LEHNA seeks candidates for a professorship in Functional Ecology
The LEHNA is looking for candidates for a professorship in Functional Ecology.
LEHNA : Ecology of Natural and Man-impacted Hydrosystems (UMR CNRS 5023 LEHNA). http://umr5023.univ-lyon1.fr/
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Pierre Marmonier : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. ( 33) 04 72 44 82 61
Florian Mermillod-Blondin : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. ( 33) 04 72 43 13 64
Florian Malard : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. ( 33) 04 72 43 15 61
Name of the position: Professorship in Functional Ecology
Scope and location: The University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Lyon, France, https://www.univ-lyon1.fr/en/home-759942.kjsp?RH=WWW-FR) is looking for candidates for a professorship in Functional Ecology. The position would be opened in the Laboratory of Ecology of Natural and Man-impacted Hydrosystems (UMR CNRS 5023 LEHNA). The LEHNA has research and technical staffs from the University of Lyon 1, the Institute of Ecology and Environment of the CNRS (http://www.cnrs.fr/en), and the Graduate School of Civil, Environmental and Urban Engineering (ENTPE, https://www.entpe.fr/en).
LEHNA is a multidisciplinary research unit whose expertise covers the fields of functional ecology, evolutionary biology, and community ecology. The objects of study are continental aquatic systems, their anthropic management and the impact of environmental changes on their functioning. The balanced strengths between functional ecology and evolutionary ecology within LEHNA will provide candidates with excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations and research.
Research skills : Documenting the functions of biological systems (from individuals to communities) and their relationships to environmental factors and ecosystem processes is a key step in understanding the functioning of hydrosystems and the services they provide to human societies. The professor sought in aquatic functional ecology should have a sustained research activity and a capacity to lead projects of national and / or international scope on topics including, for example, non-trophic interactions between macro and microorganisms, trophic interactions, and / or issues in the field of ecological engineering (non-exhaustive and non-restrictive list). He / she will rely on technical platforms in experimental ecology, isotopy, ecophysiology, molecular biology and water analysis of the LEHNA and Research Federation BioEnviS to conduct his/her research.
Teaching skills: The professor will join the teaching team of Animal Biology and Ecology of the UFR (Unit of Formation and Research) Biosciences at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. He / she will be able to lead lectures for the Bachelor's degree as part of the UFR Biosciences and to develop international Master's lectures under the EUR H2O'Lyon (School of Integrated Watershed Sciences), ideally in the fields of functional ecology, ecology of aquatic "invertebrate" communities, ecology of fluvial landscapes and restoration of ecosystems (ecological engineering).