Enseignant chercheur : E3S
Responsable E3S (Ecologie, Evolution, Ecosystèmes Souterrains)
Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
6, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bât. Forel
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex France
(+33) 04 72 43 29 30 (+33) 04 72 43 15 23
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- • Adaptation aux conditions extrêmes chez les animaux souterrains
De nombreux organismes aquatiques souterrains subissent naturellement des épisodes d'hypoxie sévère et/ou de jeûne alimentaire de très longue durée. Face à un milieu aussi contraignant, ces animaux doivent mettre en jeu des réponses d'ordre comportemental (surtout liées à la locomotion), physiologique (consommation d'oxygène, ventilation...) et métabolique (métabolisme intermédiaire et énergétique). Le but de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les différentes stratégies adaptatives permettant aux organismes hypogés de survivre et d'assurer la pérennité de leurs populations lors de ces situations extrêmes.
• Réponses aux variations de la température chez les organismes hypogés
Le milieu souterrain est extrêmement stable vis-à-vis de la température. Néanmoins, de nombreux organismes souterrains présentent de fortes résistances aux variations thermiques. Le but de ce travail est d’appréhender les adaptations permettant à ces animaux de survivre dans des conditions aussi inhabituelles, puis de replacer ces résultats dans un contexte évolutif. Cette étude s’insère dans le cadre plus large de l’impact du changement global sur les nappes phréatiques, car le fonctionnement de ces aquifères sera obligatoirement perturbé durant les prochaines décennies.
Les modèles biologiques utilisés dans le cadre de ces deux thématiques sont des crustacés, des poissons et des amphibiens.
• Recherche de biomarqueurs permettant d’évaluer les effets de contaminants d’origine anthropique chez des organismes sentinelles et/ou ingénieurs
Certains marqueurs écophysiologiques varient fortement lors de stress physico-chimiques (de type pollution métallique et/ou organique), notamment l’activité locomotrice, la ventilation, la consommation d’oxygène, l’activité des principales enzymes anti-oxydantes et les marqueurs d’impact associés, les réserves énergétiques corporelles, mais aussi les molécules clés du métabolisme intermédiaire et énergétique. Le but de cette thématique est (1) d’appréhender les marqueurs d’impact qui évoluent significativement chez certains animaux (considérés comme des sentinelles et/ou des espèces ingénieurs) soumis à une source de pollution, (2) de mettre en évidence les réponses proposées par ces organismes pour survivre dans les milieux très anthropisés, et enfin (3) de mesurer l’impact de ces polluants sur le fonctionnement de certains écosystèmes récepteurs (bassins d’infiltration, nappes...).
• Mots-clés : écophysiologie, milieux extrêmes, adaptation, métabolismes énergétique et anaérobie, consommation d’oxygène, milieu souterrain, allocation énergétique, réserves corporelles, biomarqueurs d’impact, hypoxie, jeûne, température, polluants. - - Référent Pédagogique en L1 (portail SVT) et L2 (mentions SV et SVT).
- Responsable de l’UE « Ecophysiologie, Vie en Milieux Extrêmes » (L3).
- Responsable de l’UE « Ecologie Générale » (L2).
- Responsable de l’UE « Organisation du Monde Vivant » (L2).
- Co-responsable de l’UE « Biologie et Diversité des Organismes » (ex-Biologie des Organismes 2) (L2).
