Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés

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Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes
Naturels et Anthropisés

SIMON Laurent

Enseignant chercheur : E3S
Responsable scientifique : Ecologie Isotopique

Université Lyon 1
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
6, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bât. Forel
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE

- (+33) 04 72 43 15 23

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  • Mes travaux reposent sur l'utilisation de la géochimie des isotopes stables des éléments légers (C, N, O, H) pour quantifier les transferts de matière, par une approche à la fois analytique et de modélisation.

    Depuis 2007, mes activités de recherche concernent l'étude des transferts de matière et d'énergie dans les réseaux trophiques souterrains (karst, zone hyporéique) et la quantification de l'influence des invertébrés sur les processus biogéochimiques aux interfaces eau-sédiment. Les rapports isotopiques du carbone (13C/12C) et de l'azote (15N/14N) des tissus d'un organisme dépendent de manière prédictible de la composition de sa source de nourriture. L'analyse de la composition isotopique des organismes et des sources potentielles de nourriture permet ainsi généralement de déterminer le régime alimentaire des organismes, de reconstruire les réseaux trophiques et de quantifier les flux de matière dans les écosystèmes. Mes activités de recherche ont ainsi pour but de quantifier la contribution des différentes sources de matière organique dans les écosystèmes aquatiques souterrains. En outre, l'utilisation expérimentale de composés organiques artificiellement enrichis en 13C permet de suivre le devenir du carbone aux interfaces eau-sédiments ainsi que de quantifier les transferts les différents compartiments (sédiments, micro-organismes, invertébrés). Plus récemment, j'ai entrepris de développer l'utilisation des isotopes stables de l'hydrogène (2H/1H) afin de déterminer l'origine de la matière organique dans les écosystèmes souterrains. Ces travaux sont réalisés en collaboration avec l'UMR CNRS 5125 (PEPS) de l'Université Lyon 1.
  • Biologie des organismes
    Biologie des organismes animaux (Travaux pratiques - Licence 1)
    Zoologie (TP - Licence 2)

    Développement durable
    Introduction au développement durable: les différents modes d'agriculture (Travaux dirigés - enseignements transversaux de Licence 2)

    Climat et cycle du carbone
    Cycle du carbone aux longues échelles de temps, modélisation des cycles biogéochimiques et variations climatiques (Cours, TP - Master 1 Microbiologie, Écologie)

    Réponses des végétaux aux contraintes de l'environnement, phytoremédiation (Cours, TD - Master 1 Microbiologie, Écologie)
    Écologie végétale (TP - Licence 3)

    Physicochimie des eaux
    Analyses physicochimiques des eaux naturelles et anthropisées (Travaux pratiques – Licence et Master 1 Professionnels)
  • Depuis 2007: Maître de Conférences de l'Université Lyon 1 dans l'UMR 5023

    2005-2006: ATER à l'Université de Corse

    2003-2005: Post doctorat à l'Institut de Géologie et de Minéralogie, Université de Nuremberg-Erlangen (Allemagne)

    2000-2003: Thèse de doctorat de Sciences de la Terre (Géochimie des isotopes stables), ENS de Lyon.
  • 2024 Barthélémy, N., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Krause, S., Simon, L., [...] Datry, T., 2024 - The Duration of Dry Events Promotes PVC Film Fragmentation in Intermittent Rivers. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (28), pp.12621-12632. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.4c00528⟩

    2024 Douce, P., Eymar-Dauphin, P., [...] Mermillod-Blondin, F., Simon, L., Vallier, F., Bittebière A.K., 2024 - Multidimensional trait space outlines the effects of changes in abiotic filtering on aquatic plant community from sub-Antarctic ponds. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 64, pp.125798. ⟨10.1016/j.ppees.2024.125798⟩

    2024 Douce, P., Simon, L., Colas, F., Mermillod-Blondin, F., [...] Eymar-Dauphin, P., Dubreucque, R., Bittebière, A.K., 2024 - Warming drives feedback between plant phenotypes and ecosystem functioning in sub-Antarctic ponds. Science of the Total Environment, Science of the Total Environment, pp.169504. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169504⟩

