Enseignant chercheur : E2C
Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
Bât. Dubois
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE
- (+33) 04 72 43 11 41
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- Les thèmes de recherche développés concernent l'endocrinologie métabolique, le métabolisme énergétique, la thermorégulation et les adaptations aux environnements extrêmes froids. L'accent est mis sur le contrôle endocrine de la bioénergétique mitochondriale dans le muscle squelettique et la physiologie comparée (mammifères/oiseaux, endothermes/ectothermes). Un axe plus récent concerne la plasticité du réseau mitochondrial en lien avec l’activité bioénergétique musculaire, la signalisation oxydative et l’expression de peptides bioactifs par le génome mitochondrial. Cette plasticité peut être un élément clé dans la capacité des organismes à surmonter les contraintes énergétiques environnementales et à coloniser de nouveaux environnements.
Parmi les résultats les plus marquants on peut citer l’utilisation réussie d’approches intégratives allant de la transcriptomique à la physiologie énergétique pour caractériser les mécanismes d’adaptations métaboliques au froid chez les manchots. Nous avons notamment mis en évidence l’accroissement sélectif des capacités d’oxydation des lipides lors de l’adaptation au milieu marin des juvéniles de manchots royaux (Degletagne et al., 2010 ; Teulier et al., 2012 ; Teulier et al., 2016) et l’ontogenèse stratégique des processus thermorégulateurs et trophiques chez le poussin de manchot Adélie (Degletagne et al., 2013) en lien avec l’expression progressive de protéines de fusion mitochondriales caractérisées pour la 1ère fois chez les oiseaux (Fongy et al., 2013). Un deuxième résultat important est la détermination du rôle de la protéine découplante aviaire (avUCP) dans la plasticité énergétique mitochondriale et les processus antiradicalaires chez les oiseaux lors de l'éclosion (Rey et al., 2010) ou en lien avec un contrôle étroit par les hormones thyroïdiennes (Rey et al., 2013 ; 2014). Nous avons également caractérisé pour la 1ère fois chez l'oiseau une NOS mitochondriale pouvant moduler la bioénergétique de cet organite (Rey et al., 2011). Au sein de collaborations, nous avons développé des approches de physiologie endocrine et métabolique pour caractériser chez le rat la modulation endocrine et nutritionnelle de l’olfaction et du comportement alimentaire (Aimé et al., 2012 ; 2014) et le lien entre l’activité métabolique du microbiote et la survenue d’accidents de décompression (DeMaistre et al., 2016). - 2023 Touzot, M., Dumet A., Secondi J., Lengagne T., Henri H., Desouhant E., Duchamp C., Mondy N., 2023 - Artifical light at night triggers slight transcriptomic effects on melatonin signaling but not synthesis in tadpoles of two anuran species. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, Part A, 280, 111386. (10.1016/j.cbpa.2023.111386)
2022 Touzot, M., Lefebure, T., Lengagne, T., Secondi, J., Dumet, A., Konecny-Dupré, L., Veber, P., Navratil, V., Duchamp, C., Mondy N., 2022 - Transcriptome-wide deregulation of gene expression by artificial light at night in tadpoles of common toads. Science of the Total Environment, 818, pp.151734. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151734⟩2020 Boël M., Romestaing C., Duchamp C., Veyrunes F., Renaud S., Roussel D., Voituron Y., 2020 - Improved mitochondrial coupling as a response to high mass-specific metabolic rate in extremely small mammals. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(5), 215558.2020 Mortz, M., Dégletagne, C., Romestaing, C., Duchamp, C., 2020 - Comparative genomic analysis identifies small open reading frames (sORFs) with peptide-encoding features in avian 16S rDNA. Genomics,112(2) : 1120-1127.
2020 Roussel, D., Le Coadic, M., Rouanet, J.L., Duchamp, C., 2020 - Skeletal muscle metabolism in sea-acclimatized king penguins. I. Thermogenic mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, jeb233668.
2020 Roussel, D., Marmillot, V., Monternier, P.A., Bourguignon, A., Toullec, G., Romestaing, C., Duchamp, C., 2020 - Skeletal muscle metabolism in sea-acclimatized king penguins. II. Improved efficiency of mitochondrial bioenergetics. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, jeb233684.
