CUNY Gilles PU
Enseignant chercheur : P3E
Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
Bât. Forel
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE
(+33) 04 72 44 82 98
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Mon travail de recherche se concentre sur divers aspects de l’évolution des poissons cartilagineux, bien que j’étudie également toutes sortes de microrestes de vertébrés mésozoïques, des poissons aux mammifères. Je suis plus particulièrement intéressé par l’origine et la radiation des premiers néosélaciens ainsi que par l’adaptation des requins xénacanthes, hybodontes et néosélaciens aux environnements d’eau douce. Concernant ce dernier volet, je complète une approche classique de distribution des fossiles par des analyses géochimiques des aiguillons de ces animaux pour tester l’existence de possibles migrations en milieu marin pouvant mettre en évidence un mode de vie catadrome et la possibilité d’utiliser des voies de dispersion marines. J’étudie les dents isolées de requins fossiles à la fois par une approche morphologique et histologique. Dans ce cadre, la microstructure de l’émailloïde est particulièrement adaptée pour explorer les relations phylogénétiques et le régime alimentaire des poissons cartilagineux fossiles. De plus, l’apparition de structures très complexes et très similaires chez les élasmobranches et les actinoptérygiens, ainsi qu’une corrélation assez nette entre morphologie dentaire et microstructure de l’émailloïde suggèrent que ses caractéristiques mécaniques orientent l’évolution du tissu. J’explore donc la reconstitution en 3D de l’agencement et de la distribution de microstructures complexes au sein des tissus dentaires hyperminéralisés des « poissons » grâce à l’utilisation de la tomographie FIB/MEB en association avec le laboratoire MATEIS de l’INSA de Lyon. L’idée est de parvenir à modéliser les propriétés mécaniques de ces microstructures et de mieux comprendre leur influence sur l’évolution des dents.
My work focuses mainly on various aspects of the evolution of sharks, although I also study all kinds of mesozoic vertebrate microremains, from fishes to mammals. I am more particularly interested in the origin and early radiation of the neoselachian sharks and in the adaptations of hybodont sharks to freshwater environments. In order to study shark teeth, I use both morphological and histological approaches. Enameloid microstructure is particularly useful to decipher the phylogenetic relationships and diet of ancient sharks.
- Synthèse de la carrière :
Né en 1965 à Paris, j’ai étudié les sciences naturelles, la géologie et la paléontologie à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Après une thèse de doctorat sur l'étude des microrestes de vertébrés, intitulée “Evolution des faunes de vertébrés à la limite Trias-Jurassique en France et au Luxembourg: Implications à l’Europe occidentale”, soutenue en 1993 à Paris 6, je me suis orienté vers l'étude des élasmobranches. Cette thèse fût réalisée en un peu plus de 4 ans car je travaillais à l’époque à plein temps dans une société d’assurance pour payer mes études. Je suis également titulaire d’une Habilitation à diriger les recherches de l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 ayant porté sur “l’Emergence des requins néosélaciens et son impact sur la paléoécologie des requins hybodontes”.
Je suis actuellement Professeur des universités à l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. J’ai auparavant travaillé pendant 13 ans au Danemark à l’Université de Copenhague (Conservateur-responsable des collections de vertébrés au Muséum national d’histoire naturelle du Danemark & enseignant chercheur), pendant 5 ans en Angleterre (chercheur à l’Université de Bristol) et pendant 8 mois en Thaïlande (enseignant chercheur à l’université de Mahasarakham). Je dispose donc d’une très forte expérience à l’international.
Outre mes activités de recherche et de gestion des collections de paléontologie, j’ai exercé des activités d’enseignement en 1er et 2ème cycle (en français et en anglais), et des activités d’encadrement d’étudiants en 1er, 2ème et 3ème cycle dans des environnements culturels différents. Mes recherches sur le terrain m'ont mené en Asie, en Afrique du Nord et à Madagascar, en Europe, en Amérique du Sud et au Groënland.
J’ai une longue expérience de la diffusion de connaissances scientifiques par le biais de conférences publiques, la réalisation d’expositions et la participation à des émissions ou documentaires scientifiques destinés au grand public (sur des chaines publiques en France, au Danemark et en Angleterre).
Diplômes :
2006: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Titre du mémoire: “Emergence des requins néosélaciens et impact sur la paléoécologie des requins hybodontes”.
Garant : Christophe Lecuyer
1993: Doctorat européen de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6.
Période d’étude: 09.1989 - 12.1993
Mention très honorable avec félicitations du Jury
Titre de la thèse: "Evolution des faunes de vertébrés à la limite Trias-Jurassique en France et au Luxembourg: implications à l'Europe occidentale".
Directeur : Eric Buffetaut
06.1989: D.E.A. de Paléontologie des Vertébrés
Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6
Période d’étude: 09.1988 - 06.1989
Mention Assez Bien
09.1987: Maîtrise ès Sciences naturelles option Terre
Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6
Postes occupés :
2014-présent: Professeur de seconde classe, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
2001-2014: Associate Professor (lektor) et conservateur des collections de vertébrés fossiles, Natural History Museum of Denmark, Université de Copenhague.
2001: Lecturer à l’Université de Maha Sarakham, Thaïlande.
1998-2000: Research Associate à l’Université de Bristol, Angleterre (Department of Earth Sciences), Financement du NERC pour trois ans.
1996-1997: Marie Curie Research Fellow à l’Université de Bristol, Angleterre (Department of Earth Sciences), Financement de la communauté européenne pour deux ans.
1994: Enseignant vacataire en géologie à l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise. - 2024 Jirapatrasilp, P., Cuny, G., Kocsis, L., Sutcharit, C. [...], Suraprasit, K., 2024 - Mid-Holocene marine faunas from the Bangkok Clay deposits in Nakhon Nayok, the Central Plain of Thailand. Zookeys, 1202, pp.1-110. ⟨10.3897/zookeys.1202.119389⟩2023 Cuny, G., Chanthasit, P., 2023 - First record of hybodont egg capsules from the Jurassic of Thailand. Annales de Paléontologie,109 (4), pp.102652. ⟨10.1016/j.annpal.2023.102652⟩2023 Li, J., Sun, Z., Cuny, G., Jiang, D., 2023 - Early Triassic chondrichthyans from the Zuodeng Section, Guangxi Province, South China: Palaeobiological and palaeobiogeographical implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 624, pp.111635. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111635⟩2023 Li, J.C., Sun, Z.Y., Cuny, G., Meng, Q.Q., Jiang, D.Y., 2023 - Hybodontiform sharks from Middle Triassic Chang 7 Member of the Ordos Basin, Shaanxi, North China: palaeobiological and palaeoecological significances. Palaeoworld, 2023, 32 (1), pp.93-103. ⟨10.1016/j.palwor.2022.08.001⟩2023 Luccisano, V., Cuny, G., Pradel, A., Fourel, F., [...], Amiot, R., 2023 - Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological reconstructions based on oxygen, carbon and sulfur isotopes of Early Permian shark spines from the French Massif central. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023, 628, pp.111760. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111760⟩2023 Stumpf, S., Kettler, C., Kindlimann, R., Cuny, G., Kriwet, J., 2023 - The oldest Gondwanan record of the extinct durophagous hybodontiform chondrichthyan, Strophodus from the Bajocian of Morocco. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 142 (1), pp.5. ⟨10.1186/s13358-023-00270-w⟩2022 Goñi, I., Cuny, G., 2022 - New record of the genus Ptychodus Agassiz, 1834, (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Upper Cretaceous of Bornholm (Denmark). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 70, pp.19-25. ⟨10.37570/bgsd-2022-70-02⟩2022 Li, J., Sun, Cuny, G., Ji, C., Jiang, D., Zhou, M., 2022 - An unusual shark assemblage from the Ladinian–Carnian interval of South China. Papers in Palaeontology, 8(1), pp.e1404. ⟨10.1002/spp2.1404⟩2022 Luccisano, V., Pradel, A., Amiot, R., Pouillon, J.M., Kindlimann, R., Steyer, J.B., Cuny, G., 2022 -Systematics, ontogeny and palaeobiogeography of the genus Orthacanthus (Diplodoselachidae, Xenacanthiformes) from the lower Permian of France. Papers in Palaeontology, 8 (6), pp.e1470. ⟨10.1002/spp2.1470⟩2021 Feichtinger, I., Adnet, S., Cuny, G., Guinot, G., Kriwet, J., Neubauer, T.A., Pollerspöck, J., Shimada, K., Straube, N., Underwood, C., Vullo, R., Harzhauser, 2021 - Comment on “An early Miocene extinction in pelagic sharks”. Science, 374 (6573). ⟨10.1126/science.abk0632⟩2021 Fellah, C., Douillard, T., Maire, E., Meille, S., Reynard, B., Cuny, G., 2021 - 3D microstructural study of selachimorph enameloid evolution. Journal of Structural Biology, 213:107664. ⟨10.3390/metabo11030187⟩2021 Luccisano, V., Pradel, A., Amiot, R., Gand, G., Steyer, J.B., Cuny, G., 2021 A new Triodus shark species (Xenacanthidae, Xenacanthiformes) from the lowermost Permian of France and its paleobiogeographic implications. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 41:2, e1926470. (10.1080/02724634.2021.1926470)
2021 Luccisano, V., Rambert-Natsuaki, M., Cuny, G., Amiot, R., Pouillon, J.M., Pradel, J.M., 2021 - Phylogenetic implications of the systematic reassessment of Xenacanthiformes and ‘Ctenacanthiformes’ (Chondrichthyes) neurocrania from the Carboniferous–Permian Autun Basin (France). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 19 (23), pp.1623-1642. ⟨10.1080/14772019.2022.2073279⟩2020 Boonchai, N., Suteethorn, S., Sereeprasirt, W., Suriyonghanphong, C., Amiot, R., Cuny, G., Legrand, J., Thévenard, F., Philippe, M., 2020 - Xenoxylon, a boreal fossil wood in the Mesozoic redbeds of Southeast Asia: T Potential for the stratigraphy of the Khorat group and the palinspatic reconstruction of Southeast Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 189, 104153.
