2001 Breeding strategy and morphological characters in an urban population of blackbirds, Turdus merula. Animal Behaviour 61, 969-974.

    Secondi J., Faivre B., Kreutzer M. 1999 Maintenance of male reaction to the congeneric song in the Hippolais warbler hybrid zone. Behavioural Processes , 151-158.

    Faivre B., Secondi J., Ferry C., Chastragnat L., Cezilly F. 1999 Morphological variation and the recent evolution of wing length in the Icterine Warbler: a case of unidirectional introgression? Journal of Avian Biology 30, 152-158.

Site de la Doua
Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I
CNRS, UMR 5023 - LEHNA (Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés)
3-6, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bâtiments Darwin C & Forel, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
43, Boulevard du 11 novembre 1918
Plan d'accès
Tél. : (33) 4 72 43 29 53 - Fax : (33) 4 72 43 11 41
Site de Vaulx-en-Velin
CNRS, UMR 5023 - LEHNA (Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés)
3, rue Maurice Audin
69518 Vaulx-en-Velin
Plan d'accès
Tél : (33) 04 72 04 70 56 - Fax : (33) 04 72 04 77 43