Enseignant chercheur : E2C
Responsable scientifique : Enerho Ox
Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
Bât. Darwin C
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE
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L’objectif principal de mes recherches est d’étudier la plasticité phénotypique et le potentiel adaptatif de l’activité énergétique et de l’efficience des mitochondries. Le but est de déterminer, par une approche intégrative allant de l’animal entier à l’expression des gènes, les mécanismes cellulaires, biochimiques et moléculaires impliqués dans la régulation de la conversion d’énergie mitochondriale, qui influence à court terme les performances physiologiques et à long terme les stratégies d’histoire de vie des organismes.
Thème 1 : Plasticité énergétique au cours du jeûne chez les oiseaux
Collaborateurs : C. Duchamp ; C. Romestaing
La conservation de l’énergie est une priorité chez les organismes qui jeûnent. Plusieurs ajustements physiologiques (hypothermie, hypométabolisme, hypoactivité…) se mettent en place pour économiser les ressources limités de l’organisme (principalement stockées sous forme de lipides). Ce projet a pour but d’étudier la plasticité de la conversion d’énergie mitochondriale dans des tissus oxydatifs (principalement muscles squelettiques et foie) et ses conséquences sur les performances physiologiques chez les oiseaux.
Pour en savoir plus :
Roussel et al., J. Exp. Biol. 222, jeb196188, 2019
Roussel et al., J. Exp. Biol. 221, jeb172213, 2018
Monternier et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 212, 1-8, 2017
Bourguignon et al., J. Exp. Biol. 220, 2445-2451, 2017
Monternier et al., J. Exp. Biol. 218, 2427-2434, 2015
Monternier et al., J. Exp. Biol. 217, 2691-2697, 2014
Rey et al., Am. J. Physiol. 295, R92-R100, 2008
Thème 2 : Ajustements énergétiques du manchot royal lors de son passage à la vie marine.
[Financé par l’institut polaire Paul-Emile Victor, IPEV, P131]
Après un an passé à terre, le juvénile de manchot royal doit relever un défi énergétique majeur lors de son passage à sa vie marine. Cette vie marine en eau froide induit une dépense énergétique intense associée à la nage d’endurance (locomotion) et à la thermorégulation, et une restriction en oxygène au cours des plongées répétées. Ce projet a pour but d’étudier les ajustements énergétiques qui se mettent en place dans les muscles squelettiques au cours des premières années de vie marine du manchot royal.
Pour en savoir plus :
Rey et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 211, 56-60, 2017
Rey et al., Free Rad. Biol. Med. 97, 577-587, 2016
Teulier et al., J. Comp. Physiol. B 186, 639-650, 2016
Teulier et al., Proc. R. Soc. B 279, 2464-2472, 2012
Thème 3 : Allométrie comparée de l’efficience mitochondriale.
Collaborateur : Y. Voituron
Les besoins énergétiques des organismes sont fortement déterminés par leurs tailles. La relation entre la masse corporelle/taille et le taux métabolique des individus est étudiée depuis très longtemps et suggèrent que cette relation existe à tous les niveaux d’organisation depuis les cellules jusqu’aux écosystèmes. Ce projet a pour but de comparée chez différents groupes de vertébrés (reptiles, poissons, batraciens, mammifères, oiseaux) les relations entre masse corporelle et efficience mitochondriale, un paramètre important car il détermine combien d’énergie un organisme peut véritablement allouer à ses performances.
Pour en savoir plus :
Boël et al., J. Exp. Biol., 2020
Boël et al., Proc. R. Soc. B 286, 20191693, 2019
Roussel et al., J. Exp. Biol. 218, 3222-3228, 2015
Salin et al., J. Exp. Zool. 317A, 283-293, 2012
Thème 4 : Coûts et bénéfices de la plasticité mitochondriale.
Collaborateurs : Y. Voituron ; L. Teulier
L’activité mitochondriale produit des espèces réactives de l’oxygène. Ces espèces réactives de l’oxygène peuvent être source de stress oxydant mais également être des molécules signales à l’origine de l’ajustement métabolique des cellules. Ce projet a pour but d’étudier comment les variations de l’efficience mitochondriale induite par des stress biotiques (par exemple : la limitation des ressources ; le statut hormonal) ou abiotiques (par exemple : la température) favorisent ou diminuent à court terme la production de ces espèces réactives de l’oxygène et à long terme les performances biologiques des organismes (locomotion, croissance…).
Pour en savoir plus :
Roussel et al., Front. Physiol. 11, e153
Roussel et al., J. Exp. Biol. 222, jeb196188, 2019
Voituron et al., Oecologia 185, 195-203, 2017
Salin et al., J. Exp. Biol. 215, 863-869, 2012
Desquiret et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1757, 21-30, 2006
Mots-clés : Physiologie comparée, plasticité phénotypique, métabolisme, allocation d’énergie, hormone, jeûne, température, hypoxie, muscle squelettique.