    2024 Wazne, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, M., Krause, S., Barthélémy, N., SIMON, L., 2024 - Optimization of glass separating funnels to facilitate microplastic extraction from sediments. MethodsX, 12, pp.102540. ⟨10.1016/j.mex.2023.102540⟩

    2023 Alonso, L., Pommier, T., Simon, L., Maucourt, F., Doré, J., Dubost, A., Trân Van, V., Minard, G., Valiente Moro, C., Douady, C.J., Moënne-Loccoz, Y., 2023 - Microbiome analysis in Lascaux Cave in relation to black stain alterations of rock surfaces and collembola. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 15:80-91. ⟨10.1111/1758-2229.13133⟩

    2023 Dendievel, A.M., Wazne, M., Vallier, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Mourier B., Piégay H., Winiarski , T., Krause S., Simon, L., 2023 - Environmental and land use controls of microplastic pollution along the gravel-bed Ain River (France) and its “Plastic Valley”. Water Research, 230, 119518. (10.1016/j.watres.2022.119518)

    2023 Douce, P., Mermillod‐blondin, F., Simon, L., Dolédec, S., Eymar‐dauphin, P., Renault, D., Sulmon, C., Vallier, F., Bittebière, A.K., 2023 - Biotic and abiotic drivers of aquatic plant communities in shallow pools and wallows on the sub‐Antarctic Iles Kerguelen. Polar Biology, 46, pp.303-318. ⟨10.1007/s00300-023-03122-y⟩

    2023 Douce, P., Renault, D., Simon, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, F., Bittebière A.K., 2023 - How does trait variance partitioning help us to understand plant community assembly? The example of pond communities in the Kerguelen Islands. Journal of Vegetation Science, Journal of Vegetation Science, 34 (6), pp.e13217. ⟨10.1111/jvs.13217⟩

    2023 Douce, P., Saiz, H., Benot, M.L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Oury, Y., Simon, L., Renault, D., Vallier, F., Fontaine, M., Bittebiere, A.K., 2023 - Functional characteristics rather than co-occurrences determine the outcome of interactions between neighbouring plants in sub-Antarctic ponds: Consequences for macrophyte community biomass. Freshwater Biology, 68:561–576. (10.1111/fwb.14047)

    2023 Marle, P., Simon, L., Rigal, A., Guicharnaud, C., Gauthier, P., Garcia, N., Castella, E., Mayor H., Slaveykova, V.I., Olivier, J.M, 2023 - Flow and plankton availability control young-of-the-year fish diet in two floodplain nurseries. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 323:824-841. (10.1111/eff.12724)

    2023 Martin, J.E., Tacail, T., Simon, L., Hassler, A., Télouk, P., Balter, V., 2023 - Inferring odontocete life history traits in dentine using a multiproxy approach (δ 15 N, δ 44/42 Ca and trace elements). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 37 (19), pp.e9612. ⟨10.1002/rcm.9612)

    2023 Wazne, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, M., Hervant, F., Dumet, A., Nel, H.A., Kukkola, A., Krause, S., Simon, L., 2023 - Microplastics in Freshwater Sediments Impact the Role of a Main Bioturbator in Ecosystem Functioning. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 3042−3052. (10.1021/acs.est.2c05662)

    2022 Cordonnier, M., Kaufmann, B., Simon, L., Escarguel, G., Mondy, N., 2022 - Discrimination of conspecifics from heterospecifics in a hybrid zone: Behavioral and chemical cues in ants. Insect Science, 29 (1), pp.276-288. ⟨10.1111/1744-7917.12915⟩

    2022 Guégan, M., Martin, M., Tran Van, V., Fel, B., Hay, A.E., Simon L. [...], Moro, C.V., 2022 - Mosquito sex and mycobiota contribute to fructose metabolism in the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus. Microbiome, 2022, 10 (1), pp.138. ⟨10.1186/s40168-022-01325-9⟩

    2022 Licci, S., Marmonier, P., Wharton, G., Delolme, C., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Simon, L., Vallier, F., Bouma, T.J., Puijalon, S., 2022 - Scale-dependent effects of vegetation on flow velocity and biogeochemical conditions in aquatic systems. Science of the Total Environment, 833, pp.155123. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155123⟩