- Autres productions 2019 - Cuny, G., Chapuis, A., Leprévost, C. Actes du 1er Colloque Paléontologie et Archéologie en Normandie de Villers-sur-Mer 5-6 octobre 2019. ASTERACANTHUS NORMANDS. - Mémoires universitaires
CUNY G. (1993) - Evolution des faunes de vertébrés à la limite Trias-Jurassique en France et au Luxembourg: implications à l'Europe occidentale. Thèse, Mémoire des Sciences de la Terre n¡ 93.21, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, 234 p.
CUNY G. (2006) - Emergence des requins néosélaciens et impact sur la paléoécologie des requins hybodontes. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 348 p.
Publications dans des revues avec Comité de Lecture
92. TONG H., BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V., SUTEETHORN S., CUNY G., CAVIN L., DEESRI U., MARTIN J.E., WONGKO K., NAKSRI W. & CLAUDE J. (2019) - Phu Din Daeng, a new Early Cretaceous vertebrate locality on the Khorat Plateau, NE Thailand. Annales de paléontologie. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annpal.2019.04.004
91. TENG Y. H., SONE M., HIRAYAMA R., YOSHIDA M., KOMATSU T., KHAMHA S., & CUNY G. (2019) - First Cretaceous fish fauna from Malaysia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 39:1:e1573735, 14 pages. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2019.1573735
90. PORCHER I.F., DARVELL B.W. & CUNY G. (2019) - Response to ÒA United States shark fin ban would undermine sustainable shark fisheriesÓ D.S. Shiffman & R.E. Hueter, Marine Policy 85 (2017) 138-140. Marine Policy, 104:85-89.
89. GOEDERT J., LƒCUYER C., AMIOT R., ARNAUD-GODET F., WANG X., CUI L., CUNY G., DOUAY G., FOUREL F., PANCZER G., SIMON L., STEYER J.-S. & ZHU M. (2018) - Euryhaline ecology of early tetrapods revealed by stable isotopes. Nature, doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-159-2.
88. DEESRI U., CAVIN L., AMIOT R., BARDET N., BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., GINER S., MARTIN J.E. & SUAN G. (2018) - A mawsoniid coelacanth (Sarcopterygii: Actinistia) from the Rhaetian (Upper Triassic) of the Peygros quarry, Le Thoronet (Var, southeastern France). Geological Magazine, 155(1): 187-192 DOI: 10.1017/S0016756817000619.
87. CUNY G. & STEMMERIK L. (2018) - New fossil fish microremains from the Upper Carboniferous of eastern North Greenland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 66: 47-60.
86. LEUZINGER L., CUNY G., POPOV E. & BILLON-BRUYAT J.-P. (2017) - A new chondrichthyan fauna from the Late Jurassic of the Swiss Jura (Kimmeridgian) dominated by hybodonts, chimaeroids and guitarfishes. Papers in Palaeontology, 2017: 1-41.
85. GOEDERT J., AMIOT R., ARNAUD-GODET F., CUNY G., FOUREL F., HERNANDEZ J.-A., PEDREIRA-SEGADE U. & LECUYER C. (2017) - Miocene (Burdigalian) seawater and air temperatures estimated from the geochemistry of fossil remains from the Aquitaine Basin, France. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 481: 14-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.04.024.
84. RIGAL S. & CUNY G. (2016) - On the rarity of anterior teeth of Asteracanthus magnus (Euselachii: Hybodontiformes). Neues Jahrbuch fŸr Geologie und PalŠontologie, Abhandlungen, 279(1): 35-41.
83. KHAMHA S., CUNY G. & LAUPRASERT K. (2016) - Revision of Isanodus paladeji (Elasmobranchii, Hybodontiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. PalŠontologische Zeitschrit, 90(3): 533-541.
82. CUNY G., KRISTENSEN J.B. & STEMMERIK L. (2016) - First record of Lagarodus (Chondrichthyes: Euchondrocephali) from the Carboniferous of Svalbard, Arctic Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 96: 1-5.
81. MO J., BUFFETAUT E., TONG H., AMIOT R., CAVIN L., CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., SUTEETHORN S. & JIANG S. (2015) - Early Cretaceous vertebrates from the Xinlong Formation of Guangxi (southern China): a review. Geological Magazine, 153(1): 143-159.
80. KOOT M.B., CUNY G., ORCHARD M.J., RICHOZ S., HART M.B. & TWITCHETT R.J. (2015) - New hybodontiform and neoselachian sharks from the Lower Triassic of Oman. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 13(10): 891-917.
79. ENAULT S., GUINOT G., KOOT M.B. & CUNY G. (2015) - Chondrichthyan tooth enameloid: past, present and future. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 174: 549-570.
78. DERA G., PRUNIER J., SMITH P.L., HAGGART J.W., POPOV, E., GUZHOV A., ROGOV M., DELSATE D., THIES D., CUNY G., PUCƒAT E., CHARBONNIER G. & BAYON G. (2015) - Nd isotope constraints on ocean circulation, paleoclimate and continental drainage during the Jurassic breakup of Pangea. Gondwana Research, 27: 1599-1615.
77. CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., KHANSUBHA S. (2015) - A sclerorhynchoid (Chondrichthyes: Batomorphii) in the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand? New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 67: 15-17.
76. KNOLL F., CUNY G., MOJON P.-O. & LîPEZ-ANTO„ANZAS R. (2014) - New palaeontological data from the organic-rich layers of the Bathonian of the Grands Causses (France). Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125: 312-316.
75. CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2014) - Shark faunas from the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous of northeastern Thailand. PalŠontologische Zeitschrift, 88: 309-328.
74. CARLSEN A.W. & CUNY G. (2014) - A study of the sharks and rays from the Lilleb¾lt Clay (Early-Middle Eocene) of Denmark, and their palaeoecology. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 62: 39-88.
73. REES J., CUNY G., POUECH J. & MAZIN J.-M. (2013) - Non-marine selachians from the basal Cretaceous of Charente, SW France. Cretaceous Research, 44: 122-131.
72. KNOLL F., CUNY G., MOJON P.-O., LOPEZ-ANTO„ANZAS R. & HUGUET D. (2013) - A new vertebrate-, ostracod-, and charophyte-bearing locality in the Middle Jurassic of the Grands Causses (southern France). Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 124 : 525-529.
71. KOOT M.B., CUNY G., TINTORI A. & TWITCHETT R.J. (2013) - A new diverse fauna from the Wordian (Middle Permian) Khuff Formation in the interior Haushi-Huqf area, Sultanate of Oman. Palaeontology, 56(2) : 303-343.
70. HANSEN B.B., CUNY G., RASMUSSEN B.W., SHIMADA K., JACOBS P. & HEILMAN-CLAUSEN C. (2013) - Associated skeletal and dental remains of a fossil odontaspidid shark (Ealsmobranchii : Lamniformes) from the Middle Eocene Lilleb¾lt Clay Formation in Denmark. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 61 : 37-47.
69. KRISTENSEN H.V., CUNY G., RASMUSSEN A.R. & MADSEN H. (2012) - Earliest record of the fossil snake Palaeophis from the Paleocene/Eocene boundary in Denmark. Bulletin de la société Géologique de France, 183(6) : 621-625.
68. CUNY G., MARTIN J.E. & SARR R. (2012) - A neoselachian shark fauna from the Late Cretaceous of Senegal. Cretaceous Research, 34: 107-115.
67. CUNY G. (2012) - Freshwater hybodont sharks in Early Cretaceous ecosystems : A review. In : Bernissart dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystems, GODEFROIT, P. (ed.), Indiania University Press, Bloomington : 518-529.
66. BEHAN C., WALKDEN G. & CUNY G. (2012) - A Carboniferous chondrichthyan assemblage from residues within a Triassic karst system at Cromhall Quarry, Gloucestershire, England. Palaeontology, 55(6): 1245-1263.
65. ANDREEV P.S. & CUNY G. (2012) - New Triassic stem selachimorphs (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) and their bearing on the evolution of dental enameloid in Neoselachii. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 32(2) : 255-266.
64. LAUPRASERT K., LAOJUMPON C., SAENPHALA W., CUNY G., THIRAKHUPT K. & SUTEETHORN V. (2011)- Atoposaurid crocodyliforms from the Khorat Group of Thailand: first record of Theriosuchus from southeast Asia. PalŠontologische Zeitschrift, 85 : 37-47.
63. PHILIPPE M., CUNY G. & BASHFORTH A. (2010) - Ecpagloxylon mathiesenii gen. nov. et sp. nov., a Jurassic wood from Greenland with several primitive angiosperm features. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 287:153-165.
62. CUNY G., LAOJUMPON C., CHEYCHIW O. & LAUPRASERT K. (2010) - Fossil vertebrate remains from Kut Island (Gulf of Thailand, Early Cretaceous). Cretaceous Research, 31: 415-423.
61. CUNY G., COBBETT A.M., MEUNIER F.J. & BENTON M.J. (2010) - Vertebrate microremains from the Early Cretaceous of southern Tunisia. Geobios, 43: 615-628.
60. BERNARD A., LECUYER C., VINCENT P., AMIOT R., BARDET N., BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., FOUREL F., MARTINEAU F., MAZIN J.-M. & PRIEUR A. (2010) - Regulation of body temperature by some Mesozoic marine reptiles. Science, 328:1379-1382.
59. LAUPRASERT K., CUNY G., THIRAKHUPT K. & SUTEETHORN V. (2009) - Khoratosuchus jintasakuli gen. et sp. nov., an advanced neosuchian crocodyliform from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) of NE Thailand. In : Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Ecosystems in SE Asia, BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., LE LOEUFF J. & SUTEETHORN V. (eds), The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 315 : 175-187.
