Soutenance de la thèse de Lian ZHOU
Lian Zhou, en thèse sous la direction de Khalil Hanna (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes) et de Laurent Lassabatere (LEHNA, équipe IAPHY, ENTPE) va soutenir sa thèse le jeudi 18 mars à 14h.
"Impacts of physical and chemical non-equilibria on antibiotics transport in saturated porous media".
Au vu de l'actualité sanitaire, la soutenance sera diffusée en visioconférence.
Le jury sera composé de :
Mme Annette Hofmann, Université de Lille, Rapportrice
M. Christophe Tournassat, Université d’Orléans, IEES, Rapporteur
M. Jean-François Boily, Université Umeå, Suède, Examinateur
M. Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy, Géosciences, Rennes, Examinateur,
M. Johannes Lützenkirchen, Institut de technologie de Karlsruhe, Allemagne, Examinateur.
M. Khalil Hanna, ENSCR, ISCR, Université de Rennes
M. Laurent Lassabatere, ENTPE, LEHNA-IAPHY, Vaulx-en-Vemlin
Résumé :
Abstract: Antibiotics have emerged in the past few decades as contaminants in surface waters, groundwater bodies and soils due to their misuse and overuse in human and animal health, food-animal production and agriculture. Environmental contamination with antibiotics facilitates the development and spread of antibiotic resistance and may cause potential adverse effects on aquatic and terrestrial environments. In order to further understand the fate of antibiotics in the environment, it is necessary to investigate the physical and chemical processes involved in antibiotics transport in soils, accounting for the interplay between physical processes (aqueous transport) and chemical reactions in their complexity. Sorption and degradation are significant processes governing their transport according to the nature and relative abundance of the reactive mineral phases, e.g., iron oxides. Combining batch and column experiments and reactive modeling, this thesis examined sorption and redox transformation processes of quinolone and fluoroquinolone antibiotics on iron oxide surfaces. Our results clearly demonstrate the interplay between aqueous transport and chemical reactions in saturated porous media.