    2021 Dolédec, S., Simon, L., Blemus, J., Rigal, A., Robin, J., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2021 - Multiple stressors shape invertebrate assemblages and reduce their trophic niche : A case study in a regulated stream. Science of the Total Environment, 773, 145061. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145061⟩

    2021 Galland, W., Haichar, F.E.Z., Czarnes, S., Mathieu, C., Demorge, J.L., Simon, L., Puijalon, S., Piola, F., 2021 - Biological inhibition of denitrification (BDI) in the field: Effect on plant growth in two different soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 159, 103857. ⟨10.1016/j.apsoil.2020.103857⟩

    2021 Krause, S., Baranov, V., Nel, H.A., Drummond, J.D., Kukkola, A., Hoellein, T., Sambrook, G.H., Lewandowski, J., Bonnet, B., Packman, A.I., Sadler, J., Inshyna, V., Allen, S., Allen, D., Simon, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F, Lynch, I., 2021 - Gathering at the top? Environmental controls of microplastic uptake and biomagnification in freshwater food webs. Environmental Pollution 268: 115750. (10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115750)

    2021 Lazzerini, N., Coulon, A., Simon, L., Marchina, C., Fiorillo, D., Fiorillo, D., Turbat, T.S., Bayarkhuu, N, Noûs, C., Lepetz, S., Zazzo, A., 2021 - The isotope record (δ13C, δ18O) of vertical mobility in incremental tissues (tooth enamel, hair) of modern livestock: A reference set from the Mongolian Altai. Quaternary International, 595, pp.128-144. ⟨10.1016/j.quaint.2021.04.008⟩

    2021 Premate, P., Borko, B., Delić, T., Malard, F., Simon, L., Fišer C., 2021 - Cave amphipods reveal co‐variation between morphology and trophic niche in a low‐productivity environment. Freshwater Biology, 66 (10), pp.1876-1888. ⟨10.1111/fwb.13797⟩

    2020 Cantarel, A.A.M., Rouifed, S., Simon, L., Bourg, J., Gervaix, J., Blazère, L., Poussineau, S., Creuzé des Châtelliers, C., Piola, F., 2020 - In Nitrate-Rich Soil, Fallopia x bohemica Modifies Functioning of N Cycle Compared to
    Native Monocultures. Diversity, 12(156): d12040156.

    2020 Francois, C.M., Simon, L., Malard, F., Lefébure, T., Douady, C. J., Mermillod‐Blondin, F., 2020 - Trophic selectivity in aquatic isopods increases with the availability of resources. Functional Ecology, 34:1078–1090.

    2020 Goedert, J., Amiot, R., Berthet, D., Fourel, F., Simon, L., Lécuyer, C., 2020 - Combined oxygen and sulphur isotope analysis—a new tool to unravel vertebrate (paleo)-ecology. The Science of Nature, 107(10), 916643.

    2020 Guégan, M., Tran, V.V., Martin, E., Minard, G., Tran, F.H., Fel, B., Hay, A.E., Simon, L., Barakat, M., Potier, P., El Zahar Haichar, F., Valiente Moro, C., 2020 - Who is eating fructose within the Aedes albopictus gut microbiota ? Environmental Microbiology, 22(4):1193-1206.

    2020 Jacquier, M., Simon, L., Ruette, S., Vandel, J.M., Hemery, A., Devillard, S., 2020 - Isotopic evidence of individual specialization toward free-ranging chickens in a rural population of red foxes. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 66(15):1-13.

    2020 Jovovic, I., Grossi, V., Adam, P., Simon, L., Antheaume, I., Gelin, F., Ader, M., Cartigny, P., 2020 - Quantitative and specific recovery of natural organic and mineral sulfur for (multi-)isotope analysis. Organic Geochemistry 146: 104005.

    2020 Mermillod-Blondin F., Marmonier P., Tenaille M., Lemoine D.G., Lafont M., Vander Vorste R., Simon L., Volatier L.. 2020 - Bottom-up processes control benthic macroinvertebrate communities and food web structure of fishless artificial wetlands. Aquatic Ecology, 54:575–589.