58. CUNY G., SRISUK P., KHAMHA S., SUTEETHORN V. & TONG H. (2009) - A new elasmobranch fauna from the Middle Jurassic of southern Thailand. In : Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Ecosystems in SE Asia, BUUFETAUT E., CUNY G., LE LOEUFF J. & SUTEETHORN V. (eds), The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 315 : 97-113.
57. CUNY G., CAVIN L. & SUTEETHORN V. (2009) - A new hybodont with a cutting dentition from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. Cretaceous Research, 30 : 515-520.
56. BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., LE LOEUFF J. & SUTEETHORN V. (2009) - Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic continental ecosystems of SE Asia : an introduction. In : Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Ecosystems in SE Asia, BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., LE LOEUFF J. & SUTEETHORN V. (eds), The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 315 : 1-5.
55. BOTELLA H., PLASENCIA P., MARQUEZ-ALIAGA A., CUNY G. & DORKA M. (2009) - Pseudodalatias henarejensis nov. sp. a new pseudodalatiid (Elasmobranchii) from the Middle Triassic of Spain. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29(4): 1006-1012.
54. WANG X., BACHMANN G.H., HAGDORN H., SANDER P.M., CUNY G., CHEN X., WANG C., CHEN L., CHENG L., MENG F. & XU G. (2008) - The Late Triassic black shales of the Guanling area, Guizhou Province, south-west China: a unique marine reptile and pelagic crinoid fossil LagerstŠtte. Palaeontology, 51(1): 27-61.
53. SHANG Q., CUNY G. & CHEN L. (2008) - Early Middle Jurassic vertebrate microremains from the Three Gorges area, southern China. Historical Biology, 20(2): 87-99.
52. DUFFIN C.J. & CUNY G. (2008) - Carcharopsis prototypus and the adaptations of single crystallite enameloid in cutting dentitions. Acta Geologica Polonica, 58(2): 181-184.
51. CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., KAMHA S. & BUFFETAUT E. (2008) - Hybodont sharks from the Lower Cretaceous Khok Kruat Formation of Thailand, and hybodont diversity during the Early Cretaceous. In CAVIN L., LONGBOTTOM A. & RICHTER M. (eds.), Fishes and the break-up of Pangaea. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 295: 93-107.
50. CUNY G. (2008) - Mesozoic hybodont sharks from Asia and their relationships to the genus Ptychodus. Acta Geologica Polonica, 58(2): 211-216.
49. CUNY G. (2008) - Comments on the proposed conservation of Buettneria Case, 1922 (Amphibia). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 65(1): 60.
48. REES J. & CUNY G. (2007) - On the enigmatic neoselachian Agaleus dorsetensis from the European Early Jurassic. GFF, 129(1): 1-6.
47. LAUPRASERT K., CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V. & THIRAKHUPT K. (2007) - Siamosuchus phuphokensis, a new goniopholidid from the Early Cretaceous (ante-Aptian) of northeastern Thailand. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 178(3): 201-216.
46. EZCURRA M.D. & CUNY G. (2007) - The coelophysoid Lophostropheus airelensis, gen. nov.: a review of the systematics of ÒLiliensternusÓ airelensis from the Triassic-Jurassic outcrops of Normandy (France). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27(1): 73-86.
45. CUNY G. & PIYAPONG C. (2007) - Tail spine characteristics of stingrays (Order Myliobatiformes): a comment to Schwartz (2005). Electronic Journal of Ichthyology, 3(1): 15-17.
44. CHEN L., CUNY G. & WANG X. (2007) - The chondrichthyan fauna from the Middle-Late Triassic of Guanling (Guizhou province, SW China). Historical Biology, 19: 291-300.
43. CAVIN L., SUTEETHORN V., BUFFETAUT E., CLAUDE J., CUNY G., LE LOEUFF, J. & TONG H. (2007) - The first sinamiid fish (Holostei, Halecomorpha) from southeast Asia (Early Cretaceous of Thailand). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27(4): 827-837.
42. ANDERSON P.E., BENTON M.J., TRUEMAN C.N., PATERSON B.A. & CUNY G. (2007) - Palaeoenvironments of vertebrates on the southern shore of Tethys : The nonmarine Early Cretaceous of Tunisia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 243: 118-131.
41. CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., KAMHA S., BUFFETAUT E. & PHILIPPE M. (2006) - A new hybodont shark assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. Historical Biology, 18(1) : 21-31.
40. CAPPETTA H., BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G.& SUTEETHORN V. (2006) - A new elasmobranch assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. Palaeontology, 49(3): 547-555.
39. PHILIPPE M., CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., TEERARUNGSIGUL N., BARALE G., THEVENARD F., LE LOEUFF J., BUFFETAUT E., GAONA T., KOSIR A. & TONG H. (2005) - A Jurassic amber deposit in Southern Thailand. Historical Biology, 17: 1-6.
38. CUNY G. & RISNES S. (2005) - The enameloid microstructure of the teeth of Synechodontiform sharks (Chondrichthyes: Neoselachii). PalArch, 3(2): 8-19.
37. BUFFETAUT E., GRELLET-TINNER G., SUTEETHORN V., CUNY G., TONG H., KOSIR A., CAVIN L., CHITSING S., GRIFFITHS P.J., TABOUELLE J. & LELOEUFF J. (2005) - Minute theropod eggs and embryo from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand and the dinosaur-bird transition. Naturwissenschaften, 92(10): 477-482.
36. SRARFI D., OUAJA M., BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., BARALE G., FERRY S. & FARA E. (2004) - Position stratigraphique des niveaux à vertébrés du Mésozo•que du Sud-Est de la Tunisie. - Notes du Service Géologique de Tunisie, 72: 5-16.
35. SANDER P.M., KLEIN N., BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V. & LE LOEUFF J. (2004) - Adaptive radiation in sauropod dinosaurs: bone histology indicates rapid evolution of giant body size through acceleration. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 4: 165-173
34. PHILIPPE M., SUTEETHORN V., LUTAT P., BUFFETAUT E., CAVIN L., CUNY G. & BARALE G. (2004) - Stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical significance of fossil wood from the Mesozoic Khorat Group of Thailand. Geological Magazine, 141(3): 319-328.
33. LINDGREN J., REES J., SIVERSON, M. & CUNY G. (2004) - The first Mesozoic mammal from Scandinavia. GFF, 126: 325-330.
32. CUNY G. (2004) - A Late Triassic cynodont from Holwell quarries (Somerset, England). Oryctos, 5: 69-73.
31. PHILIPPE M., CUNY G., BAMFORD M., JAILLARD E., BARALE G., GOMEZ B., OUAJA M., THƒVENARD F., THIƒBAUT M. & SENGBUSCH P. V. (2003) - The palaeoxylological record of Metapodocarpoxylon libanoticum (Edwards) Dupéron-Laudoueneix et Pons and the Gondwana Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous continental biogeography. Journal of biogeography, 30: 389-400.
30. CHEN L. & CUNY G. (2003) - Discovery of the Middle-Late Triassic elasmobranch ichthyoliths from Guanling area, Guizhou, SW China. Geological Bulletin of China, 22(4): 236-247.
29. BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V., LE LOEUFF J., CUNY G., TONG H. & KHANSUBHA S. (2002) - The first giant dinosaurs: a large sauropod from the Late Triassic of Thailand. Compte Rendus Palevol, 1: 103-109.
28. CUNY G., RIEPPEL O. & SANDER P.M. (2001) - The shark fauna from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) of North-Western Nevada. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133: 285-301.
27. STEYER J.S., ESCUILLE F., POUILLON J.M., BROUTIN J., DEBRIETTE P., FREYTET P., GAND G., POPLIN C., RAGE J.C., RIVAL J., SCHNEIDER J.W., STAMBERG S., WERNEBURG R. & CUNY G. (2000) - New data on the flora and fauna from the ?uppermost Carboniferous - lower Permian of Buxières-les-Mines, Bourbon l'Archambault Basin (Allier, France). A preliminary report. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 171(2): 239-249.
26. LANGER M.C., BONIFACE M., CUNY G. & BARBIERI L. (2000) - The phylogenetic position of Isalorhynchus genovefae, a Late Triassic rhynchosaur from Madagascar. Annales de Palaéontologie, 86(2): 101-127.
25. CUNY G., HUNT A., MAZIN J.M. & RAUSCHER R. (2000) - Teeth of enigmatic neoselachian sharks and an ornisthischian dinosaur from the uppermost Triassic of Lons-le-Saunier (Jura, France). PalŠontologische zeitschrift, 74(1/2): 171-185.
24. BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V., CUNY G., TONG H., LE LOEUFF J., KHANSUBHA S. & JONGAUTCHARIYAKUL S. (2000) - The earliest known sauropod dinosaur. Nature, 407: 72-74.
23. MARTIN M., BARBIERI L. & CUNY G. (1999) - The Madagascan Mesozoic ptychoceratodontids (Dipnoi), systematic relationships and palaeobiogeographical significance. Oryctos, 2: 3-16
22. CUNY G., GAUFFRE F.X. & HUNT A. (1999) - First discovery of a cynodont from the Moenkopi Formation (Middle Triassic) of Northeastern Arizona. Oryctos, 2: 17-20
21. CUNY G. & M.J. BENTON (1999) - Early Radiation of the Neoselachian sharks in Western Europe. Geobios, 32(2): 193-204.
20. GODEFROIT P., CUNY G., DELSATE D. et ROCHE M. (1998) - Late Triassic vertebrates from Syren (Luxemburg). N. Jb. Geol. PalŠontol., Abhandlungen, 210(3): 305-343.
19. CUNY G., MARTIN M., RAUSCHER R. & MAZIN J.M. (1998) - A new neoselachian shark from the Upper Triassic of Grozon (Jura, France). Geological Magazine, 135(5): 657-668.