2020 Touzot, M., Lengagne, T., Secondi, J., Desouhant, E., Théry, M., Dumet, A., Duchamp, C., Mondy, N., 2020 - Artificial light at night alters the sexual behaviour and fertilisation success of the common toad. Environmental Pollution, 259, 113883.
2019 Roussel D., Boël M., Mortz M., Romestaing C., Duchamp C., Voituron Y., 2019 - Threshold effect in the H2O2 production of skeletal muscle mitochondria during fasting and refeeding. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222 : 1-8.2018 De Maistre, S., Vallée, N., Gaillard, S., Duchamp, C., Blatteau, J.E., 2018 - Stimulating fermentation by the prolonged acceleration of gut transit protects against decompression sickness. Scientific Reports, 8(10128) : 1-11.2017 Rey, B., Duchamp, C., Roussel, D., 2017 - Uncoupling effect of palmitate is exacerbated in skeletal muscle mitochondria of sea-acclimatized king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 211 : 56-60.2016 De Maistre, S., Vallée, N., Gempp, E., Louge, P., Duchamp, C., Blatteau, J.E., 2016 - Gut fermentation seems to promote decompression sickness in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology, 121 : 973-979.2016 De Maistre, S., Vallée, N., Gempp, E., Lambrechts, K., Louge, P., Duchamp, C., Blatteau, J.E., 2016 - Colonic fermentation promotes decompression sickness in Rats. Scientific Report, 6(20379) : 1-7.2016 Rey, B., Dégletagne, C., Bodennec, J., Monternier, P.A., Mortz, M., Roussel, D., Romestaing, C., Rouanet, J.L., Tornos, J., Duchamp, C., 2016 - Hormetic response triggers multifaceted anti-oxidant strategies in immature king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 97 : 577-587.2016 Rey, B., Dégletagne, C., Duchamp, C., 2016 - Transcriptomic data analysis and differential gene expression of antioxidant pathways in king penguin juveniles (Aptenodytes patagonicus) before and after acclimatization to marine life. Data in Brief, 9 : 549–555.2016 Teulier, L., Rey, B., Tornos, J., Le Coadic, M., Monternier, P.A., Bourguignon, A., Dolmazon, V., Romestaing, C., Rouanet, J.L., Duchamp, C., Roussel, D., 2016 - Lipid-induced thermogenesis is up-regulated by the first cold-water immersions in juvenile penguins. J. Comp. Physiol B, 186 : 639-650.2014 Aimé, P., Palouzier-Paulignan, B., Salem, R., Al Koborssy, D., Garcia, S., Duchamp, C., Romestaing, C., Julliard, A.K., 2014 - Modulation of olfactory sensitivity and glucose-sensing by the feeding state in obese Zucker rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8(326) : 1-14.
2014 Ladeuix, B., Duchamp, C., Levillain, O., 2014 - Underestimated contribution of skeletal muscle in ornithine metabolism during mouse postnatal development. Amino Acids, 46 : 167–176.
2014 Rey, B., Romestaing, C., Bodennec, J., Dumet, A, Fongy A., Duchamp, C., Roussel, D., 2014 - Thyroid status affects membranes susceptibility to free radicals and oxidative balance in skeletal muscle of Muscovy ducklings (Cairina moschata). Journal of Experimental Zoology, 321A, 415-421.2013 Dégletagne, C., Roussel, D., Rouanet, J.L., Baudimont, F., Moureaux, E.M., Harvey, S., Duchamp, C., Le Maho, Y., Raccurt, M., 2013 - Growth Prior to Thermogenesis for a Quick Fledging of Adélie Penguin Chicks (Pygoscelis adeliae). Plos One, 8(9) e74154 : 1-14.
2013 Fongy, A., Romestaing, C., Blanc, C., Lacoste-Garanger, N., Rouanet, J.L., Raccurt, M., Duchamp, C., 2013 - Ontogeny of muscle bioenergetics in Adelie penguin chicks (Pygoscelis adeliae). American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 305 : 1065-1075.
2013 Rey, N., Roussel, D., Rouanet, J.L., Duchamp, C., 2013 - Differential effects of thyroid status on regional H2O2 production in slow- and fast-twitch muscle of ducklings. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 183 : 135-143.
