Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés

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Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes
Naturels et Anthropisés

OLIVIER Jean-Michel

Chercheur : BAH
: Pôle Technique
Responsable scientifique : Instrumentation Echantillonnage

Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
6, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bât. Forel
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE

(+33) 04 72 43 13 19 (+33) 04 72 43 28 92

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  • 2024 Bouloy, A., Olivier, J.M., Riquier, J., Castella, E., Marle, P., Lamouroux, N., 2024 - Spatio-temporal dynamics of habitat use by fish in a restored alluvial floodplain over two decades. Science of the Total Environment, 906, pp.167540. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167540⟩

    2024 Poirier, C., Le Lay Y.F., Achard, A.L., Roux-Michollet, D., Arnaud, F., [...] Olivier, J.M., [...] Lamouroux, N., 2024 - Publications reveal how socio-ecological research is implemented: lessons from the Rhône Long Term Socio-Ecological Research platform. Anthropocene, 45, pp.100412. ⟨10.1016/j.ancene.2023.100412⟩

    2023 Bony, S., Labeille, M., Lefrancois, E., Noury, P., Olivier, J.M., Santos, R., Teichert, N., Besnard, A. Devaux, A., 2023 - The goby fish Sicydium spp. as valuable sentinel species towards the chemical stress in freshwater bodies of West Indies. Aquatic Toxicology, 2023, 261, pp.106623. ⟨10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106623⟩

    2023 Le Lay, Y.F., Reymond, F., Comby, E., Cottet, M., Lebreton, C., Lebreton, C., Olivier, J.M., Riquier, J., 2023 - Les projets de restauration écologique en question : expérimenter un trajet d’instauration sur le fleuve Rhône avec Souriau. VertigO : La revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 23 (2), ⟨10.4000/vertigo.41439⟩

    2023 Marle, P., Simon, L., Rigal, A., Guicharnaud, C., Gauthier, P., Garcia, N., Castella, E., Mayor H., Slaveykova, V.I., Olivier, J.M, 2023 - Flow and plankton availability control young-of-the-year fish diet in two floodplain nurseries. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 323:824-841. (10.1111/eff.12724)

    2022 Forcellini, M., Plichard, L., Dolédec, S., Mérigoux, S., Olivier, J.M., Cauvy-Fraunié, S., Lamouroux, N., 2022 - Microhabitat selection by macroinvertebrates: generality among rivers and functional interpretation. Journal of Ecohydraulics, 7 (1), pp.1-14. ⟨10.1080/24705357.2020.1858724⟩

    2022 Thorel, M., Marmonier, P., Bertrand, C., Claret, C., Fayolle, S., Logez, M., Olivier, J.M., Oursel, B., Vienney, A., Piegay, H., Franquet, E., 2022 - Does hydrological connectivity control functional characteristics of artificial wetland communities ? Evidence from the Rhône River. Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries, 84 (4), pp.66. ⟨10.1007/s00027-022-00889-w⟩

    2021 Arnaud, F., Sehen Chanu, L., Grillot, J., Riquier, J., Piégay, H., Roux-Michollet, D., Carrel, G., Olivier, J.M., 2021 - Historical cartographic and topo-bathymetric database on the French Rhône River (17th–20th century). Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13:1939-1955. (10.5194/essd-13-1939-2021)

    2020 Cauvy-Fraunié, S., Trenkel, V.M., Daufresne, M., Maire, A., Capra, H., Olivier, J.M., Lobry, J., Cazelles, B., Lamouroux, N., 2020 -Interpretation of interannual variability in long-term aquatic ecological surveys. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(5) : 894-903.

    2019 Guillon, S., Thorel, M., Flipo, N., Oursel, B., Claret, C., Fayolle, S., Bertrand, C., Rapple, B., Piegay, H., Olivier, J.M., Vienney, A., Marmonier, P.,Franquet, E., 2019 - Functional classi␣cation of arti␣cial alluvial ponds driven by connectivity with the river : Consequences for restoration. Ecological Engineering, 127 : 394-403.

    2015 Castella, E., Béguin, O., Besacier-Monbertrand, A.L., Peter, D.H., Lamouroux, N., Mayor Siméant, H., McCrae, D., Olivier, J.M., Paillex, A., 2015 - Realised and predicted changes in the invertebrate benthos after restoration of connectivity to the floodplain of a large river. Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1131–1146.

    2015 Daufresne, M., Veslot, J., Capra, H., Carrel, G., Poirel, A. , Olivier, J.M., Lamouroux, N., 2015 - Fish community dynamics (1985–2010) in multiple reaches of a large river subjected to flow restoration and other environmental changes. Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1176–1191.

    2015 Devaux, A., Bony, S., Plenet, S., Sagnes, P., Segura, S., Suaire, R., Novak, M., Gilles A., Olivier, J.M., 2015 - Field evidence of reproduction impairment through sperm DNA damage in the fish nase (Chondrostoma nasus) in anthropized hydrosystems. Aquatic Toxicology 169 : 113–122.

    2015 Dolédec, S., Castella, E., Forcellini, M., Olivier, J.M., Paillex, A, Sagnes, P., 2015 - The generality of changes in the trait composition of fish and invertebrate communities after flow restoration in a large river (French Rhône). Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1147–1161.

    2015 Dolédec, S., Forcellini, M., Olivier, J.M., Roset, N., 2015 - Effects of large river restoration on currently used bioindicators and alternative metrics. Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1221–1236.

    2015 Lamouroux, N., Olivier, J.M., 2015 - Testing predictions of changes in fish abundance and community structure after flow restoration in four reaches of a large river (French Rhône). Freshwater Biology, 60, 1118–1130.

    2015 Vaudor, L., Lamouroux, N., Olivier, J.M., Forcellini, M., 2015 - How sampling influences the statistical power to detect changes in abundance: an application to river restoration. Freshwater Biology, 60 : 1192–1207.

    2013 Sinama, M., Gilles, A., Costedoat, C., Corse, E., Olivier, J.M., Chappaz, R., Pech, N., 2013 - Non-homogeneous combination of two porous genomes induces complex body shape trajectories in cyprinid hybrids. Frontiers in Zoology, 10(22) : 1-16.

    2012 Coz, R., Ouisse, V., Artero, C., Carpentier, A., Crave, A., Feunteun, E., Olivier, J.M., Perrin, B., Ysnel, F., 2012 - Development of a new standardised method for sustainable monitoring of the vulnerable pink sea fan Eunicella verrucosa. Marine Biology, 159(6) : 1375-1388.

    - Autres productions 2022 - Olivier J.M., Carrel G., Lamouroux N., Dole-Olivier M.J., Malard F., Bravard J.P., Piégay H., Castella E., Barthélémy C., 2022 - The Rhône River Basin. Pp. 391-451 In Rivers of Europe (second edition), Tockner K., Zarfl C. & Robinson C.T. (Eds).

Site de la Doua
Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I
CNRS, UMR 5023 - LEHNA (Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés)
3-6, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bâtiments Darwin C & Forel, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
43, Boulevard du 11 novembre 1918
Plan d'accès
Tél. : (33) 4 72 43 29 53 - Fax : (33) 4 72 43 11 41
Site de Vaulx-en-Velin
CNRS, UMR 5023 - LEHNA (Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés)
3, rue Maurice Audin
69518 Vaulx-en-Velin
Plan d'accès
Tél : (33) 04 72 04 70 56 - Fax : (33) 04 72 04 77 43