18. GODEFROIT P. & CUNY G. (1997) - Archosauriform teeth from the Upper Triassic of Saint-Nicolas-de-Port (northeastern France). Palaeovertebrata, 26(1-4): 1-34.
17 - CUNY G. (1996). Evolution des faunes de vertébrés à la limite Trias-Jurassique: apports de la Lorraine. Bulletin de la Société belge de Géologie, 104(1-2): 55-65.
16 - CUNY G. (1996) - French vertebrate faunas and the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 119: 343-358.
15 - CUNY G., GODEFROIT P. & MARTIN M. (1995) - Micro-restes de Vertébrés dans le Trias supérieur du Rinckebierg (Medernach, G-D Luxembourg). N. Jb. Geol. PalŠont. Abh., 196(1): 45-67.
14 - CUNY G. (1995) - Révision des faunes de vertébrés du site de Provenchères-sur-Meuse (Trias terminal, Nord-Est de la France). Palaeovertebrata, 24(1-2): 101-134.
13 - CUNY G. (1995) - Première description d'un pied de Plateosaurus (Prosauropoda, Plateosauridae) du Trias de Violot. Ann. sci. Univ. Fr.-Comté, Besanèon, Géologie, 4(12), 1992-93-94-95: 3-7.
12 - BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., LACHKAR G., CONTINI D., PHARISAT A. & VIENET B. (1995) - Le fémur de dinosaure théropode du Musée d'Histoire naturelle de Gray (Haute-Sa™ne): identification, datation et essai de localisation de l'origine d'un fossile inhabituel. Bull. Soc. géol. France, 166(1): 69-75.
11 - BUFFETAUT E. & CUNY G. (1995) - African dinosaur discoveries. Science, 207: 1750-1752.
10 - CUNY G., MAZIN J.M. & RAUSCHER R. (1994) - Saint-Germain-les-Arlay: un nouveau site rhétien daté par la palynologie et l'étude des vertébrés dans le département du Jura (France). Revue de Paléobiologie, 14(1): 35-48.
9 - BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G. & PHARISAT A. (1994) - William Buckland's French Megalosaurus. Terra Nova, 6(3): 323-325.
8 - CUNY G. & GALTON P.M. (1993) - Revision of the Airel theropod dinosaur from the Triassic-Jurassic boundary (Normandy, France). N. Jb. Geol. PalŠont. Abh., 187(3): 261-288.
7 - BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G. & LE LOEUFF J. (1993) - The discovery of French dinosaurs. Modern Geology, 18: 161-182.
6 - MARTIN M., CUNY G. & MAZIN J.M. (1991) - Rostres de Saurichthys (Saurichthyiformes, Saurichthyidae) en trois dimensions dans le Trias moyen d'Isra‘l. Geobios, 24(2): 183-186.
5 - CUNY G. & RAMBOER G. (1991) - Nouvelles données sur la faune et l'‰ge de Saint Nicolas de Port. Revue de Paléobiologie, 10(1): 69-78.
4 - CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E., CAPPETTA H., MARTIN M., MAZIN J.M. & ROSE J.M. (1991) - Nouveaux restes de Vertébrés du Jurassique terminal du Boulonnais (Nord de la France). N. Jb. Geol. PalŠont. Abh., 180(3): 323-347.
3 - BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G. & LE LOEUFF J. (1991) - French dinosaurs: the best record in Europe? Modern Geology, 16: 17-42.
2 - CUNY G., JAEGER J.J., MAHBOUBI M. & RAGE J.C. (1990) - Les plus anciens serpents (Reptilia, Squamata) connus. Mise au point sur l'‰ge géologique des serpents de la partie moyenne du Crétacé. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 311, série 2, 1267-1272.
1 - BUFFETAUT E., CLOTTES P., CUNY G., DUCROCQ S., LE LOEUFF J., MARTIN M., POWELL J.E., RAYNAUD C. & TONG H. (1989) - les gisements de dinosaures maastrichtiens de la haute vallée de l'Aude (France): premiers résultats des fouilles de 1989. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 309, série 2, 1723-1727.
Publications dans des actes de colloques et compilations
1 - BARDET N. & CUNY G. (1993) - Triassic reptile faunas from France. In "Evolution, ecology and biogeography of the Triassic Reptiles", Paleontologia Lombarda della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, Nuova serie, vol. 2: 9-18.
2 - CUNY G. (1993) - Discovery of mammals in the Upper Triassic of the Jura (France). In "The Nonmarine Triassic", Lucas S.G. & Morales M. eds., New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science Bulletin, 3: 95-99.
3 - CUNY G. & MAZIN J.M. (1993) - The Late Triassic (Upper Keuper) dinosaur locality of Lons-le-Saunier (Jura, France): first results of excavations. Revue de Paléobiologie, vol. spéc., n¡7: 45-53.
4 - CUNY G. (1995) - Apports du site de Lons-le-Saunier (Jura, France) à l'étude de la transgression rhétienne dans l'Est de la France. Geobios, M.S. 18: 113-117.
5 - BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G. & LE LOEUFF J. (1996) - The discovery of french dinosaurs. In "Vertebrate fossils and the evolution of scientific concepts", W.A.S. Sarjeant (Ed.), Gordon & Breach Publishers: 159-180.
6 - CUNY G. (1998) - Primitive neoselachian sharks: A survey. Oryctos, 1: 3-21.
7 - BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V., LE LOEUFF J., CUNY G., TONG H. & KHANSUBHA S. (2002) - A review of the sauropod dinosaurs of Thailand. The Symposium on Geology of Thailand, Bangkok, 95-101.
8- BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V., CUNY G., KHANSUBHA S., TONG H., LE LOEUFF J. & CAVIN L. (2003) - Dinosaurs in Thailand. Mahasarakham University Journal, 22, special issue: 69-82.
9- BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V., TONG H., CUNY G. & CAVIN L. (2003) - A pterodactyloid tooth from the Sao Khua Formation (Early Cretaceous) of Thailand. Mahasarakham University Journal, 22, special issue: 92-98.
10- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., BUFFETAUT E. & PHILIPPE M. (2003) - Hybodont sharks from the Mesozoic Khorat Group of Thailand. Mahasarakham University Journal, 22, special issue: 49-68.
11- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V. & BUFFETAUT E. (2004) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Biology and Conservation of freshwater Elasmobranchs Symposium proceedings, MARTIN R.A. & MacKINLAY D. (eds.), American Fisheries Society, 15-26.
12- HAGDORN H., WANG X.-F., BACHMANN G.H., CUNY G., SANDER M. & WANG C.-S. (2004) - Kolonien der pelagischen seelilie Traumatocrinus aus der ober-triassischen Xiaowa-Formation von Guanling (sŸd-China, Provinz Guizhou). 3rd meeting of German-speaking echinodermologists, REICH M., HAGDORN H. & REITNER J. (eds), UniversitŠtsdrucke Gšttingen, 17-30.
13- CUNY G., OUAJA M., SRARFI D., SCHMITZ L., BUFFETAUT E. & BENTON M.J. (2004) - Fossil sharks from the Early Cretaceous of Tunisia. Revue de Paléobiologie, volume special 9: 127-142.
14- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., BUFFETAUT E. & OUAJA M. (2007) - Hybodonts sharks from the Aptian-Albian of Tunisia and Thailand. Bulletin de la Société d'Etude des Sciences Naturelles d'Elbeuf, 1(3): 71-85.
15- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., KHAMA S., LAUPRASERT K., SRISUK P. & BUFFETAUT E. (2007) - The Mesozoic fossil record of sharks in Thailand. Proceedings of the International Conference on geology of Thailand : towards sustainable development and sufficiency economy, TANTIWANIT W. (ed.), Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok, Thailand, 349-354.
16- CUNY G., REES J., POUECH J., SRISUK P., MAZIN J.-M. & SUTEETHORN V. (2008) - Belemnobatis from Thailand and Cherves-de-Cognac (France) : radiation of primitive batoids during the Mesozoic. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie, Lyon, 164 : 33-36.
17- LAUPRASERT K., CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V. & THIRAKHUPT K. (2008) - First occurrences of atoposaurid crocodyliforms in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of the Khorat Plateau, northeastern Thailand. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie, Lyon, 164 : 59-61.
18- CUNY G., MO J., AMIOT R., BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN S., SUTEETHORN V. & TONG H. (2017) - New data on Cretaceous freshwater hybodont sharks from Guangxi Province, South China. Research & Knowledge, 3(1): 11-15.
19- KACHACHA G., CUNY G., AZAR D. & ABI SAAD P. (2017) - Revision of the fossil batomorphs from the Cretaceous of Lebanon, and their impact on our understanding of the early step of the evolution of the clade. Research & Knowledge, 3(2): 33-37.
20- TENG Y.H., SONE M., HIRAYAMA R., YOSHIDA M., KOMATSU T., KHAMHA S. & CUNY G. (2017) - First hybodont shark assemblage from the Cretaceous of Malaysia: updated report. Research & Knowledge, 3(2): 69-70.
Publication dans des revues sans comité de lecture
1 - CUNY G. (1994) - Evolution des faunes de vertébrés à la limite Trias-Jurassique en France et au Luxembourg : implications à l'Europe ocidentale (résumé de Thèse). Journal de l'Association paléontologique franèaise, 28: 17-18.
2 - CUNY G. (1994) - Les vertébrés du Trias supérieur en Haute-Marne. Bulletin de la Société de Sciences Naturelles et d'Archéologie de la Haute-Marne, 24(10): 221-236.
3- CUNY G. (2006) - Emergence des requins néosélaciens et impact sur la paléoécologie des requins hybodontes. Journal de l'APF, 50: 27-30.