I strive to understand how the mitochondrial activity and efficiency of organisms adjust to energetic challenges imposed by nutritional, physiological or environmental constraints. I use a comparative evolutionary approach in vertebrates and invertebrates to understand the cellular, biochemical and molecular basis involved in the phenotypic plasticity of mitochondrial energy conversion system. To date, I am involved in four ongoing main projects (see below).
Project 1: Bioenergetics plasticity in fasted birds
Collaborators: C. Duchamp; C. Romestaing
Energy conservation is a key priority for organisms that live in environments with seasonal shortages in resource supplies or that spontaneously fast during their annual cycle. During food deprivation, animals cannot maximize all of their life-history traits and must exhibit adaptive behavioural, physiological and biochemical responses to reduce metabolism and/or the cost of current activities in order to maintain biological value. The aim of this project is to study how mitochondrial metabolism and efficiency of oxidative tissues (mainly skeletal muscle and liver) adjust to food deprivation and its consequences to physiological performances in birds.
To learn more:
Roussel et al., J. Exp. Biol. 222, jeb196188, 2019
Roussel et al., J. Exp. Biol. 221, jeb172213, 2018
Monternier et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 212, 1-8, 2017
Bourguignon et al., J. Exp. Biol. 220, 2445-2451, 2017
Monternier et al., J. Exp. Biol. 218, 2427-2434, 2015
Monternier et al., J. Exp. Biol. 217, 2691-2697, 2014
Rey et al., Am. J. Physiol. 295, R92-R100, 2008
Project 2: Energetic adjustments in sea-acclimatized king penguin.
[Granted by l’institut polaire Paul-Emile Victor, IPEV, P131]
Penguin is an extraordinary model to study several bioenergetics trade-offs between expansive energy consuming processes (endurance swimming, thermogenesis) and limited environmental resources (oxygen during dives, or nutriment while fasting during winter or molt). In particular at fledging, after more than one year of terrestrial life on shore, king penguin juveniles undergo a major energetic challenge imposed by life in cold oceans. The development of adaptive responses to reduce heat losses, as well as to sustain the energy requirements imposed by endurance swimming and the maintenance of endothermy in cold water, represents a critical step to survive this early life at sea. The aim of this project is to study bioenergetics adjustments of skeletal muscle in response to sea acclimatization.
To learn more:
Rey et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 211, 56-60, 2017
Rey et al., Free Rad. Biol. Med. 97, 577-587, 2016
Teulier et al., J. Comp. Physiol. B 186, 639-650, 2016
Teulier et al., Proc. R. Soc. B 279, 2464-2472, 2012
Project 3: Allometry of mitochondrial efficiency
Collaborator: Y. Voituron
The energy needs and metabolism of organisms are strongly influence by their body size/mass. The relationship between the body mass and metabolic activity has been heavily documented from organism to cells. Until now, most of the studies used the fluxes of oxygen as a proxy of energy output without knowledge of the efficiency of biological systems to convert oxygen into ATP. The aim of this project is to examine the allometry of mitochondrial coupling efficiency in vertebrates, using a comparative evolutionary approach in mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs and fishes.
To learn more:
Boël et al., J. Exp. Biol., 2020
Boël et al., Proc. R. Soc. B 286, 20191693, 2019
Roussel et al., J. Exp. Biol. 218, 3222-3228, 2015
Salin et al., J. Exp. Zool. 317A, 283-293, 2012
Project 4: Energy costs and benefices of mitochondrial plasticity.
Collaborators: Y. Voituron ; L. Teulier
Mitochondrial activity produces reactive oxygen species (ROS). These ROS may trigger oxidative stress or cell signaling involved in the metabolic adjustment of physiological systems. The aim of this project is to study how challenging environments affect mitochondrial efficiency and its consequences over ROS production and animal performances.
To learn more:
Roussel et al., Front. Physiol. 11, e153
Roussel et al., J. Exp. Biol. 222, jeb196188, 2019
Voituron et al., Oecologia 185, 195-203, 2017
Salin et al., J. Exp. Biol. 215, 863-869, 2012
Desquiret et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1757, 21-30, 2006
Keywords: Comparative physiology, phenotypic plasticity, metabolism, energy trade-off, hormone, fasting, temperature, hypoxia, skeletal muscle.
- Diplôme d’Accès aux Etudes Universitaires - filière science (DAEU-B)
Biologie cellulaire (Transcription, Traduction, Cycle cellulaire, Méïose...)
Nutrition (Dépense & Besoins énergétiques)
Biologie animale (Organisation du vivant, Grandes fonctions..)
Physiologie animale (Homéostasie, Endocrinologie, Système nerveux, Reproduction,
Réponses immunitaires)
Préparation aux concours paramédicaux (PCPM)
Métabolisme (Régulation de la glycémie, diabètes, métabolisme énergétique)
Licence et Master de l’Université de Lyon 1 (UCBL)
Physiologie animale (Régulation cellulaire des voies métaboliques, Bioénergétique
mitochondriale, Thermorégulation, Potentiel d’action et contraction musculaire, Stress
Ecophysiologie (Endothermie et vie en milieux extrêmes)
Nutrition (Obésité, Composition corporelle, Equilibre et ration alimentaire, Jeûne,
Alimentation du bien portant)
Participation à l’animation et à l’encadrement de la recherche
1. Doctorant
LAOUAFA Sofien (2015-).