- Membre de la commission pédagogique d’admission de la Licence STS. - 2023 Wazne, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, M., Hervant, F., Dumet, A., Nel, H.A., Kukkola, A., Krause, S., Simon, L., 2023 - Microplastics in Freshwater Sediments Impact the Role of a Main Bioturbator in Ecosystem Functioning. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 3042−3052. (10.1021/acs.est.2c05662)2021 Cariou, M., Francois, C.M., Voisin, J., Pigneret, M., Hervant, F., Volatier, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2021 - Effects of bioturbation by tubificid worms on biogeochemical processes, bacterial community structure and diversity in heterotrophic wetland sediments. Science of the Total Environment 795,148842. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148842⟩
2020 Estragnat, V., Volatier, L., Gambonnet, J.B., Hervant, F., Marmonier, P., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2020 - Sustainability of gastropod introduction for ecological engineering solution in infiltration basins: feeding strategy of V. viviparus. Hydrobiologia, 847: 665-677.2018 Pigneret, M., Roussel, D., Hervant, F., 2018 - Anaerobic end-products and mitochondrial parameters as physiological biomarkers to assess the impact of urban pollutants on a key bioturbator. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25 : 27225–27234.2017 Monternier, P.A., Teulier, L., Drai, J., Bourguignon, A., Collin-Chavagnac, D., Hervant, F., Rouanet, J.L., Roussel, D., 2017 - Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation efficiency is upregulated during fasting in two major oxidative tissues of ducklings. Comp. Physiol. Biochem. Part A., 212 : 1-8.2017 Vander Vorste, R., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Hervant, F., Mons, R., Datry, T., 2017 - Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda) avoids increasing water temperature and intraspecific competition through vertical migration into the hyporheic zone: a mesocosm experiment. Aquatic Sciences, 79 : 45-55.2016 Foucreau, N., Jehan, C., Lawniczak, M., Hervant, F., 2016 - Fluctuating versus constant temperatures: effects on metabolic rate and oxidative damages in freshwater crustacean embryos. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 94 : 591–598.2016 Foucreau, N., Piscart, C., Puijalon, S., Hervant, F., 2016 - Effects of rising temperature on a functional process: consumption and digestion of leaf litter by a freshwater shredder. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 187(4) : 295-306.2016 Pigneret, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Volatier, L., Romestaing, C., Maire, E., Adrien, J., Guillard, L., Roussel, D., Hervant, F., 2016 - Urban pollution of sediments: Impact on the physiology and burrowing activity of tubificid worms and consequences on biogeochemical processes. Science of the Total Environment, 568 : 196–207.2016 Vander Vorste, R., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Hervant, F., Mons, R., Forcellini, M., Datry, T., 2016 - Increased depth to the water table during river drying decreases the resilience of Gammarus pulex and alters ecosystem function. Ecohydrology, 9 : 1177-1186.2015 Cottin, D., Foucreau, N., Hervant, F., Piscart, C., 2015 - Differential regulation of hsp70 genes in the freshwater key species Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda) exposed to thermal stress: effects of latitude and ontogeny. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 185(3) : 303-313.
2015 Monternier, P.A., Fongy, A., Hervant, F., Drai, J., Collin-Chavagnac, D., Rouanet, J.L., Roussel, D. Skeletal muscle heterogeneity in fasting-induced mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation flexibility in cold-acclimated ducklings. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218 : 2427-2434.
2014 Eme, D., Malard, F., Colson–Proch, C., Jean, P., Calvignac, S., Konecny–Dupré, L., Hervant, F., Douady, C.J., 2014 - Integrating phylogeography, physiology, and habitat modelling to explore species range déterminants. Journal of Biogeography, 41 : 687-699.
2014 Foucreau, N., Cottin, D., Piscart, C., Hervant, F., 2014 - Physiological and metabolic responses to rising temperature in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea) populations living under continental or Mediterranean climates. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 168 : 69–75.
2013 Foucreau, N., Piscart, C., Puijalon, S., Hervant, F., 2013 - Effect of Climate-Related Change in Vegetation on Leaf Litter Consumption and Energy Storage by Gammarus pulex from Continental or Mediterranean Populations. PLoS One, 8(10) e77242 : 1-9.2013 Foucreau, N., Puijalon, S., Hervant, F., Piscart, C., 2013 - Effect of leaf litter characteristics on leaf conditioning and on consumption by Gammarus pulex. Freshwater Biology, 58 : 1672–1681.
2013 Lawniczak, M., Romestaing, C., Roussel, D., Maazouzi, C., Renault, D., Hervant, F., 2013 - Preventive antioxidant responses to extreme oxygen level fluctuation in a subterranean crustacean. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 165 : 299–303.
2013 Marmonier, P., Maazouzi, C., Foulquier, A., Navel, S., François, C., Hervant, F., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vienney, A., Barraud S., Togola, A., Piscart, C., 2013 - The use of crustaceans as sentinel organisms to evaluate groundwater ecological quality. Ecological Engineering, 57 : 118–132.
2012 Cottin, D., Roussel, D., Foucreau, N., Hervant, F., Piscart, C., 2012 - Disentangling the effects of local and regional factors on the thermal tolerance of freshwater crustaceans. Naturwissenschaften, 99(4) : 259-264.
2012 Renault, D., Bijou, A., Hervant, F. - Impact of different acclimation temperatures and duration on the chill coma temperature and oxygen consumption in the tenebrionid beetle Alphitobius diaperinus. Physiological Entomology, 37 : 354–359.