4- LEPAGE Y., CUNY G. & DESQUESNE A. (2011) - Première découverte d'Acrodus nobilis Agassiz, 1838, dans le Sinémurien du Cotentin (Normandie, France). Bulletin Sciences et Géologie Normandes, 3 : 7-13.
5- CUNY G. & TABOUELLE J. (2014) - First mention of the family Pseudonotidanidae (Chondrichthyes : Neoselachii) in the Jurassic of Normandy. Bulletin Sciences et Géologie Normandes, 7: 21-28.
Résumés pour des actes de congrès
1 - CUNY G., DOUBINGER J. & RAUSCHER R. (1991) - Is the dinosaur from Airel Triassic in age? Terra abstracts, 3: 333.
2 - CUNY G. (1997) - Enamel ultrastructure of Upper triassic shark teeth. Journal of Morphology, 232(3): 245.
3 - CUNY G. (1997) - Radiation of neoselachian sharks in the Upper Triassic of Western Europe. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 17, supplement to number 3, p. 40A.
4- BARDET N., CUNY G., LACHKAR G., PEREDA SUBERBIOLA X., MAZIN J.M., THOMEL G., BARBIERI L., VASSE D., PAROT B. & EMILY A. (1998) - A new marine vertebrate fauna from the uppermost Triassic of Eastern Provence (France). Third European Workshop on Vertebrate Palaeontology, Maastricht, 6-9 mai, p. 12.
5- LE LOEUFF J., BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V., TONG H., KHANSUBHA S., JONGAUTCHARIYAKUL S., CUNY G. & SOUILLAT C. (1999) - Early Cretaceous footprints from Thailand. Proceedings of the 4th European workshop on Vertebrate Paleontology, 62.
6- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., BUFFETAUT E. & OUAJA M. (2001) - Freshwater hybodont sharks in the Aptian-Albian of Tunisia and Thailand. In FERRE, B., FOURAY, M. & TABOUELLE, J. (eds.), ÒColloque sur le Cénomanien 2001Ó. Bulletin de la Société d'étude des Sciences naturelles d'Elbeuf, 2001, 27-29.
7- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., BUFFETAUT E. & OUAJA M. (2001) - Freshwater hybodont sharks in the Aptian-Albian of Tunisia and Thailand. The Palaeontological Association newsletter, 48: A9.
8- CUNY G., OUAJA M., BUFFETAUT E., BENTON M.J. & SRARFI D. (2002) - Les hybodontes (Chondrichthyens : Elasmobranchii) du Crétacé tunisien. Huitième journée de géologie tunisienne, résumés des communications et guide de l'excursion, Office National des Mines, Tunis, 36-38.
9- HADGORN H., BACHMANN G. H., CUNY G. & WANG X. (2002) - PalŠoškologie und Taphonomie von Traumatocrinus aus dem Unterkarn von Guanling (Guizhou, SŸd-China). Programm und Abstracts 2. Treffen deutschsprachiger Echinodermologen am Museum fŸr Naturkunde Berlin, 4-6.
10- CUNY G. & REES J. (2003) - Is Agaleus a stem-group neoselachian? GFF, 125: 103.
11- LAUPRASERT K., THIRAKHUPT K. & CUNY G. (2003) - A short review on some paleoecology of vertebrate faunas in the Phu Kradung Formation, Khorat Plateau. Mahasarakham University Journal, 22, special issue: 251-252.
12- CUNY G. (2005) - Hybodont sharks from the Early Cretaceous of Thailand, and the origin of Ptychodus. GFF, 127: 46
13- CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E. & SUTEETHORN V. (2005) - Hybodont sharks from the Early Cretaceous of Thailand. In: POYATO-ARIZA F.J. ed.: Fourth International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes - Systematics, Homology and Nomenclature, Extended abstracts. Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Aut—noma de Madrid. UAM Ediciones. 77-80.
14- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V. & KAMHA, S. (2005) - A review of the hybodont sharks from the Mesozoic of Thailand. Proceedings of the International Conference on Geology, Geotechnology and Mineral Resources of Indochina (GEOINDO 2005), Khon Kaen University. 588-593
15- CUNY G., CHEN L. & WANG X. (2006) - The shark fauna from the Middle-Late Triassic of Guanling (Guizhou province, SW China). 4th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists. Hantkeniana, 5: 83.
16- CUNY G., SRISUK P., KAMHA S., SUTEETHORN V. & TONG H. (2007) - A new shark fauna from the Mid-Jurassic of southern Thailand, and the early fossil record of Batoidea. Abstracts volume, 5th Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, 18, http://www.eavp.org.
17- LAUPRASERT K., CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V. & THIRAKHUPT K. (2007) - Mesozoic neosuchian crocodiles from the Khorat Group of Thailand. Abstracts volume, 5th Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, 39, http://www.eavp.org.
18- CUNY G., SHANG Q. & CHEN L. (2007) - Triassic and Jurassic sharks from Guizhou and Hubei Provinces (Southwestern China). Ichthyolith Issues Special Publication, 10 : 29-30.
19- BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V., SAENYAMOON T., LIARD R., TONG H., LE LOEUFF J. & CUNY G. (2008) - A prosauropod skeleton (Dinosauria : Saurischia) from the Nam Phong Formation of northeastern Thailand. Volume of abstracts, 6th Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, 22.
20- CUNY G. (2008) - Mesozoic hybodont sharks from Asia and their relationships to the genus Ptychodus. Ichthyolith Issues Special Publication, 11: 3.
21- DUFFIN C.J. & CUNY G. (2008) - Carcharopsis prototypus and the adaptations of single crystallite enameloid in cutting dentitions. Ichthyolith Issues Special Publication, 11: 3.
22- KHAMHA S., CUNY G., LAUPRASERT K. & SUTEETHORN, V. (2008) - An overview of the vertebrate microremains from Phu Phan Thong, Early Cretaceous of Thailand. Volume of abstracts, 6th Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, 48-50.
23- LAUPRASERT K., CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN V. & THIRAKHUPT K. (2008) - First occurrences of atoposaurid crocodyliforms in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of the Khorat Plateau, northeastern Thailand. Volume of abstracts, 6th Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, 111.
24- PHILIPPE M., AMIOT R., CUNY G., HAUTEVELLE Y., KIM K., MARINOWSKI L., HWAN OH C. & THEVENARD F. (2008) - An alien out from a cold wet craddle - new elements on Mesozoic wood Xenoxylon systematic position and biogeography. Terra Nostra, 2008(2) : 222.
25- CUNY G., CAVIN L. & SUTEETHORN V. (2009) - Specialized dentition in lower Cretaceous freshwater hybodont sharks. In: Tribute to Charles Darwin and Bernissart Iguanodons: New perspectives on vertebrate evolution and Early Cretaceous ecosystems, GODEFROIT P. & LAMBERT O. (eds), Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, p. 30.
26- CUNY G., BENTON M.J. & COBBETT A. (2009) - Vertebrate microremains from the Aptian-Albian of Tunisia. In: Lundadagarna i historisk geologi och paleontologi XI, MELLGREN J. & EINARSSON E. (eds), Lund University, Lund.
27- CUNY G. (2009) - Evolution of serrated cutting dentition in hybodont sharks. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29(3): 83A.
28- LAOJUMPON C., CUNY G. & LAUPRASERT K. (2009) - Biodiversity of vertebrate fossils from Kut Island (Early Cretaceous) in the eastern part of the Gulf of Thailand. Tenth International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota, Teruel, p. 171.
29- CUNY G., CHEYCHIW O., LAOJUMPON C. & LAUPRASERT K. (2010) - A new species of Heteroptychodus (Elasmobranchii: Hybodontiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. Fifth International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes, global diversity and evolution, abstract book and field guides, Saltillo, p. 38.
30- CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E., LATIL J.-P. & JAILLARD E. (2010) - A new vertebrate assemblage from the Tunisian Chotts. STRATI 2010, abstracts, Paris, p. 71-72
31 - CUNY G., CHEYCHIW O., LAOJUMPON C. & LAUPRASERT K. (2010) - New data on Heteroptychodus (Elasmobranchii: Hybodontiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. 2nd International Conference on Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, Programme and abstract, p. 7.
32 - KHAMHA S., CUNY G., LAUPRASERT K. & SUTEETHORN V. (2010) - Vertebrate microremains from Khorat Group of Thailand. 2nd International Conference on Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, Programme and abstract, p. 28.
33 - KOOT M.B., CUNY G., ORCHARD M.J., HENDERSON C.M. & TWITCHETT R.J. (2010) - Shark teeth from the Middle Permian-Triassic Arabian continental shelf area of Oman. The Palaeontological Association Newsletter, 75: 56.
34 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2011) - A new shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation (latest Jurassic - earliest Cretaceous) of Thailand. 8th Romanian Symposium on Paleontology - Abstract book. CSIKI Z. (ed.). Ars Docendi, University of Bucharest, pp. 32-33.
35 - CUNY G., MARTIN J.E. & SARR R. (2011) - A neoselachian elasmobranch fauna from the Late Cretaceous of Senegal. 8th Romanian Symposium on Paleontology - Abstract book. CSIKI Z. (ed.). Ars Docendi, University of Bucharest, p. 34.
36 - KOOT M., TWITCHETT R., CUNY G. & HART M. (2011) - Effects of the Late Permian extinction on the Permian-Triassic shark fauna. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 35, supplement to number 2 : 138.
37 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2011) - A new shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation (latest Jurassic - earliest Cretaceous) of Thailand. World Conference on Paleontology and Stratigraphy, program and abstract: 15-16.
38 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2011) - New data on the evolution of Mesozoic freshwater hybodont sharks in Southeast Asia. Newsletter of the Palaeontological Association, 78 : 18.
39 - KOOT M.B., TWITCHETT R.J., CUNY G. & HART, M.B. (2011) - Effects of the Late Permian extinction event on shark faunas. Newsletter of the Palaeontological Association, 78 :61.