Stimulant respiratoire et antioxydant : rôle combiné de la progestérone et de l’œstradiol pour lutter contre les causes et les conséquences des irrégularités respiratoires, Université de Laval, Québec, Canada (Direction : Dr. Vincent Joseph).
PIGNERET Mathilde (2014-).
Réponses physiologiques à une pollution d’origine anthropique chez des organismes sentinelles et conséquences sur la qualité de l’eau des nappes phréatiques, Université de Lyon (Direction : Dr. Frédéric Hervant).
MONTERNIER Pierre-Axel (2012-2015).
Contrôle du métabolisme énergétique du muscle squelettique par les esters acylés d’acides gras. Rôle dans la thermogenèse sans frisson aviaire, Université de Lyon (Direction: Dr. Damien Roussel).
EYENGA NSOM NDILLE Pierre (juin 2013).
Fonction mitochondriale hépatique et diaphragmatique au cours du choc septique expérimental chez le rat, Université de Lyon (Direction : Pr. Jean-Paul Vial)
SALIN Karine (novembre 2011)
Relations entre efficacité mitochondriale, balance oxydative et croissance des amphibien, Université de Lyon (Co-direction: Pr. Yann Voituron).
TEULIER Loïc (décembre 2010).
Adaptations métaboliques du caneton de Barbarie (Cairina moschata) et du manchot royal (Aptenodytes patagonicus) en réponse à un stress thermique froid, Université de Lyon (Co-direction : Dr. Jean-Louis Rouanet).
(décembre 2007).
Métabolisme énergétique au cours de la cachexie cancéreuse, Université d’Angers (Direction : Pr. Patrick Ritz).
DUMAS Jean-François (novembre 2004).
Métabolisme énergétique mitochondrial du foie dans des situations de perte de poids, Université d’Angers (Direction: Pr. Patrick Ritz).
2. Master 2
CHEYNEL Louise (2015).
La théorie radicalaire du vieillissement en milieu souterrain : métabolisme énergétique et stress oxydant chez les Proaselles. M2R Physiologie intégrée
en conditions extrêmes, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (Encadrantes : Drs. Nathalie Mondy & Caroline Romestaing).
BURGEVIN Lorraine (2011).
Effect of fasting on the mitochondrial efficiency in Rana ridibunda, M2R Biosciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon. (Co-encadrant : Pr.Yann Voituron).
MONTERNIER Pierre-Axel (2010).
Rôle du rendement énergétique mitochondrial dans les variations métaboliques associées à la restriction calorique puis au re-nourrissage, M2R Physiologie intégrée en conditions extrêmes, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon.
TEULIER Loïc (2007). Adaptations métaboliques du muscle squelettique chez le caneton de Barbarie soumis à une exposition au froid d'intensité variable, M2RPhysiologie intégrée enconditions extrêmes, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon.
DESQUIRET Valérie (2004). Le gradient de protons : moteur d’adaptations du métabolisme cellulaire, DEA Interactions cellulaires et transports membranaires, Université de Poitiers, Angers - Sous Presse Stier, A., Esperti, S., Nader, E., Roussel, D., Connes, P. Oxygen release from hemoglobin has limited effects on mitochondrial respiration measured from red blood cells. Reply to the Comment on “Increased retention of functional mitochondria in mature sickle red blood cells is associated with increased sickling tendency, hemolysis and oxidative stress”. Haematologica. ⟨10.3324/haematol.2024.286361⟩2024 Roussel, D., Roussel, N., Voituron, Y., Rey, B., 2024 - Liver mitochondrial coupling efficiency and its relationship to adenine nucleotide translocase content: A comparative study among crocodiles, birds and mammals. Mitochondrion, 78, 101909. ⟨10.1016/j.mito.2024.101909⟩2024 Vily-Petit, J., Soty-Roca, M., Silva, M., Micoud, M., Evrard, F., [...], Roussel, D., [...], Mithieux, G., 2024 - Antiobesity effects of intestinal gluconeogenesis are mediated by the brown adipose tissue sympathetic nervous system. Obesity, 32 (4), pp.710-722. ⟨10.1002/oby.23985)2023 Barbe, J., Roussel, D., Voituron, Y., 2023 - Effect of physiological hyperthermia on mitochondrial fuel selection in skeletal muscle of birds and mammals. Journal of Thermal Biology. 117, 103719. ⟨10.1016/j.jtherbio.2023.103719⟩
2023 Barbe, J., Watson, J., Roussel, D., Voituron, Y., 2023 - . The allometry of mitochondrial efficiency is tissue dependent: a comparison between skeletal and cardiac muscles of birds. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226 (23). ⟨10.1242/jeb.246299⟩2023 Boël, M., Voituron, Y., Roussel, D., 2023 - Body mass dependence of oxidative phosphorylation efficiency in liver mitochondria from mammals. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 284, pp.111490. ⟨10.1016/j.cbpa.2023.111490⟩.2023 Esperti, S., Nader, E., Stier, A., Boisson, C., Carin, R., [...] Roussel, D., Connes, P., 2023 Increased retention of functional mitochondria in mature sickle red blood cells is associated with increased sickling tendency, hemolysis and oxidative stress. Haematologica, 108 (11), pp.3086-3094. ⟨10.3324/haematol.2023.282684⟩2023 Hirose, S., Hesnard, J., Ghazi, N., Roussel, D., Voituron, Y., Cochet-Escartin, O., Rieu, J.P., Anjard, C. Funamoto, K., 2023 - The aerotaxis of Dictyostelium discoideum is independent of mitochondria, nitric oxide and oxidative stress. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. Sec. Cell Adhesion and Migration, 11:1134011. (10.3389/fcell.2023.1134011)2023 Roussel, D., Janillon, S., Teulier, L., Pichaud, N., 2023 - Succinate oxidation rescues mitochondrial ATP synthesis at high temperature in Drosophila melanogaster. FEBS Letters, 597 (17), pp.2221-2229. ⟨10.1002/1873-3468.14701)2023 Thoral, E., Roussel, D., Gasset, E., Dutto, G., Queiros, Q., McKenzie, D.J., Bourdeix, J.H., Metral, L., Saraux, C., Teulier, L., 2023 - Temperature-dependent metabolic consequences of food deprivation in the European sardine. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2023, 226 (2), pp. jeb244984. ⟨10.1242/jeb.244984⟩2022 Boël, M., Veyrunes, F., Durieux, A.C., Freyssenet, D., Voituron, Y., Roussel, D., 2022 - Does high mitochondrial efficiency carry an oxidative cost? The case of the African pygmy mouse (Mus mattheyi). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 264, pp.111111. ⟨10.1016/j.cbpa.2021.111111⟩2022 Brzęk, P., Roussel, D., Konarzewski, M., 2022 - Mice selected for a high basal metabolic rate evolved larger guts but not more efficient mitochondria. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Royal Society, 289 (1978), pp.20220719. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2022.0719⟩2022 Thoral, E., Farhat, E., Roussel, D., Cheng, H., Guillard, L., Pamenter, M.E., Weber, J.M., Teulier, L., 2022 - Different patterns of chronic hypoxia lead to hierarchical adaptive mechanisms in goldfish metabolism. Journal of Experimental Biology, The Company of Biologists, 225 (1), jeb243194. ⟨10.1242/jeb.243194⟩2022 Thoral, E., Roussel, D., Quispe, L., Voituron, Y., Teulier L., 2022 - Absence of mitochondrial responses in muscles of zebrafish exposed to several heat waves. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Elsevier, 2022, 274, pp.111299. ⟨10.1016/j.cbpa.2022.111299⟩2022 Voituron, Y., Roussel, D., Le Galliard, J.F., Dupoué, A., Romestaing, C., Meylan, S., 2022 - Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation response overrides glucocorticoid-induced stress in a reptile. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 192 (6), pp.765-774. ⟨10.1007/s00360-022-01454-5⟩2022 Voituron, Y., Roussel, D.,, Teulier ,L., Vagner, M. Ternon, Q., Romestaing, C., Dubillot, E., Lefrancois, C., 2022 - Warm Acclimation Increases Mitochondrial Efficiency in Fish: A Compensatory Mechanism to Reduce the Demand for Oxygen. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 95 (1), pp.15-21. ⟨10.1086/716904⟩2021 Eyenga, P., Roussel, D., Rey, B., Ndille, P., Teulier, L., Eyenga, F., Romestaing, C., Morel, J., Gueguen-Chaignon V., Sheu, S.S., 2021 - Mechanical ventilation preserves diaphragm mitochondrial function in a rat sepsis model. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 9 (1), pp.1-16. ⟨10.1186/s40635-021-00384-w⟩2021 Thoral, E., Queiros, Q., Roussel, D., Dutto, G., Gasset, E., McKenzie, D.J., Romestaing, C., Fromentin, J.M., Saraux, C., Teulier, L., 2021 - Changes in foraging mode caused by a decline in prey size have major bioenergetic consequences for a small pelagic fish. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90 : 2289-2301. ⟨10.1111/1365-2656.13535⟩2021 Thoral, E., Roussel, D., Chinopoulos, C., Teulier, L., Salin, K., 2021 - Low oxygen levels can help to prevent the detrimental effect of acute warming on mitochondrial efficiency in fish. Biology Letters, 17, 20200759. ⟨10.1098/rsbl.2020.0759⟩2020 Boël M., Romestaing C., Duchamp C., Veyrunes F., Renaud S., Roussel D., Voituron Y., 2020 - Improved mitochondrial coupling as a response to high mass-specific metabolic rate in extremely small mammals. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(5), 215558.2020 Joseph, V., Laouafa, S., Marcouiller, F., Roussel, D., Pialoux, V., Bairam, A., 2020 - Progesterone decreases apnoea and reduces oxidative stress induced by chronic intermittent hypoxia in ovariectomized female rats. Experimental Physiology, 105:1025–1034.2020 Luce, M., Barba, C., Yi, D., Mey, A., Roussel, D., Bres, E., Benoit, B., Pastural, M., Granjon, S., Szelag, J.C, Laville, M., Arkouche W., Bouchara, A., Nyam, E., Fouque, D., Soulage, C.O., Koppe, L., 2020 - Accumulation of natriuretic peptides is associated with protein energy wasting and activation of browning in white adipose tissue in chronic kidney disease. Kidney International, 98, 663–672.2020 Roussel, D., Le Coadic, M., Rouanet, J.L., Duchamp, C., 2020 - Skeletal muscle metabolism in sea-acclimatized king penguins. I. Thermogenic mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, jeb233668.