2012 Aimé, P., Hegoburu, C.,, Jaillard, T., Degletagne, C., Garcia, S., Messaoudi, B., Thevenet, M., Lorsignol, A., Duchamp, C., Mouly, A.M., Julliard, A.K., 2012 - A Physiological Increase of Insulin in the Olfactory Bulb Decreases Detection of a Learned Aversive Odor and Abolishes Food Odor-Induced Sniffing Behavior in Rats. PLOS ONE, 7(12) : 1-13.
2012 Teulier, L., Dégletagne, C., Rey, B., Tornos, J., Keime, C., de Dinechin, M., Raccurt, M., Rouanet, J.L., Roussel, D., Duchamp, C., 2012 - Selective upregulation of lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle of foraging juvenile king penguins: an integrative study. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279(1737) : 2464-2472.
Belouze M, Sibille B, Rey B, Roussel D, Romestaing C, Teulier L, Baetz D, Koubi H, Servais S, Duchamp C., 2011 - Leanness of Lou/C rats does not require higher thermogenic capacity of brown adipose tissue. Physiol Behav. 104(5):893-9. (IF 2,98)
Rey B, Roussel D, Teulier L, Eyenga P, Degletagne C, Belouze M, Duchamp C., 2011 - Functional argument for the existence of an avian nitric oxide synthase in muscle mitochondria: effect of cold acclimation. FEBS Lett., 585(1):173-7. (IF 3,17)
Degletagne C, Keime C, Rey B, de Dinechin M, Forcheron F, Chuchana P, Jouventin P, Gautier C, Duchamp C., 2010 - Transcriptome analysis in non-model species: a new method for the analysis of heterologous hybridization on microarrays. BMC Genomics, 11:344. (IF 3,99)
Eyenga P, Lhuillier F, Morel J, Roussel D, Sibille B, Letexier D, Cespuglio R, Duchamp C, Goudable J, Bricca G, Viale JP., 2010 - Time course of liver nitric oxide concentration in early septic shock by cecal ligation and puncture in rats. Nitric Oxide, 23(3):194-8. (IF 3,52)
Rey B, Roussel D, Romestaing C, Belouze M, Rouanet JL, Desplanches D, Sibille B, Servais S, Duchamp C., 2010 - Up-regulation of avian uncoupling protein in cold-acclimated and hyperthyroid ducklings prevents reactive oxygen species production by skeletal muscle mitochondria. BMC Physiol., 28 : 10:5.
Rey B, Spée M, Belouze M, Girard A, Prost J, Roussel D, Duchamp C., 2010 - Oxygen recovery up-regulates avian UCP and ANT in newly hatched ducklings. J Comp Physiol B., 180(2):239-46. (IF 2,62)
Salin K, Teulier L, Rey B, Rouanet JL, Voituron Y, Duchamp C, Roussel D., 2010 - Tissue variation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation efficiency in cold-acclimated ducklings. Acta Biochim Pol.57(4):409-12. (IF 1,15)
Teulier L, Rouanet JL, Letexier D, Romestaing C, Belouze M, Rey B, Duchamp C, Roussel D., 2010 - Cold-acclimation-induced non-shivering thermogenesis in birds is associated with upregulation of avian UCP but not with innate uncoupling or altered ATP efficiency. J Exp Biol., 213(Pt 14):2476-82. (IF 2,90)
Raccurt M, Baudimont F, Tirard J, Rey B, Moureaux E, Géloën A, Duchamp C., 2008 - Growing in Antarctica, a challenge for white adipose tissue development in Adelie penguin chicks (Pygoscelis adeliae). Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 295(5):R1671-R1679.
Raccurt M, Baudimont F, Tirard J, Rey B, Moureaux E, Géloën A, Duchamp C., 2008 - Not fat, just well covered. Editor's choice. Science 322, 506.
Rey B, Halsey Lg, Dolmazon V, Rouanet Jl, Roussel D, Handrich Y, Butler Pj, Duchamp C., 2008 - Long-term fasting decreases mitochondrial avian UCP-mediated oxygen consumption in hypometabolic king penguins. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 295(1):R92-R100.