40 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2012) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous of northeastern Thailand : stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical implications. Terra Nostra, 2012(3) : 44
41 - CUNY G. (2013) - Palaeobiogeography of the freshwater sharks from the Mesozoic of Thailand. Second Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution meeting, conference program and abstract : 47.
42 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U.. LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2013) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous of Northeastern Thailand: stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical implications. 6th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes: Diversification and Diversity Patterns, Abstract: 18.
43 - DEESRI U., LAUPRASERT K., SUTEETHORN S., SUTEETHORN V., LAOJUMPON C., KHAMHA S., NAKSRI W., CUNY G.& CAVIN L. (2013) - A new site with articulated fishes remains (Actinopterygii: Holostei) from the Late Triassic of Thailand. 6th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes: Diversification and Diversity Patterns, Abstract: 20.
44- DERA G., PRUNIER J., SMITH P., HAGGART J. POPOV E., GUZHOV A., ROGOV M., DELSATE D., THIES D., CUNY G., PUCƒAT E., CHARBONNIER G. & BAYON G. (2013). Continental drainage and oceanic circulation during the Jurassic inferred from the Nd isotope composition of biogenic phosphates and sediments. Pre-cenozoic climates workshop, Strata, série 1, 14: 20-22.
45 - KOOT M., ROMANO C., TWITCHETT R.J., CUNY G. & HART M.B. (2013) - Diversity dynamics in the global Permian - Triassic chondrichthyan fauna: taxonomic diversity, palaeoecology and distribution. 6th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes: Diversification and Diversity Patterns, Abstract: 41.
46- CUNY G. (2014) - Evolution and diversity of the Chondrichthyes. 5th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology, abstracts: 244-245.
47- CUNY G., ENAULT S., GUINOT G. & KOOT M. (2014) - Enameloid microstructure in sharks and bony fishes: What do we really know? 58th Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting, Programme, abstracts and AGM papers: 26.
48 - CUNY G. (2015) - Les collections de Sciences de la Terre: Exemple du Danemark et de la Loi Danekrae. 1ère Rencontres Amateurs et Professionnels en Sciences de la Terre, Programme et Livre des Résumés, P. 11
49- CUNY G., FINNEY S. & MARSHALL J. (2015) - A new Devonian-Carboniferous boundary shark from the Old Red Sandstone of East Greenland. 63rd Symposium for Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, abstracts: 83.
50- CUNY G., KHAMHA S., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T. & SUTEETHORN V. (2015) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous of Northeastern Thailand: Stratigraphical amd Palaeobiogeographical implications. The 2nd International Symposium on Asian Dinosaurs in Thailand 2015, Programme and abstracts: 53-54.
51- LIARD R., CUNY G., MARTIN J., LIARD T., DEESRI U. & SUTEETHORN S. (2015) - Phu Noi, a Mesozoic vertebrate locality from the Jurassic of Thailand. The 2nd International Symposium on Asian Dinosaurs in Thailand 2015, Programme and abstracts: 64.
52- AMIOT R., SEON N., BARDET N., BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., DEESRI U., GINER S., MARTIN J. & SUAN G. (2016) - Environnements sédimentaires et vertébrés du Trias supérieur (Rhétien) de la carrière de Peygros (Var). Résumés des communications du congrès 2016 de l'Association Paléontologique Franèaise. Bulletin de la Société d'Etude des Sciences Naturelles d'Elbeuf : 13.
53- AMIOT R., SEON N., BARDET N., BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., DEESRI U., GINER S., MARTIN J. & SUAN G. (2016) - Environnements sédimentaires et vertébrés du Trias supérieur (Rhétien) de la carrière de Peygros (Var). Journal de l'APF, 70: 21
54- MO J., BUFFETAUT E., TONG H., AMIOT R., CAVIN L., CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V. & SUTEETHORN S. (2016) - Early Cretaceous vertebrates from the Xinlong Formation of Guangxi, southern China. 60th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association; Programme; abstracts and AGM papers: 93.
55- GOEDERT J., LECUYER C., AMIOT R., ARNAUD-GODET F., WANG X., CUI L., CUNY G., DOUAY G., FOUREL F., PANCZER G., SIMON L, STEYER J.-S. & ZHU M. (2018) - A la recherche des milieux de vie des premiers tétrapodes : une histoire de delta ? Résumés du congrès annuel de l'Association Paléontologique Franèaise, Bruxelles : 17-18.
56- CUNY G. (2018) - Evolution et diversité des chondrichthyens. VIIe Rencontres de l'Ichthyologie en France : 53.
57- CUNY G., MONTAGNAC G., KACHACHA G., GUINOT G. & ENAULT S. (2018) - Dental hypermineralized tissue in actinopterygians (bony fish) and neoselachians (cartilaginous fish): homology or convergence? 5th International Paleaontological Congress, Abstract Book : 915.
58- CUNY G., TENG Y.-H., DEESRI U., KHAMHA S., MO J., SONE M., SUTEETHORN S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2018) - Freshwater hybodont sharks as biostratigraphic tools for the Early Cretaceous of Southeast Asia. 5th International Paleaontological Congress, Abstract Book : 653.
59- RASMUSSEN C., NIELSEN C., KR…GER B., COLMENAR J., NIELSEN M., ERIKSSON M., CUNY G., RASMUSSEN J., SERVAIS T., NIELSEN A. & HARPER D. (2018) - Repartitioning Sepkoski's original dataset into life cycle modes: Testing the importance of dispersal potential as a driver for Phanerozoic marine biodiversity levels. 5th International Paleaontological Congress, Abstract Book: 853
60- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., DEESRI U., SUTEETHORN S., LACHAT K., LECUYER C. & AMIOT R. (2019) - A new freshwater hybodont from the upper Jurassic of Thailand. Abstract of the 90th Annual Meeting of the PalŠontologische Gesellschaft, Munich 2019: 30. ISBN: 978-3-946705-07-9.
1- CUNY G. (2002) - Les requins sont-ils des fossiles vivants? EDP Sciences, Paris, 203 pp.
2- BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., LE LOEUFF J. & SUTEETHORN V. (eds) (2009) - Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Ecosystems in SE Asia, , The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 315 : 306 pp.
3- CUNY G. & BENETEAU A. (2013) - Requins, de la préhistoire à nos jours. Belin, Paris, 224 pp. Traduit en Néerlandais en 2014.
4- CUNY G.; GUINOT G. & ENAULT S. (2017) - Evolution of Dental Tissues and Paleobiology in Selachians. Elsevier, Oxford, 128 pp.
5- CUNY G.; GUINOT G. & ENAULT S. (2018) - Evolution des tissus dentaires et paléobiologie chez les sélaciens, Collection Système Terre-Environnement, Série paléobiologie des vertébrés et paléoenvironnements, vol. 2, 134 pp.
Articles de diffusion d'informations scientifiques
1 - CUNY G. & MAZIN J.M. (1990) - Le plus vieux dinosaure franèais. Pour la Science, 156: 12-14.
2 - CUNY G. (1991) - Le retour de Plateosaurus à Langres. Langres, 12 p.
3 - MAZIN J.M. & CUNY G. (1992) - Plateosaurus et l'histoire des dinosaures. Cercle Girardot, section d'archéologie de la Société d'émulation du Jura, Lons-le-Saunier, 96 p.
4 - AUGE M., BARBIERI L., BARDET N., BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., GHEERBRANT E., LE LOEUFF J., MARTIN V., MAZIN J.M., PEREDA J., RAGE J.C., SALMON E. & VASSE D. (1992) - Dinosaures & autres reptiles fossiles de France. Ville de Montbéliard, Montbéliard, 150 p.
5 - CUNY G. (1993) - Les premiers dinosaures. Pour la Science, 186: 20-21.
6 - CUNY G. (1994) - Cryolophosaurus, le premier dinosaure venu du froid. Pour la Science, 202: 24-25.
7 - CUNY G. (1995) - De la découverte des dinosaures... à la reconstitution des continents. Pour la Science, 207: 26.
8 - CUNY G. (1995) - La notion d'espèce existe-t-elle en paléontologie? L'Echo des Falaises, 1: 19.
9 - CUNY G. (1996) - La crise biologique à la transition Trias-Jurassique. Pour La Science, 219: 46-54.
10 - CUNY G. (1996) - Les extinctions sont-elles périodiques? Pour la Science, 227: 84.
11 - CUNY G. (1998) - Un émail particulier. Pour la Science, 247: 21.
12 - CUNY G. (1999) - Looking for fossil sharks: an enthusiasts' guide. Shark focus, 5: 4-5.
13 - CUNY G. & SMITH G. (1999) - Chondrichthyans. In ÒEncyclopedia of PaleontologyÓ, R. Singer ed.. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago, 266-280.
14 - CUNY G. (2000) - La transition Trias-Jurassique. Dossier Pour la Science, 28: 60-65.
15 - CUNY G. (2001) - Could we still study fossil shark teeth without a scanning electron microscope? Outcrop, 12.
16 - CUNY G. (2002) - Requins d'eau douce, actuels et fossiles. Pour la Science, 295: 30-36.
17 - CUNY G. (2002) - Tiburones de agua dulce, actuales y f—siles. Investigacion y Ciencia, 315: 24-32.
18 - CUNY G. (2004) - La longue histoire des requins. http://www.futura-sciences.com/comprendre/c/gilles_cuny/gilles_cuny.php
19 - CUNY G. (2004) - Dents de requins et microscopie électronique. L'écho des falaises, 8:19-23.
20 - CUNY G. (2004) - Les requins hybodontes: des fossiles vivants au Crétacé? La lettre de Dinosauria, 24:8-10.
21 - CUNY G. (2007) - La diversité des électrorécepteurs. Pour la Science, 360 : 11.