2020 Roussel, D., Marmillot, V., Monternier, P.A., Bourguignon, A., Toullec, G., Romestaing, C., Duchamp, C., 2020 - Skeletal muscle metabolism in sea-acclimatized king penguins. II. Improved efficiency of mitochondrial bioenergetics. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, jeb233684.
2020 Roussel, D., Voituron, Y., 2020 - Mitochondrial costs of being hot: Effects of acute thermal change on liver bioenergetics in toad (Bufo bufo). Frontiers in Physiology, 11(153):1-10.2020 Voituron, Y., Boël, M., Roussel, D., 2020 - Mitochondrial threshold for H2O2 release in skeletal muscle of mammals. Mitochondrion, 54 : 85-91.2019 Boël, M., Romestaing, C., Voituron, Y.#, Roussel, D.#, 2019 - Allometry of mitochondrial efficiency is set by metabolic intensity. Proceeding of the Royal Society B. #These authors equally contributed to this work, 286: 20191693 : 1-6.2019 Laouafa, S., Roussel, D., Marcouiller, F., Soliz, J., Gozal, D., Bairam, A., Joseph, V., 2019 - Roles of oestradiol receptor alpha and beta against hypertension and brain mitochondrial dysfunction under intermittent hypoxia in female rats. Acta Physiologica, 226:e13255 : 1-11.2019 Richard, A., Vallin, E., Romestaing, C., Roussel, D., Gandrillon, O., Gonin-Giraud, S., 2019 - Erythroid differentiation displays a peak of energy consumption concomitant with glycolytic metabolism rearrangements. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0221472, 1-22.2019 Roussel D., Boël M., Mortz M., Romestaing C., Duchamp C., Voituron Y., 2019 - Threshold effect in the H2O2 production of skeletal muscle mitochondria during fasting and refeeding. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222 : 1-8.2019 Stier, A., Schull, Q., Bize, P., Lefol, E., Haussmann, M., Roussel, D., Robin, J.P., Viblanc, V.A..,2019 - Oxidative stress and mitochondrial responses to stress exposure suggest that king penguins are naturally equipped to resist stress. Scientific Reports, 9(1) : 1-12.2019 Teulier, L., Thoral, E., Queiros, Q., McKenzie, D.J., Roussel, D., Dutto, G.,Gasset, E., Bourjea, J., Saraux, C., 2019 - Muscle bioenergetics of two emblematic Mediterranean fish species: Sardina pilchardus and Sparus aurata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 235, 174–179.2018 Eyenga, P., Roussel, D., Morel, J., Rey, B., Romestaing, C.,Gueguen-Chaignon, V., Shey-Shing S.,Viale, J.P., 2018 - Time course of liver mitochondrial function and intrinsic changes in oxidative phosphorylation in a rat model of sepsis. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 6(31) : 1-17.2018 Gjorgjieva, M., Calderaro, J., Monteillet, L., Silva, M., Raffin, M., Brevet, M., Romestaing, C., Roussel, D., Zucman-Rossi, J., Mithieux, G., Rajas, F., 2018 - Dietary exacerbation of metabolic stress leads to accelerated hepatic carcinogenesis in glycogen storage disease type Ia. Journal of Hepatology, 69 : 1074–1087.2018 Pigneret, M., Roussel, D., Hervant, F., 2018 - Anaerobic end-products and mitochondrial parameters as physiological biomarkers to assess the impact of urban pollutants on a key bioturbator. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25 : 27225–27234.2018 Roussel, D., Boël, M., Romestaing, C., 2018 - Fasting enhances mitochondrial efficiency in duckling skeletal muscle by acting on the substrate oxidation system. Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (jeb172213) : 1-7.2017 Bourguignon, A., Rameau, A., Toullec, G., Romestaing, C., Roussel, D., 2017 - Increased mitochondrial energy efficiency in skeletal muscle after long-term fasting: its relevance to animal performance. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220 : 2445-2451.2017 Colinet, Hervé, Renault, David, Roussel, Damien, 2017 - Cold acclimation allows Drosophila flies to maintain mitochondrial functioning under cold stress. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 80 : 52-60.2017 Laouafa, S., Ribon-Demars, A., Marcouiller, F., Roussel, D., Bairam, A., Pialoux, V., Joseph, V., 2017 - Estradiol protects against cardio-respiratory dysfunctions and oxidative stress in intermittent hypoxia. Sleep, 40(8) : 1-13.2017 Monternier, P.A., Teulier, L., Drai, J., Bourguignon, A., Collin-Chavagnac, D., Hervant, F., Rouanet, J.L., Roussel, D., 2017 - Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation efficiency is upregulated during fasting in two major oxidative tissues of ducklings. Comp. Physiol. Biochem. Part A., 212 : 1-8.2017 Rey, B., Duchamp, C., Roussel, D., 2017 - Uncoupling effect of palmitate is exacerbated in skeletal muscle mitochondria of sea-acclimatized king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 211 : 56-60.2017 Stier, A., Romestaing, C., Schull, Q., Lefol, E., Robin, J.P., Roussel, D., Bize, P., 2017 - How to measure mitochondrial function in birds using red blood cells: a case study in the king penguin and perspectives in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8 : 1172-1182.
