Enseignant chercheur : IAPHY
ENTPE, Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
Rue Maurice Audin
F- 69518 Vaulx-en-Velin Cedex
+(33) 04 72 04 71 78
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Thématique de recherche
Les eaux pluviales transportent de nombreux polluants de différentes concentrations et compositions dans les eaux des surfaces et souterraines. De nombreux aménagements « bleu-vert » ont été développés pour la gestion des eaux polluées, p.ex. sous la forme de bassins d’infiltration, de techniques alternatives (TA) telles que les noues, de Solutions fondées sur la Nature (SfN) comme des filtres plantés ou des marais flottants. Ces aménagements jouent un rôle crucial dans l'atténuation de l'impact du réchauffement climatique et de la perte de biodiversité dans les environnements urbains. Cependant, optimiser leur fonctionnement et le garantir sur le long terme fait encore l'objet de plusieurs questions de recherche, en plus d'autres défis incluant d'autres groupes scientifiques et sociétaux.
L’énergie hydraulique des eaux pluviales arrivant dans ces aménagements, la variabilité des apports ainsi que la multitude de conditions physico-chimique et de processus microbiologiques entrainent une complexité de la distribution des polluants. Il est très difficile de mesurer les dynamiques de traitement, de stockage et de relargage d'un éventail assez large de polluants, ce qui rend assez complexe l'estimation de leurs impacts dans le milieu naturel.
Mon intérêt scientifique repose sur le thème de l'impact des modifications physiques et bio-chimiques de ces aménagements et de leur résilience face aux changements globaux. J’envisage de développer des projets autours deux axes :
- L’impact du vieillissement et de l'entretien des aménagements de traitement des eaux pluviales sur les dynamiques de rétention/relargages de polluants;
- L’étude de l'impact des nouvelles générations d'aménagements intégrant des intensifications – permettant d'augmenter les capacités de rétention/valorisation des polluants tout en maintenant les fonctionnalités physiques.
Stormwater and urban runoff transport numerous pollutants in different concentration ranges and compositions into surface waters and aquifers. A wide number of « blue-green » techniques have been developed to manage polluted waters, e.g. as infiltration basins, sustainable urban drainage infrastructures such as swales, or Nature-based Solutions (NBS) such as treatment wetlands. These infrastructures play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of global heating and the loss of biodiversity in urban environments. However, optimising their operation and guaranteeing it over the long term is still subject to several research questions, in addition to other challenges that include other research areas and societal groups.
The hydraulic energy of stormwater and urban runoff arriving in these infrastructures, the variability of inflows and the multitude of physico-chemical conditions as well as microbial processes leads to a complex pollutant distribution. It is very difficult to measure treatment dynamics, storage and release of a fairly wide range of pollutants, which makes it quite complex to estimate their impact in the natural environment.
My scientific interest lies on the impact of physical and bio-chemical modifications of these infrastructures and their resilience regarding global change. I am planning to develop research projects around two lines:
- Impact of ageing and maintenance on stormwater treatment facilities on pollutant retention and release ;
- Functioning of a new generation of intensified blue-green infrastructures allowing to increase pollutant retention/valorisation while maintaining physical functionality.
- 2024 Portela, D., Tondera, K., Troesch, S., Molle, P., 2024 - Impact of forced aeration on vertical flow treatment wetland performances for combined sewer overflow. Ecological Engineering, 208, pp.107359. ⟨10.1016j.ecoleng.2024.107359⟩2024 Tondera, K., Gillot, S., Chazarenc, F., 2024 - Carbon redirection in chemically enhanced primary treatment of domestic wastewater: A meta-analysis of laboratory to full-scale trials. Chemosphere, 351, pp.141161, ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.141161⟩2023 Acuña,V., Castañares, L., Castellar, J., Comas, J., Cross, K., [...] Tondera, K., Corominas, L. 2023 - Development of a decision-support system to select nature-based solutions for domestic wastewater treatment. Blue-Green Systems, 2023, 5 (2), pp.235-251. ⟨10.2166/bgs.2023.005⟩2024
- Tondera K., Brelot E., Fontanel F., Cherqui F., Nielsen J.E., Brüggemann T., Naismith I., Goerke M., Suárez López J., Rieckermann J., Leitão J.P., Clemens-Meyer F.H.L.R., Moreno-Rodenas A., Tait S., Anta J. (2024) European stakeholders’ visions and needs for stormwater in future urban drainage systems. Urban Water Journal, 2023, 20 (7), pp.831-843.