Rey B, Sibille B, Romestaing C, Belouze M, Letexier D, Servais S, Barré H, Duchamp C, Voituron Y. Reptilian uncoupling protein: functionality and expression in sub-zero temperatures. J Exp Biol. 211(Pt 9):1456-1462, 2008.
Romestaing C, Piquet Ma, Letexier D, Rey B, Mourier A, Servais S, Belouze M, Rouleau V, Dautresme M, Ollivier I, Favier R, Rigoulet M, Duchamp C, Sibille B., 2008 - Mitochondrial adaptations to steatohepatitis induced by a methionine- and choline-deficient diet. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 294(1): E110-E119.
Romestaing C, Piquet Ma, Bedu E, Rouleau V, Dautresme M, Hourmand-Ollivier I, Filippi C, Duchamp C, Sibille B., 2007 - Long term highly saturated fat diet does not induce NASH in Wistar rats. Nutr Metab (Lond). 4:4,
Servais S, Letexier D, Favier R, Duchamp C, Desplanches D., 2007 - Prevention of unloading-induced atrophy by vitamin E supplementation: links between oxidative stress and soleus muscle proteolysis? Free Radic Biol Med. 42(5):627-635,
Fahlman, A., Halsey L.G., Jones D.R., Schmidt A., Durand S., Froget G., Bost C-A., Butler P.J., Duchamp C., Y. Handrich., 2006 - Accounting for body condition improves allometric estimates of resting metabolic rates in fasting king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus. Polar Biology 29:609-614.
Duchamp C, Talbot Da, Rey B, Hanuise N, Rouanet Jl, Sibille B, Brand Md., 2004 - Mitochondrial proton conductance in cold adapted king penguins. Physiology News 57: 17-18.
Fahlman A, Handrich Y, Woakes Aj, Bost Ca, Holder R, Duchamp C, Butler Pj. , 2004 -Effect of fasting on the VO2-fh relationship in king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 287: R870-877,
Fahlman A, Handrich Y, Woakes Aj, Bost Ca, Holder R, Duchamp C, Butler Pj., 2004 - Effect of fasting on the VO2-fh relationship in king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 287: R870-R877.
Talbot Da, Duchamp C, Rey B, Hanuise N, Rouanet Jl, Sibille B, Brand Md., 2004 - Uncoupling protein and ATP/ADP carrier increase mitochondrial proton conductance after cold adaptation of king penguins. J Physiol. 558: 123-135.
Talbot D, Hanuise N, Rey B, Rouanet J-L, Duchamp C, Brand M., 2003 - Superoxide activates a GDP-sensitive proton conductance in skeletal muscle mitochondria from king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 312: 983-988.
Bedu E, Chainier F, Sibille B, Meister R, Dallevet G, Garin D, Duchamp C., 2002 - Increased lipogenesis in isolated hepatocytes from cold-acclimated ducklings. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 283(5): R1245-R1253.
Duchamp C, Rouanet J-L, Barré H., 2002 - Ontogeny of thermoregulatory mechanisms in king penguin chicks (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 131(4): 765-773.
Herpin P, Lossec G, Schmidt I, Cohen-Adad F, Duchamp C, Lefaucheur L, Goglia F, Lanni A, 2002 - Effect of age and cold exposure on morphofunctional characteristics of skeletal muscle in neonatal pigs. Pflügers Arch. 444(5): 610-618, .
Raimbault S, Dridi S, Denjean F, Lachuer J, Couplan E, Bouillaud F, Bordas A, Duchamp C, Taouis M, Ricquier D., 2001 - An uncoupling protein homolog putatively involved in facultative muscle thermogenesis in birds. Biochem J 353: 441-444.
Bedu E, Cohen-Adad F, Dallevet G, Garin D, Barré H, Duchamp C., 2001 - Effect of cold-acclimation on oxygen uptake and glucose production of perfused duckling liver. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 128: 851-861.
Morales A, Lachuer J, Geloen A, Georges B, Duchamp C, Barré H., 2000 - Sympathetic control of glucagon receptor mRNA levels in brown adipose tissue of cold-exposed rats. Mol Cell Biochem 208: 139-42.