2017 Voituron, Y., Josserand, R., Le Galliard, J.F., Haussy, C., Roussel, D., Romestaing, C., Meylan, S., 2017 - Chronic stress, energy transduction and free radical production in a reptile. Oecologia, 185 : 195-203.2016 Pigneret, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Volatier, L., Romestaing, C., Maire, E., Adrien, J., Guillard, L., Roussel, D., Hervant, F., 2016 - Urban pollution of sediments: Impact on the physiology and burrowing activity of tubificid worms and consequences on biogeochemical processes. Science of the Total Environment, 568 : 196–207.2016 Rey, B., Dégletagne, C., Bodennec, J., Monternier, P.A., Mortz, M., Roussel, D., Romestaing, C., Rouanet, J.L., Tornos, J., Duchamp, C., 2016 - Hormetic response triggers multifaceted anti-oxidant strategies in immature king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 97 : 577-587.2016 Tattersall, G.J., Roussel, D., Voituron, Y., Teulier, L., 2016 - Novel energy-saving strategies to multiple stressors in birds: the ultradian regulation of body temperature. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 283, 20161551 : 1-7.
2016 Teulier, L., Rey, B., Tornos, J., Le Coadic, M., Monternier, P.A., Bourguignon, A., Dolmazon, V., Romestaing, C., Rouanet, J.L., Duchamp, C., Roussel, D., 2016 - Lipid-induced thermogenesis is up-regulated by the first cold-water immersions in juvenile penguins. J. Comp. Physiol B, 186 : 639-650.2015 Brault, V., Duchon, A., Romestaing, C., Sahun, I., Pothion, S., Karout, M., Borel, C., Dembele, D., Bizot, J.C., Messaddeq, N., Sharp, A.J., Roussel, D., Antonarakis, S.E., Dierssen, M., Herault, Y., 2015 - Opposite Phenotypes of Muscle Strength and Locomotor Function in Mouse Models of Partial Trisomy and Monosomy 21 for the Proximal Hspa13-App Region. Plos Genetics 11(3) : e1005062 : 1-27.
2015 Monternier, P.A., Fongy, A., Hervant, F., Drai, J., Collin-Chavagnac, D., Rouanet, J.L., Roussel, D. Skeletal muscle heterogeneity in fasting-induced mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation flexibility in cold-acclimated ducklings. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218 : 2427-2434.
2015 Roussel D., Salin K., Dumet A., Romestaing C., Rey B., Voituron Y. 2015 Oxidative phosphorylation efficiency, proton conductance and reactive oxygen species production of liver mitochondria correlates with body mass in frogs. Journal of Experimental Biology. Experimental Biology, 218 : 3222-3228.2014 Abdul-Wahed, A., Gautier-Stein, A., Casteras, S., Soty, M., Roussel, D., Romestaing, C., Guillou, H., Tourette, J.A., Pleche, N., Zitoun, C., Gri, B., Sardella, A.,Rajas, F., Mithieux, G., 2014 - A link between hepatic glucose production and peripheral energy metabolism via hepatokines. Molecular Metabolism. 3, 531-543.
2014 Eyenga, P., Roussel, D., Morel, J., Rey, B., Romestaing, C., Teulier, L., Sheu, S.S., Goudable, J., Negrier, C., Viale, J.P., 2014 - Early septic shock induces loss of oxidative phosphorylation yield plasticity in liver mitochondria. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, 70(2) : 285-296.
2014 Filali-Zegzouti ,Y, Rouanet, J.L., Fechtali, T., Roussel, D., 2014 - Mitochondrial oxidative energy metabolism in guanethidine-induced sympathectomized ducklings. General Physiology and Biophysics, 33(1) : 91-97.
2014 Monternier, P.A., Marmillot, V., Rouanet, J.L., Roussel, D., 2014 - Mitochondrial phenotypic flexibility enhances energy savings during winter fast in king penguin chicks. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 217 : 2691-2697.