22 - LINDOW E.K. & CUNY G. (2008) - Danmarks st¿rste fossiler. Naturens Verden, 91(5) : 32-40.
23 - CUNY G. (2010) - Une extinction à retardement : l'exemple des chondrichthyens au Permien-Trias. Géochronique, 116 : 28-30.
24 - LINDOW B.E.K & CUNY G. (2011) - K¾mpernes KirkegŒrd. In "Geologiske naturperler", B.E.K. Lindow & J. KrŸger (eds.), Gyldendal, Copenhagen, 102-112.
25- CUNY G. & BƒNƒTEAU A. (2014) - L'‰ge d'or des requins. Espèces, 11 : 28-35.
26- MILËN J. & CUNY G. (2019) - Knogle fra mini sauropod fundet ved Hasle. Natur pŒ Bornholm, 17: 46-47.
Analyses d'ouvrages
1 - CUNY G. (1995) - Dinosaur eggs and babies. K. Carpenter, K.F. Hirsch & J.R. Horner (Eds.). Géochronique, 53: 40.
2 - CUNY G. (1995) - The role of impacts on the atmosphere and biosphere with regard to short and long-term changes. Abstract s and field trips. A. Montanari & R. Coccioni (Eds.). Géochronique, 56 : 24.
3 - CUNY G. (1995) - Second international symposium on lithographic limestones. Extended abstracts and field trips guide books. Géochronique, 56 : 26.
4 - CUNY G. (1998) - In the shadow of the dinosaurs. Early Mesozoic tetrapods. N.C. Fraser & H.D. Sues (eds.). Géochronique, 67: 29.
5 - CUNY G. (2000) - Fossils of the Rhaetian Penarth Group. A. Swift & D.M. Martill (eds.). Géochronique, 76: 42.
6 - CUNY G. (2002) - Requins, raies et autres Chondrichthyes fossiles. Patrice Lebrun. Pour la Science, 296: 111.
Compte-rendus de colloques
1 - CUNY G. (1995) - Geologica belgica et association des géologues luxembourgeois. Géochronique, 53: 31.
Participations à colloques: communications orales invitées
1- CUNY G., KHAMHA S., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T. & SUTEETHORN V. (2015) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous of Northeastern Thailand: Stratigraphical amd Palaeobiogeographical implications. The 2nd International Symposium on Asian Dinosaurs in Thailand 2015, Bangkok.
2- CUNY G. (2018) - Evolution et diversité des chondrichthyens. VIIe Rencontres de l'Ichthyologie en France, Paris.
3- CUNY G. (2019) - The Mesozoic Fresh water Shark in Thailand. The 10th Anniversary of Sirindhorn Museum: The decade of Geological Research and Museum, Sahatsakhan, Thailand.
Participations à colloques: communications orales
1 - CUNY G., DOUBINGER J. & RAUSCHER R. (1991) - Is the dinosaur from Airel Triassic in age? EUG 6, Strasbourg.
2 - BARDET N. & CUNY G. (1991) - Triassic reptile faunas from France. Evolution, ecology and biogeography of the triassic reptiles, Milan.
3 - CUNY G. & MAZIN J.M. (1992) - Vertebrate remains from the Late Norian (Upper Triassic) of the French Jura. Second Georges Cuvier Symposium, Montbéliard.
4 - CUNY G. (1992) - Faunal turnover at the end of the Triassic: French data. 40th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Bristol.
5 - CUNY G. (1993) - Apports du site de Lons-le-Saunier (Jura, France) à l'étude de la transgression rhétienne. Premier Congrés Européen de Paléontologie, Lyon.
6 - CUNY G. (1993) - Discovery of mammals in the Upper Triassic of the Jura (France). Nonmarine Triassic Symposium, Albuquerque.
7 - CUNY G. (1994) - Effect of the Rhaetian transgression upon the faunal turnover at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in France. 42nd Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Le Havre.
8.-.CUNY G. (1996) - Could we still study isolated primitive shark teeth without a SEM? Palaeontological Association, 40th Annual Meeting, Birmingham.
9 - CUNY G. (1997) - New discoveries about Upper Triassic chondrychthyans. Second European Workshop of Vertebrate Palaeontology, Quillan.
10 - CUNY G., DELSATE D., GODEFROIT P.& ROCHE M. (1997) - Syren, a new site from the Upper Triassic of Luxemburg. Second European Workshop of Vertebrate Palaeontology, Quillan.
11 - CUNY G. (1997) - Enamel ultrastructure of Upper triassic shark teeth. Fifth International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Bristol.
12 - CUNY G. (1997) - Enamel ultrastructure of Rhaetic isolated teeth. 45th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Derby.
13 - CUNY G. (1997) - Radiation of neoselachian sharks in the Upper Triassic of Western Europe. 57th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Chicago.
14 - CUNY G. & BENTON M.J. (1998) - Early radiation of the neoselachian sharks. Paléodiversifications, terres et mers comparées, Lyon.
15 - CUNY G. (1998) - Enigmatic Upper Triassic shark teeth. 46th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Bournemouth.
16 - CUNY G. (1999) - Radiation of neoselachian sharks in the Upper Triassic. Second Annual Shark Trust Conference, Plymouth.
17 - CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E. & SUTEETHORN V. (1999) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Cretaceous of Thailand. 47th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Edinburgh.
18 - CUNY G. (1999) - Enameloid microstructure in primitive neoselachian sharks. COST B8: Odontogenesis. Working Group 1: Meeting ÒEvolutionÓ, Ghent.
19 - CUNY G. (2000) - Comparaison de la microstructure de l'émaillo•de dentaire des néosélaciens et des hybodontes: Implications pour l'évolution de l'émaillo•de chez les élasmobranches, Premières rencontres de l'Ichtyologie en France, Paris.
20 - CUNY G. (2000) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Cretaceous of Thailand. Third Shark Trust Conference, Ellesmere Port.
21 - CUNY G., BRETT S. & TWITCHETT R. (2000) - A complete hybodont shark from the Lower Triassic of Greenland. 48th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Portsmouth.
22- LE LOEUFF J., BUFFETAUT E., CUNY G., LAURENT Y., OUAJA M., SOUILLAT C., SRARFI D. & TONG H. (2000) - Mesozoic continental vertebrates of Tunisia. 5th European Workshop of Vertebrate Palaeontology, Karlsruhe.
23- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., BUFFETAUT E. & OUAJA M. (2001) - Freshwater hybodont sharks in the Aptian-Albian of Tunisia and Thailand. Colloque sur le Cénomanien 2001, Rouen.
24- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., BUFFETAUT E. & OUAJA M. (2001) - Freshwater hybodont sharks in the Aptian-Albian of Tunisia and Thailand. Paleontologi Tema Dag, Copenhagen.
25- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., BUFFETAUT E. & OUAJA M. (2001) - Freshwater hybodont sharks in the Aptian-Albian of Tunisia and Thailand. 45th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Copenhagen.
26- CUNY G., OUAJA M., BUFFETAUT E., BENTON M.J. & SRARFI D. (2002) - Les hybodontes (Chondrichthyens : Elasmobranchii) du Crétacé tunisien. Huitième journée de géologie tunisienne, Tunis.
27- CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V. & BUFFETAUT E. (2002) - Palaeobiology of freshwater hybodont sharks from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. Troisième symposium international de paléontologie "Georges Cuvier", Montbéliard.
28- CUNY G., OUAJA M., BUFFETAUT E., BENTON M.J. & SRARFI D. (2002) - Fossil sharks from the Lower Cretaceous of Tunisia. Troisième symposium international de paléontologie "Georges Cuvier", Montbéliard.
29 - CUNY G. & REES J. (2003) - Is Agaleus a stem-group neoselachian. Lundadagarna VIII, Lund.
30 - CUNY G. & RISNES S. (2003) - La microstrucuture de l'émaillo•de des dents de requins synechodontiformes (Chondrichthyes: Neoselachii). Deuxièmes rencontres de l'ichtyologie en France, Paris.
31 - CUNY G., OUAJA M., SCHMITZ L., BENTON M.J. & SRARFI, D. (2003) - Fossil sharks from the Lower Cretaceous of Tunisia. 51st Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Oxford.
32 - CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V., BUFFETAUT E. & PHILIPPE M. (2003) - Hybodont sharks from the Mesozoic Khorat Group of Thailand. 1st International Conference on Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, Mahasarakham.
33 - CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V. & BUFFETAUT E. (2004) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. 6th International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Manaus, Brazil.
34 - CUNY G. (2005) - Hybodont sharks from the Early Cretaceous of Thailand, and the origin of Ptychodus. Lundadagarna IX, Lund.
35 - REES J., CUNY G. & LINDGREN J. (2005) - Neoselachians and the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary: Focus on Danish shark faunas. Lundadagarna IX, Lund.
36 - CUNY G., BUFFETAUT, E. & SUTEETHORN V. (2005) - Hybodont sharks from the Early Cretaceous of Thailand. 4th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes - Systematics, Homology, and Nomenclature, Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain.
37 - CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V. & KAMHA S. (2005) - A review of the hybodont sharks from the Mesozoic of Thailand. Geoindo 2005, Khon Kaen, Thailand.
38 - CUNY G., CHEN L. & WANG X. (2006) - The shark fauna from the Middle-Late Triassic of Guanling (Guizhou Province, SW China). 4th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Budapest, Hungary.
39 - CUNY G. (2006) - Evoltion of the enameloid microstructure in elasmobranchs. 7th International Congress on the Biology of fish, St John's, Canada.
40 - CUNY G., CHEN L. & WANG X. (2006) - The shark fauna from the Middle - Late Triassic of Guanling (Guizhou Province, SW China). 54th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Paris, France.
41 - CUNY G., SRISUK P., KAMHA S., SUTEETHORN V. & TONG H. (2007) - A new shark fauna from the Mid-Jurassic of southern Thailand, and the early fossil record of Batoidea. Abstracts volume, 5th Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Carcassonne, France.