- Autres productions 2022 - Hervant, F. Behavioral, physiological and metabolic responses to long-term food deprivation (18 months) and subsequent renutrition in a cave amphibian, Proteus anguinus. Acta Physiologica 236 (726): e13893.2011
Luquet, E., Vorburger, C., Hervant, F., Joly, P., Kaufmann, B., Schmeller, D. S., Lena, J. P., Grolet, O., Konecny, L., Plenet, S., 2011 - Invasiveness of an introduced species: the role of hybridization and ecological constraints. Biological Invasions, 13(8) : 1901-1915.
Maazouzi, C., Piscart, C., Legier, F., Hervant, F., 2011 - Ecophysiological responses to temperature of the “killer shrimp” Dikerogammarus villosus : Is the invader really stronger than the native Gammarus pulex ? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 159(3) : 268-274.
Lalouette L. Williams, C.M., Hervant, F., Sinclair, J.B., Renault, D., 2011 - Metabolic rate and oxidative stress in insects exposed to low temperature thermal fluctuations. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 158 : 229–234.
Salin, K., Voituron, Y., Mourin, J., Hervant, F., 2010 - Cave colonization without fasting capacities : An example with the fish Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 156 : 451-457.
Colson-Proch C., Morales A., Hervant F., Konecny L., Moulin C., Douady. C. J., 2010 - First cellular approach of the effects of global warming on groundwater organisms : a study of the HSP70 gene expression. Cell Stress and Chaperones 15 : 259-270.
Issartel, J., Voituron, Y., Guillaume, O., Clobert, J., Hervant, F., 2010 – Selection of physiological and metabolic adaptations to food deprivation in the Pyrenean newt Calotriton asper during cave colonisation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 155 : 77-83.
Reyjol, Y., Léna, J.P., Hervant, F., Pont, D., 2009 – Effects of temperature on biological and biochemical indicators of the life-history strategy of bullhead Cottus gobio. Journal of Fish Biology, 75 : 1427-1445.
Colson-Proch, C., Renault, D., Gravot, A., Douady, C.J., Hervant, F., 2009 - Do current environmental conditions explain physiological and metabolic responses of subterranean crustaceans to cold ? Journal of Experimental Biology, 212 : 1859-1868.
Issartel J., Hervant F., De Fraipont M.,Clobert J., Voituron Y. 2009. High anoxia tolerance in the subterranean salamander Proteus anguinus without oxidative stress nor activation of antioxidant defenses during reoxygenation. Journal of Comparative Physiology B., 179 : 543-551.
Issartel J., Voituron Y. And Hervant F. 2007. Impact of temperature on the survival, the activity and the metabolism of the cave-dwelling Niphargus virei, the ubiquitous stygobiotic N. rhenorhodanensis and the surface-dwelling Gammarus fossarum. Subterranean Biol. 5 : 9-14.
Franceschi N., Rigaud T., Moret Y., Hervant F. And L. Bollache. 2007. Behavioural and physiological effects of the trophically-transmitted cestode parasite Cyathocephalus truncatus on its intermediate host, Gammarus pulex. Parasitology 134 : 1839-1847.
Issartel J., Voituron Y., Odagescu V., Baudot A., Guillot G., Ruaud J.-P., Renault D.,Vernon P., Hervant F. 2006. Freezing or supercooling: how does an aquatic subterranean crustacean survive exposures at subzero temperatures ? J. Exp. Biol. 209 : 3469-3475.
Renault D., Bouchereau A., Delettre Y., Hervant F. And P. Vernon. 2006. Changes in free amino acid in Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) during thermal and food stress. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 143A: 279-285.
Issartel J., Renault D., Voituron Y., Vernon P. And Hervant F. 2005. Metabolic responses to cold in subterranean crustaceans. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 2923-2929.
Issartel, J., Hervant, F., Voituron, Y., Renault, D., Vernon, P., 2005. Behavioural, ventilatory and respiratory responses of epigean and hypogean crustaceans to different temperatures. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 141 : 1-7.
Plenet S., Joly P., Hervant F., Fromont E., Grolet O. 2005. Are hybridogenetic complexes structured by habitat heterogeneity in water frogs. J. Evol. Biol. 18: 1575- 1586.
Renault D., Nedved O., Hervant F., Vernon P. 2004. The importance of fluctuating thermal regimes for repairing chill injuries in the tropical beetle Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) during exposure to low temperature. Physiol. Entomol. 29 : 139-145.
Hervant F., F. Malard. 2004. Adaptation to low oxygen. In: The Encyclopedia of Caves (editeur : D. Culver & C. R. Crumly). Academic Press (New York). Pages 10-17.