2014 Rey, B., Romestaing, C., Bodennec, J., Dumet, A, Fongy A., Duchamp, C., Roussel, D., 2014 - Thyroid status affects membranes susceptibility to free radicals and oxidative balance in skeletal muscle of Muscovy ducklings (Cairina moschata). Journal of Experimental Zoology, 321A, 415-421.2014 Stier, A., Bize, P., Roussel, D., Schull, Q., Massemin, S., Criscuolo, F., 2014 - Mitochondrial uncoupling as a regulator of life history trajectories in birds : An experimental study in the zebra finch. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217, 3579-3589.
2014 Teulier, L., Rouanet, J.L., Rey, B., Roussel, D., 2014 - Ontogeny of non-shivering thermogenesis in Muscovy ducklings (Cairina moschata). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 175 : 82–89.
2013 Dégletagne, C., Roussel, D., Rouanet, J.L., Baudimont, F., Moureaux, E.M., Harvey, S., Duchamp, C., Le Maho, Y., Raccurt, M., 2013 - Growth Prior to Thermogenesis for a Quick Fledging of Adélie Penguin Chicks (Pygoscelis adeliae). Plos One, 8(9) e74154 : 1-14.
2013 Lawniczak, M., Romestaing, C., Roussel, D., Maazouzi, C., Renault, D., Hervant, F., 2013 - Preventive antioxidant responses to extreme oxygen level fluctuation in a subterranean crustacean. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 165 : 299–303.
2013 Rey, N., Roussel, D., Rouanet, J.L., Duchamp, C., 2013 - Differential effects of thyroid status on regional H2O2 production in slow- and fast-twitch muscle of ducklings. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 183 : 135-143.
2012 Cottin, D., Roussel, D., Foucreau, N., Hervant, F., Piscart, C., 2012 - Disentangling the effects of local and regional factors on the thermal tolerance of freshwater crustaceans. Naturwissenschaften, 99(4) : 259-264.
2012 Salin, K., Luquet, E., Rey, B., Roussel, D., Voituron, Y., 2012 - Alteration of mitochondrial efficiency affects oxidative balance, development and growth in frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 215 : 863-869.2012 Salin, K., Roussel, D., Rey, B., Voituron, Y., 2012 - David and Goliath : A mitochondrial coupling problem ? Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part A : Ecological Genetics and Physiology 317 : 283-293.
2012 Teulier, L., Dégletagne, C., Rey, B., Tornos, J., Keime, C., de Dinechin, M., Raccurt, M., Rouanet, J.L., Roussel, D., Duchamp, C., 2012 - Selective upregulation of lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle of foraging juvenile king penguins: an integrative study. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279(1737) : 2464-2472.
- Autres productions 2018 - Laouafa, S., Roussel, D., Marcouiller, F., Soliz, J., Bairam, A., Joseph, V., 2018 - Role of Estradiol Receptor Beta (ERβ) on Arterial Pressure, Respiratory Chemoreflex and Mitochondrial Function
in Young and Aged Female Mice. Arterial Chemoreceptors, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1071 : 115-127.2011
Belouze M, Sibille B, Rey B, Roussel D, Romestaing C, Teulier L, Baetz D, Koubi H, Servais S, Duchamp C. 2011. Leanness of Lou/C rats does not require higher thermogenic capacity of brown adipose tissue. Physiol. Behav. 104, 893-899.
Mouchiroud L, Kasturi P, Triba M, Dumas ME, Wilson M, Halestrap A, Roussel D, Dallière N, Ségalat L, Solari F., 2011. Pyruvate imbalance mediates metabolic reprogramming and mimics lifespan extension by dietary restriction in Caenorhabditis elegans. Aging Cell 10, 39-54.
Rey B, Roussel D, Teulier L, Eyenga P, Degletagne C, Belouze M, Duchamp C. 2011. Functional argument for the existence of an avian nitric oxide synthase in muscle mitochondria: effect of cold acclimation. FEBS Lett. 585, 173-177.
Teulier L, Rouanet JL, Letexier D, Romestaing C, Belouze M, Rey B, Duchamp C, Roussel D., 2010. Cold acclimation induced non-shivering thermogenesis in birds is associated with upregulation of avian UCP but not with innate uncoupling or altered ATP efficiency. J. Exp. Biol. 213, 2476-2482.
Salin K, Teulier L, Rey B, Rouanet JL, Voituron Y, Duchamp C, Roussel D. 2010. Tissue variation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation efficiency in cold-acclimated ducklings. Acta Biochim. Pol. 57, 409-412.
Rey B, Roussel D, Romestaing C, Belouze M, Rouanet JL, Desplanches D, Sibille B, Servais S, Duchamp C., 2010. Up-regulation of avian uncoupling protein in cold acclimated and hyperthyroid duckling prevent reactive oxygen species production of skeletal muscle mitochondria. BMC Physiology 10, e5.
Rey B, Spee M, Belouze M, Girard A, Prost J, Roussel D, Duchamp C. 2010. Oxygen recovery up-regulates avian UCP and ANT in newly hatched ducklings. J. Comp. Physiol. B 180, 239-246.
Jahnke VE, Sabido O, Defour A, Castells J, Lefai E, Roussel D, Freyssenet D., 2010. Evidence for mitochondrial respiratory deficiency in rhabdomyosarcoma cells. PLoS One 5, e8637.
