Assistance technique : Pôle Technique
Référent Technique : Analyse de l'eau
Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
6, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bât. Forel
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE
(+33) 04 72 43 29 45 (+33) 04 72 43 11 41
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Assistance au laboratoire en particulier pour l'analyse physico-chimique de l'eau (nutriments, azote,carbone, phosphore).
Gestion du parc informatique (correspondant réseau).
Assistance à la direction du laboratoire pour les grands travaux (relation avec la Direction du Patrimoine de l'université).
Veille technologique.
Assistant de Prévention Hygiène et Sécurité.

- Sous Presse Béraud, C., Piola, F., Gervaix, J., Boisselet, C., [...], Rasse, L., Vallier, F., Cantarel, A. Unravelling knotweed clonal control of soil microbial activities related to the nitrogen cycle through plant growth phases and ramet positions within the patch. Plant and Soil, 2025, ⟨10.1007/s11104-024-07190-9⟩Sous Presse Mermillod-Blondin, F., Gautreau, E., Pinasseau, L., Gouze, E., Vallier, F., Volatier, L., Nogaro, G. Interactions between sediment characteristics and oxygen conditions at the sediment-water interface of reservoirs: influences on nutrient dynamics and eutrophication Authors. Hydrobiologia. ⟨10.1007/s10750-024-05508-3⟩2024 Douce, P., Eymar-Dauphin, P., [...] Mermillod-Blondin, F., Simon, L., Vallier, F., Bittebière A.K., 2024 - Multidimensional trait space outlines the effects of changes in abiotic filtering on aquatic plant community from sub-Antarctic ponds. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 64, pp.125798. ⟨10.1016/j.ppees.2024.125798⟩2023 Douce, P., Mermillod‐blondin, F., Simon, L., Dolédec, S., Eymar‐dauphin, P., Renault, D., Sulmon, C., Vallier, F., Bittebière, A.K., 2023 - Biotic and abiotic drivers of aquatic plant communities in shallow pools and wallows on the sub‐Antarctic Iles Kerguelen. Polar Biology, 46, pp.303-318. ⟨10.1007/s00300-023-03122-y⟩2023 Douce, P., Renault, D., Simon, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, F., Bittebière A.K., 2023 - How does trait variance partitioning help us to understand plant community assembly? The example of pond communities in the Kerguelen Islands. Journal of Vegetation Science, Journal of Vegetation Science, 34 (6), pp.e13217. ⟨10.1111/jvs.13217⟩2023 Douce, P., Saiz, H., Benot, M.L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Oury, Y., Simon, L., Renault, D., Vallier, F., Fontaine, M., Bittebiere, A.K., 2023 - Functional characteristics rather than co-occurrences determine the outcome of interactions between neighbouring plants in sub-Antarctic ponds: Consequences for macrophyte community biomass. Freshwater Biology, 68:561–576. (10.1111/fwb.14047)2023 Lebon, Y., François, C., Navel, S., Vallier, F., Guillard, L., Pinasseau L., Oxarango, L., Volatier, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2023 - Aquifer recharge by stormwater infiltration basins: Hydrological and vadose zone characteristics control the impacts of basins on groundwater chemistry and microbiology. Science of the Total Environment, 865, pp.161115. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161115⟩2023 Pinasseau, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Fildier, A., Fourel, F., Vallier, F., Guillard, L., Wiest, L., Volatier, L., 2023 - Determination of groundwater origins and vulnerability based on multi-tracer investigations: New contributions from passive sampling and suspect screening approach. Science of the Total Environment, 876, pp.162750. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162750⟩2022 Cornacchia, L., Riviere, N., Soundar Jerome, J.J., Doppler, D., Vallier, F., Puijalon, S., 2022 - Flow and Wake Length Downstream of Live Submerged Vegetation Patches: How Do Different Species and Patch Configurations Create Sheltering in Stressful Habitats?. Water Resources Research, 58 (3), pp.e2021WR030880. ⟨10.1029/2021WR030880⟩2022 Licci, S., Marmonier, P., Wharton, G., Delolme, C., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Simon, L., Vallier, F., Bouma, T.J., Puijalon, S., 2022 - Scale-dependent effects of vegetation on flow velocity and biogeochemical conditions in aquatic systems. Science of the Total Environment, 833, pp.155123. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155123⟩2021 Mondy, N., Boisselet, C., Poussineau, S., Vallier, F., Lengagne, T., Secondi, J., Romestaing, C., Geay, M., Puijalon, S., 2021 - Herbivory increases on freshwater plants exposed to artificial light at night. Aquatic Botany, 175, pp.103447. ⟨10.1016/j.aquabot.2021.103447⟩2019 Lamberti-Raverot, B., Piola, F., Vallier, F., Gardette, V., Puijalon, S., 2019 - Achene traits involved in the water dispersal of the invasive Fallopia × bohemica complex: Variability and dispersal strategies. Flora, 251 : 88-94.2018 Rouifed, S., Puijalon, S., Bardon, C., Meiffren, G., Buonomo, A., Sebei, N., Poussineau, S., Vallier, F., Shimoda, M., Piola, F., 2018 - Comparison of defence and performance traits between one widespread clone and native populations in a major invasive plant species. Diversity and Distributions, 24 : 297–312.2017 Lamberti-Raverot, B., Piola, F., Thiébaut, M., Guillard, L., Vallier, F., Puijalon, S., 2017 - Water dispersal of the invasive complex Fallopia: the role of achene morphology. Flora, 234 : 150-157.2015 Christina, M., Rouifed, S., Puijalon, S., Vallier, F., Meiffren, G., Bellvert, F., Piola, F., 2015 - Allelopathic effect of a native species on a major plant invader in Europe. The Science of Nature, 102 : 1-12.
2015 De Wilde, M., Puijalon, S., Vallier, F., Bornette, G., 2015 - Physico-chemical consequences of water-level decreases in wetlands. Wetlands, 35 : 683–694.
2015 Oudot-Canaff, J., Bornette G., Vallier, F., De Wilde, M., Piola, F., Martel, E., 2015 - Genetic temporal dynamics in restored wetlands: A case of a predominantly clonal species, Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville. Aquatic Botany 126 : 7-15.