- Schwammberger P., Tondera K., Headley T., Borne K., Yule C., Tindale N. (2023) Performance monitoring of constructed floating wetlands: Treating stormwater runoff during the construction phase of an urban residential development. Science of the Total Environment 865, 161107. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161107
- Wirtz H., Ruppelt, J.P., van Dongen J.T., Schippers J.H.M, Neinhuis A.E., Luetjens L., Pinnekamp J., Tondera K. (2023) Floating treatment wetlands - more suitable for retrofitting highway runoff basins than vertical flow treatment wetlands? Ecological Engineering 187, 106862. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2022.106862
- Tondera K., Chazarenc F., Brisson J., Chagnon P.-L. (2023) Structure and impact of root-associated fungi in treatment wetland mesocosms. Science of the Total Environment 858, 159958. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159958
- Guthi R.-S., Tondera K., Gillot S., Buffière P., Boillot M., Chazarenc F. (2022) A-Stage process: Challenges and drawbacks from lab to full scale studies: a review. Water Research 226, 119044. 10.1016/j.watres.2022.119044
- Tirpak, A., Tondera, K., Tharp, R., Borne, K., Schwammberger, P., Ruppelt, J., Winston, R. (2022) Optimizing floating treatment wetland and retention pond design through random forest: A meta-analysis of influential variables. Journal of Environmental Management 312, 114909. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114909
- Ruiz-Ocampo, H., Tondera, K., Paing, J., Molle, P., Chazarenc, F. (2022) Long-term investigations on ammonium removal with zeolite in compact vertical flow treatment wetlands under field conditions. Water Science and Technology 85 (3), 746.
- Ruiz-Ocampo, H., Tondera, K., Katusic, V., Paing, J., Molle, P., Chazarenc, F. (2021) Effect of filter media and depth on hydrodynamics and treatment performances of single-stage French Vertical Flow Treatment Wetlands treating domestic effluent. Water Air and Soil Pollution 232:282. 10.1007/s11270-021-05228-7
- Tondera, K., Chazarenc, F., Chagnon, P.-L., Brisson, J. (2021) Bioaugmentation of treatment wetlands – a review. Science of the Total Environment 775, 145820, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145820
- Botturi A., Özbayram E.G., Tondera K., Gilbert N.I., Raoult P., Caradot N., Gutierrez O., Daneshgar S., Frison N., Akyol C., Foglia A., Eusebi A.L., Fatone F. (2021) Combined Sewer Overflows: A critical review on best practice and innovative solutions to mitigate impacts on environment and human health. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 51(15), 1585-1618. 10.1080/10643389.2020.1757957
- Tondera, K., Shang, K., Vincent, G., Chazarenc, F., Hu, Y., Brisson, J. (2020) Effect of Plant Species and Nutrient Loading Rates in Treatment Wetlands for Polluted River Water Under a Subtropical Climate. Water Air and Soil Pollution 231:480. 10.1007/s11270-020-04830-5
- Ruppelt J.P., Tondera K., Button M., Pinnekamp J., Weber K.P. (2020): Assessing the role of microbial communities in the performance of constructed wetlands used to treat combined sewer overflows. Science of the Total Environment 736, 139519. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139519
- Rizzo A., Tondera K., Pálfy T.G, Dittmer U., Meyer D., Schreiber C., Zacharias N., Ruppelt J.P., Esser D., Molle P., Troesch S., Masi F. (2020) Constructed wetlands for combined sewer overflow treatment: a state-of-the-art review. Science of the Total Environment 727, 138618. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138618