Eyenga P, Lhuillier F, Morel J, Roussel D, Sibille B, Letexier D, Cespuglio R, Duchamp C, Goudable J, Bricca G, Viale JP., 2010. Time course of liver nitric oxide concentration in early septic shock by cecal ligation and puncture in rats. Nitric Oxide 23, 194-198.
Rey B, Halsey LG, Dolmazon V, Rouanet JL, Roussel D, Handrich Y, Butler PJ, Duchamp C., 2008. Long-term fasting decreases mitochondrial avian UCP-mediated oxygen consumption in hypometabolic king penguins. Am. J. Physiol. - Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 295, R92-R100.
Desquiret V, Loiseau D, Jacques C, Douay O, Malthièry Y, Ritz P, Roussel D., 2006. Dinitrophenol-induced mitochondrial uncoupling in vivo triggers respiratory adaptation in HepG2 cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Bioenergetics 1757, 21-30.
Johnson G, Roussel D, Dumas JF, Douay O, Malthièry Y, Simard G, Ritz P., 2006. Influence of the intensity of food-restriction on skeletal muscle mitochondrial energy metabolism in the rat. Am. J. Physiol. - Endocrinol. Metab. 291, E460-E467.
Dumas JF, Bielicki G, Renou JP, Roussel D, Ducluzeau PH, Malthièry Y, Simard G, Ritz P., 2005. Dexamethasone impairs muscle energetics, studied by 31P NMR, in rats. Diabetologia 48, 328-335.
Roussel D, Dumas JF, Simard G, Malthièry Y, Ritz P., 2004. Kinetics and control of oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria after dexamethasone treatment. Biochem. J. 382, 491-499. [IF04 = 4,3]
Dumas JF, Roussel D, Simard G, Douay O, Foussard F, Malthièry Y, Ritz P., 2004. Food restriction affects energy metabolism in rat liver mitochondria. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - General subjects 1670, 126-131.
Ecochard L, Roussel D, Sempore B, Favier R., 2004. Stimulation of HSP72 expression following ATP depletion and short-term exercise training in fast-twitch muscle. Acta Physiol. Scand. 180, 71-78.
Roussel D, Dumas JF, Augeraud A, Douay O, Foussard F, Malthièry Y, Simard G, Ritz P., 2003. Dexamethasone treatment specifically increases the basal proton conductance of rat liver mitochondria. FEBS Lett. 541, 75-79.
Dumas JF, Simard G, Roussel D, Douay O, Foussard F, Malthièry Y, Ritz P. Mitochondrial energy metabolism in dexamethasone-induced undernutrition model. Brit. J. Nutr. 90, 969-977.
Roussel D, Harding M, Runswick MJ, Walker JE, Brand MD, 2002.. Does any yeast mitochondrial carrier have a native uncoupling protein function? J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 34, 165-176.
Echtay KS, Roussel D, St-Pierre J, Jekabsons MB, Cadenas S, Stuart JA, Harper JA, Roebuck SJ, Morrison A, Pickering S, Clapham JC, Brand MD., 2002. Superoxide activates mitochondrial uncoupling proteins. Nature 415, 96-99.
Harper JA, Stuart JA, Jekabsons MB, Roussel D, Brindle KM, Dickinson K, Jones RB, Brand MD., 2002. Artifactual uncoupling by uncoupling protein 3 in yeast mitochondria at the concentration found in mouse and rat skeletal muscle mitochondria. Biochem. J. 361, 49-56.
Stuart JA, Cadenas S, Jekabsons MB, Roussel D, Brand MD., 2001. Mitochondrial proton leak and the uncoupling protein 1 homologues. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Bioenergetics 1504, 144-158.
Roussel D, Lhenry F, Ecochard L, Semporé B, Rouanet JL, Favier R., 2000. Differential effects of endurance training and creatine depletion on regional mitochondrial adaptations in rat skeletal muscle. Biochem. J. 350, 547-553.
Chainier F, Roussel D, Georges B, Meister R, Rouanet JL, Duchamp C, Barré H., 2000. Cold acclimation or Grapeseed oil feeding affect phospholipid composition and mitochondrial function in duckling skeletal muscle. Lipids 35, 1099-1106.
Roussel D, Chainier F, Rouanet JL, Barré H., 2000. Increase in the adenine nucleotide translocase content of duckling subsarcolemmal mitochondria during cold acclimation. FEBS Lett. 477, 141-144.
Duchamp C, Marmonnier F, Denjean F, Lachuer J, Eldershaw TPD, Rouanet JL, Morales A, Meister R, Bénistant C, Roussel D, Barré H., 1999. Regulatory, cellular and molecular aspects of avian muscle nonshivering thermogenesis. Ornis Fennica 76, 151-165.
Roussel D, Rouanet JL, Duchamp C, Barré H., 1998. Effects of cold acclimation and palmitate on energy coupling in duckling skeletal muscle mitochondria. FEBS Lett. 439, 258-262.