Chainier F, Roussel D, Georges B, Meister R, Rouanet J-L, Duchamp C, Barré H., 2000 - Cold acclimation or grapeseed oil feeding affects phospholipid composition and mitochondrial function in duckling skeletal muscle. Lipids 35: 1099-1106.
Denjean F, Desplanches D, Lachuer J, Cohen-Adad F, Mayet M-H, Duchamp C., 1999 - Muscle-specific up-regulation of rat UCP3 mRNA expression by long-term hindlimb unloading. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 266: 518-522.
Thomas-Delloye V, Marmonier F, Duchamp C, George B, Lachuer J, Barre H, Crouzoulon G., 1999 - Biochemical and functional evidences for GLUT-4 homologous protein in avian skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 277(46): R1733-R1740.
Duchamp C, Marmonier F, Denjean F, Lachuer J, Eldershaw Tpd, Rouanet J-L, Morales A, Meister R, Benistant C, Roussel D, Barre H., 1999 - Regulatory, cellular and molecular aspects of avian muscle nonshivering thermogenesis. Ornis Fennica 76: 151-165.
Denjean F, Lachuer J, Cohen-Adad F, Barre H, Duchamp C., 1999 - Are mammalian-like uncoupling protein-1 and -2 expressed in birds exhibiting nonshivering thermogenesis. Ornis Fennica 76: 151-165.
Thouzeau C, Duchamp C, Handrich Y., 1999 - Energy metabolism and body temperature of barn owls fasting in the cold. Physiol Biochem Zool 72: 170-178, .
Lossec G, Duchamp C, Lebreton Y, Herpin P., 1999 - Postnatal changes in regional blood flow during cold-induced shivering in sow-reared piglets. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 77: 414-421, .
Denjean F, Lachuer J, Geloen A, Cohen-Adad F, Moulin C, Barre H, Duchamp C., 1999 - Differential regulation of uncoupling protein-1, -2 and -3 gene expression by sympathetic innervation in brown adipose tissue of thermoneutral or cold-exposed rats. FEBS Lett 444: 181-185, .
Roussel D, Rouanet J-L, Duchamp C, Barre H., 1998 - Effects of cold-acclimation and palmitate on energy coupling in duckling skeletal muscle mitochondria. FEBS Lett 439: 258-262.
Morales A, Lachuer J, Duchamp C, Vera N, Georges B, Cohen-Adad F, Moulin C, Barre H., 1998 - Tissue-specific modulation of rat glucagon receptor mRNA by thyroid status. Mol Cell Endocrinol 144: 71-81, 1998.
Benistant C, Duchamp C, Cohen-Adad F, Rouanet J-L, Barre H., 1998 - In vitro increased mobilization and transport of fatty acids in cold-acclimated ducklings. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 275(44): R683-R690.
Marmonier F, Duchamp C, Cohen-Adad F, Eldershaw Tpd, Barre H., 1997 - Hormonal control of skeletal muscle nonshivering thermogenesis in muscovy ducklings. Am J Physiol Regul, Integr Comp. Physiol. 273(42): R1638-R1648.
Gabarrou J-F, Duchamp C, Williams J, Geraert P-A., 1997 - A role for thyroid hormones in the regulation of diet-induced thermogenesis in birds. Brit J Nutr 78: 963-973.
Duchamp C, Burton Kab, Geloen A, Dauncey M.J., 1997 - Transient up-regulation of IGF-I gene expression in brown adipose tissue of cold-exposed rats. Am J Physiol Endocrinol. Metab. 272(35): E453-E460.
Eldershaw Tpd, Duchamp C, Clark Mg, Colquhoun Ed., 1997 - Potential for nonshivering thermogenesis in perfused chicken (Gallus domesticus) muscle. Comp Biochem Physiol 117A: 545-554, 1997.
Harrison Ap, Tivey Dr, Clausen T, Duchamp C, Dauncey Mj., 1996 Role of thyroid hormones in early postnatal development of skeletal muscle and its implications for undernutrition. Brit J Nutr 76: 841-855.
Lachuer J, Legras C, Ronfort C, Barges S, Cohen-Adad F, Quivet L, Duchamp C, Verdier G, Barre H., 1996 - Molecular cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encoding a _ thyroid hormone receptor in muscovy duckling. Biochim Biophys Acta 1310: 127-130.