42 - CUNY G., SHANG Q. & CHEN L. (2007) - Triassic and Jurassic sharks from Guizhou and Hubei Provinces (Southwestern China). 40th Anniversary Symposium on Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Uppsala, Sweden.
43 - CUNY G., REES J., POUECH J., SRISUK P., MAZIN J.-M. & SUTEETHORN S. (2008) - Belemnobatis from Thailand and Cherves-de-Cognac (France): radiation of primitive batoids during the Mesozoic. Mid-Mesozoic Life and Environments, Cognac, France.
44 - CUNY G. (2008) - Mesozoic hybodont sharks from Asia and their relationships to the genus Ptychodus. Evolution and Diversity of chondrichthyans, Warsaw, Poland.
45 - CUNY G., CAVIN L. & SUTEETHORN V. (2009) - Specialized dentition in lower Cretaceous freshwater hybodont sharks. Tribute to Charles Darwin and Bernissart Iguanodons: New perspectives on vertebrate evolution and Early Cretaceous ecosystems, Brussels, Belgium.
46 - CUNY G., BENTON M.J. & COBBETT A. (2009) - Vertebrate microremains from the Aptian-Albian of Tunisia. Lundadagarna i historisk geologi och paleontologi XI, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
47 - CUNY G. (2009) - Evolution of serrated cutting dentition in hybodont sharks.69th annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Bristol, UK.
48 - CUNY G., CHEYCHIW O., LAOJUMPON C. & LAUPRASERT K. (2010) - A new species of Heteroptychodus (Elasmobranchii: Hybodontiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. Fifth International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes, global diversity and evolution, Saltillo, Mexico.
49 - CUNY G. (2010) - Phu Phan Thong: on the difficulty to exploit a tropical road bank. Fifth International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes, global diversity and evolution, Saltillo, Mexico.
50 - CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E., LATIL J.-P. & JAILLARD E. (2010) - A new vertebrate assemblage from the Tunisian Chotts. STRATI 2010, Paris, France.
51 - CUNY G., CHEYCHIW O., LAOJUMPON C. & LAUPRASERT K. (2010) - New data on Heteroptychodus (Elasmobranchii: Hybodontiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. 2nd International Conference on Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, Mahasarakham, Thailand.
52 - KHAMHA S., CUNY G., LAUPRASERT K. & SUTEETHORN V. (2010) - Vertebrate microremains from Khorat Group of Thailand. 2nd International Conference on Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, Mahasarakham, Thailand.
53 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2011) - A new shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation (latest Jurassic - earliest Cretaceous) of Thailand. 8th Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Bucharest, Romania
54 - CUNY G., MARTIN J.E. & SARR R. (2011) - A neoselachian elasmobranch fauna from the Late Cretaceous of Senegal. 8th Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Bucharest, Romania.
55 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2011) - A new shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation (latest Jurassic - earliest Cretaceous) of Thailand. World Conference on Paleontology and Stratigraphy, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.
56 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2011) - New data on the evolution of Mesozoic freshwater hybodont sharks in Southeast Asia. 55th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Plymouth, England.
57 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U., LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2012) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous of northeastern Thailand : stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical implications. Centenary Meeting of the PalŠontologische Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany.
58 - CUNY G. (2012) - The Natural History Museum of Denmark and the DINA project. Project CollectAccess, Paris, France.
59 - CUNY G. (2013) - Palaeobiogeography of the freshwater sharks from the Mesozoic of Thailand. Second Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution meeting, Berlin, Germany.
60 - CUNY G., HNSEN B.B., RASMUSSEN B.W., SHIMADA K., JACOBS P. & HEILMANN-CLAUSEN C. (2013) - Associated skeletal and dental remains of a fossil odontaspidid shark from the Middle Eocene of Denmark. 11th EAVP meeting, Villers-sur-Mer, France
61 - CUNY G., LIARD R., DEESRI U.. LIARD T., KHAMHA S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2013) - Freshwater hybodont sharks from the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous of Northeastern Thailand: stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical implications. 6th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes: Diversification and Diversity Patterns, Vienna, Austria.
62- CUNY G. (2014) - Evolution and diversity of the Chondrichthyes. 5th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Vienna, Austria.
63- CUNY G., ENAULT S., GUINOT G. & KOOT M. (2014) - Enameloid microstructure in sharks and bony fishes: What do we really know? 58th Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting, Leeds, England.
64- CUNY G. (2015) - Les collections de Sciences de la Terre: Exemple du Danemark et de la Loi Danekrae. 1ère Rencontres Amateurs et Professionnels en Sciences de la Terre, Elbeuf, France.
65- CUNY G., MO J., AMIOT R., BUFFETAUT E., SUTEETHORN S.? SUTEETHORN V. & TONG H. (2017) - New data on Cretaceous freshwater hybodont sharks from Guangxi Province, South China. 7th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes, Mahasarakham, Thailand.
66- CUNY G., MONTAGNAC G., KACHACHA G., GUINOT G. & ENAULT S. (2018) - Dental hypermineralized tissue in actinopterygians (bony fish) and neoselachians (cartilaginous fish): homology or convergence? 5th International Paleaontological Congress, Paris, France.
67- CUNY G., TENG Y.-H., DEESRI U., KHAMHA S., MO J., SONE M., SUTEETHORN S. & SUTEETHORN V. (2018) - Freshwater hybodont sharks as biostratigraphic tools for the Early Cretaceous of Southeast Asia. 5th International Paleaontological Congress, Paris, France.
Participations à colloques: posters
1 - CUNY G. & MAZIN J.M. (1990) - 38th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy. Milton Keynes.
2 - CUNY G. (1991) - The late Triassic faunas from the Jura (France). 39th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy. Oxford.
3 - GAUFFRE F.X. & CUNY G. (1995) - First discovery of a cynodont from the Moenkopi Formation, Middle Triassic of Northeastern Arizona. 43rd Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
4 - CUNY G. (1995) - Biostratigraphies, microrestes de vertébrés et transgression rhétiennes. Faune, flore et stratigraphie séquentielle, Paris.
5 - BARBIERI L. & CUNY G. (1996) - The Permo-Triassic of the Morondava Basin, Madagascar. Perliminary results from the 1996 field-trip. 44th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, London.
6 - CUNY G. & BUFFETAUT E. (1997) - Les falaises des Vaches noires, un patrimoine géologique sous-exploité. Journées nationales du Patrimoine géologique, Paris.
7 - CUNY G. (1998) - Enamel of ancient shark teeth. First Annual Shark Trust Conference, London.
8 - BARDET N., CUNY G., LACHKAR G., PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA X., MAZIN J.M., THOMEL G., BARBIERI L., VASSE D., PAROT B. & EMILY A. (1998) - A new marine vertebrate fauna from the uppermost Triassic of eastern Provence. Third European Workshop on Vertebrate Palaeontology, Maastricht.
9 - CUNY G. (1999) - Triple-layered enameloid and early neoselachian sharks. Major events in early vertebrates evolution: palaeontology, phylogeny and development, London.
10. IVANOV A. & CUNY G. (2000) - The dental histology of the late Palaeozoic shark Cooleyella. 9th International Meeting Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Flagstaff.
11. SUTEETHORN V., KHAMHA S., CUNY G., BUFFETAUT E. & PHILIPPE M. (2004) - The evolution of Mesozoic Diversity in Thailand: A new hybodont assemblage (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii) from the Sao Khua Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of Thailand. Biodiversity Research and Training Program 8th annual meeting, Surathani, Thailand.
12 - CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V. & SRISUK P. (2006) - The Jurassic shark fauna from southern Thailand. 54th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Paris, France.
13- CUNY G., CHEYCHIW O., DEESRI U., KHAMHA S., LAOJUMPON C. & LAUPRASERT K. (2010) - Succession of freshwater shark assemblages in the Mesozoic of Thailand. 14th Biodiversity Research and Training meeting, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.
14- LAUPRASERT K., CUNY G. BUFFETAUT E. & SUTEETHORN V. (2010) - Diversity of Isan Mesozoic crocodyliforms in Thailand. 14th Biodiversity Research and Training meeting, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.
15- KOOT M.B., CUNY G., ORCHARD M.J., HENDERSON C.M. & TWITCHETT R.J. (2010) - Shark teeth from the Middle Permian-Triassic Arabian continental shelf area of Oman - Preliminary data. 54th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Ghent, Belgium.
16 - KOOT M., TWITCHETT R., CUNY G. & HART M. (2011) - Effects of the Late Permian extinction on the Permian-Triassic shark fauna. 71st Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
17 - KOOT M.B., TWITCHETT R.J., CUNY G. & HART, M.B. (2011) - Effects of the Late Permian extinction event on shark faunas. 55th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Plymouth, England.
18- CUNY G., FINNEY S. & MARSHALL J. (2015) - A new Devonian-Carboniferous boundary shark from the Old Red Sandstone of East Greenland. 63rd Symposium for Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Southampton, England.
19- MO J., BUFFETAUT E., TONG H., AMIOT R., CAVIN L., CUNY G., SUTEETHORN V. & SUTEETHORN S. (2016) - Early Cretaceous vertebrates from the Xinlong Formation of Guangxi, southern China. 60th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Lyon, France.
20- CUNY G. & KHAMHA S. (2019) - Thailand, an origination centre for Mesozoic freshwater sharks. The 10th Anniversary of Sirindhorn Museum: The decade of Geological Research and Museum, Sahatsakhan, Thailand.
21- LACHAT K., AMIOT A., LƒCUYER C., SUTEETHORN S. & CUNY G. (2019) - Lower Cretaceous hybodont sharks (Phu Noi, Thailand) spent their life in freshwater. The 10th Anniversary of Sirindhorn Museum: The decade of Geological Research and Museum, Sahatsakhan, Thailand.