    2019 Achouak, W., Abrouk, D., Guyonnet J., Barakat, M., Ortet, P., Simon, L., Lerondelle, S., Heulin, T., Haichar, F.Z., 2019 - Plant hosts control microbial denitrification activity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95(fiz021) : 1-13.

    2019 Galland, W., Piola, F., Burlet, A., Mathieu, C., Nardy, M., Poussineau, S., Blazère, L., Gervaix, J., Puijalon, S., Simon, L., Haichar, F.E.Z., 2019 - Biological denitrification inhibition (BDI) in the field: A strategy to improve plant nutrition and growth. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 136, 107513 : 1-9.

    2019 Lazzerini, N., Coulon, A., Simon, L., Marchina, C., Noost, B., Lepetz, S., Zazzo, A., 2019 - Grazing high and low: Can we detect horse altitudinal mobility using high␣resolution isotope (8 13C and 8 15N values) time series in tail hair? A case study in the Mongolian Altai. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 33:1512–1526.

    2019 Romanova, L., Balter, V., Simon, L., Gerard, P., Pokatilova, E., Crubezy, E., 2019 - Diet of autochthonous populations in Yakutia using isotopic, ethnographic, historical and archaeological data. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 28 (102022) : 1-9.

    2019 Simon, L., El Zahar Haichar, F., 2019 - Determination of Root Exudate Concentration in the Rhizosphere Using 13C Labeling. Bio-protocol 9(09): e3228, 1-7.

    2018 Goedert, J., Lécuyer, C., Amiot, R., Arnaud-Godet, F., Wang, X., Cui, L., Cuny, G., Douay, G., Fourel, F., Panczer, G., Simon, L., Steyer, J.-S., Zhu, M., 2018 - Euryhaline ecology of early tetrapods revealed by stable isotopes. Nature, 558 : 68-72.

    2018 Guyonnet, J.P., Cantarel, A..M., Simon, L., Haichar F.E.Z., 2018 -  exudation  rate  as  functional  trait  involved  in  plant   nutrient-use  strategy  classification. Ecology  and  Evolution. (8) : 8573–8581.

    2018 Guyonnet, J.P., Guillemet, M., Dubost, A., Simon, L., Ortet, P., Barrakat, M., Heulin, T., Achouak, W., Haichar, F.Z., 2018 - Plant nutrient resource use strategies shape active rhizosphere microbiota through root exudation. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1662 : 1-13.

    2017 Bardon, C., Poly, F., Haichar, Z., Le Roux, X., Simon, L., Meiffren, G., Comte, G., Rouifed, S., Piola, F., 2017 - Biological denitrification inhibition (BDI) with procyanidins induces modification of root traits, growth and N status in Fallopia x bohemica. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 107 : 41-49

    2017 Lécuyer, Christophe, Royer, Aurélien, Fourel, François, Seris, Magali, Simon, Laurent, Robert, François, 2017 - D/H fractionation during the sublimation of water ice. Icarus, 285 : 1–7.

    2016 Francois, C.M., Duret, L., Simon, L., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Malard, F., Konecny-Dupré, L., Planel, R., Penel, S., J. Douady, C., Lefébure, T., 2016 - No evidence that nitrogen limitation influences the elemental composition of isopod transcriptomes and proteomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33(10) : 2605–2620.

    2016 François, C.M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Malard, F., Fourel, F., Lécuyer, C., Douady, C.J., Simon, L., 2016 - Trophic ecology of groundwater species reveals specialization in a low-productivity environment. Functional Ecology, 30 : 262–273.

    2016 Goedert, J., Fourel, F., Amiot, R., Simon, L., Lécuyer, C., 2016 - High-precision 34S/32S measurements in vertebrate bioapatites using purge-and-trap EA-IRMS technology. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 30 : 2002 – 2008.

    2015 Brazier, J.M., Suan, G.,Tacail, T., Simon, L., Martin, J.E., Mattioli, E., Balter, V., 2015 - Calcium isotope evidence for dramatic increase of continental weathering during the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (Early Jurassic). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 411 : 164–176.