Lachuer J, Ronfort C, Duchamp C, Cohen-Adad F, Barges S, Faraut P, Quivet L, Legras C, Verdier G, Barre H., 1996 - Characterization of a cDNA encoding an _ thyroid hormone receptor in muscovy duckling. Poultry Science 75: 1531-1535.
Duchamp C, Burton Kab, Herpin P, Dauncey Mj., 1996 - Perinatal ontogeny of porcine growth hormone receptor gene expression is modulated by thyroid status. Eur J Endocrinol 134: 524-531.
Herpin P, Berthon D, Duchamp C, Dauncey Mj, Ledividich J., 1996 - Effect of thyroid status in the perinatal period on oxidative capacities and mitochondrial respiration in porcine liver and skeletal muscle. Reprod Develop Fertility 8: 147-155.
Dauncey Mj, Burton Ka, White Pa, Harrison Ap, Gilmour Rs, Duchamp C, Cattaneo D., 1994 - Nutritional regulation of growth hormone receptor gene expression. FASEB J 8: 81-88, .
Duchamp C, Burton Ka, Herpin P, Dauncey M.J. Perinatal ontogeny of porcine nuclear thyroid hormone receptors and its modulation by thyroid status. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 267(5): E687-E693, 1994.
Harrison A., Clausen T., Duchamp C., Dauncey M.J., 1994 - Roles of skeletal muscle morphology and activity in determining Na+-K+-ATPase concentration in young pigs. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 266(35): R102-R111.
Berthon D., Herpin P., Duchamp C., Dauncey M.J., Ledividich J., 1993 - Modification of thermogenic capacity in neonatal pigs by changes in thyroid status during late gestation. J Develop Physiol 19: 253-261, .
Goglia F., Duchamp C., Lanni A., Rouanet J.L., Barre H., 1993 - Effect of cold acclimation on oxidative capacity and respiratory properties of liver and muscle mitochondria in ducklings. Comp Biochem Physiol 106B: 95-101.
Duchamp C., Dittmar A., Chatonnet J., Barre H., 1993 - Increased role of skeletal muscle in the calorigenic response to glucagon in cold-acclimated ducklings. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 265(34): R1084-R1091.
Duchamp C., Barre H., 1993 - Skeletal muscle as the major site of cold-induced nonshivering thermogenesis in cold-acclimated ducklings. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 265(34): R1076-R1083.
Duchamp C., Cohen-Adad F., Rouanet J.L., Barre H., 1992 - Histochemical arguments for muscular nonshivering thermogenesis in ducklings. J Physiol (London) 457: 27-45, .
Ducerf C., Duchamp C., Pouyet M., 1992 - Postoperative electromyographic profile in human jejunum. Annals of Surgery, 215: 237-243.
Koubi H.E., Duchamp C., Geloen A., Freminet A., Minaire Y., 1991 - Resistance of hepatic glycogen to depletion in obese Zucker rats. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 69: 841-845, 1991.
Duchamp C., Barre H., Rouanet J.L., Lanni A., Cohen-Adad F., Berne G., Brebion P., 1991 - Nonshivering thermogenesis in king penguin chicks: II. Effect of fasting. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 261: R1446-R1454, .
Duchamp C., Barre H., Rouanet J.L., Lanni A., Cohen-Adad F., Berne G., Brebion P., 1991 - Nonshivering thermogenesis in king penguin chicks: I. Role of skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 261: R1438-R1445, 1991.
Dewasmes G., Duchamp C., Bothorel B., Candas V., 1991 - Sleep changes in fasting rats after chronic glycerol feeding. Physiol Behav 50: 537-543.
Duchamp C., Barre H., Delage D., Rouanet J.L., Cohen-Adad F., Minaire Y., 1989 - Nonshivering thermogenesis and adaptation to fasting in king penguin chicks. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 257: R744-R751,.
Dewasmes G., Duchamp C., Y. Minaire., 1989 - Sleep changes in fasting rats. Physiol Behav 46: 179-184.
Barre H., Cohen-Adad F., Duchamp C., Rouanet J.L., 1986- Multilocular adipocytes from muscovy ducklings differentiated in response to cold acclimation. J Physiol (London) 375: 27-38.