- Ruppelt, J.P., Pinnekamp, J., Tondera, K. (2020) Elimination of micropollutants in four test-scale constructed wetlands treating combined sewer overflow: influence of filtration layer height and feeding regime. Water Research 169, 1-10. 10.1016/j.watres.2019.115214
- Tondera K., Ruppelt J., Pinnekamp J., Kistemann T., Schreiber C. (2019) Reduction of micropollutants and bacteria in a constructed wetland for combined sewer overflow treatment after 7 and 10 years of operation. Science of the Total Environment 651, 917-927. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.174
- Ruppelt J.P., Tondera K., Vorenhout M., Van der Weken L., Pinnekamp J. (2019) Redox potential as a method to evaluate the performance of retention soil filters treating combined sewer overflows. Science of the Total Environment 650, 1628-1639, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.043
- Tondera K. (2019) Evaluating the performance of constructed wetlands for the treatment of combined sewer overflows. Ecological Engineering 137, 53-59. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.10.009
- Jaeger R., Tondera K., Jacobs C., Porter M., Tindale N. (2019) Numerical and physical modelling to improve discharge rates in open channel infrastructures. Water (MDPI), 11(7):1414. 10.3390/w11071414
- Jaeger R., Tondera K., Pather S., Porter M., Jacobs C., Tindale N. (2019) Flow Control in Culverts: A Performance Comparison between Inlet and Outlet Control. Water (MDPI), 11(7):1408. 10.3390/w11071408
- Jaeger R., Jacobs C., Tondera K., Tindale N. (2019) Improving Flows in Misaligned Culverts. Water (MDPI), 11(9), 1932. 10.3390/w11091932
- Sanicola O., Lucke T., Stewart M., Tondera K., Walker C. (2019) Root and Shoot Biomass Growth of Constructed Floating Wetlands Plants in Saline Environments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(2):275. 10.3390/ijerph16020275
- Ruppelt J.P., Tondera K., Schreiber C., Kistemann T., Pinnekamp J. (2018) Reduction of bacteria and somatic coliphages in constructed wetlands for the treatment of combined sewer overflow (retention soil filters). International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 221(4), 727-733. 10.1016/j.ijheh.2018.04.011
- Tondera K., Klaer K., Roder S., Brueckner I., Pinnekamp J. (2017) Improving the microbiological quality of the Ruhr River near Essen: comparing costs and effects for the removal of Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci. Water Science and Technology 75(11), 2659-2668. 10.2166/wst.2017.141
- Walker C., Tondera K., Lucke T. (2017) Stormwater treatment evaluation of a Constructed Floating Wetland after two years operation in an urban catchment. Sustainability 9(10), 1687. 10.3390/su9101687
- Tondera K., Klaer K., Koch C., Hamza I.A., Pinnekamp J. (2016) Reducing Pathogens in Combined Sewer Overflows Using Performic Acid. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 219, 700-708. 10.1016/j.ijheh.2016.04.009
- Tondera K., Klaer K., Roder S., Brueckner I., Strathmann M., Kistemann T., Schreiber C., Pinnekamp J. (2016) Developing an Easy-to-Apply Model for Identifying Relevant Pathogen Pathways into Surface Waters Used for Recreational Purposes. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 219, 662-670. 10.1016/j.ijheh.2015.11.005
- Tondera K., Klaer K., Gebhardt J., Wingender J., Koch C., Horstkott M., Strathmann M., Jurzik L., Hamza I.A., Pinnekamp J. (2015) Reducing Pathogens in Combined Sewer Overflows Using Ozonation or UV Irradiation. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 218(8), 731-741. 10.1016/j.ijheh.2015.09.002
- Tondera K., Koenen S., Pinnekamp J. (2013) Survey monitoring results on the reduction of micropollutants, bacteria, bacteriophages and TSS in retention soil filters. Water Science and Technology 68 (5), 1004-1012.1004-1012. 10.2166/wst.2013.340