    2015 Gette-Bouvarot, M., Volatier, L., Lassabatère, L., Lemoine, D., Simon, L., Delolme, C., Mermillod-Blondin, F., 2015 - Ecological engineering approaches to improve hydraulic properties of infiltration basins designed for groundwater recharge. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 : 9936−9944.

    2015 Mermillod-Blondin, F., Simon, L., Maazouzi, C., Foulquier, A., Delolme, C., Marmonier, P., 2015 - Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) through stormwater basins designed for groundwater recharge in urban area: Assessment of retention efficiency. Water Research, 81 : 27-37.

    2015 Orias, F., Simon, L., Mialdea, G., Clair, A., Brosselin, V., Perrodin, Y., 2015 - Bioconcentration of 15N-tamoxifen at environmental concentration in liver, gonad and muscle of Danio rerio. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 : 457–462.

    2015 Orias, F., Simon, L., Perrodin, Y., 2015 - Experimental assessment of the bioconcentration of 15N-tamoxifen in Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Chemosphere 122 : 251-256.

    2015 Orias, F., Simon, L., Perrodin, Y., 2015 - Respective contributions of diet and medium to the bioaccumulation of pharmaceutical compounds in the first levels of an aquatic trophic web. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 : 20207–20214.

    2014 Plancq, J., Mattioli, E., Pittet, B., Simon, L., Grossi, V., 2014 - Productivity and sea-surface temperature changes recorded during the late Eocene–early Oligocene at DSDP Site 511 (South Atlantic). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 407 : 34-44.

    2013 Mermillod-Blondin, F., Foulquier, A., Gilbert, F., Navel, S., Montuelle, B., Bellvert, F., Comte, G., Grossi , V., Fourel, F., Lecuyer, F., Simon, L., 2013 - Benzo(a)pyrene inhibits the role of the bioturbator Tubifex tubifex in river sediment biogeochemistry. Science of the Total Environment 450-451 : 230–241.

    2013 Mermillod-Blondin, F., Foulquier, A., Maazouzi, C., Navel, S., Negrutiu, Y., Vienney, A., Simon, L., Marmonier, P., 2013 - Ecological assessment of groundwater trophic status by using artificial substrates to monitor biofilm growth and activity. Ecological Indicators, 25 : 230–238.

    2013 Mermillod-Blondin, F., Lefour, C., Lalouette, L., Renault, D., Malard, F., Simon, L., Douady, C.J., 2013 - Thermal tolerance breadths among groundwater crustaceans living in a thermally constant environment. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 216 : 1683-1694.

    2012 Plancq, J., Grossi, V., Henderiks, J. Simon, L., Mattioli, E., 2012 - Alkenone producers during late Oligocene–early Miocene revisited. Paleoceanography, 27 : 1-12.


    Piscart, C., Navel, S., Maazouzi, C., Montuelle, B., Cornut, J., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Creuzé Des Châtelliers, M. C., Simon, L., Marmonier, P. (2011) Leaf litter recycling in benthic and hyporheic layers in agricultural streams with different types of land use. Science of the Total Environment, 409 : 4373-4380.

    Navel, S., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Montuelle, B., Chauvet, E., Simon, L., Marmonier, P. (2011) Water-Sediment Exchanges Control Microbial Processes Associated with Leaf Litter Degradation in the Hyporheic Zone : a Microcosm Study. Microbial Ecology, 61(4) : 968-979.

    Médoc, V., Piscart, C., Maazouzi, C., Simon, L., Beisel, J.N. (2011) Parasite-induced changes in the diet of a freshwater amphipod : field and laboratory evidence. Parasitology, 138, 537-546.

    Navel, S., Simon, L., Lécuyer, C., Fourel, F., Mermillod-Blondin, F. (2011) The shredding activity of gammarids facilitates the processing of organic matter by the subterranean amphipod Niphargus rhenorhodanensis. Freshwater Biology, 56, 481-490.


    Amiot, R., Buffetaut, É., Lécuyer, C., Wang, X., Boudad, L., Ding, Z., Fourel, F., Hutt, S., Martineau, F., Medeiros, M.A., Mo, J., Simon, L., Suteethorn, V., Sweetman, S., Tong, H., Zhang, F., Zhou, Z. (2010) Oxygen isotope evidence for semi-aquatic habits among spinosaurid theropods. Geology, 38: 139-142.