J. Mathieu, Hervant F. 2004. Adaptation: physiological. In: Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science (editeur : J. Gunn). Fitzroy Dearborn (New York). Pages 11-14.
Renault D., Hervant F., Vernon P. 2003. Effect of food shortage and temperature on oxygen consumption in the lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Physiol. Entomol. 28 : 261-267.
Datry T., Malard F., Hervant F., Vitry L., Gibert J. 2003. Solute dynamics in the bed sediments of a stormwater infiltration basin. J. Hydrol. 273 : 217-233.
Datry T., Hervant F., Malard F., Vitry L., Gibert J. 2003. Dynamics and adaptive responses of invertebrates to suboxia in contaminated sediments of a stormwater infiltration basin. Arch. Hydrobiol. 156 : 339-359.
Denoël M., Hervant F., Schabetsberger R., Joly P. 2002. Short- and long-term advantages of an alternative ontogenetic pathway. Biological J. of the Linnean Society 77 : 105-112.
Renault D., Hervant F., Vernon P. 2002. Comparative study of the metabolic responses during food shortage and subsequent recovery at different temperatures in the adult lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Physiol. Entomol. 27 : 291-301.
Hervant F., Renault D. 2002. Long-term fasting and realimentation in hypogean and epigean isopods: a proposed adaptive strategy for groundwater organisms. J. Exp. Biol. 205 (14) : 2079-2087.
Hervant F., 2002. Adaptation to extreme conditions in stygobites organisms. Bull. Gr. Fr. Humidim. Mil. Por. 47 : 138-143.
Hervant F., Mathieu J., Durand J.P. 2001. Reduced metabolism, low activity rate and rhythmicity in Proteus anguinus. Comparison with Euproctus asper. Mem. Biospeol. 28 : 85-92.
Hervant F., Mathieu J., Durand J.P. 2001. Adaptation to food deprivation in the cave amphibian Proteus anguinus. Comparison with an epigean species, Euproctus asper. Mem. Biospeol. 28 : 93-105.
Hervant F., Mathieu J., Durand J.P. 2001. Circadian rhythmicity, respiration and behavior in hypogean and epigean amphibians. Natura Croatica 10 (3) : 141-152.
Hervant F., Mathieu J. Durand J.P. 2001. Behavioural, physiological and metabolic responses to long-term starvation and refeeding in a blind cave-dwelling salamander (Proteus anguinus) and a facultative cave-dwelling newt (Euproctus asper). J. Exp. Biol. 204 (2) : 269-281.
Plenet S., Hervant F., Joly P. 2000. Ecology of the hybridogenetic Rana esculenta complex: differential oxygen requirements of tadpoles. Evol. Ecol. 14 : 13-23.
Hervant F., Mathieu J., Barre H. 2000. Adaptations to food-limited biotopes in hypogean and epigean crustaceans. Mem. Biospeol. 27 : 61-69.
Hervant F., Mathieu J., Durand J.P. 2000. Metabolism and circadian rhythm in the European blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus) and a facultative cave dweller, the Pyrenean newt (Euproctus asper). Can. J. Zool. 78(2) : 1427-1432.
Hervant F., Mathieu J., Culver D.C. 1999. Adaptation to lack of oxygen in closely related Gammarus minus populations, from cave and surface habitats. Mem. Biospeol. 26 : 39-46.
Messana G., Tellini M., Hervant F., Mathieu J. 1999. Behavioural response to drought of the stygobitic isopod Stenasellus racovitzai (Stenasellidae). Mem. Biospeol. 26 : 71-74.
Hervant F. Mathieu J., Barre H. 1999. Comparative study on the metabolic responses of subterranean and surface-dwelling amphipod crustaceans to long-term starvation and subsequent refeeding. J. Exp. Biol. 202 (24) : 3587-3595.
Hervant F. Mathieu J., Culver D.C. 1999. Comparative responses to severe hypoxia and subsequent recovery in closely related amphipod populations (Gammarus minus) from cave and surface habitats. Hydrobiologia 392 : 197-204.
Hervant F. Garin D., Mathieu J. 1999. Glycogen resynthesis in the stygobite amphipod Niphargus virei during post-hypoxic recovery. Mem. Biospeol. 26 : 29-38.
Hervant F. Garin D., Mathieu J., Freminet A. 1999. Lactate metabolism and glucose turn-over in the subterranean Niphargus virei (Crustacea: amphipoda) during post- hypoxic recovery. J. Exp. Biol. 202 (5) : 579-592.
