Chercheur : E3S
Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
6, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bât. Forel
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex France
(+33) 04 72 43 15 61 (+33) 04 72 43 15 23
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Hydrobiologie et écologie souterraines
Ecotones eaux souterraines/eaux de surface
Communautés interstitielles et hétérogénéité spatio−temporelle
Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes glaciaires alpins (Responsable)
Ecologie urbaine et perturbations des aquifères
Inventaire et cartographie de la biodiversité
Travaux en cours :
Assemblage dans le cadre du programme ANR Jeunes chercheurs (DEEP) et du programme Européen BioFresh d'une base de données européenne en présence−absence (4000 occurrences) pour 174 espèces de Proaselles (Isopode, Asellidae) et collecte de matériel (échantillonnage) permettant l'obtention de séquences ADN pour environ 80 espèces.
- 2022 Malard, F., Verdier, H., Konecny-Dupré, L., Eme, D., Douady, C.J., Lefébure T., 2022 - Subterranean species inventory in the molecular era. Karstologia, 79:73-78.2022 Malek-Hosseini, M.J., Jugovic, J., Fatemi, Y., Kuntner, M., Kostanjšek, R., [...], Douady, C.J., Malard, F., 2022 - A new obligate groundwater species of Asellus (Isopoda, Asellidae) from Iran. Subterranean Biology, 2022, 42, pp.97-124. ⟨10.3897/subtbiol.42.79447⟩. ⟨hal-03623375⟩2022 Mouron, S., Eme, D., Bellec, A., Bertrand, M., Mammola, S., Liébault, F., Douady, C.J., Malard, F., 2022 - Unique and shared effects of local and catchment predictors over distribution of hyporheic organisms: does the valley rule the stream?. Ecography, e06099, ⟨10.1111/ecog.06099⟩2021 Premate, P., Borko, B., Delić, T., Malard, F., Simon, L., Fišer C., 2021 - Cave amphipods reveal co‐variation between morphology and trophic niche in a low‐productivity environment. Freshwater Biology, 66 (10), pp.1876-1888. ⟨10.1111/fwb.13797⟩2020 Francois, C.M., Simon, L., Malard, F., Lefébure, T., Douady, C. J., Mermillod‐Blondin, F., 2020 - Trophic selectivity in aquatic isopods increases with the availability of resources. Functional Ecology, 34:1078–1090.2020 Malard, F., Grison, P., Duchemin, L., Konecny‐Dupré, L., Lefébure, T., Saclier, N., Eme, D., Martin, C., Callou, C., Douady, C.J. GOTIT: A laboratory application software for optimizing multi‐criteria species‐based research. Methods Ecol Evol., 11:159-167.2020 Mammola, S., Amorim, I.R., Bichuette, M.E., Borges, P.A.V., Cheeptham, N., Cooper, S.J.B., Culver, D.C., Deharveng, L., Eme, D., Lopes Ferreira, R., Fišer, C., Fišer, Z., Fong, D.W., Griebler, C., Jeffery, W.R., Jugovic, J., Kowalko, J.E., Lilley, T.M., Malard, F., Manenti, R., Martínez, A., Meierhofer, M.B., Niemiller, M.L., Northup, D.E., Pellegrini T.G., Pipan, T., Protas, M., Reboleira, A.S.P.S., Venarsky, M.P., Wynne, J.J., Zagmajster, M., Cardoso, P., 2020 - Fundamental research questions in subterranean biology. Biological Reviews, 95(6):1855–1872.2020 Saclier, N., Chardon, P., Malard, F., Konecny-Dupré, L., Eme, D., Bellec, A., Breton, V., Duret, L., Lefébure, T., Douady, C.J., 2020 - Bedrock radioactivity influences the rate and spectrum of mutation. eLife, 9:e56830.2019 Mammola, S., Cardoso, P., Culver, D.C., Deharveng, L., Ferreira, R.L., Fišer, C., Galassi, D.M.P., Griebler, C., Halse, S., Humphreys, W.F., Isaia, M., Malard, F., Martínez, A., Moldovan, O.T., Niemiller, M.L., Pavlek, M., Reboleira, A.S.P.S., Souza-Silva, M., Teeling, E.C., Wynne, J.J., Zagmajster, M., 2019 - Scientists' Warning on the Conservation of Subterranean Ecosystems. Bioscience, 69(8) : 641-650.2019 Mammola, S., Piano, E., Malard, F., Isaia, M., 2019 - Extending Janzen’s hypothesis to temperate regions: A test using subterranean ecosystems. Functional Ecology, 33:1638–1650.2018 Eme D., Zagmajster M., Delić T., Fišer C., Flot J.-F., Konecny-Dupré L., Pálsson S., Stoch F., Zakšek V., Douady C. J., Malard F., 2018 - Do cryptic species matter in macroecology? Sequencing European groundwater crustaceans yields smaller ranges but does not challenge biodiversity determinants. Ecography, 41: 424–436.2018 Fiser, C., Robinson, C.T., Malard, F., 2018 - Cryptic species as a window into the paradigm shift of the species concept. Molecular Ecology, 27 : 613–635.2018 Saclier, N., Francois, C.M., Konecny-Dupré, L., Lartillot, N., Guéguen, L., Duret, L., Malard, F., Douady, C.J., Lefébure, T., 2018 - Life History Traits Impact the Nuclear Rate of Substitution but Not the Mitochondrial Rate in Isopods. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 25(12) : 2900-2912.2017 Lefébure, T., Morvan, C., Malard, F., François, C., Konecny-Dupré, L., Guéguen, L., Weiss-Gayet, M., Seguin-Orlando, A., Ermini L., Der Sarkissian, C., Charrier, N.P., Eme, D., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Duret, L., Vieira, C., Orlando, L., Douady, C., 2017 - Less effective selection leads to larger genomes. Genome Research, 27 : 1016-1028.2017 Malard, F., Capderrey, C., Churcheward, B., Eme, D., Kaufmann, B., Konecny-Dupré, L., Léna, J.P., Liébault, F., Douady, C.J., 2017 - Geomorphic influence on intraspecific genetic differentiation and diversity along hyporheic corridors. Freshwater Biology, 62:1955–1970.2016 Feld, C.K., Birk, S., Eme, D., Gerisch, M., Hering, D., Kernan, M., Maileht, K., Mischke, U., Ott, I., Pletterbauer, F., Poikane, S., Salgado, J., Sayer, C.D., Van Wichelen, J., Malard, F., 2016 - Disentangling the effects of land use and geo-climatic factors on diversity in European freshwater ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 60:71-83.2016 Francois, C.M., Duret, L., Simon, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Malard, F., Konecny-Dupré, L., Planel, R., Penel, S., J. Douady, C., Lefébure, T., 2016 - No evidence that nitrogen limitation influences the elemental composition of isopod transcriptomes and proteomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33(10) : 2605–2620.2016 François, C.M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Malard, F., Fourel, F., Lécuyer, C., Douady, C.J., Simon, L., 2016 - Trophic ecology of groundwater species reveals specialization in a low-productivity environment. Functional Ecology, 30 : 262–273.2016 Vander Vorste, R., Malard, F., Datry,; T., 2016 - Is drift the primary process promoting the resilience of river invertebrate communities? A manipulative field experiment in an intermittent alluvial river. Freshwater Biology, 61:1276–1292.2015 Dole-Olivier, M.J., Galassi, D.M.P., Fiers, F., Malard, F., Martin, P., Martin, D., Marmonier, P., 2015 - Biodiversity in mountain groundwater: the Mercantour National Park (France) as a European hotspot. Zoosystema, 37, 4, 529-5502015 Eme, D., Zagmajster, M., Fiser, C., Galassi, D., Marmonier, P., Stoch, F., Cornu, J.F., Oberdorff, T., Malard, F., 2015 - Multi-causality and spatial non-stationarity in the determinants of groundwater crustacean diversity in Europe. Ecography 38 : 531–540.
2014 Eme, D., Malard, F., Colson–Proch, C., Jean, P., Calvignac, S., Konecny–Dupré, L., Hervant, F., Douady, C.J., 2014 - Integrating phylogeography, physiology, and habitat modelling to explore species range déterminants. Journal of Biogeography, 41 : 687-699.
2014 Griebler, C., Malard, F., Lefébure, T., 2014 - Current developments in groundwater ecology — from biodiversity to ecosystem function and services. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 27 : 159–167.
2014 Zagmajster, M., Eme, D., Fiser, C., Galassi, D., Marmonier, P., Stoch, F., Cornu, J.F., Malard, F., 2014 - Geographic variation in range size and beta diversity of groundwater crustaceans: insights from habitats with low thermal seasonality. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23 : 1135–1145.
2013 Capderrey, C., Datry, T., Foulquier, A., Claret, C., Malard, F., 2013 - Invertebrate distribution across nested geomorphic features in braided-river landscapes. Freshwater Science, 32(4) : 1188-1204.
2013 Capderrey, C., Kaufmann, B., Jean, P., Malard, F., Konecny-Dupré, L., Lefébure T., Douady, C.J., 2013 - Microsatellite Development and First Population Size Estimates for the Groundwater Isopod Proasellus walteri. PLoS One, 8(9) e76213 : 1-10.
2013 Cornu, J.F., Eme, D., Malard, F., 2013 - The distribution of groundwater habitats in Europe. Hydrogeology Journal, 21: 949–960.
2013 Eme, D., Malard, F., Konecny-Dupré, L., Lefébure, T., Douady, C.J., 2013 - Bayesian phylogeographic inferences reveal contrasting colonization dynamics among European groundwater isopods. Molecular Ecology. 22 : 5685-5699.
2013 Mermillod-Blondin, F., Lefour, C., Lalouette, L., Renault, D., Malard, F., Simon, L., Douady, C.J., 2013 - Thermal tolerance breadths among groundwater crustaceans living in a thermally constant environment. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 216 : 1683-1694.
2013 Morvan, C., Malard, F., Paradis, E., Lefébure, T., Konecny-Dupré, L ., Douady, C.J., 2013 - Timetree of Aselloidea Reveals Species Diversification Dynamics in Groundwater. Systematic Biology, 62(4): 512–522.
- Autres productions 2022 - Olivier J.M., Carrel G., Lamouroux N., Dole-Olivier M.J., Malard F., Bravard J.P., Piégay H., Castella E., Barthélémy C., 2022 - The Rhône River Basin. Pp. 391-451 In Rivers of Europe (second edition), Tockner K., Zarfl C. & Robinson C.T. (Eds). - Chapitre d'ouvrage
Hervant F., Malard, F. 2012. Responses to hypoxia. In: The Encyclopedia of Caves, 2nd edition (éditeurs : D. Culver & W. B. White). Elsevier (Amsterdam). Pages 651-658.