    Foulquier A., Malard F., Mermillod-Blondin F., Datry T., Simon L., Montuelle B., Gibert J. (2010) Vertical change in dissolved organic carbon and oxygen at the water table region of an aquifer recharged with stormwater: biological uptake or mixing? Biogeochemistry, 99:31-47.

    Foulquier A., Simon L., Gilbert F., Fourel F., Malard F., Mermillod-Blondin F. (2010) Relative influences of DOC flux and subterranean fauna on microbial abundance and activity in aquifer sediments: new insights from 13C-tracer experiments. Freshwater Biology, 55:1560-1576.

    Lécuyer, C., Balter, V., Martineau, F., Fourel, F., Bernard, A., Amiot, R., Gardien, V., Otero, O., Legendre, S., Panczer, G., Simon L., Martini, R. (2010) Oxygen isotope fractionation between apatite-bound carbonate and water determined from controlled experiments with synthetic apatites precipitated at 10°C to 37°C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 : 2072-2081.

    Navel, S., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Montuelle, B., Chauvet, E., Simon, L., Piscart, C., Marmonier, P. (2010) Interactions between fauna and sediment control plant matter breakdown in river sediments. Freshwater biology, 55:753-766.


    Daux, V., Lécuyer, C., Héran, M.A., Amiot, R., Simon, L., Fourel, F., Martineau, F., Lynnerup, N., Reychler H., Escarguel, G. (2008) Oxygen isotope fractionation between human phosphate and water revisited. Journal of Human Evolution, 55 : 1138-1147.


    Simon, L., Goddéris, Y., Buggisch, W., Strauss, H., Joachimski, M.M. (2007) Modeling the carbon and sulfur isotope compositions of marine sediments: climate evolution during the Devonian. Chem. Geol. 246, 19-38, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.08.014.


    Balter, V., Simon, L. (2006) Diet and behavior of the Saint-Césaire Neanderthal inferred from biogeochemical data inversion. J. Human Evol. 51, 329-338.

    Balter, V., Simon, L., Fouillet, H., Lécuyer, C. (2006) Box-modeling of 15N/14N in mammals. Oecologia 147, 212-222, doi:10.1007/s00442-005-0263-5.

    Simon, L., Lécuyer, C., Maréchal, C., Coltice, N. (2006) Modeling the geochemical cycle of boron: implications for the long-term _11B evolution of seawater. Chem. Geol. 225, 61-76, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.08.011.


    Simon, L., Lécuyer, C. (2005) Continental recycling: the oxygen isotope point of view. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 6, Q08004, doi:10.1029/2005GC000958.

    Joachimski, M.M., Simon, L., van Geldern, R., Lécuyer, C. (2005) Boron isotope geochemistry of Paleozoic brachiopod calcite: Implications for a secular change in the boron isotope geochemistry of seawater over the Phanerozoic. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 69, 4035-4044, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2004.11.017.


    Coltice, N., Simon, L., Lécuyer, C. (2004) Carbon isotope cycle and mantle structure. Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, L05603, doi:10.1029/2003GL018873.


    Langlois, C., Simon, L., Lécuyer, C. (2003) Box-model of bone and tooth phosphate oxygen isotope compositions as a function of environmental and physiological parameters. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 39, 259-272.


    Lécuyer, C., Simon, L., Guyot, F. (2000) Comparison of carbon, water and nitrogen budgets between Venus and the Earth. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 181, 33-40.

Site de la Doua
Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I
CNRS, UMR 5023 - LEHNA (Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés)
3-6, rue Raphaël Dubois - Bâtiments Darwin C & Forel, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
43, Boulevard du 11 novembre 1918
Plan d'accès
Tél. : (33) 4 72 43 29 53 - Fax : (33) 4 72 43 11 41
Site de Vaulx-en-Velin
CNRS, UMR 5023 - LEHNA (Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés)
3, rue Maurice Audin
69518 Vaulx-en-Velin
Plan d'accès
Tél : (33) 04 72 04 70 56 - Fax : (33) 04 72 04 77 43