Malard F., Hervant F. 1999. Oxygen supply and the adaptations of animals in groundwater. Freshwat. Biol. (special review) 41 (1) : 1-30.
Hervant F. Mathieu J., Messana G., Bou C. 1998. Severe hypoxia and subsequent recovery in the hypogean isopod Stenasellus virei. Mem. Biospeol. 25 : 7-14.
Hervant F. Mathieu J., Messana G. 1998. Oxygen consumption and ventilation in declining oxygen tension and posthypoxic recovery in epigean and hypogean aquaticcrustaceans. J. Crust. Biol. 18 (4) : 717-727.
Hervant F. Mathieu J., Barre H., Simon K. 1998. Long-term starvation and re-feeding in hypogean and epigean crustaceans: survival, locomotory and respiratory adaptations. Mem. Biospeol. 25 : 15-24.
Berettoni S., Mathieu J., Hervant F. 1998. Genetic variation in the stygobite amphipod Niphargus rhenorhodanensis : Comparison of four hyporheic populations of the Rhône and the Ain Rivers (France). Arch. Hydrobiol. 142 (4) : 485-492.
Hervant F., Mathieu J. 1997. Respiratory adaptations in epigean and hypogean aquatic crustaceans. Mem. Biospeol. 24 : 77-82.
Hervant F. Mathieu J., Barre H., Simon K., Pinon C. 1997. Comparative study on the behavioral, ventilatory and respiratory responses of hypogean and epigean crustaceans to long-term starvation and subsequent feeding. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 118A (4) : 1277-1283.
Hervant F. 1997. Réponses à l’hypoxie sévère chez des crustacés souterrains et superficiels. Géobios 21 : 75-79.
Mathieu J., Jeannerod F., Hervant F., Kane T.C. 1997. Genetic differentiation of Niphargus rhenorhodanensis (amphipoda) from interstitial and karst environments. Aquatic Sciences 59 : 39-47.
Hervant F. Mathieu J. Messana G. 1997. Locomotory, ventilatory and metabolic responses of the subterranean Stenasellus virei (Crustacea: Isopoda) to severe hypoxia and subsequent recovery. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Life Sciences (série III) 320 : 139-148.
Hervant F., Mathieu J. 1996. Adaptations à l'hypoxie chez des crustacés souterrains et superficiels. Mem. Biospeol. 23 : 211-215.
Hervant F. 1996. The activity of enzymes associated with glycolysis, Krebs cycle and energy metabolism in hypogean and epigean crustaceans. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Life Sciences (série III) 319 : 1071-1077.
Hervant F. Mathieu J., Garin D., Freminet A. 1996. Behavioral, ventilatory, and metabolic responses of the hypogean amphipod Niphargus virei and the epigean isopod Asellus aquaticus to severe hypoxia and subsequent recovery. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 69 (6) : 1277-1300.
Hervant F. 1995. Ventilatory activity and locomotory behavior in anoxia and subsequent recovery of epigean and hypogean crustaceans: preliminary results. Mem. Biospeol. 22 : 51-56.
Hervant F. 1995. Adaptations à l’hypoxie sévère et en récupération post-hypoxique chez des crustacés souterrains. Comparaison avec des crustacés superficiels. Bull. Soc. Ecophysiol. 20 : 15-26.
Hervant F., Mathieu J. 1995. Ventilatory and locomotory activities in anoxia and subsequent recovery of epigean and hypogean crustacean. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Life Sciences (série III) 318 (5) : 585-592.
Hervant F. Mathieu J., Garin D., Freminet A. 1995. Behavioral, ventilatory and metabolic responses to severe hypoxia and subsequent recovery of the hypogean Niphargus rhenorhodanensis and the epigean Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea : Amphipoda). Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 68 (2) : 223-244. - Résumé de communications
Hervant, F., 2022 - Behavioral, physiological and metabolic responses to long-term food deprivation (18 months) and subsequent renutrition in a cave amphibian, Proteus anguinus. Acta Physiologica 236 (726): e13893.
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Hervant F., Malard, F. 2012. Responses to hypoxia. In: The Encyclopedia of Caves, 2nd edition (éditeurs : D. Culver & W. B. White). Elsevier (Amsterdam). Pages 651-658.
Hervant, F., 2012. Starvation in subterranean species versus surface-dwelling species: crustaceans, fish and salamanders. In: The comparative physiology of fasting, starvation and food limitation (éditeur : M. McCue). Springer (Berlin). Pages 91-102.